The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Her push for Sunday Law
DESCRIPTION: The Seventh-day Adventist denomination has officially come out of the closet, and here we present you the documents that prove it. Homosexuality is now a legal sin in the SDA church, financed with your tithe and offerings.
1. Adventist World Magazine, February 2008 (Spanish)
2. Study Bible, Mission Publications (2010) Reina Valera Gómez, with thematic concordance (dictionary) and commentaries of Ellen G. White), pages 525 & 577 (Spanish)
3. Study Bible, Mission Publications (2010-2015) Reina Valera Gómez, with thematic concordance (dictionary) and commentaries of Ellen G. White), p.525 & 577 (Spanish)
4. Confessions of a Nomad, 1998 Pacific Press Publishing Association, Ministerial Association General Conference of The Seventh-day Adventists (English, with Spanish Translation)
This document is also available in PDF form for easy distribution, and a different reading experience, if you prefer. [1] Sunday Worship Pushed by the SDA Church
[分析,克里斯托·维达] You must click on this link if you want to see the translated comments, for documents that are only in Spanish.
我们涵盖了所有这些材料以及更多内容,详细信息请参阅 跨性别者、主日崇拜、SDA 教会与基督教 [1] 跨性别者、主日崇拜、SDA 教会与基督教,第 1 部分 (视频,2 部分)。
“从她身上出来吧,我的人民……” (启示录 18:4)
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[1] Sunday Worship Pushed by the SDA Church [ANALYSIS, CristoVerdad] [DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad]
[2] An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper Voted on October 9, 2015 [DOCUMENT—Analysisi, CristoVerdad]
[3] SDA CHurch Vote on Transgendersim [DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad]
[4] Sunday Worship Pushed by The SDA Church (DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad]
[L] 法律部分,“版权免责声明”和“合理使用”[链接,CristoVerdad]
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