“And Jesus had two fathers”

DESCRIPTION: On December 3, 2016 there was a symposium about “Religion and the LGBT Community” at Loma Linda University, a Seventh-day Adventist institution, in California. On this forum, the cream of Adventist theologians joined forces with the devil, declaring that God approves homosexuality, that the Bible should changed to condone this sin, and that—YES, one can be a Seventh-day Adventist and a practicing homosexual, and be OK with God.

Among the panelists were Daneen Akers, Gay activist and co-producer of Seventh-gay Adventists documentary. Also on stage was Hans Vol Walter—homosexual, who said “I am practicing right now at this very moment.”

We recommend you watch our analysis of this new culture at the Seventh-day Adventist Church. [1] Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity, Part 1
[VIDEO 1:27:07, CristoVerdad]
[2] Tar-ghnèitheachd, Adhradh Sàbaid, An Eaglais SDA & Crìosdaidheachd, Pàirt 2
[VIDEO 1:30:53, CristoVerdad]


Thig a-mach bhuaipe, a dhaoine…(Taisbeanadh 18:4)

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Agus bidh fios agad air an fhìrinn ...
—Fìrinn Chriosd http://www.cristo Verdad.com Rach don duilleag aghaidh

Na h-àireamhan eadar camagan gorma [ ] ceangal gu Stuth a bharrachd. Faodaidh dealbhan cuideachd an t-susbaint a leudachadh: bhideothan, naidheachdan, ceanglaichean, msaa.


Mura obraich gin de na ceanglaichean sin no ma tha iad mearachdach, feuch an cuir thu fios thugainn gus an urrainn dhuinn a cheartachadh. Mòran taing!

Ma tha thu airson beachd a thoirt seachad air an stuth seo, dèan sin a’ cleachdadh an fhoirm gu h-ìosal. Thèid na beachdan agad fhoillseachadh. Ma tha thu airson sgrìobhadh thugainn gu prìobhaideach, dèan sin tron làrach-lìn fiosrachadh earrann agus fios.


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Rangachadh artaigil
Bu mhath leinn faighinn a-mach dè do bheachd, feuch an toir thu beachdx