Walla University, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Reject God's Model.
DESCRIPTION: The Seventh-day Adventist church and the University of Walla Walla urge their members to accept Satan's family model. In a clear and direct call, this organization mocks the established family model of God.
1. FAMILY, The Importance of Acknowledging all Kinds of Family — The Collegian, Walla Walla University Newspaper, Nov. 29, 2018, Seventh-day Adventist church
This document is also available in PDF form for easy distribution, and a different reading experience, if you prefer. [1] FAMILY, The Importance of Acknowledging all Kinds of Family — The Collegian, Walla Walla University Newspaper, Nov. 29, 2018
[DOCUMENT, SDA Church] This is its translated version (p.8-9) with highlights. Here's the original link. [2] FAMILY, The Importance of Acknowledging all Kinds of Family — The Collegian, Walla Walla University Newspaper, Nov. 29, 2018
[DOCUMENT, Walla Walla University, SD Church]
“Come out of her, my people…” (REV. 18:4)
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[1] FAMILY, The Importance of Acknowledging all Kinds of Family — The Collegian, Walla Walla University Newspaper, Nov. 29, 2018, Seventh-day Adventist church
[2] AMILY, The Importance of Acknowledging all Kinds of Family — The Collegian, Walla Walla University Newspaper, Nov. 29, 2018 [DOCUMENT, Walla Walla University, SD Church]
[3] An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper Voted on October 9, 2015 [DOCUMENT—Analysisi, CristoVerdad]
[4] SDA CHurch Vote on Transgendersim [DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad]
[5] Sunday Worship Pushed by The SDA Church (DOCUMENT—Analysis, CristoVerdad]
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