Rampant Apostasy in The Seventh-day Adventist Church

 部分  (1) (2) Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity, Part 2

DESCRIPTION: Homosexuality has taken the world by Storm. And Transgenderism—its most aggressive form, has come to a church near you.

The Seventh-day Adventist denomination has officially come out of the closet, stating that the “condition” of transgenderism “is not intrinsically sinful” and that “there’s no castigation” from God to those who practice homosexuality.

An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 North American Division Statement on Human Sexuality — Nov. 2, 2015. [1] 对同性恋行为和教牧关怀的圣经观点的理解基督复临安息日会神学院立场文件于2015年10月9日投票。
This is part 1 of 2.

Armed with an arsenal of science and worldly philosophies—and false prophets, the SDA and all other major denominations, are out there to deceive you, while serving their father the devil.

Also, we cover de SDA Statementoon Transgenderism, where Ted Wilson and co. state that this condition “is not intrinsically sinful.” [2] SDA Church Vote on Transgenderism
[ANALYSIS, CristoVerdad]

Human instruments are being used to advance an agenda that has all the making of an Armageddon in Christianity. We expose how sunday worship is being pushed from the headquarters of Adventism and show its connection to transgenderism. [3] Sunday Worship Pushed by The SDA Church (DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad].

This video will show YOU how to detect the deception—no matter which Christian denomination you are part of, for they all follow the same agenda.

从她身上出来吧,我的人民……(启示录 18:4)



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