5There was in the days of Herod, king of Judea, a priest named Zechariah, of the class of Abijah; His wife was one of Aaron's daughters, and her name was Elizabeth.
6They were both righteous before God, and they walked blameless in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. —LUKE 1:5-6
“Where, O death, is your sting?"
LAWLETTERSPIRITThe following analysis/mini study is the result of a post published in our WhatsApp group by one of our dear brothers present there. On many occasions when topics of interest and utmost importance arise, these conversations become studies. On this occasion, we will talk about “the law of God that cannot be kept,” according to evangelical belief. But what does the Bible say?
This is the post—
And here we present the analysis—the refutation—line upon line, as scripture commands. (ISA. 28:10-13).
[4:04 PM, 10/4/2019] Miguel H. Javier
(2) does NOT refer to the fact that the BIBLE STUDY or knowledge of the Bible kills or is harmful, but is referring to the LETTER OF THE LAW,
No, letter here means sin, because the only thing that kills is sin—
23Because the pay dhe sinswhat is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. —ROMANS 6:23(See ROM. 5:12)
(3) which kills
Now, The law kills sin, just as light kills darkness—and when he kills, he kills only sin—
55Where, O death, is your sting? Where, oh grave, is your victory?
56given that the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin, the law. —1 CORINTHIANS 15:55-56
(4) because it shows man his sin
It is quite the opposite, life enters when the law presents us with our sin—
17He said to him: Why do you call me good? There is none good but one: God. But if you want to enter life, keep the commandments. —MATHEW 19:17
…if we allow its entry, the law presents us with sin.
(5) and his inability to fulfill God's law
So God was wrong or it is not true that there were perfect men—
14If these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job, were in the midst of it, they by their justice would only spare their own lives, says the Lord God. (See GEN. 5:22)
6Both [Zechariah and Elizabeth] They were righteous before God, and they walked blameless in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. —LUKE 1:6
(6) NOT because the law is bad, because God tells us that HIS LAW IS PERFECT,
There seems to be a contradiction here, how can a law that is impossible to keep be perfect or good? Such a law would be rather unjust; the law is just—
12So heThe law of truth is holy, and the holy commandment, fair and well. —ROMANS 7:12
(7) but because precisely that was the objective of the law: show man his sin,
If you accept this, you must also accept that before sin there was no law, but the Bible says that the law is eternal. (PSA. 119:142; ISA. 24:5);
5And the land was polluted under its inhabitants; because they transgressed the laws, falsified the law, broke the everlasting covenant. —ISAIAH 24:5 (See PSA. 119:142)
The objective of the law is show character of God.
(8) your inability to please God on your own
God's call is to be perfect (1 PED 1:13-16); perfect are those who keep the law (PSA. 119:1; APC. 14:12). GOD DOES NOT KEEP THE LAW IN ME, [He] lives in me, if I keep it—
19Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you , which you have from God, and which are not yours? —1 CORINTHIANS 6:19
Christ did not come to keep the law for me, He came to pay the debt with the law that I violated; If I accept that sacrifice it will be for justice to me whoever keeps it, that is, so that we do not die—
4because the end of the law is Christ, for justice to everyone who believes. —ROMANS 10:4
(9) What the passage tells us about is how while the letter of the law given through Moses condemns us to death for being incapable of fulfilling it
No, the law CONDEMNS US FOR VIOLATING IT, not because we are incapable of fulfilling it, because he who loves God, “keep his commandments” and “does not sin” (JOHN 14:15;1 JOHN 3:6).
14Blessed are THOSE WHO KEEP his commandments, SO THAT THEY HAVE THE RIGHT to the tree of life, AND THAT THEY ENTER through the gates into the city. —REVELATION 22:14
(10) the spirit quickens us when we talk about sin,
Not every spirit in the Bible is the Holy Spirit, the law of God is also called the law of the spirit—
14Because we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold to sin. —ROMANS 7:14
and the violation of it is the law of sin,
2Because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus He has freed me from the law of sin and of death.—ROMANS 8:2
“Sin is transgression of the law” (1 JOHN 3:4), [and its transgression produces the law of sin as fruit].
(11) of judgment and righteousness, and directed us to Christ who fulfilled the law and paid the price so that we might be justified before God.
Alright, but how does man justify himself? Keeping the law—
13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:13
The letter—that is, the law—kills only one thing, sin. But sin kills life—
17but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die. —GENESIS 2:17
7But they, like Adam, they crossed the covenant; there they transgressed against me. —OSEA 6:7
(12) God bless you.
Glory to God. Amen.
The main purpose of the Law is to show the character of God, and—after Adam's fall, sin, not because there was sin in it, but because of the contrast between the Law—HOLINESS (NORM 15:37-41), and spiritual impurities.
Again, let us remember that before Sin, there was law, since sin is a transgression of the law, and Adam, says the Word, sinned. (HOSEA 6:7; ROM. 6:23; 5:12). Where there is no Law, there can be no sin, (ROM. 5:13).
6Because to be concerned with the flesh is death [THE SIN], but dealing with the Spirit [KEEP THE LAW OF LIFE (MAT. 19:17; APC. 22:14)] It is life and peace.
7Because the designs of the flesh THEY ARE ENEMITY AGAINST GOD; because they are not subject to the law of God nor can they [Only the one who insists in sinning he is unable to keep the law and have victory over sin]; —ROMYEARS 8:6-7
19circumcision nothing is, and uncircumcision is nothing, but to keep the commandments of God. —1 CORINTHIANS 7:19
14Blessed are THOSE WHO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS [The man transgressed them (GEN. 3:6; HOSEA 6:7)] to have the right to the tree of life [prevented the man from eating from the tree (GEN 3:23)], and to enter through the gates into the city (I BRING THEM OUT THROUGH THE GATES OF EDEN, Gen 3:24). —REVELATION 22:14
What must man do to return to the lost Eden? The opposite of what Adam did, KEEP the law of God.
[EDITION] José Luis Javier
The BIBLICAL text that we have just read clearly says that only those who keep the law can please God, very contrary to what is expressed in the post we are analyzing.
HELLO EVERYONE AGAIN, here is my analysis of the article that our brother José shared. If the Law of God “it's perfect”, How do you explain that you lost a Commandment? Something perfect, it is something that does not lack or have anything left over—
16Your eyes saw my embryo, And in your book all those things were written Which were then formed, Without missing one of them. —PSALMS 139:16
Was the Fourth Commandment superfluous in a perfect Law? If so, it's not perfect. nor is the legislator who gave it.
The Word also says that [THE LAW] is eternal (ISA. 24:5). A Law like God's, whose COMMANDMENTS depend on each other, cannot be eternal if it loses one of its precepts. The day you lose it, your eternity is over.
10For whoever keeps the whole law, but I offended at one point, makes himself guilty of everyone. —JAMES 2:10
Because? Because they are all linked to each other. A perfect Law does not lose any of its Commandments, because the day you lose it, you lose your perfection.
WHY DO I SAY THIS? Because it all comes down to that commandment that everyone wants to deny, fourth.
Every time the Law is mentioned, it is about Moses. This has caused people to reduce the value of it as a means of salvation. Enoch went to Heaven because saved the Law of God (GEN. 5:24; PSA. 119:1). Jesus told the rich young man that if he wanted to go to heaven I had to save the Commandments (MAT. 19:17). Jesus himself says at the end that to enter heaven you have to save the law (APC. 22:14). It also says that those who violate it will not enter. (APC. 22:15).
If the law were impossible to keepGod was an unjust God and made an unjust law.
6Everyone who remains in him DOES NOT SIN; everyone who sins has not seen him or known him.
7Little children, let no one deceive you; he who does justice is just, as he is fair.
8He who practices sin is of the devil; because the devil sins from the beginning. For this the Son of God appeared, to undo the works of the devil.
9Everyone who is born of God does not practice sin, because the seed of God remains in him; and cannot sin, because it is born of God. —1 JOHN 3:6-9
Blessings José, and everyone here!!!
“Get out of it, my people...” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material.
Photos—if any, also expand the content: videos, news, links, etc.
[1] The True in the False, Detecting the Truth Hidden Behind the Lie [VIDEO 1:41:17, CristoVerdad]
[2] The Antiquated and Useless Old Testament [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
[3] The Law, The Jews & You [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[4] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross
[6] The day of the Resurrection: the New Creation [LINK, The Vatican]
[7] Jesus, “Our Rest” — Hebrews 4 and The Great Error of Evangelicals [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10] John, The Disciples and The Day of the Lord [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11] Francisco Bergoglio, The Death of Jesus “A Failure Ended.”
[12] THE EARTH Trembles, And Where Is Christ? —Manipulating Time to “Change Time and Law”
[13] The Mark of the Beast is Not the Microchip
[14] Saturday vs. Sunday — Royal Academy of the Spanish Language
[15] Sunday, The Lord's Day, Catechism of The Catholic Church — Worshiping the Sun God
[16] The Sabbath and Logic: The Day of the Lord and The Tree of Knowledge
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