The “Seventh”-day Adventist Catholic Church
DESCRIPTION: The Seventh-day Adventist church declares the church to be “Holy, Catholic and Apostolic”. What does that mean? Well, it means that if you are an Adventist you are a member of the Roman Catholic church, says the SDA church!
DOCUMENTS PRESENTED (PDF) [High Resolution for Print]
1. The Creed That Changed The World, by Walter “Bert” Beach 1971. Published by Pacific Press
RESOLUTION: High 77.7MB[a]H The Creed That Changed The World. The Catholic “Seventh”-day Adventist Church
[BOOKS, SDA Church] | Low 15.5BM[a]L The Creed That Changed The World. The Catholic “Seventh”-day Adventist Church
[BOOKS, SDA Church]
Spanish Versions
2. El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 1971 by Walter “Bert” Beach, Libro [BOOK, SDA Church][b] El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 1971 by Walter “Bert” Beach, Libro
[BOOK, SDA Church]
3.El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 2005 Study Guide [BOOK, SDA Church][c] El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 2005 Study Guide
[BOOK, SDA Church]
We recommend downloading the higher resolution document for printing and on screen text search.
Extensive work on the Study Guide (SPANISH)—
4. El Credo Que Cambió a un Pueblo, La Iglesia Adventista, 2005 Study Guide [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] [d] El Credo Que Cambió a un Pueblo, La Iglesia Adventista, 2005 Study Guide
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
You may use Google translator to access Spanish material.
These books are all produced and published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
WE RECOMMEND you watch the Following Videos—
Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity — Part 1
Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity — Part 2
¡God bless you!
“Come out of her, my people…” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTES: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] Material osagarrirako esteka. Argazkiek ere edukia zabal dezakete: bideoak, albisteak, estekak, etab.
[b] El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 1971 by Walter “Bert” Beach, Libro [BOOK, SDA Church]
[c] El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 2005 Study Guide [BOOK, SDA Church]
[d] El Credo Católico Que Cambió a un Pueblo, La Iglesia Anventista [ARTICLE, Cristoverdad]
[2] Posición del Aborto, Iglesia Advetista [ENLACE, Iglesia Adventista]
[3]b DAVID GATES, El Tío de La Muerte [ARTÍCULO, CristoVerdad]
[4] Ted Wilson y “LA SANTIDAD DE LA VIDA” — Abortos En La Iglesia Adventista
[6] Sexu Aldaketa Kirurgia, ABORTUAK—Loma Linda Unibertsitatea [DOKUMENTUA, Eliza Adventista
[4] ¿Por qué los adventistas apoyan el aborto? — Andrew Mitchell[VIDEO 00:19:02, Prolife Andrew]
[7]a EL ABORTO Y LA BELLEZA Iglesia Adventista [ARTÍCULO, CristoVerdad] [7]b Abortos, Hospital Adventista de Pune, La India (Inglés) [ENLACE, Iglesia Adventista]
[8] ECUMENISMO DE SANGRE — 8 Es el Nuevo 7 — La Iglesia del Octavo Día [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]
[9] Diezmo, Dinero Muerte — ¿Robará El Hombre A Dios?[VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
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Material honi buruzko iruzkinak egin nahi badituzu, egin beheko formularioa erabiliz. Zure iruzkinak argitaratuko dira. Pribatuan idatzi nahi badiguzu, egin ezazu informazioa atala eta kontaktua.
Good day, In one of your articles, you explained the Lunar Sabbath. Herewith is a video that has been tested and proven from 2013 until 2024. 12th New Moon 2023 & the 180° Mt. 5: 15 Witness ( This study will provide insight that the new moon in the Scriptures is the full moon and operates counterclockwise around Polaris the North star. The enemy, Satan utilises only two witnesses the sliver or dark conjunction moons with the sun and it operates clockwise. Explore more videos with this link to provide answers to your study that Saturday is the Sabbath. Mikal… gehiago ikusi "
Thanks for sharing, Franky. We’ll take a loo at it.