6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food...and she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave to her husband, who ate just as she did. —GENESIS 3:6; Hosea 6:7
SALV1PLAYSLAWSALVATION PART [1]Salvation By Works, Vol. 1—The Thief On The Cross[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [2]Salvation By Works, Vol. 2—Man and His Words
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [3]Salvation By Works, Vol. 3—Justice
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [4]Salvation By Works, Vol. 4—Faith and Law
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [5]Salvation By Works, Vol. 5—The Apple of Your Eye
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [6]Salvation By Works, Vol. 6—Love
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [7]Salvation By Works, Vol. 7—The Devil
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [8]From The FIG TREE Learn, Part 8: The EIGHTH Kingdom
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [9]Salvation By Works, Vol. 9—Grace
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [10]Salvation By Works, Vol. 10—Holiness
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [11]Salvation By Works, Vol. 11—THE WORKS
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [12]Alvation By Works, Vol. 12—BELIEVING
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [13] [14]
14 Blessed are those who keep his Commandments… —REVELATION 22:14
And God said: Behold, the man is like one of us, knowing good and evil;
Now, therefore, let him not stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. —GENESIS 3:22
to have the right to the tree of Life… —REVELATION 22:14
And God brought him out of the garden of Eden.—GENESIS 3:23, So he threw the man out... —GENESIS 3:24
and to enter through the gates of the city… Revelation 22:14
And to the serpent he said, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all animals and above all the beasts of the field. You will walk on your chest and eat dust (death, dead animals) all the days of your life. —GENESIS 3:14
Plus the dogs [DEUT. 23:17] will be outside, and the sorcerers, the fornicators, the murderers, and everyone who loves and practices lies (GENESIS 3:13; REVELATION 22:15)
The final part, verse 15, ends by simply expanding on the same sentence that God gave to the serpent—the devil. (REV. 12:9; 20:2) in Eden in GENESIS 3:14. The curse that exists for Satan is the same that exists for those who serve him. When man gives himself over to the devil, Jesus says, he is the devil (JOHN 6:70) and son of the devil toon (JOHN 8:41-46; 1 JOHN 3:70).
If only he who keeps the Law will enter the kingdom of God and eternal life, Why is it so difficult to understand that without Law there is no Salvation?
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