From the “old”,
Sanctify yourselves, therefore, and be holy, for I, Jehovah, am your God. —LEVITICUS 20:7 (AT),

even the “new”,
16 because it is written: BE HOLY, because I am holy. —1 PETER 1:16 (NT),

That is the message of the Lord for his people—and for this time. And why that message?

14 Follow peace with all, and HOLINESS, without which nobody [ABSOLUTELY NOBODY] you will see the Lord. —HEBREWS 12:14

When God created man, he made him in his image and likeness (GEN. 1:26-27).

And if God made us in his image and likeness—and he is holy, the logical, normal and natural thing is that man has also been made holy…

1 But the serpent was crafty… (GEN. 3:1-6)

And so Satan introduced sin to this earth, deceiving man—because he opened the doors to believing that holiness does not exist—that the law of God does not exist.

Paul put it this way:

12 So that the law to truth is holy, and the holy, just and good commandment. —ROMANS 7:12

Sanctification is obtained through the law—which many do not seem to understand, that it comes from God:

38 Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them to make fringes on the edges of their garments throughout their generations; and put on each strip of the edges a cord of blue.
39 And it will serve as a stripe, so that when you see it REMEMBER ALL THE COMMANDMENTS of Jehovah, to put them BY WORK; and do not look after your heart and your eyes, after which you prostitute yourself.

40 That you may remember and do all my commandments, AND BE HOLY to your God.
41 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God. I am Jehovah your God. —NUMBERS 15:38-41

The 10 Commandments of God's Law sanctify us. They are the work we must do to be saved. So yes— WE ARE SAVED BY WORKS—The works of God:

12 Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to reward each one. depending on your work. —REVELATION 22:12

Pentecostal and evangelical churches say that the Law does not save…that the law of God is abolished. [1] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross. The Baptist, the Methodist, the Lutheran, the Presbyterian, etc., etc. also say it.

The Catholic Church also says it—and has always said it. And how Rome—and each of its daughters, the Adventist Church also says—that the law of God does not save. But what does God say?

14 Blessed THOSE WHO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city. —REVELATION 22:14

¿Will there be a need to explain what God himself explains so clearly, in the last book of the Bible, in its last chapter?

And since you're already fallen churches—ALL, ABSOLUTELY ALL, teach that the “Law does not save”, [1] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross Is this why they marry homosexuals in the Presbyterian Church? Is this the reason for all the pedophilia in the Catholic Church? Is this why Methodists ordain homosexual pastors? That Lutheran churches ordain transsexuals as pastors and even change their names, falsifying God's method when he set aside one of his sons for a special mission?

Is this why in the Adventist Church...?

to) Women are ordained as elders and pastors [2] Year of S[E]LECTION, Time of Ordination, document
b) Homosexual pastors and elders ordained [3] “Let's Welcome Homosexuals” in The Adventist Church, Jonathan Henderson —Univ. Pacific Union [4] “The True” Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah —Jonathan Henderson —Univ. Pacific Union [5] Rhonda Dinwiddie, Transsexual, Church “Elder” and Sabbath School “Teacher”—Hollywood Adventist Church [6]a Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY, Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin” [6]b Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY, Part 2 — Completed Apostasy
c) They marry homosexuals [7]a “Seventh” Day Adventist Transsexuals, Part 1 [7]b “Seventh” Day Adventist Transsexuals, Part 2  [6]a Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY, Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin” [6]b Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY, Part 2 — Completed Apostasy
d) Homosexuals baptized (unrepentant) [8] Lesbian was Baptized in the Adventist Church, without abandoning her partner, sin
and) They promote pedophilia [9] …and God Created Adam and Stephen, Pedophilia/Homosexuality in the Adventist Church
F) They promote childhood homosexuality [10] Hatred Towards Children, Destroying Adventist Youth. Homosexuality taught to children and young people, Adventist Church [11] “BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN,” says the Adventist Church
g) They promote transgenderism, which is the same as homosexuality. [12] Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism [7a] “Seventh” Day Adventist Transsexuals, Part 1 [7b] “Seventh” Day Adventist Transsexuals, Part 2 
h) They murder thousands of children each year in its hospitals and clinics around the world. [13] “Seventh” Day Adventist ABORTION: The Two Lords [14] ABORTION AND BEAUTY, mass abortions, breast implants in Adventist hospitals [15] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University, Adventist Church [16] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? — Abortions and Wars Financed with Tithe, Adventist Church [34]d Oliver and His Henchmen [4] — “Noble Pretexts”, Abortion, Ecumenism Promoted by Stephen Bohr and the Adventist Church [17]a Sex Change in the Adventist Church and Christianity, Part 1 [17]b Sex Change in the Adventist Church and Christianity, Part 2: “It's Not a Time to Judge” [17]c Sex Change in the Adventist Church and Christianity, Part 3: “You Did It to Me”

All these things are only possible where there is a law that does not save. And if it doesn't save, it can't make you lose either—because in reality it doesn't exist. And if it doesn't exist, accepting all these things has no eternal consequences, and—obviously, “every unclean bird”  will come in addition (REV. 18:1-4).

That is why the Adventist Church is openly teaching that “To obey God you must break God's law.” (Pr. John McLarty, Seattle SDA Green Lake Church). [18 THE ART OF SINNING and How to Get to Heaven Without Consequences, Part 1 — Homosexuality, Eliminating the Law of God in the Adventist Church [18]b The ART OF SINNING and How to Get to Heaven Without Consequences, Part 2 — What About Holiness? — Homosexuality, Eliminating the Law of God in the Adventist Church In fact, “we” are being taught that “Allah is the true God,” [19] Allah, the god of The Adventist Corporation while The Great I Am “is a pagan god” [21]d BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North — Islam Promoted by the Adventist Church [20] THE EDUCATE children of the devil — Allah, Adventist god: LGBT perversion in Loma Linda (God's Dream for You, p.299 Morning Devotion 2012; 2016; Dwight Nelson). 

And how do you get church members to accept all of these things?—because everyone has accepted them, EVERYONE, particularly in the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church:

As we already mentioned, they are taught that God's law does not save[1] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross And if the Law does not save, it is because VIOLATING IT cannot make you lose either—as we already mentioned, right?

The people to blame for the fact that the “Protestant” world does not want anything to do with the Law—particularly the Sabbath—are the “Seventh” Day Adventists, since by preaching a law that is irrelevant to “my salvation,” then why would I have to? take the headache of not working on a Saturday, risking losing my job and my family's livelihood, or inhibit myself from enjoying the beach with my children on that day?


They teach you that “this is the people of God,” It doesn't matter what's happening in there. And to quote an elder (pastor) within that denomination, they also teach you that “we will see everything”. And as we will see everything, "have" to accept everything. And since—again, we will see everything and “this is the people of God”, “we must not get away from it,” then—in the mind of the human being, this “everything” becomes normal and natural, because that is how it should be. , because—after all, “we will see everything,” and we are supposed to see everything.

However, the Bible says that when you see everything, run out of there. (MAT. 24:15-18. ISAIAH 52:11)

But, since the “we will see everything” has already had its effect on the mind of the church member, the Bible—and the Holy Spirit, have already been neutralized in their minds, and the word—which is God himself (JOHN 1:1), loses its transformative and redemptive power.

THIRD (and this probably should have been the first)—

They teach you that “the church is not Babylon” because “Ellen White” said so (in the case of Adventists). And this “Ellen White” could very well be the Joseph Smith of the Mormons, or any other prophet that the churches invent, or even as your Pentecostal, charismatic, or Baptist pastor, etc., etc. will tell you.

And how that “Ellen White” said that The Church is not Babylon, then—we understand, that—OBVIOUSLY, the church is not Babylon, of course; This regardless of what God says in the Bible, [21]a BABYLON “Seventh” Day Adventist, Part 1: The Ostrich Syndrome [21]b “Seventh-Day” Adventist BABYLON Part 2: Apologetic Distortion [21]c BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 3: Worshiping Our god [21]d BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North or what the other Ellen White says, the one whose name is written without quotes, but who at the same time is not very popular in these environments.

God has a very peculiar name with which he claims his people: Saints. And this holy town has two very particular characteristics: [1] They keep his commandments and [2] They have the testimony of Jesus, that in reality both are the same. (REV. 14:12) (REV. 19:10) (ISA 8:20).

The devil knows very well that people—holy, and—particularly, those characteristics of that people. AND-For those two characteristics, May the devil find in that holy town, is that he is going to chase them:

17 Then the dragon was filled with anger against the woman; and went to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who guarthey give the commandments of God and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ. —REVELATION 12:17

That is the mark with which he identifies the people of God. And where he does not see that mark (the Law), he will pass by, just as the angel did when he recognized the mark of the blood of the lamb in Jewish homes, in the times of Moses and Pharaoh. (EXOD., Ch. 11 & 12).

Although it may sound illogical to human reasoning, it is in your and my interest that the devil pursues us. Because if he persecutes you, it is because you are not listening to his voice, but to the voice of the lamb. (JOHN 10:27). And listening to the voice of the lamb is keeping his holy law (JOHN 14:15, 1 JOHN 2:2-6, ROM. 7:12), then Christ will claim you as his own (REV. 14:12), and you will inherit eternal life (REV. 22:14; 21), without forgetting that while you are in this world you will suffer, particularly if you are faithful to Christ and not to man (1 PET. 4:16-17), knowing that he will also bless you (MAT. 18:19-20).

10 For whoever keeps the whole law, but if he offends on one point, he becomes guilty of all.
11 For he who said, Thou shalt not commit adultery, hath also said, Thou shalt not kill. Now, if you do not commit adultery, but kill, you have already become a transgressor of the law. —JAMES 2:10

With great ease, churches have discarded the law of God. And a commandment of the law of God is “honor your father and you mother” (EXOD. 20:12). Here we see that this principle of marriage is in the law of God—Male and Female (GEN 2:24); a direct condemnation of homosexual behavior (MAT. 19:3-6). And what ALL The churches are offending in at least one point, they make themselves guilty of everyone. And since they blame everyone, it is a matter of time when—if it is not already happening, everything is seen—including gay marriage. And for you who are a member of a church that has rejected the Law, which—by extension, makes you a transgressor as well, it is—in your case too, a matter of time when you—if you have not done so yet, accept everything. . The word of God always fulfills, without exception.

By a vote of 5-4, the supreme court of the United States legalized Homosexual Marriage, [22] US Supreme Court declares gay marriage legal nationwide in 2015. With a unanimous vote—that is, 100% of the votes, [23] Understanding the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care — Sem.Theological Position Doc. Adventist Church — Oct. 9, 2015 [An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper [An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015] The Adventist Church legalized sodomy on October 9, 2015. With a vote of 71% in favor [24] USA — Presbyterian Church approves gay marriage and 29% against, the leaders of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in the United States legalized gay marriage—also in 2015. In other words, we have to churches know how to do their job even much better than the judges of the highest judicial court of the American nation.

While that institution of the devil—the Presbyterian Church USA, without excluding the others, appeals to its membership not to defect, claiming that this church is now more “Christocentric”, thousands abandoned her and turned away. Other affiliated denominations talso they separated[25] Ethiopian Lutheran Church Breaks with Sweden and the US for Their 'Betrayal of the Word'
However, the vast majority of their membership stayed, and we can safely affirm that a large group of those who deserted, if not the majority, returned, since it seems that God never said “Cursed is the man who trusts in Man.” (JER 17:5), and also, already they got used to seeing everything. There should not have been a single member left, if they truly consider themselves followers of Christ. They have confused love with perversion (EPHESIANS 5:1-7).

One more time,
10 For whoever keeps the whole law, but offends in one point, makes himself guilty of everyone.—James 2:10

Just as in the Adventist Church, so it happened in the Methodist. It all started with the joke of ordaining women as pastors and church elders. That is, a woman in the place of a man—How do you 

Call a woman who wants to be like a man?… Then they ordain gay and lesbian ministers, as is the case of the pastor Rev. Cynthia Meyer, who told his congregation that the Holy Spirit married her to another woman”; and not a single David arose in that place (1 SAM., Ch.17). The pattern of behavior remains the same, first a commandment is violated (1 COR. 14:33-38) in this case, and then he gets into everything.

“The woman”—here on earth, has wanted to usurp Christ's place, just as she tried to do there in heaven… remember? (REV. 12:7-12).

And many of these institutions that have so far rejected the gender inclusive agenda, [26] THE GENDER AGENDA, Redefining Equality —Book by Dale O'Leary [27] Amparo Medina, Former UN Official Talks about Gender Ideology, denounces the sinister plan and that—at the same time, they still affirm that the law of God is abolished, or—that does not save—which is actually the same, it is a matter of time before they also accept this and every other type of abomination, well—it is the same law, which condemns homosexuality… and where there is no law, there is no sin (1 COR. 7:7)—anything goes, well,

Everyone who commits sin, infringesalso lto law; well sin is breaking the law.—1 JOHN 3:4

And if there is no law to break, there is no sin to condemn!—nor is there love—well,

10 Love does no harm to others; so the fulfillment of the law is love.—ROMANS 13:10

The Bible says Seventh day for rest (EXOD. 20:8-11, ISA. 58:13-14). However, “Elena White” will also soon say Sunday and not Saturday. Although, in this case, The Adventist Church was ahead of “Elena” and made an exception, and already said“Sunday, Lord's Day [28] Adventist Church Promotes Sunday Worship in Its Publications —without “Elena”, as a test. But “Elena” will also say Sunday; Let there not be the slightest doubt about this. And since “Elena” is above God, then we will have to—obviously, if “Elena” says “Sunday,” and not Saturday, it is because—obviously—and again, it is Sunday! Who does God think he is to say otherwise?

The devil is not going to persecute the Methodists, following the dogmas of their church—because they are already his. Nor to the Catholics who prostrate themselves before the Pontiff of Rome and the Virgin Mary. Much less to Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, etc. The devil does not pursue error.

¿And what about those of the “Seventh” Day, who say they keep the “law of God”?

Will it persecute them when it is the only “Christian” denomination that abortion is legalized in your hospitals? When until they practice S change surgeriesexo, [15] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University, Adventist Church For those who do not feel comfortable as God created them? When do they invest the tithe to manufacture weapons of war? [29] Adventist Church Invests Tithe in Stock Market, in Weapons of Wars [30] Your Tithes in the Stock Market, Adventist Church When did they say man with man, and woman with woman? And what do they say the true church is “Holy, Catholic and Apostolic”? [31] The Creed That Changed the World [2005] Study BROCHURE that Replaces “The Faith of Jesus,” Unión Mexic. of the North, “Seventh” Day Adventist Church [32] The Creed That Changed the World, [1971] BOOK, Written by Bert Beach. Heavy Ecumenism, Adventist Church [33]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle [33]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church That Jesus is Lord of Sunday? [28] Adventist Church Promotes Sunday Worship in Its Publications That Rome has changed?  [34]a OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [1] — The Error Is In The Union: Wolves Disguised As Sheep [34]b OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [2] — THE BEAST You Don't Know [34]c Oliver and His Minions [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land; Alejandro Bullón. Hugo Gambetta Unmasked [34]d Oliver and His Henchmen [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) — “And You Cried Peace, Peace”, “Noble Pretexts” — Esteban Bohr Promotes Abortion, Ecumenism And all its members are silent and tithing, financing sin?

The rest of the high hierarchy of “Protestantism” is giving the same message, [35]a THE TEMPERATURE RISES — Three Years, For What? (End of the Protest Series) [35]b Face to Face with THE BEAST and The Deadly Wound That Was Healed (End of the Protest Series) [35]c Martin Luther and the 94 Theses That Should Never Be (End of the Protest Series) [35]d THE FAILURE OF THE REFORM — Ending “Error,” 500 Years Later (End of the Protest Series) that Rome is the people of God. [36] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God in the Adventist Church and Christianity [35]e HOUR ZERO: End of the Protest (End of the Protest Series) [37] Chespirito, JESUS CHRIST and The New World Order [33]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle [33]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church

Well, as long as we see everything and “my church” is not Babylon, God “will not let the ship sink,” since he created “everything,” and he is the God of “everyone”—and of “ everything”, he is going to save “all” of us—doing everything!

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