What They Haven't Told You
Navigate to Part [1] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 1
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[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [3] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 3
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [4] of 4
NOTE: This part is in development, it has not been completed yet…
Welcome everyone to the third part of our study/analysis on the ingredients of the Covid19 Vaccine.
Since this is all about "safety and efficacy"Let's look again at the message that the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has for us— “The COVID-19 vaccines They are safe and effective. After you have been fully vaccinated [inoculated], you can come back to the activities I did before the pandemic.” —Centers For Control and Prevention of Diseases(CDC). [x]1a Vaccines Safe and Effective, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention That is, our normal life depends solely and exclusively on you and me getting vaccinated. Or is it not so? Bill Gates said it, “This vaccine will have to go to 7 billion people.”Yes, the owners of our lives already decided for us. They—and not you or I—truly know what is best for us. And there is an entire propaganda machine set up—such as has never been seen in the history of humanity, to make us believe that these vaccines are “safe” and—of course, “effective.” The following audio comes from The John Kincade Show, broadcast Monday through Friday on 97.5 FM The Fanatic, Philadelphia… —The John Kincade Show, 97.5 The Fanatic, Philadelphia. Monday July 19, 2021 9:45AM As we point out in the video, you have to be a pervert to say that the COVID-19 Vaccine, in any of its flavors or variants, “It is the most successful vaccine in history” and “the one with the fewest side effects.” We have to admit that we 100% agree with the first part of this statement, as never has a vaccine or any medical product been so successful, in terms of what it was designed to do: and this vaccine was designed to kill. And refering to “the one about the side effects…” Well, let's continue with the list of ingredients... Well, in part 4 we will cover a little more about this, but for now let's talk a little about morality. Do you believe that a product containing cells from aborted human beings should enter your body because their mothers did not want to bring them into the world? While it is true that many people would not have problems with that, we understand that the vast majority do not even know that among the list of ingredients of the COVID-19 Vaccine is the DNA of human beings who once existed, but their lives were vilely cut short. . For a long time we had heard that these vaccines contained cells from aborted fetuses, but it was not until now that we can verify it, apart from the testimony of some doctors and health professionals who have given the red alert. And the interesting thing is that the different lists of ingredients published by the manufacturers of these vaccines do not mention this “important” ingredient: ABORTED BABIES, well that is what these cells represent. On the Los Angeles County website, the United States government acknowledges what many of these death agencies have denied. Go to page 4 of this PDF document to see its Spanish translation. [x]3 Los Angeles County COVID-19 VACCINE AND FETAL CELL LINES There it clearly says that cell lines from aborted fetuses were used in the production of “some” of the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly that of Johnson & Johnson (Janssen). However, they only try to justify the practice with the lie that only fetal cell lines from two abortions were used, one in 1973 and another in 1985. This is a lie, and—although even two aborted fetuses is unjustifiable, they only try to cover it up, since the vast majority of doctors and scientists know this to be true. Here we also see how churches still support this practice, with the justification of saving a life. The point is that to save a life—in this case, you must first kill another. Churches seem to forget—if they ever knew—that God said “thou shalt not kill.” As I mentioned before, in part 4 we will fully enter into the issue of morality and religion, and how churches are an integral part of this agenda of death, even being part of the group that created vaccines, as is the case of The “Seventh” Day Adventist Church. And practically every vaccine on the market contains DNA cells from animals such as pigs and aborted fetuses, not just the COVID-19 vaccine, as the so-called “Godfather of Vaccines” explains to us. Stanley Plotkin… Vaccines and Cell Lines from Aborted Fetuses, Charlotte Lozier Institute. [x]3 Update: COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates and Abortion-Derived Cell Lines – Charlotte Lozier Institute But it doesn't end there, it gets better. The National Medical Library, which is a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States, states the following: Although the NIH is recognizing that the use of cell tissue from aborted fetuses is a common practice, do not be fooled into making the grave mistake of believing that they are being honest... If you visit the link provided above, you will notice that it is a very old strategy that they are using to deceive the masses and justify this crime. Generally speaking, whenever the NIH, the FDA, the CDC, and the government in general, in addition to big pharmaceutical companies, hospital entities, and even scientific entities, refer to this topic, they tell us that yes, cellular tissue is used. coming from aborted fetuses, but only the cell lines are used HEK293, WI-38 either MRC-5 from 2 elective abortions made in the 60s and 70s. Two points we have to note here: (YO) A single life being cut off is not justification for the “salvation” of a million people. This is true unless your name is Jesus Christ. (II) Lies, pure lies. What they are trying to do is minimize/justify the practice of murdering children for the purposes of “saving a life”, as is being done now where “if you don't get vaccinated, “You can die of hunger”, as the government of the Dominican Republic has made clear, and Joe Biden continues to try here in the United States. Yes, if you don't get vaccinated, you can die of hunger, or be overwhelmed by the lava of a volcano. It's the same perfume packaged in a different bottle; Some things never change, and they tell you and me that this COVID-19 Vaccine issue is about saving lives—LIES! [x]5a Saint Vincent: evacuation cruises will only open for those vaccinated against COVID If you stopped to watch the video of the new “doctor of death”, whom we will affectionately baptize Sir. Stanley “Mengele” Plotkin, who tells us that in a single study his work team dismembered 76 children to create a vaccine, and you and I come up with the story that “there are only two aborted fetuses used in all current vaccines and that these were collected more than 3 decades ago.” Once again, lies, pure lies, don't fall into that trap. In part 4 we will return to this very important ingredient, ABORTION, but for now let's continue with the list of ingredients currently named in the documents of the big pharmaceutical companies. If you stopped to watch the video of the new “doctor of death”, whom we will affectionately baptize Sir. Stanley “Mengele” Plotkin, who tells us that in a single study his work team dismembered 76 children to create a vaccine, and you and I come up with the story that “there are only two aborted fetuses used in all current vaccines and that these were collected more than 3 decades ago.” Once again, lies, pure lies, don't fall into that trap. We will return to this very important ingredient, but for now, let's continue with the list of ingredients currently named in Big Pharma's documents. The Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector is—in essence, “a genetically produced common influenza virus.” According to the publication Chemical & Engineering News (c&en), o Chemistry and Engineering News— “The technology has been in development for more than 30 years, but has not yet produced an effective vaccine for humans.” —Chemical and Engineering News [x]1Adenoviral vectors are the new COVID-19 vaccine front-runners. This c*en article published on May 20, 2020 adds Governments around the world they are making a big bet that the first vaccines against COVID-19 could be made with genetically modified viruses. The modified viruses, called adenoviral vectors, are designed to carry a gene from SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, into our bodies, where our cells will read it and produce coronavirus spike proteins. They are betting with their lives, dear reader, can you understand that? Now, how safe can a vaccine containing genetically modified/created Vector Adonovirus be? Well, to start, we have the detriments of using synthetic ingredients, which we already covered in part 1 of this study. But more specifically, the Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector— Let's add another quote from the c&en article “Many scientists hoped to use Ad5 to deliver a human gene that could correct rare genetic mutations, an approach called gene therapy. Those efforts stopped in 1999 when a teenager with a rare genetic liver disease died after receiving an injection of an Ad5-based gene therapy, which had been designed in James Wilson's laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania. The large dose of 38 trillion viruses that the patient received It caused massive inflammation throughout his body and put his immune system into overdrive. After that, most scientists stopped using adenoviral vectors for gene therapy, in which the dose must be high to reach many cells in the body. But vaccine developers saw adenovirus-induced inflammation as an advantage. 'There is an expression out there that a failed gene therapy is a good vaccine'' says Luk Vandenberghe, a viral vector expert at Harvard Medical School.' […] In 2017, China approved the vaccine, but only for emergency use and domestic storage. That made her the first, and still only, vector vaccine adenoviral approved for humans, with the big caveat that the phase II study did not prove that the vaccine prevented Ebola infections “ —Adenoviral vectors are the new COVID-19 vaccine front-runners. Can they overcome their checked past? Chemical & Engineering News, May 20, 2020 [x]1Adenoviral vectors are the new COVID-19 vaccine front-runners. So does a failed gene therapy constitute a good vaccine? Mmmnnn… Here we saw serious warnings against this type of vaccines. However, our friends at the Australian Department of Health tell us: “Chimpanzee adenoviral vectors are a very well-studied type of vaccine, which has been used safely in thousands of subjects. “The AstraZeneca vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective.” —Does the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine contain animal DNA? [x]2Does the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine contain animal DNA?. What they don't tell us is that in these studies many people have died or been seriously injured. The technique is to create a lie, repeat it as many times as necessary, until you believe the lie, and they keep repeating it so that you never wake up, no matter what government of the world you are under. And technically speaking, all vaccines contain animal and human genetic material. AUTISM AND VACCINES As mentioned above, this section (Part 3) is currently being developed. Here we present some materials that we will be covering t=and reorganizing… Vladimir Zelenco, The Jews, And World War III Israel, Laboratory of the World LANGUAGE | Spanish | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC] LANGUAGE | English | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC] LANGUAGE | Hebrew | עִברִית | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC] LANGUAGE | French | French | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC] LANGUAGE | Greek | Ελληνικά | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC] Next we will be analyzing a document from Pfizer, which presents the clinical study PF-070302048 of your vaccine BNT162b2, The COVID-19 Vaccine, where they themselves confirm a phenomenon never before seen in vaccines or other types of medications: Transmission by exposure. That is, vaccinated people are exposing or making unvaccinated people sick through methods such as skin contact, inhalation/breathing, sexual intercourse, etc. That sounds strange, and it is, but many doctors such as Larry Palesky, Cherry Tempenny, Christiane Northrup, Lee Merrick, Chinda Brandolino, Maria Isabel Martinez, and Marcelo Martinez, among others, have echoed this. DOCUMENT: ORIGINAL LINK | https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf Translation to Spanish… COVID-19 TREATMENT AND VACCINE TRACKER [x]4 COVID-19 TREATMENT AND VACCINE TRACKER LUCIFERINA & LUCIFERASA (with Spanish translation) Doctor Peter MCullough Removes Lid from COVID Vaccine Washer. BillGates: Changing Our DNA with the Covid-19 Vaccine Six Month Safety and Efficacy of BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Study (July 28, 2021): 29 People Died (p.6) [x]5 CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real Time PCR No, DOES NOT EXIST the COVID-19 virus: CDC, FDA p.41 [x]6 CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real Time PCR “The Coronavirus Crisis is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy.” —Dr. Sam Bailey Dr. Samantha Bailey exposes the architecture... Dr. Samantha Bailey exposes the architecture of th... Dr. Samantha Bailey enthüllt die Architektur des... Le Dr Samantha Bailey expose l'architecture du pl... Dr. Samantha Bailey reveals arquitetura da maior... Dr. Samantha Bailey reveals arquitetura da maior... Dr. Sam Bailey, from England, explains to us—in detail, how the entire “virus” scheme that causes COVID-19 was manufactured—and executed, even deceiving sincere doctors and scientists. This video is essential to watch. PART 3 VACCINE COVID-19 INGREDIENTS
Navigate to Part [1] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 1 —JOSE LUIS JAVIER “Come out of her, my people…“ (REV. 18:4) Share ———————————- And you will know the truth... NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. SOURCES AND LINKS THE INGREDIENTS [p]1 Pfizer's Safety Data Sheet, COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients [LINK, Pfizer] [p]2 Pfizer's BioNtech FDA COVID-19 EUA Authorization Letter [LINK, FDA] [m]1 Moderna: Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers [az]1 COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZenenca (section 6.1), European Union [LINK, European Union] [9]cJanssen Biotech USA Letter of Authorization reissued 02-25-2021, (p.1 ¶3) [DOCUMENT, J&J] [SC]1 COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell, Inactivated (Brief Edition) [DOCUMENT, CHINA] [Sk]1 COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell, Inactivated (Brief Edition) [DOCUMENT, CHINA] PART 1 [a]1 Hydroxybutyl, Safety Data Sheet, Cayman Chemical [LINK, Cayman] [S]1 SPIKE Protein, SignalChem [LINK, SignChem] [S]2 SPIKE Protein: IMIDAZOLE, Safety Hazzards [LINK, PubChem] [h]1 hydroxybutyl, Definition, National Cancer Institute [LINK, Cancer.org] [h]2 hydroxybutyl, Definition, National Library of Medicine [LINK, PubChem] [m]1 Moderna: Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers [m]3 About Moderna (English) — About Us, Moderna [LINK, Moderna] x[1]a The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero [LINK, Reuter] [1]b Michael Yeadon continues to warn the world. [VIDEO 00:03:04, TeamJesus] [2] Looking Into The Lives Of 81 People Who Took The J@b [VIDEO 00:54:05, BitChut] [3]a COVID-19 Vaccines: “Overwhelmengly safe” [LINK, NJ.com] [3]b COVID-19 Vaccines: “Overwhelmengly safe” [LINK, NJ.com Tulsa World] [3]c COVID-19 Vaccines: “Overwhelmengly safe” [LINK, Nature.com] [3]d COVID-19 Vaccines: “Overwhelmengly safe” [LINK, NBC News] [4]a VAERS, Search — Navigation and search [LINK, CDC] [4]b COVID Data Tracker — COVID Data Tracker: Cases and Deaths [LINK, CDC] [5] COVID-19 Vaccines, Side Effects — Side Effects [LINK, CDC] [6] VACCINES, THE BASICS, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [LINK, CDC] x[7]Why Queensland University Covid-19 Vaccine Failed [VIDEO 00:07:34, Canal5TV] [8] VACCINES, TIME AND PROCESS [LINK, The History of Vaccines] [9]a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Letter [DOCUMENT, FDA] [9]b Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Letter [DOCUMENT, FDA] [9]c Janssen Biotech USA Letter of Authorization [DOCUMENT, FDA] [10]The Facts About The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine [LINK, Pfizer] [11] The powerful technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines [LINK, MSK Cancer Center] [12]a What's Different About Messenger RNA (mRNA) Vaccines for COVID-19? [LINK, MSLK Cancer Center] [12]b A Closer Look at How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work [LINK, CDC] [12]t Sherry Tenpenny Testifies to Ohio Congress [LINK, MSLK Cancer Center] [12]f Idaho Doctor Makes Baseless Claims About Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines [LINK, FactCheck.org] [13]a Dangers of Synthetic Biology — Hazards of Synthetic Biology [LINK, Wikipedia] [13]b Worst Risks of Synthetic Biology for Humanity [LINK, MIT] [13]c Risk in synthetic biology—views from the lab [LINK, PMC] [14]b Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors [LINK, JUSTIA Patents] [15]b How nanotechnology helps mRNA Covid-19 vaccines work [LINK, StatNewsPatents] [16]b Spike Protein Deletions Linked to COVID-19 Surges: Preprint [LINK, TheScientist] [16]c LUCIFERINA, a substrate of LUCIFERASA, Patent US10576146B2 LINK, Modern Patent] [16]d What Are The ingredients of the Pfizer Vaccine [LINK, TechoView] [16]e SM-102. Product Information, Insert [LINK, TechoView] [16]f MODERN | Patent US 2012/0251618 A1, Oct. 2012? [LINK, RoofView] [L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad] PART 2 [a]1 Hydroxybutyl, Safety Data Sheet, Cayman Chemical [LINK, Cayman] [a]2 Rhod-2 (zananeidyl) [LINK, PubChem] [a]3 Hexane-1,5-diol [LINK, PubChem] [a]4 2-Hexydelcanoate [LINK, ThermoFisher [LINK, Ficher Scientific] [a]5 Pfizer[LINK, Cayman Chem] [h]1 Hydroxybutyl, Definition [LINK, NCI] [h]2 Hydroxybutyl, PubChem [LINK, PubChem] [p]1 Pfizer's Safety Data Sheet, COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients [LINK, Pfizer] p]1Pfizer's Safety Data Sheet, COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients [LINK, Pfizer] [S]1a Modern: SM-102 [LINK, Cayman Chem [S]1b SM-102 Lipids, Cayman Chemicals [LINK, Cayman] [S]1d COVID Vaccines: Updates on Allergic Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions [LINK, CDC] [S]1f Heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl)(6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy)hexyl)amino)octanoate [LINK, BLDpharm] [S]1g Every Day Compound or Posison? —Regular Compound or Poison? [LINK, ReadWorks] [S]1h SM-102 mRNA Info, MedChemExpress Website [LINK, MCE] [S]1i SM-102 Safety Data Sheet, MedChemExpress [LINK, MCE] [S]1jSM-102 Info, MedKoo Biosciences, Inc. [LINK, MedKoo] [S]1kEvery Day Compound or Posison? —Regular Compound or Poison? [LINK, ReadWorks] [17]a ALC-0159 (PEG-2000-DMG) Safty Data Sheet [DOCUMENT, CaymanChem] [17]b ALC-0159 (PEG-2000-DMG) Safty Data Sheet [DOCUMENT, MCE] [18]b SAFETY DATA SHEET: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-PC [PAPER, Cayman Chem.] [20]a Dibasic Sodium Phospate Dihrydrate [LINK, PubChem NIH] [19]b Dibasic Sodium Phospate Dehrydrate [LINK, Fisher Scientific] [19]c Dibasic Sodium Phospate Dehrydrate, 2 [LINK, Mayo Clinic] [19]d Dibasic Sodium Phospate Dehrydrate, 3 [LINK, Spectrum Chem] [20] Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer Executive [LINK, Reuters] [21]a Visicol [LINK, Drugs.com] [[21]b Visicol & OsmoRep [LINK, LA Colon & Rectal] [22]a Sodium Chloride — Sodium Chloride [LINK, PubChem] [22]b Sodium Chloride: Health Hazards—Sodium Chloride: Health Hazards [LINK, PubChem] [23]a Sucrose (Sucrose), definition [LINK, HealthLine] [23]b Sucrose (Sucrose) [LINK, PubChem] [23]c Protein Synthesis [LINK, PubChem] [23]d Sucrose (Sucrose), Toxicity [LINK, PubChem] [24]a Tromethamine [LINK, PubChem] [24]b Tromethamine, FDA Orange Book [LINK, PubChem] [24]c Tromethamine (Tromethamine), Uses [LINK, PubChem] [24]d Tromethamine, Storage [LINK, PubChem] [21]e FDA Pfizer Vaccine Storage Temperature [LINK, FDA] [21]f Tromethamine: Safety Data Sheet [LINK, CaymanChem] [24]g Tromethamine: Acute Effects & Toxicity [LINK, Pubhem] [24]h Ketorolac. Side Effects [LINK, RxList] [24]j THAM THAM-E Tromethamine, Discontinued [LINK, FDA] [24]k Tromethamine, SAFTY DATA SHEET, Pfizer [LINK, Pfizer] [24]l Tromethamine, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, Pfizer [LINK, Pfizer] 24]mReproductive Toxicity, OSHA [LINK, Pfizer] [25] Tromethamine Hydrochloride [LINK, PubChem] [26] Acetic Acid, NLM, NIH [LINK, PubChem] [27]a Sodium Acetate Trihydrate [LINK, PubChem] [27]b Sodium Acetate Trihydrate, LINK Classification, PubChem] [27]c Sodium Acetate Trihydrate, Safety Data Sheet LINK, PubChem] [27]d Sodium Acetate Trihydrate, Safety Data Sheet LINK, LabChem] [L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad] PART 3 (IN DEVELOPMENT) [28] SXXXX [29] XXXXX EXTRA MATERIAL If any of these links do not work or are incorrect, please let us know so we can correct them. If you would like to write to us, please do so using the form below; Your comment will be published. If you want to write to us privately, do so through the information section, and select contact. Thank you so much! God bless you! PART 4 Next ➟ Navigate to Part [1] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 1 Please leave your opinion by COMMENTING below.
[LINK, CDC] [x]1b Safe and Effective Vaccines, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC
[DOCUMENT, Lozier Institute]
[DOCUMENT, Lozier Institute]
[LINK,Biz Insider] [x]5b People on the Caribbean island where a volcano went off are being evacuated on cruise ships — but not without a COVID-19 vaccine
[LINK,Biz Insider]
[NEWS, CristoVerdad]
[NEWS, CristoVerdad]
[NEWS, Health.gov.au]
[DOCUMENT, Pfizer]
[LINK, Milken Institute]
[LINK, MedRxiv]
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [2] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 2
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [3] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 3
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[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [2] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 2
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [3] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 3
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Hello and thank you very much for your excellent work with particularly life-saving information. Only if I click on Vimeo, then comes “Unfortunately we could not find the site”–I sincerely hope that you are well and wish you continued success with a big thank you!!
Thank you for your reply, Mary. Yes, we are aware. Vimeo closed our account after releasing one of our videos. Now we are migrating all video content to a new platform. Here's the video why they kicked us out of Vimeo: Vaccine and Efficacy | Vaccine and Efficacy, Prof. Karina Acevedo Whitehouse, PhD https://www.cristo Verdad.com/en/vacuna-y-eficacia-vaccine-and-efficacy-prof-karina-acevedo-whitehouse-phd/ We encourage you to read the three 4 parts of the study you just read. Just keep in mind that part 3 is not finished. We are working on it, and soon will jump to part 4. It's just too much info and research, but given… see more "
Many many thanks!! I took the liberty and read pretty much everything, also saw the videos and sent it to my family, friends and acquaintances – it's terrifying what is happening to people globally – I hope with all my heart in Jesus, because he is the only one who can still help people – unfortunately so many have already lost their faith and that hurts my soul! All the best with all my heart!
Sure all this information is to be shared with everyone. Check out our news section for the latest content.