13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even TEN commands; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. —DEUTERONOMY 4:13


There's a new—well, and not so new heresy in town: The Seven Noahide Laws. Well, legend has it that these laws were given to Noah, hence his name, Noahide. They are a set of 7 so called God's original commandments given to Noah and his children. This is a very dangerous teaching that you should stay away from, but which you should understand in order to rebuke it.

Below is a conversation I had with a supporter of this heresy. Let's call him Mike. This is just my response to destroy his arguments, but you will be able to follow what went on. I am just going to post two of his comments and take it from there:

MIKE, Noahide Teacher
“If you don't understand the technical difference between being Jewish and not being Jewish you're never going to understand the Bible all the Torah but and reason people do not understand that fact that's established in Judaism and understood the same way by the Jewish Scholars is because they get in with a church and they are isolated from views like I'm sharing with you now….the church probably wouldn't like it if I was talking to you.”

“You ask a question why bother giving the Ten Commandments if you had the 7….. This is a problem you do not understand.… the seven commandments was for the world in general before there was either even any Judaism….. God modified the seven Commandments to the Ten Commandments for the Jewish Nation only but the seven Commandments continued even until today for the Common Man.”


And the part you do not understand is that the 10 commandments were given to man even before Noah roamed the earth (GEN. 2:17, HOS 6:7), and—as you also point out, before the first Jew came to exist. [THE LAW DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE JEWS, IT DEPENDS ON GOD]. So where do you get that God had Seven Laws for man, then expand it to just 10 for the Jewish Nation, then back to 7 for the entire humanity?

Where in the scriptures the Lord ordered the Israelite to teach other people anything other than God has told Israel to observe, where? Once again—

49 one law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you. —EXODUS 12:49

Is God bipolar or what?

You are teaching the same thing as evangelicals do—that the law was given to Israel alone, and particularly the Sabbath, although your so called Noahide laws have a major flaw in this regard. Let me attack this error head on. Was the law given to the Jewish People only? To say that is to imply that the Lord allows Gentiles to kill, steal, commit adultery and whatever, for they are not Jews, after all. Well, let's see—

2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. —JONAH 1:2

Ever wonder why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if they were not his people nor Jews? How about all the wicked people on the entire earth during Noah's time? My friend, God holds every people and every individual to the same standard—his law! (REV. 22:14-16)

Should I remind you that the inhabitants of Nineveh were not Jews? You are forcing the law to be something that is really not. You claim there was a set of laws for the Jews and a set for the Gentiles. But the Bible, the Tanakh, and the Torah keep REPEATING the same message—

49 Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am the Lord your God. —LEVITICUS 24″22

And this is before Moses and the Jewish people receiving the law at Mount Sinai. God was setting the table so that mediocre people like you had no excuse for this time. But it seems that your mediocrity—or should I say perversity, you have surpassed the limits of human reasoning.

When Israel received the law at Mount Sinai, there were the 12 Tribes of Israel, not just the tribe of Judah. That in itself destroys that false “FOR JEWISH ONLY” argument. 12 tribes (GEN. 35:22), a representation of God's people—The spiritual Israel. Again, the Kingdom of God is resewed exclusively for faithful ones

27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. —DANIEL 7:27

And the saints are the keepers of God's 10 Commandments—

40 That ye may remember, and do all my commands, and BE HOLY unto your God. —NUMBERS 15:40 (See REV. 14:12)

I do not see the name Jews in Daniel, I see Saintsthe keepers of the commandments of God. People like Nicodemus, John, Andrews, Nebuchadnezzar, Zacchaeus, “the thief at the cross”, the centurion and the likes, who suddenly and kept the law. Those's God's People, not the Cain and Caiaphas of the world, per se. The same salvation for the homeborn, and unto the stranger (APC. 22: 14-21).

The law was given to Adam first, hence humanity (Hos. 6:7). The following studies explain it; use the translation tool at the top right of this website to translate to your language, if not done so automatically by your browser. [to]The Law, The Jews and You
[BIBLE STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[b]John, The Disciples and
the Lord's day
[BIBLE STUDY, CristoVerdad]

Do you believe in scholars as your rule of faith? I guess some lessons will NEVER be learned, never.

5 Thus said the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. —JEREMIAH 17:5

Did you happen to know that it was “the scholars” that crucified the Messiah?

3 Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, together with the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas,
4 And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtilty, and kill him. —MATTHEW 26:3-5

The bottom line is that the Lord chose Israel to show his power to all nations, not because the people of Israel were special people at all, like Jewish people tend to believe today. The Lord made a promise to Abraham, and he kept it. And—I REPEAT, Israel was the least of all people, not the special one:

7 The Lord He did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because they were more in number than any people; for ye WERE the fewest of all people: DEUTERONOMY 7:7

Get off that cloud, buddy!

So God modified his law to accommodate Jewish people?

6 He has also established them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree WHCH SHALL NOT PASS. —PSALMS 148:6

142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and your law is the truth. —PSALM 119:142

44 SW shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever. —PSALM 119:44

Don't you recognize David as part of God's people? Did God inspire you over David?

Again, you have a spirit of confusion, and only the weak and inept will be fool enough to fall into your trap. There's a wall built around me, my friend… it's called God's law—all of it.

Your argument is too weak to even stand consideration. Your Noahide Commandments fall short, very short. Again, they contain some principles in God's law, but they are not the law, that is his ten commandments—

18 And H.E. gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tablets of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.

For one, you have to scan all through the book of Genesis (Chapters 1-34) to pack your set while The Ten Commandments are all in one place, one after the other, meaning they are one (James 2:10). If I go and scan the first 34 chapters of The Book of Genesis I could probably come with 100+ possible commandments that would NOT necessarily violate the principles found in the Have Commandments, but your “7 Noahide commandments” do!

Remember that you said that the Ten Commandments they were contained within the seven. Let's see—

The following commands are missing, and are not even in principle in the 7 Noahide “commandments.”


3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me […] —EXODUS 20:1-3


4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. […] —EXODUS 20:4-6

Commandments number 1 and 2 of the so called “Noahide law” do not recognize that there is only one God. Not worshiping idols and not cursing God would not do the cut. Pagan societies are very careful of not cursing other gods—and in their minds, that would include God. One could be and atheist and not curse God, and they also claim not to have any God—or god whatsoever. Not believing and cursing, and having other gods all are three different things.

God indicates in his word that to inherit his kingdom we must keep the 10 commandments (DAN. 7:25-28, REV. 22:14, MAT. 19:16-19). And Jesus spoke of no other than his 10 commandments (MAT. 22:34-40). Your idea of only seven commandments is flawed, for it is missing some key principles of God's character.

I am not sure if you are getting the Memo, but I am giving you both what the Torah says—which you claim to believe in, and the Bible—which most Jews refuse to accept, as they keep rejecting Jesus as the Messiah, besides that the Tanakh and the Prophets also confirmed him. Pick your poison…

As far as our conversation went on, I never mentioned to you any church, whether Catholic or “Protestant,” and I neither talked about pastors. All churches are harlots, the daughters of their mother Babylon (ISAIAH 4:1, REV. 14:4 & 17:4-5), and shepherds are their employees.


7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. —EXODUS 20:7

Where's this principle in your Noahide law? I don't see it. Again, you could be a pagan and not touch things Jehovah, for if I am an atheist, I would never swear or use God's name for anything. Your theory—and that's what it is, a theory, opens a big door for paganism!


8 Remember the SABBATH day, to keep it holy. […]
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. —EXODUS 20:8-11

Well, well, well, what can I tell you… this is A BIG NO NO here. For you to remove the Sabbath from the law, is to remove God himself from existence. The book of Genesis—from which you force this heresy, starts by telling us that our Lord is the creator of all things. The forth command points directly to Genesis 1:1 and the entire story of Creation (Genesis Chaps. 1 to 2:1-3).

Your Seven Noahide Laws do not recognize God as our creator. And the Sabbath is the only one of the Ten commandments that do recognize the lord as our creator!

Jesus kept the Sabbath, and Jesus is God (JHN. 1:1). That is, whether you want to admit it or not. And the last thing the book of Revelation talks about is God's law—

14 Blessed are they that do his commands, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. —REVELATION 22:14

Jesus is the revealer of the book of Revelation (Rev 1:1). He called himself the “Lord of the Sabbath,” and got in a lot of trouble (with the scholars) for being accused of violating the Sabbath. Furthermore, the Sabbath is also the one commandment that gives all glory to the Lord, and it is the special day where we must stop every secular activity and just praise him and do good works. I do not see that in your Noahide Law.


12 Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. —EXODUS 20:12

The first one we are to honor is our heavenly father, then our earthy parents; again, that's missing from your 7 Noahide laws!

Also, the fifth commandment is key, for it presents God's design of marriage between male (father) and female (mother). Committing adultery is not the same as practicing homosexuality. Don't you know about the incident between Noah and his son Cam? (GEN. 9:18-29).

Your 7 Noahide laws DO NOT PROTECT the sanctity of marriage! (GEN. 2:24).


16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. —EXODUS 20:16

Another flaw in your Noahide laws. The Bible presents Satan as the Father of all lies (JHN. 8:44), and that no one will enter God's kingdom doing or embracing lies (REV. 22:15). Does your Torah presents Satan telling Eve lies to make her sin? Remember that God's law “is perfect,” and nothing can be missing from it (PSALMS 19:7).


17 Thou shalt not cover thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor's. —EXODUS 20:17

Do I need to say anymore?

UPDATE [4:12 PM, 6/18/2020] José Luis Javier
Just recently, I hand a brief encounter with another one “teacher” of this Noahide doctrine on a WhatsApp group: We are Noahides—We Are Noahides. Actually, I spoke in private with an individual named Israel, and among other things we spoke—or rather I asked, why do the Jews do not perform sacrifices as we see in the ancient scriptures? To which he replied—

[4:13 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From Somos Noajidas group
“because to make sacrifices it is necessary that the Temple be built.”

This translates into—

“because to do sacrifices it is required hat the temple be built.”

The reason I asked him this question is because I knew that—to this date, most faith-based Jews do not understand Jesus' atonement at the cross. Well, they deny Jesus as the Messiah altogether, and I understand that, but to this date they still do not understand the purpose of why God instituted the system of sacrifices. For them, the reason for the sacrifices of animals—and particularly lambs, was the Temple itself. And since an ongoing effort to build a third temple is on, they are just waiting for that moment to start doing their burn offerings and the sacrifices of animals, INCLUDING LAMBS!

John the Baptist's first expression when he first saw Jesus was,

29 […] Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. —JOHN 1:29

and in the book of Revelation, in the very last Chapter we have the following—

3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: —REVELATION 22:3

Revelation is the same book that calls for every creature on earth and the universe to praise The Father and The Lamb for eternity (REV. 5:13). But since our dear friend here follows a Jewish Bible—the TANAKH, which only contains the books from Genesis through Malachi, we have to please him with the Torah—which he holds dear to his heart—

1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.
2 And he said, Take now your son, thine only are Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. […]
7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand,nd took the knife to slay his son.
11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. —GENESIS 22:1-13

The first question that comes to my mind in this story is, where is THE TEMPLE Abraham was to do this sacrifice? And how about Abel, where did he sacrifice before Cain kill him? Didn't our friend say that ““a Temple was needed” in order to do the sacrifices? No folks, it's all about “the lamb that takes away the sin of the world,” not about the temple!

The Jews learned nothing from the experience, nothing. Nothing from the Torah, the Tanakh—history, and the “Bible, NOTHING!

I asked Israel why his group only allowed administrators to post comments, and he said—

[3:37 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides group
“What happens is that we focus on studies, and when there are any questions about the topics we are uploading, you can write to me.”

Let's do the translation—

“What happens is that we focus on the studies, and when there is any question about the topics we are presenting, you can write to me.”

I fronted and told him that he and the other administrators simply thought they were qualified teachers and that they had authority to do so, but that I could destroy their heresies in no time. They believe they struck gold with their false teaching and want nobody to rebuke them, lest expose their errors in public.

Let me present you with a few more some interactions, and to save some time I will just give you the translation—

[3:48 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
Yon other words, you teach to those who want to hear what you teach.

[3:48 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides group
“no, we have not opened a group so that each one presents his or her point of view”

[3:49 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From SWe are Noahides group
“only to those who want to know what the Jewish faith says”

[3:49 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
That path is very dangerous, friend.

There you have it, these folks—just like the pharisees of old, t just want to impose their teachings, and bark when confronted with an “it is written!”

I gave him a few texts to consider (EXD. 19:5, HOS. 6:7, REV. 12:17, 14:12), and Israel asked me “in what language”, to which I replied: the language of your choice. And then we interacted as follows—

[3:51 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides group
“Excuse me, the divine word was given in Hebrew and I study it in Hebrew.”

[3:53 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
I only see one more pharisee here, who believing to have salvation on his hands, has doom.

[3:54 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From SWe are Noahides group
“I think it is a mistake to say JEHOVAH because that phrase never existed.
You have not thought that Jehova has no meaning?”

[3:55 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
What I think is that it is a mistake that you speak Spanish and think you are Jewish, because Hebrew is not written in Spanish.

[3:55 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides group
“Jehovah does exist in Hebrew”

[3:55 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
That is where the ridiculousness of you begins. “Call it, YHWH if you prefer, but YHWH does not come in Spanish either, and there is no certainty as to what the correct pronunciation is.”

As we see, one common thing these days is that some folks believe that because they learn a couple of words in Hebrew—or Greek, they think that they already know everything about the word of God, and worse yet, they believe the understand it. folk, those who crucified Jesus spoke perfect Hebrew, had access the original Torah, Prophets and Poetics scrolls, and yet they crucified the Messiah, just like it was prophesied by Daniel (DAN. 9:25-27). Doesn't that tell you something, friend?

There's another heresy that's taking a lot of strength in the “Christian” world, and that is the doctrine of the ““Unity of God”. This current, just like the Seven Noahide Laws, has its roots on Judaism—with a Pentecostal flavor, and has proven to be as Satanic as the devil himself. [d]Unicity, GRAMMAR and Mathematics
[BIBLE STUDY, CristoVerdad]

If the Holy Spirit is not guiding your path, you could have the ORIGINAL two tablets of the law in your hands—the same ones written by God himself (EXD. 31:18), and yet you will not understand them, whether you speak Hebrew, Aramaic Greek or Chinese (JHN. 16:13).

And speaking of originals—

[3:59 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
Read Isaiah 53.

[3:59 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides group
“we also did a study of isaiah 53”

[4:00 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
Sure, you guys need to do studies to twist what is clear and written (in the scriptures).

[4:00 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides Group
“and we teach people that you don't need to become a Jew to get to God. We do not twist anything, we teach what the original says. Not what the standard translation says. I don't trust Casidoro de Reyna (RCV) who translated the evangelicals' bible.”

[4:01 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noahides group
we trust the original text, well.

[4:01 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
Bring me, the Torah, the Bible, and whatever you want, and you want will be badly wrong. There are things that never change. Tell me, do you have the original text? Have you seen the original text?

[4:02 PM, 6/15/2020 Israel, From We are Noahides group
of course we have the bible in Hebrew. Where did the translators translated from, from the air?

[4:02 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
And is that what you call original?

Do you have the originals that Moses wrote in your hands?[OR THE TWO TABLETS OF THE LAW WRITTEN BY GOD HIMSELF]. You said you have the originals. That's what you said. DANIEL 7:25, it seems that you have never read it, I can only imagine. Neither ISAIAH 28:10-13.

Bring me the originals, then we'll talk. Don't bring me copies, OK.

The point I was trying to make, and that these ignorant do not seem to understand is that Bible we use come from the same sources as the Torah. He claimed to have the originals, and it was obvious that all he had was a translation, just like I have a translation. The Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient texts have been preserved by the hand of God, so everyone today can have suitable translations. The Lord warned us that the devil would “think to change” his word (DAN. 7:25), and that is where we need to begin—The Law, if we want to know what the devil has touched in God's word and how to expose it.

In order to understand God's will we need to follow the directives he left on his word, not what a scholar here or there claims the sacred texts say (ISA. 28:10-13). Only the Holy Spirit can guide us through and onto the truth (JHN. 16:13).

More importantly, if you have paid attention here, the issue hasn't been—and often is not, about translations, but rather interpretations. The Seven Noahide Laws text is contained within the Torah, Tanakh and the Bible alike, yet never as commandments of God nor reference that they were to replace the Law. These forced “commandments” are rather flat out errors of human imagination and fantasy, and—of course, a careless study of the scriptures.

To my friend Israel, I may ask, did you happen to know that KORAH was a scholar?

LET'S SEE ONE MORE EXCHANGE with our friend Israel—

[4:20 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noajidas Group
Believing in Jesus is idolatry. “Jesus is not God.”

[4:20 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
Prove it, with the holy scriptures.

[4:20 PM, 6/15/2020 Israel, From We are Noajidas Group
“Jesus said that He was God and it is written that God is One”

[4:21 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
And indeed he is.

[4:21 PM, 6/15/2020] Israel, From We are Noajidas Group
“Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear Israel Hashem our God, Hashem is One”

[4:21 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
See, you are the same as the evangelicals.

[4:21 PM, 6/15/2020Israel, From We are Noajidas Group
“It is not Jesus or anyone else. “I brought him the Holy Scriptures”

[4:21 PM, 6/15/2020] José Luis Javier
Explain to me Genesis 2:24. “Friend, you must search, not just read above. Genesis 1:1, John 1:1”

[4:22 PM, 6/15/2020Israel, From We are Noajidas Group
What does it have to do with the man leaving his father and mother [?]

Isaiah 53 is a text that stabs the heart the judaic doctrine, and all its sequels.

Anyone who has ever read any of the 4 gospels knows this text refers to Jesus. And the Jews know this too, the text is just too clear to ignore. But their rebellious heart—like ancient Israel, won't let them see pass their selfish endeavors. This is a text that most Jews would like it to be erased from the Books of the Prophets—Isaiah in this case; it's their Achilles heel, and yet it is there, and they recognize Isaiah as part of the Jewish Scriptures. But as we covered so far, it is also on their Torah and Tanakh! [t]The Tanakh—The Hebrew Bible
[ARTICLE, Wikipedia]

And yes, not only Jesus said he is God (JHN. 8:58, REV. 1:8), but Isaiah repeats it—

6 For unto us a CHILD is born, unto us a SON is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called WONDERFUL, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. —ISAIAH 9:6

It's their scriptures, and they can't get rid of it. The Lord left no stone unturned in his word. No matter which doctrine of demons comes along, there will always be a scripture text to destroy it.

Our friend Israel pointed to Deuteronomy 6:4Hear Israel Hashem our God, Hashem is One and asked him to explain to me GENESIS 2:24. His answer was—

“What does it have to do with the man leaving his father and mother” [?]

It's certainly painful to see someone who claims to serve God and yet be so out of focus—and so disconnected. And since I don't see any need of dealing with such level of scriptural mediocrity, a sign will not be given to him. Genesis 2:24 is the fith commandment of his Noahide Laws, and yet he doesn't understand it; that is tremendous!

Spiritual things are discerned spiritually. But for that one has to be spiritual, not spiritualist! —JOSÉ LUIS JAVIER

Since Israel—and neither Israel, understand what the Lord means when he said in his wordThe Lord our God is one Lord, I am going to pass on our friend Israel and let him wander around with his confusion. But for the sake of our readers, I invite you to read the Bible Study I referenced before: UNICITY, GRAMMAR, AND THE MATHEMATICS. There you will find the answer.  [d] Unicity, GRAMMAR and Mathematics
[BIBLE STUDY, CristoVerdad]

The word of God says the following:

19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple THE ARK OF HIS TESTAMENT: and there were lightnings, and voices, and THUNDERINGS, and an earthquake, and great hail. —REV. 11:19

And what's inside the Ark of the testament?

20 And he took and put THE TESTIMONY into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, and put the mercy seat above upon the ark:
21 And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up the vail of the covering, and covered the ark of the testimony; as the Lord commanded Moses. —EXODUS 40:20-21

The thunders are God's voice (JOB 37:4). So, God's still talking out loud. His TEN Commandments law is still binding and standing, and will be shouted to the world—by God himself, as he did in Sinai, BUT this time around the cry out will come straight up from heaven!

James 2:10 tell us that “whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” And our friend insists on 7, and what does the Lord have to say about that?

28 And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the TEN commandments.—EXODUS 34:28

Have commandments spelled out loud and clear in the Torah, his Torah. Yet, our friend Israel doesn't understand. His name is very fitting, for Israel—whom Jews and Christians idolize alike, is a perverse nation, who has put God and his law aside.

Gay Marriage is recognized in Israel, you claim to live there and you are not even aware? [c]LGBT Rights in Israel
[ARTICLE, Wikipedia]
Well, it doesn't surprise me because Israel did not even notice when the Messiah walked by in front of their noses, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, fed the hungry, raised paralytics and eve resurrected the dead, stuff that no one else had ever done.

Israel is the MOST homosexual nation in the world, and perhaps the most dangerous place in the universe to preach the gospel, and you have the guts to call that harlot God's land?

Tel Aviv Gay Pride Tour Promo 2021

Both Jews and Christians alike got it wrong, Israel is not God's people. The Lord gave Israel an “straight” message—

5 Now therefore, I.F. YE WILL OBEY my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, THEN ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine. —EXODUS 19:5

And how did Israel respond?

7 But THEY like men have transgressed the covenant: there they have dealt treacherously against me.
8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.
9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.
10 I have seen an awful thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. —HOSEA 6:7-20

God's end time people is defined by two specific characteristics, “keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus” (REV. 14:12). That is the same reason why the dragon persecutes them, because they abide by God's law andFOLLOW THE LAMB wherever he goes” (REV. 12:17, 14:12); none of which we find in the Seven Noahide Laws, nor Israel as a people.

The Ark is in the most holy place, and inside is his testimony—that is, his Ten Commandments law. And the fact that the Lord shows us the original Ark in Heaven, in the end time, is very, very telling. God's law is everlasting, as is his character!

Before I finish here, I want to go back one specific point in the Seven Noahide Laws, commandment number 3—

3. Establish a court of justice (GEN. 34:25)

Genesis 34 presents the story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob, when she“went out to see the daughters of the land,” despues de jacob and Esau had reconciled. Shechem, a prince of the land raped Dinah, and Jacob's sons avenged her, killing Schechem, his father and his men. From this story, the creators of the Seven Noahide commandments—whoever they are, made up this third commandment, to Establish a court of justice.”

This is not a commandment of God, but rather a story—among the hundreds of stories and incidents presented in the word of God. Just imagine if we were to draw a commandment out of every story in the Bible. That's why we have the Law and the Prophets, prescribed by God himself, where there are no loopholes. But the funny thing is that they drew SEVEN commandments out of the book of Genesis, yet they left out the SEVENTH day Sabbath which is at the core of Creation, found Genesis!

It is interesting, but the last time I checked my Bible I noticed that the story of Cain and Abel comes first than that of Dinah. So why do they draw this commandment from the story of Dinah and not that of Cain and Abel, when Cain was the first murderer of this planet to begin with? What, for Abel there is no Justice? That is the pattern of all false doctrines, their provenance NEVER makes sense.

But the part that sticks to my brain is that “court of justice thing. The sixth commandment of the Georgia Guidestones reads as follow—[and]Georgia Guidestones
[ARTICLE, Wikipedia]

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

That is a monument that shows the plan for the establishment of a New World Order, of which we all are being witnesses of. What that tells me is that the doctrine of the Seven so called Noahide Laws is just another work of the Jesuits, which have infiltrated and subdued all the religions of the world, particularly Christians, and—as we can see, Judaism alike.

Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit priest assassinated in New York city, unmasked the secrets of that Catholic order. [F]Former Jesuit Alberto Rivera and Others Speak on Jesuit Infiltration
[VIDEO 2:01:25, TheFreeOne1000]
Catholic Church has also taken control of the Jewish religious system, as the cream of the crop has already met with Mario Bergoglio. [g]Pope Francis Meets Muslim, Jews, Orthodox Leaders
[VIDEO 00:03:00, VOA News]
They are the ones bringing this wave of heresies and spreading all over Christianity, Judaism and—should we dare to say, even atheism! [h]Pope Prayer Intentions for January 2016: “I Believe in Love”
[VIDEO 00:03:00, The Vatican]
[Yo]Pope Francis consoles a boy who asked if his non-believing father is in Heaven
[VIDEO 00:04:46, The Vatican]

No, friends, God said TEN, NOT “SEVEN”. Well, he actually said SEVENTH and that's missing from your “seven”. You are not fooling anyone with your diabolic doctrine, you are fooling yourself and—AGAIN, you are being guided by a spirit of confusion. All this is very basic and simple, yet you are dancing likea worm in a hen house!


“Come out of her, my people (REV. 18:4)


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