1 In the beginning he created ELOHIM the heavens and the earth.—GENESIS 1:1


The false doctrine of the oneness of God is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE, if the bible is used—a writing is.

This doctrine implies that both the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the same divine person—God, but in three different manifestations. This only takes place if extrabiblical texts from scholars, “graduates” and others are used, accompanied by a worldly philosophy—that is, human, where anything goes, still the idea that the devil can still be saved, as a certain “COYOTE” out there once hinted.

I recommend to all Unicitarian friends in the world to take a basic grammar course, in their favorite language...

If you study Spanish grammar, for example, you will learn about the personal pronouns and you will notice that words such as USYou and Them refer to a group, and not to a single individual. Yeah, “WE” is plural, even if you don't believe it unique friend. And whether you say it in Hebrew, לָנוּ or in Greek ΜΑΣ, It means the same thing: Us. So this is not just a matter of language, but also of common sense, which you guys don't seem to have.

So phrases like LET'S DO to man in OUR image, […]” They refer to a set of two or more individuals…

LET'S DESCENT" and "LET'S CONFUSE“there is his language” […] also refers to a set of two or more, and that “Behold, the man is like one of US, knowing good and evil” […] It refers to that, to us. AND US,” I remind you, friend, a single person, it is more than one.

And if you continue studying the most basics of the language, you will also learn that OTHER refers to that same thing, to ANOTHER and not to the same.

In the Spanish language OTHER is known as a determiner or indefinite pronoun. So when you hear a phrase such as ANOTHER DILDO understand, friend, that it refers to that same thing, to “another dildo”, not to the same dildo.

Now, if you are like me who likes to dig a little deeper, you won't be satisfied with just knowing the alphabet, personal pronouns, verbs and adverbs, you will dig deeper and also want to know as much. what is the Subject and what is the Predicate

So if you hear something like that He sits at the father's right hand“, You will understand that there is a subject here, ANDl (personal pronoun), whose predicate is the action of the verb (sit) at the right hand of other subject (the father). If you don't understand the difference between one subject and another subject, you are fried, very fried.

If you don't know the difference between I and Us, or between He and They, you won't know the difference between He and She, male and female", and—at the end of the day, if you are a man, it won't matter to you whether you sleep with either Eve or Esteban. If you are a female, you won't care if you roll around in bed with either Adam or Eve; That is the consequence of violating language in this way.

Now, if despite being fried, you are NOT roasted yet, then you still have time to learn some grammar. I recommend that you start with the vowels.

Repeat with me: TOto

And now, ANDand

Continue the sequence: YoYo EITHEReither ORor

Very good. Now all together, you alone: TOto ANDand YoYo EITHEReither ORor. Perfect!

Repeat as many times as necessary, until you learn them. Then study the consonants, such as B, C, D, T, R, etc.

When you join consonants with vowels, then words are formed, such as Other  and Us. When you join words with other words, then sentences are formed or prayers. So a complete sentence could ber “another dildo“.

If you want to enrich your prayer, you can also add other elements, such as the articles (he, the, the, the, one, ones, one, ones). These will be very useful to you, so we would have phrases like the other dildo.” You can continue adding other elements of the sentence, such as verbs and adverbs, among others to make your experience even richer—

AND I [1] I will pray to theFATHER, [2] and will give you OTHER Dildo, [3] so that he may be with you forever […] —JOHN 14:16

Another thing that could also be very useful are possessive determiners (my, mine, mine, mine, mine, Yours, yours, yours, yours, his, his, his, his, etc.), so thatMy Father and I always work It makes more sense and identifies how many subjects are talked about in a sentence, two in this case.

So all of this is very important, particularly that subject and predicate thing, for coherent communication with others, and to be able to understand any piece of writing we read.

We can't leave behind THE MATH, since it is a very important subject, and at least knowing how to count from 1 to 9 is essential and fundamental.

So—LET'S COUNT THE SUBJECTS, when you heara voice from heaven[1], then look down a Spirit [2] descend like a dove that poses on such a Jesus [3], indeed you has made good use of mathematics, if he saw three subjects. If by chance of life, your count only gave you 1 or 2 subjects, count again. And if it doesn't work either, count again.

And if you never get 3, keep counting until the last breath of your life, perhaps you simply have a bad memory or a dyslexia or learning problem that does not allow you to retain information, and that with continuous exercise of the mind it is very possible May one day reach the correct sum, 3.

The oneness doctrine was brought to the world by a branch of the Pentecostals in the 1913. That is, according to them, almost 6 thousand years of history until 1913 and no one knew that God was a single entity and not a divinity of three. Yes, God revealed to them what he did not reveal to prophets such as John and Paul., Mmm n…

Orthodox Judaism today has a similar position, although openly denying the existence of Christ, but we already know that they were the ones who directly crucified him. There are other even more satanic variants, such as that of the Jehovah's Witnesses who twist the divine persons of Jesus—as a god, and the Holy Spirit—as “AN ACTIVE FORCE.”

I still don't know where they get that from that Jesus is a god, when this contradicts the first two commandments of the law (EXD. 20:1-6). Well, they have forced several of the biblical texts that present Jesus as God (JOHN 1:1, ISA. 9:6, ROM. 9:5, APC. 1:7-8), among others. They took it from there, of what they themselves invented!

I would also like to know what an “ACTIVE FORCE” is, something I have not been able to find in the Bible.

Terms that are not complicated to understand such as THREE DIVINE PEOPLE, ONE GOD are misunderstood due to a mediocre study of the Bible and a total ignorance of grammar—

6 And the Lord said: Behold THE PEOPLE IS ONE, and all these have one language; and they have begun the work, and nothing will now make them desist from what they have planned to do. —GENESIS 11:6

31 For this reason THE MAN will leave his father and his mother, and will JOIN ah his wife, and both They will be one flesh. —EPHESIANS 5:31

“Man” is a singular phrase that expresses the plurality of all human beings on this earth. A Man and a Woman they merge into their sole being to live together, and AN ENTIRE PEOPLE BECOME ONE in rebellion against God, and our Oneness friends do not understand the following texts, for the simple fact of not understanding grammar and being disconnected from the one above—

4 Hear, Israel: Jehovah our God, Jehovah ONE is. —DEUTERONOMY 6:4

30 Me and the Father one we are. —JOHN 10:30

No, they don't understand, even if God himself explains it to them—

9 Jesus said to him: Have I been with you so long, and you have not known me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father; How then do you say: Show us the Father?

10 Do not you think I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak them on my own account, but the Father who dwells in me, he does the works.

11 believe me that I am in the father and the father in me; Otherwise, believe me for the works themselves.

12 Truly, truly, I say to you: He who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and even older because I go to the father. —JOHN 14:9-12

I'm starting to identify a bigger problem than his dyslexia, the spiritual one!

And what remains is rebellion, darkness and confusion when it is denied or distorted to that one "OTHER" which is nothing other than the same “comforter,” “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH,” who will “guide us into all truth,” (JOHN 16:13)

Yes, the same comforter, the one who is part of the Divinity. And no, I'm not talking about Trinity, I'm talking about Divinity. [to]Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 1)
[BIBLE Study, CristoVerdad]
[b]Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 2)
[BIBLE Study, CristoVerdad]

You don't have to be a math or grammar genius to understand that if you rejected the one who gives light, you will always live without light!

We started this study from the beginning-

1 In the beginning he created ELOHIM the heavens and the earth. —GENESIS 1:1

The Hebrew term Elohim (אלוהים) means God, but nevertheless it is a plural word, just as the word people is. And when we return to the story of creation, we see that everything harmonizes like the plurdal of a creator God—

26 Then God said: LET'S DO to the man OUR image, according to our likeness; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the beasts, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. —GENESIS 126

Gentlemen, God made this matter very clear and even before Eden itself: there is more than one in creation. If you need more depth on this point, we invite you to read our study on divinity. [to]Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 1)
[BIBLE Study, CristoVerdad]
[b]Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 2)
[BIBLE Study, CristoVerdad]

And now the text of the texts, let's put the last nail in the shoe, and close this “sheath”—

20 But I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,
21 so that all may be one; like you, oh Father, in me, and me in you, may they also be one in us; so that the world may believe that you sent me.
22 The glory that you gave me, I have given them, so that they may be one, just as we are one.
23 I in them, and you in me, so that they may be perfect in unity, so that the world may know that you sent me, and that you have loved them as you have loved me.—JOHN 17:20-23

Will there be a need to explain this text? Of course yes, well—after all, we are dealing with unicitarians, stubborn, foolish and brute people, and pardon my bluntness.

Jesus here explains to us the relationship that He has with the Father, a relationship of unity; that is, the same end or purpose. The interesting and irrefutable here is that Jesus is praying to the Father so that the disciples (among them) reach the same relationship of unity that He has with the Father; In other words, so that they may be one as Jesus and the Father are one. And Onenessers believe that to be one means to be the same divine person. If so, then the ALL Human beings should also be one person. Here we see a basic PROBLEM...

ANOTHER PROBLEM, it also turns out that the scriptures present the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as divine beings of the masculine gender, while the human being has two genders: male and female. And since we must be one just like the Father and the Son, according to biblical instruction, what then is a human being who has “two genders” or “sexes” called? A transsexual, or even a hermaphrodite—which is a genetic abnormality, not a gender. Is God Transsexual? You see, there is no doctrine more satanic than the oneness doctrine.

And on another angle, I wonder, if it is true as the Onenessers say, and—knowing that we must become one just like the Father and the Son, can all the faithful become one being... that is , the unitary manifestation of becoming the same person? Can man become like God in anything other than his character? The very idea sounds—and is—ridiculous and incoherent. (1 PET. 1:15-16)

Didn't Jesus sayso that all may be one; like you, oh Father, in me, and me in youMay they also be one in us…”? What does it mean for us to be one in the father and the son? Is it that we become God because we must be one in the father and the son? This is raining upon wet, because Jesus already explained what he explained very clearly in JOHN 14:9-12, and Here he puts the cover on the knob. When Jesus says “I and the Father are one” it is because that is what they are, one—in perfect harmony and purpose, not that they are the same person; understand that unictarian friend.

The oneness doctrine comes from the very heart of the devil, since these people redefine God and what God is, humanizing him to a low, mundane and cheap reasoning, where the essence of holiness and the perfect unity of God in his three divine beings does not exist. They are only glimpsed, but they completely remove God from the heart of man, and there is no turning back. (HEB. 10:26-31).

I have seen little human being on this earth more confused than a Unitarian, closely followed by those who follow Judaism, which—by the way, is where this doctrine has its oldest roots, even before 1913.Yes, those who crucified Christ continue to crucify him, well crucified!

And what about Jews who don't believe in Christ or the Holy Spirit? Well, since they are actually the root of the problem, they will be the subject of their own space. The already referenced study on Divinity vs. Trinity will help you in that area, since the divinity of Three is found even in the very doctrine of the Sanctuary, and this topic is in the Torah, and we see that even Nebuchadnezzar was clear on this matter. [to]Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 1)
[BIBLE Study, CristoVerdad]
[b]Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 2)
[BIBLE Study, CristoVerdad]

Again, count the subjects again until you get 3, if your brain is not already completely fried. I will be praying for you that this is not the case.

May God bless you in his truth—God's! 


“Come out of her, my people (APC. 18:4)


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