Official Position Documents
DESCRIPTION: Transgenderism—the most aggressive form of homosexuality, has a dear place in The Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Led by its president Ted Wilson—and the rest of the gang, the SDA church has officially stated that this practice “is not intrinsically sinful”. Homosexuality is now a legal sin in the SDA church, all financed with your tithe and offerings.
1. Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism “ [1] Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism
[ДВУЯЗЫЧНЫЙ, КристоВердад]
Here we only show you the document, as it is follow-up of two other main documents the church published in 2015. We did a deep analysis of these 3 documents, available in PDF form for easy distribution, and a different reading experience, if you prefer. [2] Понимание библейского взгляда на гомосексуальную практику и пастырскую заботу. Документ с изложением позиции богословской семинарии адвентистов седьмого дня, проголосованный 9 октября 2015 года.
[АНАЛИЗ, КристоВердад]
2. An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015
3. Заявление Североамериканского дивизиона о сексуальности человека — 2 ноября 2015 г.
We cover all this material—and much more, with detail in Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity [3] Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity, Part 1 (Video, 2 Parts).
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[1] An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper Voted on October 9, 2015 [DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad]
[2] Голосование церкви АСД по трансгендеризму [ДОКУМЕНТ — Анализ, CristoVerdad]
[3] Воскресное богослужение, продвигаемое церковью АСД (ДОКУМЕНТ — Анализ, CristoVerdad)
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” and “Fair Use” [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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