The Colorful New Sodomite Theology of the Seventh Day
In an article published in the Messenger Magazine of the Canadian Conference, July 2017, “Pastor” Josué Sánchez addresses young people as the target of this satanic agenda that—proudly, the Adventist corporation today promotes:
"ASK: Should an openly gay person be allowed to speak or participate freely in any way on the front [platform], within the church?”
"ANSWER: I dont see why not! BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN. It simply means that a person is sexually attracted to people of the same sex. Some are open about it; some prefer not to share it with the general public.”
So the fact that a person is attracted to another person of the same sex is something like you liking to drink lemonade in hot weather. And obviously a man taking another man to bed, and a woman taking another woman to bed, is the same as when Adam “met” Eve.
The little ones are also the target of this plague that the apostate Adventist Corporation now offers to its members as a “spiritual” main course. Apparently The Message of the Three Angels has moved to a second—and who knows if third—plan, since the gay agenda is fiercely promoted in the different publications of that institution that has not only given itself the task of serving the devil —but to do it well, very well.
Here we leave you the Spanish translation, with the relevant pages. [1]Being Gay Is Not a Sin, Translation
[DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad] And here is the link to the complete magazine (English), directly from the official Messenger Magazine website. [2]aBeing Gay Is Not A Sin
[WEBSITE, SDA Church] Additionally, a PDF document generated directly from that official website. [2]bBeing Gay Is Not A Sin
This is an official document that the Adventist corporation has kindly left us on the cyber network so that like Sodom, it does not hide its sin (ISAIAH 3:9)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.
[1] Being Gay Is Not a Sin, Translation [DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad]
[2]a Being Gay Is Not A Sin [WEBSITE, SDA Church]
[2]b Being Gay Is Not A Sin [DOCUMENT, SDA Church]
[3] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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