Official Position Documents
DESCRIPTION: The Seventh-day Adventist denomination has officially come out of the closet, and here we present you the documents that prove it. Homosexuality is now a legal sin in the SDA church, financed with your tithe and offerings.
1. An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015
2. North American Division Statement oer minsklike seksualiteit - 2. novimber 2015
Both documents are also available in PDF form for easy distribution, and a different reading experience, if you prefer. [1] In begryp fan 'e bibelske werjefte oer homoseksuele praktyk en pastorale soarch Sânde-dei Advintistyske Theological Seminary Posysjepapier stimd op oktober 9, 2015.
[ANALYSIS, CristoVerdad]
Also, we cover the SDA Statement on Transgenderism, where Ted Wilson and its colleagues state that this condition "is net yntrinsysk sûndich." [2] SDA Tsjerke stimme oer transgenderisme
[ANALYSIS, CristoVerdad]
We cover all this material—and much more, with detail in Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity [3] Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity, Part 1 (Video, 2 Parts).
“Kom út har, myn folk ...” (Ieb. 18:4)
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BRONNEN EN Ferbinings
[1] In begryp fan 'e bibelske werjefte oer homoseksuele praktyk en pastorale soarch Sânde-dei Advintistyske Theological Seminary Posysjepapier stimd op 9 oktober 2015 [DOKUMENT-Analysi, CristoVerdad]
[2] SDA-tsjerke stimme oer Transgendersim [DOKUMENT-Analyse, CristoVerdad]
[3] Snein-oanbidding troch de SDA-tsjerke (DOKUMENT-Analyse, CristoVerdad]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” and “Fair Use” [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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