6And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a desirable tree to make one wise; and took of its fruit, and ate; and she also gave to her husband, which he ate just like her. —GENESIS 3:6
We officially begin our study of whether there is a relationship between our diet and our salvation. What God has revealed is simply astonishing, salvation was lost because of an incorrect eating decision.
I will comply with the duty to inform, each of you decides whether or not to accept (not accept) the information.
Although the study will not be interactive, we can interact if there are questions, concerns, comments or opinions.
The letters at the beginning of this statement, MPS1, are not there on a whim, it is the way I will number each lesson in case at some point we want to return to them, and we do not have to spend time trying to find them.
It's easy, do you want to quickly go to such a lesson [WhatsApp Group]? Simply enter the lesson code in the search engine. If you don't know the code, simply check the last one, and add numbers to the MPS code until you find it.
If there are questions, don't hesitate to ask them.
Your brother in Christ,
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And you will know the truth...
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