Young Earth, Dinosaurs, and the Truth
DESCRIPTION: The attorney did not state the exact amount he received but according to The College Fix, he said that it was “a substantial settlement representing about 15 times his annual part-time salary.” CSUN still maintained that Armitage had been fired due to a lack of funding and claimed that it only settled the case to avoid a costly legal battle. Reinach acknowledged that there was no admission of guilt in the settlement but he believed that the university would not pay a large amount if it did not think it would lose the case.
“The evidence was quite clear,” he added. “The stated reasons for saying they fired him were simply not true. There were lies and contradictions abounding from several of the key witnesse,” Reinach continued. He said evidence against the campus officials was seen in an email suggesting that Armitage could be eased out of the job by making his position full-time. “Not only did it not support the notion that there was budgetary concerns, but in fact suggested to the contrary,” said Reinach
“从她身上出来吧,我的人民……” (启示录 18:4)
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