Heavy Homosexuality at Andrews University and the Adventist Church
DESCRIPTION: Passionate Marriage, book that promotes all types of sexual aberrations is taught to theology students at The Adventist Church Theological Seminary, at Andrews University — Berrien Springs, Michigan. Furthermore, we see that this material is scattered in other institutions of this church, forming part of the recommended material in the “family” ministries.
1. Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch Ph.D., WW Norton New York
This material is not produced by the Adventist church, but is taught as a role model within that institution. This document is also available in PDF format for easy distribution, and a different reading experience, if you prefer. [1] Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch [BOOK—CristoVerdad]
This book also does not teach that “families were formed when women stopped warming and began socializing with men,” a period that took about “400,000 years” to “evolve.”
“As I mentioned before, Our species underwent some surprising changes a few years ago. 400,000 yearsyes. The females stopped getting “hot” and began having menstrual cycles. From that momentous moment, women had a year-round sexual desire instead of being receptive only when they were reproducing “mature.” Men and women began to stay together longer; Families arose, communities and societies; and a whole new part of our brain evolved: the neocortex.” —PASSIONATRE MARRIAGE, p.82
As I mentioned earlier, our species underwent some amazing changes about 400,000 years ago. Females stopped going into “heat” and started having menstrual cycles. From that momentary point on, women had year-round sexual desire instead of being receptive only when they were reproductively “ripe.” Men and women started staying together longer; families, communities, and societies emerged; and a totally new part of our brain evolved—the neocortex. —PASSIONATRE MARRIAGE, p.82 (p.82).
The following (official) Adventist links all use or reference this book as study material for family growth.
- “Reflective diary: Passionate Marriage [PASSIONATE MARRIAGE]. Five reflection journals are required in the first 5 chapters of the text Passionate Marriage. The magazine will be your response to the material presented by the author. Her point of view is different and provocative and will challenge old ways of conceptualizing sex..” —DRSE 759 Human Sexuality (Class) [SYLLABLE], Andrews University Theological Seminary (Rev. 2012), Required Book List: Passionate Marriage [2] Theological Seminary Andrews University DRSE 759 Human Sexuality, Required Textbook: Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch [SYLLABLE—Andrews University]
“Reflective journaling: Passionate Marriage. Five reflective journals on the first 5 chapters of the text Passionate Marriage are required. The journal will be your response to the material presented by the author. His view is different and provocative and will challenge old ways of conceptualizing sex.” —DRSE 759 Human Sexuality [SYLLABUS]], Andrews University (Rev. 2012), REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Passionate Marriage
- NDA—Marriage, Passionate Marriage (1997), recommended book, Ministry of Family, Marriage. North American Division, “Seventh” Day Adventist Church. [3] NDA—Marriage, Passionate Marriage, Recommended Book, Family Ministry, North American Division, Seventh-day Adventist Church. [NDA Family Ministry, nadfamily.org]
- “Marital therapist David Schnarch says that it is only later in life with a monogamous partner that people can begin to discover their sexual and passionate potential. [4]Six myths of marriage, Calvin Thomsen
Marital therapist David Schnarch says that it is only later in life with a monogamous partner that people can begin to discover their passionate and sexual potential. —Six myths of marriage (Calvin Thomsen), Official Website of the Adventist Church
Understanding Families (English) — Understanding Families (2001) – British Union Conference. Passionate Marriage, Referenced Material, Seventh-day Adventist Church [5] Understanding Families (English) — Understanding Families (2001) – British Union Conference. Passionate Marriage, Referenced Material, Seventh-day Adventists CHurch
Understanding Families (2001) – British Union Conference, Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Bible says that the family was formed when God created woman and brought her to man. (GEN. 2:21-24); The Adventist Church says the opposite.
“Come out of Her My People…” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.
[1]a Passionate Marriage (1997), David Schnarch [BOOK—CristoVerdad]
[2] Theological Seminary Andrews University DRSE 759 Human Sexuality, Required Textbook: Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch [SYLLABLE—Andrews University]
[3] NDA—Marriage, Passionate Marriage, Recommended Book, Family Ministry, North American Division, Seventh-day Adventist Church. [NDA Family Ministry, nadfamily.org]
[4] Six myths of marriage, Calvin Thomsen [ARTICLE—adventist.org]
[5] Understanding Families (English) — Understanding Families (2001) – British Union Conference. Passionate Marriage, Referenced Material, Seventh-day Adventists CHurch
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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What a shame, I read the entire document, and it makes me sad that its only purpose is the same as what the devil did to his brothers. They are puffed up. And they have become agents of Satan. May God have mercy on you. Modern Pharisees. Luke 19:10 there is the mission of Jesus, the same one we must follow. Matthew 28:18. And stop looking for mistakes in others.
We imagine that it is God's purpose to murder innocent creatures in Adventist hospitals around the world. We also imagine that God raised the Catholic church as his true people, just as Adventist Babylon is saying. We also fantasize with the idea that “Sunday is the Lord's day” as the Adventist harlot has openly published. We imagine that dumb dogs like you are the prophets that God has raised up for this time, and that he has sent us to remain silent, so that the devil can continue doing his thing with the inept.… see more "
20 Rebuke those who continue to sin in the presence of everyone, so that others may also fear. —1 TIMOTHY 5:20
We are not looking for mistakes in others. Inept, we are simply showing you what your cult has made public.
Only a satanist can come to defend such an abomination.