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THE BEAST You Don’t Know About

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If you live your own reality and the truth IS NONE of your concern, then do not read this material 1) "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six...

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La Gracia y La Ley

La Gracia y La Ley

1 Por lo demás, hermanos, os rogamos y exhortamos en el Señor Jesús, que de la manera que aprendisteis de nosotros cómo os conviene conduciros y agradar a Dios, así abundéis más y más. 2 Porque ya sabéis qué instrucciones os dimos por el Señor Jesús; 3 pues la...

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Do Jesus & The Law Condemn Homosexuality?

So you are the kind of people that say that The Ten Commandments do not condemn homosexuality, right? Well, let’s study God’s law, and let him shed his light.… [1] FIRST COMANDMENT 1 And God spake all these words, saying, 2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought...

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My Savior & The Law

One too many Christians have the belief that we are ought to live by faith alone, and that there's no commitment to keeping God's 10 commandments law. To the idea that God's law is still abiding, they usually respond that we may have a filthy mouth. For them we...

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