What They Haven't Told You


Navigate to Part [1] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 1
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[2] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 2
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[3] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 3
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
 [4] of 4

Much has been said about the famous Covid-19 vaccine, a lot. Between truth, lies, science, “fiction”—and reality, there is everything in the vaccine vineyard. However, there is very little touched on, or perhaps conveniently ignored, about the ingredients that make up the different vaccines that are landing in the arms of billions of human beings around the world. Little, in the sense of the general population, since medically and scientifically speaking the information is vast, very vast. But almost no one knows, since “no” media outlets talk about this.

The table above lists the ingredients reported in the official “authorization” documents for these vaccines. And here are the official links with the list of ingredients for each vaccine, respectively.

We'll also cover other “ingredients” that might go unnoticed by not being included—directly, on this list. But before analyzing them, we must present a basis on what was the reason that brought this Covid-19 vaccine.

  1. And so that you have an idea of what we are going to cover in this study, here I give you a small sample, and we will expand later. Take Moderna Inc.'s vaccine for example. One of its ingredients that we find in the ingredient list of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is hydroxybutyl. Now let's look at the Safety Data Sheet of several chemical laboratories that sell it...
  • Its use as a drug or medicine is warned
  • Causes skin and eye irritation
  • Dangerous if swallowed
  • May cause respiratory irritation
  • Acute Toxicity
  • Could Cause Cancer (Carcinogenic Hazard) [a]1Hydroxybutyl, Definition
    [LINK, NCI]

Furthermore, both the National Library of Medicine just like him National Cancer Institute they tell us that hydroxybutyl is:

Substance that it's used in cancer research to cause bladder tumors in laboratory animals. This is done to test new diets, medications, and procedures for use in cancer prevention and treatment. —National Institute of  Cancer, National Library of Medicine [h]1Hydroxybutyl, Definition [LINK, NCI]

This is just so you have an idea of the terrain we will be walking on. Now, let's continue creating the basis of our study and analysis.

On page 1 of the Pfizer Fact Sheet they give us the list of ingredients for this vaccine. And on page 2 we find the following:

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review than an FDA approved or cleared product. The FDA can issue a Emergency Use Authorization (USA) when certain criteria are met, including that there are no suitable, approved and available alternatives.

So what we constantly see and hear on TV that these vaccines have been subjected to the highest level of quality control is an open lie, and you should know it, because they are not going to tell you.

Later we will continue with the list of ingredients, but for now we should know a little more about the purpose of these vaccines and the companies that manufacture them. And to put this in context, let's look at what the Moderna Coivd-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet says:

[You] Should not receive the vaccine Moderna COVID-19 if:

  • Has had a allergic reaction serious afteryes from a previous dose of this vaccine
  • have had a serious allergic reaction to any component of this vaccine

—Moderna: Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers [m]1Moderna: Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers [DOCUMENT, FDA]

Así que saber lo que usted se pone en su cuerpo es muy importante, y tanto Moderna—y las demás comapñías detrás de cada vacuna—así como la FDA, así lo afirman. Pero es curioso que ellos mismos dicen que no te pongas la vacuna si eres alérgico a alguno de sus ingredientes. El asunto es, mis amigos, que la gente se da cuenta de eso—sí es que se da cuenta, después de haber sido vacunada, pues no se le está diciendo a nadie al momento de vacunarse que o que no contiene la vacuna, ni mucho menos hay una campaña nacional o internacional educando a la gente sobre sus ingredientes para que todos se aseguren que no son alérgicos a ninguno de ellos.

Y sí—como en el caso la vacuna de Moderna, usted tuvo una reacción adversa a la primera dósis, entonces la recomendación—según lo que acabamos de leer, es no ponerse la segunda. Y sí usted no se pone la segunda, Will you be able to participate in social life normally??, ya que se están poniendo restricciones—y libertades a las personas no vacunadas y vacunadas (dos dósis en el caso de Moderna y Pfizer), respectivamente.

Suena contraproducente, pero el segundo punto aquí presentado, independientemente si usted se puso o no la primera dósis, nos dice que “no se ponga la vacuna sí usted ha tenido alguna reacción alérgica grave a cualquier componente de los ingredientes de esta vacuna.” Lo que aquí se presenta es que si usted en el pasado ha tendio reacción adversa a uno de estos ingredientes, vía otro producto que lo contenga. Una vez más, a la gente ni siquiera se le ha insinuado educarse en cuanto a esto, and we understand that this language presented here in this document this as a legal protection para los fabricantes de la vacuna, la FDA, y cualquier otro gremio médico y social que las promueva. Sabemos que los fabricantes de toda vacuna tienen inmunidad legal contra sus daños, pero no necesariamente aquellos que la están recomendando, como son los gobiernos, compañías, artistas y atletas, médicos, etc. Y aunque los fabricantes de estas vacunas tienen inmunidad legal, esto comoquiera podría terminar en una corte, ya que existen abogados muy hábiles que saben explotar cualquier brecha en cualquier ley. Así que este lenguaje aquí no está demás.

At CristoVerdad we always recommend the diet of Genesis 1:29 to lead a healthy lifestyle, and not be in the constant need to use some drug, unless you are hit by a car, some home or work accident where you broke a bone, were shot or had a wound with a lot of bleeding, or anything like that. But if you are going to take a medication, at least know what you are putting in your mouth, or as is now very fashionable, on your arm.

[EDITION] January 28, 2022

Another point of protection for the pushers of this product is the now famous vaccination card (or letter). Card that, we will cover later, is temporary. But for now, today we received this photo from the Dominican Republic, where we found the following—


“[…] this information, I have asked the questions that I have considered relevant and I have received answers to those questions"I have also honestly answered the questions asked by the health personnel."


— Have read the information provided about vaccination against Covid-19 and have consulted any questions with the corresponding health personnel.

— That the information I have provided in this form is correct and that it may be used by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance [MISPAS], the vaccine manufacturer and/or third parties determined by MISPAS for registration purposes, statistics and analysis of […]  

And circled in green, the most important part:

- What do I accept voluntarily receive the vaccine against this virus, as provided by the Ministry of Public Health of the Dominican Republic, accepting the potential risks, effects and consequences of receiving vaccine doses against COVID-19, about which I have been informed.

The paragraph that continues cannot be read in full, as it is covered by the green circle, and for the moment we decided to omit it. And the last paragraph simply asks if you consent to your personal data being shared with the vaccine manufacturers and third parties involved.

Well, we could write an entire study on this vaccination card and we still wouldn't have enough time or space for everything that this concerns, with its repercussions. I'll be as brief as possible, let's touch on some of the parts.

  • The first paragraph, continued from the previous page, tells us that you, as a recipient of the vaccine, have asked all necessary questions about safety. and that you have received responses to them when getting vaccinated.

This is a trap, and also a fallacy. They will answer your questions, as long as you don't ask uncomfortable questions or questions that challenge the narrative of the government and pharmaceutical companies.

[VIDEO ON THE GO, Dr. in Peru]

The following paragraphs indicate that you sign and approve them:

  • That your doubts have been dispelled. [Once again, this is not true.]
  • That the information you have provided is correct.

Be careful with trying to falsify these cards, as they have made it a crime and you could end up in jail, as is already happening. [v]f1Couple arrested at Buffalo Bills game for using fake vaccination card
[NEWS, USA Today]
[v]f2Two Pennsylvania police officers were fired for submitting fake COVID-19 vaccination cards
[NEWS, Insider]
[v]f3Man arrested in Puerto Rico for presenting false vaccination card

These vaccines come with tracking technology, as Dr. Christiane Northrup explains (below), and it is—in the long term, impossible for you to circumvent the vaccine, whether they are targeting you for having it or not having it.

And in the next paragraph of this card, they make you “voluntarily” commit to receiving the vaccine, and that you—yes—yourself, assume each and every risk associated with the vaccine. OK, PRIMERO: es mentira que la vacuna es voluntaria, pues ya practicamente en todas partes del mundo la han hecho mandatoria. Y mandatoria no es voluntaria, son antónimos, en caso de que usted no sepa mucho de gramática.

SEGUNDO: ¿cómo puede usted asumir los riezgos de algo a lo que a usted lo están presionando, obligando, manipulando, y estorcionando para ponerse en su cuerpo? Sin abundar mucho en esto, aquí les dejo un par de ejemplos. Una joven enfermera de la Universidad UCLA en California, Estados Unidos fue despedida por no tener la vacuna. De la misma manera, en República Domincana una joven trabajadora del gobierno fue despedida por rehusarse a la vacunación.


    Young Dominican government employee is fired...


    Young Dominican government employee is fired...

  • UCLA Student "Escorted Out of Campus"

    Nursing Student "Escorted out by le...

  • In the same order, another short edition. Today, February 14, the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Education begin a vaccination campaign in schools in the Dominican Republic, for children ages 5-11. And as always, they tell us that it is voluntary. Let's see what they ask of the students' parents—

    “Se inicie este 14 de febrero del 2022, la vacunación a todos los niños en edades de 5 a 11 años. Por lo que solicitamos el consentimiento de ustedes para que se proceda con la inoculación de su hijo, por favor si está de acuerdo firme aquí.”

    So you have a decision, right? Everything is very nice, but when we read the note at the end of the letter it says the following:

    “Note: The parent who does not agree will have to present a PCR test every Monday at the center.”

    That's tremendous. Did you know that—aside from how uncomfortable and painful they are, swab tests are also vaccinating the population?


    Dr. Lorraine Day, exposes the deception of tests...


    Dr. Lorraine Day, exposes the deception of the swa...


    Le Dr Lorraine Day, expose the tromperie du test su...

  • Y lo último que tenemos es que el Presidente Luis Abinader dijo que todas las restricciones impuestas por consecuencia del Covid-19 are SUSPENDED

    ¿And what fly bit this one?

    Well, probably perhaps only Israel in the entire world is the only country more vaccinated than The Dominican Republic. So now it is suddenly the INDIVIDUAL responsibility of each person to take care of their own health? Yes, after practically vaccinating them all with a lethal poison, huh?

    Y Abinader dijo “supendidas”—no eliminadas, entienda usted amigo lector la diferencia. Y todo lo que es suspendido puede ser reanudado, a menos que se hable de suspender una vida por medio de un aborto, claro está. But what Abindader did not suspend was the vaccination of children, which began just two days before this statement.

    The reasons for the suspension? “We have overcome the worst of the pandemic”, “today daily infections and those in recent weeks are in sharp decline”, “we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world and very low hospital occupancy”, “this is a collective success.”

    Well, we do not doubt that the Dominican Republic has one of the lowest mortality rates due to Covid in the world, Well there people don't die from Covid, they die from the vaccine.


    Covid-19 Vaccine Kills Old Woman's Son in Republic...


    Covid-19 Vaccine Kills Son of Elderly Woman in The...


    A vaccine against Covid-19 that affects women...

  • Something is brewing, stay tuned.


    Years ago I went to visit a doctor who prescribed me a medication to help me with a problem I had on my hands, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It's been so many years since that that I don't remember the name of the medication, but what I can't forget is that it almost killed me, since I had a very strong allergic reaction. That was the first and last time that I took it, and that's why I'm alive to tell you about it. Take notes.

    Today people are lining up and getting vaccinated in droves, for better or worse, but apparently “nobody knows” whether it is for better or worse that they are injecting themselves into your arm. They think it's for the best, but they don't know. And knowing and believing are not the same, dear reader. Keep taking notes.

    Last week I had the opportunity to speak with an elderly man, of Dominican nationality, he and his wife, who told me that they had already been vaccinated, because “You have to get vaccinated.” When I asked them which vaccine they had received, the man told me “Modern one.” When I asked him if he knew that Moderna, as its name indicates, is such a modern company that it had never put a single drug on the market, of any kind, and that with this vaccine they make their debut in the world of Medicine. The man, with a surprised face, told me: "I did not know that."

    And I didn't know because “no one” is saying that. Moderna, in particular, began to be mentioned in the media as if it had been an established company with many decades in the industry, as if it had a range of products that everyone knows. In short, a brand that—as Goya's slogan says, “has to be good.” And the president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader Crown, previously said: “we have quality vaccines.”

    So we have that ModernaTX is a pioneer in the mRNA technology with which the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines themselves were developed. And you'll say, “Well, that's a very important thing.” The problem here, dear reader, as we will see in a moment, is that this mRNA technology has never been used in humans, and has always failed in animals. Modern—on par with this mRNA technology, they make their debut in medicine, as I mentioned before.

    According to the same description they make on their website, Moderna was “founded in 2010” and its work has been exclusively in the area of “development and discovery of new drugs” and messenger RNA (mRNA) or mRNA technology. , for its acronym in English. From what we can see, they own several patents in relation to this technology. The issue is that with their Covid vaccine and Pfizer's, this is the first time they have put a product on the market or that their technology has been used in an approved product in the medical industry. [m]2Moderna's Patent Estate: Messenger RNA Technologies (mRNA) & Delivery Technologies
    [LINK, Moderna]
    [m]3Moderna, About Us — About Moderna
    LINK, Modern]

    For an entire decade—according to them, ModernaTX has been experimenting to get to this moment, and apparently it has not wasted the opportunity. The time has come, and as if by magic, this pharmaceutical company appears and enters through the front door, the largest of all.

    No matter how much we searched on their website or on the Internet, we could not find a single Moderna product on the market, outside of the new vaccine and its vaccine technology. messenger RNA, which according to them “it gives real-time instructions to create the proteins necessary to guide all aspects of biology” and that “it is the software of life.” Software? MMM…

    From 2010 to 2021 there are less than 11 years of this company being established. And now it is suddenly a pioneer in the development of the most important and complex vaccine in history, against the “most powerful”, “dangerous”, and “deadly” virus that humanity has ever seen. Well, at least that's how they present it on TV and all the major media of this time.

    Pfizer, in the other corner, was founded in 1849. That's 172 years to this day, while Moderna at less than 11 years old and without any products on the market is already on par with Pfizer in this matter, and you They have told you “get vaccinated, there is nothing to fear”, Mmm…

    On this day We are going to tell you what they have not told you, that you do not know and that almost no one tells you, but that you should know, whether you have been vaccinated or are considering doing so. But we are not going to tell you on our own, because we are not doctors or scientists, but rather we are going to show you what the manufacturers themselves say about the different vaccines offered generously and free of charge so that no one is left unvaccinated.

    And we will not only hear from the manufacturers, but also from the governments and their agencies that regulate and approve these vaccines—and their ingredients, in addition to the different medical-scientific entities, medical journals, hospitals, doctors and health workers. In several areas, the press, and even the “nerds” and experts in the different specialty areas that have to do with the production and use of vaccines and the ingredients they are composed of.

    And that is the point, that we investigate, inquire and ask, before we get vaccinated. Having said that, let's begin...

    Well, before starting with the ingredients, it would be good to review some of the attributions on social networks that are being made to the different vaccines. The doctors Christiane Northrup , Carrie Madej and Chinda Brandolino, among other medical professionals, have denounced that these vaccines come to modify our DNA and they will even affect the way we think.

    Dr. Christiane Northrup

    Dr. Carrie Madej

    Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer executive and scientist (until 2011), said that particular vaccine “could cause infertility” in both men and women, [1]aThe ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax-hero.
    [NEWS, Reuters]
    that these have been created to bring genocide to humanity. That “we don't need to listen to corrupt government officials and scientists.” And that this whole pandemic thing is “stupid,” that “everything is a lie.” They are strong words and before the end of this (complete) study, their words will be put under the scrutiny of a magnifying glass. [1 BMichael Yeadon continues to warn the world.
    [VIDEO 00:03:04, TeamJesus]

    In his own words, Michael Yeadon not only tells you that “everything is a lie,” but even that it is “impossible.” And this man directed the Department of Allergies and Respiratory Diseases from Pfizer. I hope you don't already forget to take notes.

    The molecular biologist, Professor Dolores Cahill, of Ireland, denounced that those medical professionals, scientists and government ministers who are recommending social distancing and the use of masks to combat “Covid-19” must be brought to justice, since she mentions that coronaviruses do not spread airway.

    Cahill also warned that the vaccine It will kill a lot of people within a few months.

    And many out there claim that this is already happening, and that the deaths, after being vaccinated, have not been long in coming. Dana Ashely reports on the adverse effects of 81 people who were vaccinated, among whom there are several deaths (ENGLISH).[2]Looking Into The Lives Of 81 People Who Took The J@b
    [VIDEO 00:54:05, BitChut]

    Now, what is interesting is that Anthony Fauci—“The most powerful man on the planet”—tells us that masks—just as Dolores Cahill said, are of almost no use, in this case. He is the director of the United States National Institute for Infectious Disease Control, and is President Biden's right-hand man and medical advisor, particularly on this 'pandemic' issue.

    Fauci is a super controversial person, because he constantly contradicts himself. Today they are saying that you use two or three masks to protect yourself from Coronavirus. Could it be that in less than a year science has changed? This is precisely what Michael Yeadon points out, that since 2020 we have a new “science”, which is not science at all.

    Dolores Cahill, who deciphered the proteins of the human body, worked on the creation of the meningitis vaccine, and—who knows what he is saying, he also told us that “our immune system is strengthened when we are close and share in brotherhood,” not in social distancing. Everyone who knows the most basics of immunology and viruses knows that, but Fauci... well, let's let him explain it to us...

    Fauci told us in March 2020 that we should not take any Covid tests, otherwise we are sick.

    Once again, Michael Yeadon said if you don't have symptoms you are not sick, and a person who is not sick cannot make another sick. However, Fauci today orders everyone, “sick” and healthy, to get tested. PCR test, which is used to detect “Covid-19”. It proves that, if you don't have it, you can't get on a plane today, and it proves that—according to its inventor, Kary Mullis,  It should not be used to detect infectious diseases or any type, as that is not its correct use. 

    And Mullis has interesting things to say about Anthony Fauci…


    Anthony Fauci, the Inventor of PCR and the imposto...


    Anthony Fauci, the inventor of the PCR Test and th...


    Anthony Fauci, the inventor of the PCR Test and th...

  • Full Interview | ENGLISH

    Anthony Fauci, the inventor of the PCR Test and th...

  • Northrup, Madej and others say they will put us in nanorobots to monitor and control us. A number of adverse effects have also been reported, such as seizures, severe skin allergies, partial and total paralysis of several patients who have been vaccinated, and thousands of other adverse effects.

    And all this while governments and the media tell us:

    You can turn on subtitles to see the translation. But here we have the transcript of this informative message, broadcast in the media by the Department of Health of the State of New Jersey:


    “The development of an effective vaccine for any infectious disease is cause for celebration. Now we have them for Covid-19. These vaccines were developed and tested within  very strict guidelines from the US Food and Drug Administration [FDA].

    This has happened faster usual due to the urgency of this pandemic and the extraordinary collaboration of dedicated scientists from around the world.”

    —Dr. Meg Fisher, Pediatric Special Advisor on Infectious Diseases to the Commissioner of the Dept. of Health, New Jersey, USA

    A vaccine generally takes 10 to 15 years to develop and deploy. And here the doctor Meg Fisher explains to us why this vaccine came out in less than a year: “due to the urgency of the pandemic” and—could not miss, “due to the extraordinary collaboration of dedicated scientists from around the world.”

    And we imagine that there has never been any other global health emergency in the world, right? And how about the pandemic of AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease that kill millions of people every year around the world? And what about hunger... why hasn't a vaccine been invented against it? MMM…

    With the money being spent on these vaccines, world hunger will end. It is obvious that this so-called doctor Meg Fisher is not only reading what he is saying, but he knows very well that he is lying, or she just doesn't even know where she is standing. So due to the urgency of a “disease” science can be accelerated? Something that scientifically takes between 10 and 15 years to develop is now done in less than a year due to the urgency of this “pandemic”… where is the science behind that science?

    Now, here there is a contradiction to what Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen themselves have published in the Fact Sheet of the different vaccines, which the FDA approved. Let's go back to analyze what it says on pages 1 and 6, for Pfizer BionNTech.

    The first excerpt reads this way:

    The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine It is an unapproved vaccine that can prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

    This no longer needs explanation. And the second extract (p.6) says the following:

    The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review than an FDA approved or cleared product. The FDA may issue an EUA [emergency use authorization] When certain criteria are met, including that there are no suitable, approved alternatives and available.

    First, Dr. Dolores Cahill presented a couple of drugs that science itself has approved to combat coronaviruses in the past. Second, we clearly see that this “emergency use authorized” vaccine does not meet the same strict scrutiny requirements as an approved vaccine, following the same known standards: “10-15 years of rigorous research and development.” 

    And third, the description is very clear, a vaccine is authorized for emergency use cwhen certain criteria are met. And certain criteria do not sound like many criteria, much less all the criteria. That is, only the basics have been considered and not the extensive to authorize these vaccines. There is nothing rigorous here, as Meg Fisher said.

    A couple of days ago I heard this Dr. Fisher commercial on the radio again, and now at the end they added that the vaccine “it is overwelmingly safe.” That is to say, “overwhelmingly safe.” I'm not going to swear, but I don't think that has ever been said about any medication in the history of humanity. And if that has been said, it is false. If this vaccine is overwhelmingly safe, then there should be no adverse effects of any kind, much less death.

    The news portal NJ.com based in New Jersey, gives us the same message: 

    “And experts say those who can afford to take a day off should consider doing so, although vaccines have proven to be overwhelmingly safe.” —NJ.com [3]aCOVID-19 Vaccines: “Overwhelmingly safe”
    [LINK, NJ.com]

    “And experts say those who can afford to take a day off might want to consider doing so, although the vaccines have proven to be overwhelmingly safe.”  —NJ.com 

    And other media outlets have joined the dance:

    And NBC News tells us:

    The Covid vaccine is safe, Whatever the anti-vaccines say. Here's why we can trust it.” […]
    “The Covid vaccine is safe, whatever anti-vaxxers say. Here's why we can trust it.” […] —NBC News [3]dCOVID-19 Vaccines: “Overwhelmingly safe”
    [LINK, NBC News]

    The good thing about this issue is that here we are showing the evidence of the pro-vaccines—themselves.

    Now, we are told so many times that these vaccines are so safe that this should make you think. If a product is good, there is no need to repeat it so many times. We understand the concept of marketing, but we are talking about something that is supposedly good. And if it's so good, why does it have to be reemphasized so many times? Could it be that it's not that good? Have you considered that?

    This is like when a child comes up to you and says: “Mommy, it wasn't me who ate all the chocolate in the kitchen.” while at the same time his entire face is covered in chocolate. I already mentioned that it is to the vaccine manufacturers and the agencies that certify them that we should ask about the safety of these vaccines, well—after all, they are the ones who make them. And in part two of this study we'll get right into that. But we still need a group to ask: the patients, and here I leave one of them:

    And to you who are reading this we extend the same invitation that the Texas state senator did. Bob Hall take a walk through the database VAERS from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where there are already more than 4 thousand fatalities reported due to these vaccines. And VAERS, as Hall explains, is actually less than a percent of what actually happens,” as most cases go unreported, since most people don't even know the existence of VAERS.

    The video presents instructions on how to access and search the VAERS database. But, so that you have a clearer idea of what is being talked about here, here we show you the statistics of Adverse Events and Deaths reported to VAERS, until today (May 29, 2021).

    1. Adverse Events: ALL (including death)

    2. Adverse Events: DEATH (Only)

    3. Adverse Events: DEATH (Description)

    At the time of writing this analysis we do not have the time to translate these documents. But you can copy any part of the text and paste it into Google Translate to translate it. For now we refer to some cases...

    Looking at the first table, it gives us the total of 223,723 Reported events of adverse effects, including deaths, presumably due to the vaccine. We see the “onset interval” which gives us the amount of time (days) that passed between the vaccine and the death of the vaccinated person. We also have “recovered” which tells us if the vaccinated person recovered from the adverse effect. 

    In the second table we have a total of 4,080 deaths reported due to the vaccine, until now. The amount of time that passed between the vaccine and the individual's death paints a clearer picture of how many of these deaths could be directly associated with the vaccine received.

    In table no. 3 we see the description of some reports of people who died within a very short period of time after receiving the vaccine. We see cases that just 30 minutes after being vaccinated became seriously ill and died. Others just two or three hours away, and many within a few days of receiving the shot. These are just a few cases of the thousands reported. Note that most of these cases have been reported by workers in health care agencies, nursing homes, and even hospitals.

    These tables present some of the first cases reported in 2021. Remember that the elderly were the first group to qualify to receive the vaccine. So it makes sense that if they were the first to be vaccinated, they would also be the first to exhibit the side effects of the vaccine. However, among our small list we have a case of a 49-year-old gentleman, in good health, who died about 4 hours after receiving the vaccine. The brother of the deceased reports the event and complains that the hospital did not report this case to VAERS.

    Let's be reasonable, if a healthy person gets vaccinated and dies a few minutes or a few hours or a few days after receiving the dose in their arm, the probability rate that the death was caused by the vaccine would be—logically, very high or by the least highly suspicious. Even an already sick person who becomes seriously ill or dies just after being vaccinated, Would you isolate this event from the vaccine completely? There are people with cancer who do not die of cancer, but die in a car accident; keep that in mind.

    You can also access the VAERS database by visiting the following link www.wonder.cdc.com/vaers.html [4]aVAERS, Search — Navigation and search
    [LINK, CDC]
    Just make sure you click on the button that says I Agree, just below the section Disclaimer. Then click on the button that says VAERS Data Search. In Bob Hall's video we present a visual tour of how to navigate VAERS.

    In 2012, the United Nations Organization (UN) left us the following message:

    So the earth can no longer support the large number of people who live on it, huh? ¿“Something has to give.” “I have lived a good life.”?

    Doesn't this seem like a farewell message to you? Note that at the beginning when it says “the earth can no longer support the number of people who live on it”, there they present a sequence of several shots of elderly peoples. That is to say, In this land there is now room for the elderly. That video was published in 2012—the 12th year of this millennium. Flip those digits and you will not only get the number of UN Agenda 21, but also to the year 21; year in which many who lived a good life “said goodbye”—and continue to say goodbye, forever.

    Bill Gates, the great Microsoft—and vaccine nerd—has repeated for many years this message that the earth can no longer support any more people, and that the world's population must be reduced. And how does he plan to achieve that?

    That was former United States President Eisenhower warning of the “danger that public policy becomes the captive of a technological and scientific elite,” followed by the now legendary words of Bill Gates:

    "First we have to the population [WE]…the world currently has 6.8 billion people. It is on track to reach 9 billion [9 Billion]. Now, If we do a great job on new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services, We could decrease that figure perhaps 10 or 15%.

    Draw your own conclusions.

    Let us not forget the words of Bob Hall, which in turn are a consensus that the number of cases usually reported to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) — Vaccine Adverse Reporting System, which—generally, are less than 1%. That is, if only 1% of the cases are reported, we could assume/estimate/deduce, without necessarily speculating, which until now really there would be just over 408,000 deaths (minus a small margin of error) because of vaccines and not 4,080.

    The CDC reports so far 590,212 deaths in the United States of Covid-19. [4]bCOVID Data Tracker — COVID Data Tracker: Cases and Deaths
    [LINK, CDC]
     In other words, there would only be approximately a 31% difference between the reported number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 (590,212) compared to possible deaths due to vaccines (408,000 less margin of error). This number is just an estimate, but we understand that it is not far from reality.

    And yes, “vaccines are overwhelmingly safe”…

    So here we have two opposing messages, coming from the same source, and regarding the same information, since NJ Health (New Jersey Department of Health) is under the jurisdiction of HHS (Dept. of Health and Human Services). ) of the United States Government, which in turn operates the FDA, which authorized the vaccine for emergency use. While on the one hand the CDC and the main health associations tell us in front of the cameras—or the radio, or the official machinery of social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc., that the vaccine is super safe, while the same VAERS page that the CDC itself administers contradicts this.

    The following case happened in Honduras, and was reported by the Telemundo network.

    It is not very common for this type of news to sneak into the elite media, but from time to time it does sneak in, although in most cases they always bring in an “expert” to “explain” to us what is not necessary. explanation. At other times it is just a case of “controlled opposition.” And Telemundo is owned by the NBC network, the same one that told us: “vaccines are safe, no matter what the anti-vaccines say.” Once again, we are presenting what was reported by the pro-vaccines.

    The official authorization documents from the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies that produce them tell us that this vaccine is “investigational,” but the government and hospitals like Denver Health continue to tell you and me through the media that…

    “Covid vaccines are safe and they work” is the resonant message in this video, which we translate “Covid-19 vaccines are safe and work.” Well, we will explore that in a moment when we delve fully into the list of ingredients that these vaccines contain, and the testimonies and news of people who have had it.

    As for side effects, the CDC has this to say:

    “”The COVID-19 vaccine will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which These are normal signs that your body is building protection. These side effects may affect your ability to perform daily activities, but should go away within a few days. “Some people have no side effects.” —United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC [5]COVID-19 Vaccines, Side Effects
    [LINK, CDC]

    “COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. “Some people have no side effects.”

    This is a vile lie from the CDC. A side (adverse) effect is not a sign that the body is generating protection, It is a sign that the body is rejecting that medication, and only once the medicine has subdued the body does it stop fighting it. If what the CDC says were true, then drug makers would make sure to put very harmful substances in there to create as many side effects as possible. As far as we understand, vaccine developers try to minimize the adverse effects of each drug. Or is it not like that? So, how to try to minimize what generates protection for the body? 

    Another point, when a person dies from a vaccine, do their symptoms disappear within a few days? Death, dear reader, is also a symptom, do not forget that.

    And to close this point with a flourish, the CDC says that “Some people have no side effects”. So, WE ASK, will such people not receive protection? And weren't side effects a sign that the body was developing protection? This whole story just doesn't add up.

    We hope that with the presentation of the scientific evidence, which in this case will be the tests, all these and other allegations—from one side and the other—will be clarified, either verifying or denying the information attributed regarding the safety of these vaccines. .

    We are separating myth from reality, and it is our purpose to present the truth to you. And for that—again, we will explore the sources of those who are telling us “get vaccinated, there is nothing to fear,” since we understand that If they created these vaccines, they are the best ones to answer any questions about them. And we understand that they “have” the truth, it's just that they have apparently been misunderstood, or—perhaps, poorly researched.

    Again, the list of ingredients published by the different manufacturers of the vaccines that we will cover. Don't be scared by those scientific names, and take a minute or two to look at each ingredient so that you become familiar with them, and then we will go into detail, as we will explain them in a simple and direct way.

    If you checked the ingredients you have probably noticed that some are repeated between the different vaccines. There are others that are also repeated, but with different names. We will make those connections. This information is very important, since each vaccine contains ingredients that separate it from the others, but it definitely has ingredients in common that, for better or worse, unite them. 

    We cannot analyze these ingredients without first knowing what vaccines are. Let the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention help us with the answer.


    “Vaccines contain the same germs that cause diseases. (For example, the measles vaccine contains the measles virus and the Hib vaccine contains the Hib bacteria.) But they have died or weakened to the point that they don't make you sick. Some vaccines contain only part of the disease germ. A vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies, exactly as you would if you were exposed to the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to contract the disease first. This is what makes vaccines such powerful medicine. Unlike most medications, which treat or cure diseases, vaccines prevent them.”

    Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [6]VACCINES, THE BASICS, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    [LINK, CDC]

    From this statement we can assume—and even affirm—that vaccines are designed to save lives. And although Pfizer and Moderna claim that their vaccines do not contain the “virus,” it says right there that after a person is vaccinated, they develop immunity. And what does the great Anthony Fauci have to say about it?

    Vaccine failure? Getting sick even after getting vaccinated? Why do I get vaccinated then?

     In the same VAERS reports we saw several cases of people getting sick from “Covid” even after getting vaccinated. Do you remember Kary Mullis' words that “If you do it right, you can catch (DETECT) almost anything in anyone”? and Dr. María José from Spain tells us that in Australia the University of Queensland paralyzed a Covid-19 vaccine project because patients “were testing positive for the HIV virus.”

    The scientific magazine Science The Wire reported this news. They note that this 1 Billion dollar project failed after this vaccine gave many false positives for HIV. However, Dr. María José ruled—and cited other doctors and scientists—alleging that these were not false positives, but rather that this vaccine contained a spike (S) protein that has an HIV sequence that “attacks leukocytes”, which defend the body from infections. And if the body's defenses are destroyed... well, let's leave that matter at that.

    It is easier for them to say that the vaccine gave many false positives than that many tested positive because of the false vaccine. And that is the same or a simliar spike protein that we have in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, found in the first ingredient on our list: the messenger RNA. That gives a lot to think about. [7]Why Queensland University Covid-19 Vaccine Failed
    [VIDEO 00:07:34, Canal5TV]

    María José also mentioned that “from December 9 (2020) to January 26 (2021)” some “70,000 serious adverse effects of this vaccine had already been reported, INCLUDING DEATH AND BLINDNESS.. And yes, “The Covid-19 vaccines 19 are safe…”

    We are already slowing down our engines, as we are getting fully into the matter of ingredients, but this base was necessary and you will better understand why as we progress. For now, you must begin to recognize that “not everything that glitters is gold.” And it is the “gold” that we will put through the fire to know if it is real or fantasy.

    We already mentioned about the process and the time it takes to create a vaccine, and here we have the official information. The History of Vaccines portal, whom the CDC cites in its publications, gives us the answer:

    How long does it take to develop a vaccine?

    Vaccine development It is a long and complex process, often lasts between 10 and 15 yearssy that involves a combination of public and private participation. The current system for developing, testing and regulating vaccines developed during the 20th century when the groups involved standardized their procedures and regulations. “

    —SOURCE: The History of Vaccines [8]VACCINES, TIME AND PROCESS
    [LINK, The History of Vaccines]

    To save time, when certain information is a bit extensive, we will collapse it into an expandable table, as we will point out the most important things, when necessary. But it will be there if you need it. As you may have noticed, the little blue numbers take us to the direct sources, which are also presented in the footer of this article. 

    From here we can conclude that the messenger RNA vaccine “treats the Covid 19 disease.” And since Covid-19 is classified as a new disease, it is being treated with a new vaccine. Everything we are seeing is new, it has never been done before. Everything we are presenting is simply public information, as written, and when necessary we give our personal perspective, but always deriving from what has already been said or proven.

    So much for the information on the classification of vaccines and what they are supposed to do. Now let's focus on the ingredients of these vaccines manufactured for Covid-19 and what they really do or can do. To do this, we will also extract information directly from government institutions and/or well-established medical and scientific organizations and/or health services around the world, in addition to the main media, as we have already shown. We will not leave any room for conspiracy theories or what many call doubt.


    It's interesting, but on page 3 of the Pfizer BionTech Emergency Use Authorization Fact Sheet we have the following question, which we also find in the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Letter:


    The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine It is an unapproved vaccine. In clinical trials, approximately 20,000 people ages 16 and older have received at least 1 dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.”

    The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Yos an unapproved vaccine. In clinical trials, approximately 20,000 individuals 16 years of age and older have received at least 1 dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.”

    The Moderna vaccine presents the same question and answer, on page 2. The following photo gallery extracts a paragraph from the various emergency use authorization letters for three of our vaccines in question.

    How can we appreciate these three vaccines have not been approved, but they are in the research stage (experimental). They have been authorized for emergency use, which is not the same, because as we already covered above, the process of developing and deploying a vaccine takes between 10 to 15 years, while these vaccines—each one of them, has come on the market With less than a year of study and development, Mmm…

    Here I leave you the official authorization letter from the FDA for emergency use of each of these vaccines. These are the ones that are currently [at the time of writing] authorized in the United States.

    Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine USA Letter of Authorization (p.2 ¶2[9]aPfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Letter of Authorization

    ModernaTX COVID-19 Vaccine USA Letter of Authorization (p.1 ¶4) [9]bModerna COVID-19 Vaccine USA Letter

    Janssen Biotech USA Letter of Authorization, (p.1 ¶3[9]cJanssen Biotech USA Letter of Authorization reissued 02-25-2021, (p.1 ¶3)

    To get a clearer picture of what emergency use authorization means, let's extract one more paragraph from the Pfizer Emergency Use Authorized Vaccine Fact Sheet, which we mentioned a little above, page 6.


    The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA-approved or cleared product. The FDA may issue an EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] when certain criteria are met, including that there are no suitable, approved, and available alternatives. Additionally, the FDA's decision is based on the totality of available scientific evidence showing that the product may be effective in preventing COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the known and potential benefits of the product outweigh the known risks. and potentials of the product. “All of these criteria must be met to allow the product to be used in the treatment of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    PFIZER BIONTECH: Information Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers, p. 6 3 [9]d Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19)

    As I mentioned before, it is the manufacturers of these vaccines and the government agencies that authorize or approve them that we must ask to obtain clear answers about everything we need to know about these vaccines. Now let's focus on the ingredients.

    Looking at our ingredients table, we see that The first on the list is messenger RNA (mRNA) that both vaccines—the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines—have in their formulation. Pfizer describes it this way on its website: [10]The Facts About The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine
    [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]

    “2. How does an mRNA vaccine work?
    mRNA, which is sent to the body's cells using lipid nanoparticles, instructs cells to generate the spike protein found on the surface of the new coronavirus that initiates infection. Instructing to cells to generate the spike protein to stimulate an immune response, including the generation of antibodies specific to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

    mRNA vaccines do not contain virus particles, meaning they do not contain weakened or dead parts of a virus or bacteria.”

    "3. Do mRNA vaccines change a person's DNA?
    mRNA is a transient carrier of information that does not integrate into human DNA. “The mRNA does not enter the nucleus of a cell, which is where our DNA is stored.”

    On its website, Pfizer tells us that its Covid-19 vaccine is not approved and gives us the list of ingredients—starting with messenger RNA. Here we see, according to them, that mRNA is a carrier of a biological message at the cellular level. They also tell us that this mRNA does not alter our DNA.

    Carrie Madej and Christiane Northrup, among others, said that this mRNA “will fundamentally change our DNA” and we will be—once vaccinated—genetically modified (GMO) beings, as is done with some foods and animals. Pfizer and the other manufacturers deny it. But let's remember that mRNA carries a message, but it is not the message (its ingredients). The mRNA is simply the vehicle in which these ingredients are transported (lipid nanoparticles) so that our body does not recognize them as external agents and attack and destroy them. To understand this, you have to know that message, which we will cover later.

    For now, the PBS TV network, a “non-profit” institution founded by the United States Congress, defines it this way:


    “Two of the three COVID-19 vaccines that have been authorized so far in the United States use Synthetic messenger RNA, or mRNA, to protect against coronavirus. Although these vaccines, developed by Pfizer and Moderna, respectively, They are the first of their kind to be used on this scale, “This historic moment would not be possible without the decades of research that preceded it” […]

    And a little further down it also mentions:

    “Both RNA and DNA are made up of four nucleotides. More than a decade after that first injection into mice, Weissman and Karikó, who now serves as senior vice president of BioNTech, which partnered with Pfizer to make their joint vaccine, discovered a way to insert a modified nucleotide that allows the synthetic mRNA to masquerade as a normal cell and bypass those receptors, no longer triggering extreme inflammation. “It also made mRNA-stimulated protein production more efficient.”

    —The powerful technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, PBS News Hour, April 2, 2021 [11]The powerful technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, PBS News Hour, April 2, 2021
    [LINK, PBS News Hour]

    Needless to say, this appears to be a very dangerous process, since synthetic material is being inserted into living organisms, particularly human beings. And that is what doctors Christiane Northrup and Carrie Madej were referring to when they mentioned nanoparticles or nanorobots.

    Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York defines mRNA this way:

    Have there been other mRNA vaccines? These are the first messenger RNA vaccines that are produced and tested in human trials large-scale phase III —Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,  [12]aWhat's Different About Messenger RNA (mRNA) Vaccines for COVID-19? [LINK, MSLK Cancer Center]

    And the CDC gives us the essential description of what the messenger RNA vaccine is:

    COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to produce a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein”. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. [12]bA CLoser Look at How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work [LINK, CDC] “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.

    That is the same spike mentioned in the Australian vaccine that was suspended, which Dr. María José mentioned. Such a dangerous spike, since it is a synthetic protein, which can cause almost any type of disease in the human body, as the doctor states. Sherry Tenpenny, with “more than 40,00 hours of personal research” on vaccines, who testified on the matter (June 8, 2021) before the OHIO State Congress (USA) on the Bill SUB.HB NO.248, where she, joining and quoting doctors Byram Bridle (Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, Guelph Veterinary College of Ontario), Peter McCullough (Clinical Professor, Texas A&M Univ.), Ryan Cole (Idaho, USA), and Michael Yeadon, spoke the following words:

    “The spike protein created by all currently available Covid injections causes… not only could, but does cause, serious health problems including, but not limited to: thromboembolism, which are blood clots that can cause myocardial infarction, Deep venous thrombosis, which are blood clots in the arms and legs that can cause pulmonary embolism in the lungs, strokes and cerebral venous thrombosis, which are clots in the brain, pulmonary arterial hypertension and a long list of other cardiovascular problems, tested in the laboratory from the spike protein.

    Pulmonary artery hypertension It's uniformly fatal. within three years, regardless of conventional treatment. And protein abnormalities can pierce broad brain barriers, cross into the brain and cause the transformation of genes and proteins which can cause ALS, dementia and cancer. […] ” —Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Osteopath [12]tSherry Tenpenny Testifies to Ohio Congress [LINK, MSLK Cancer Center]

    “The spike protein created by all of the currently available Covid injections causes… not only might, but does cause serious health concerns, including but not limited to: thromboembolism—which is blood clots that can lead to myocardial infarction, deep venous thrombosis—which is blood clots in arms and legs that can cause pulmonary embolism in the lungs, strokes and cerebral venous thrombosis—which are clots in the brain, pulmonary artery hypertension and long list of other cardiovascular problems, comes in the laboratory from the spike protein.

    Pulmonary artery hypertension is uniformly fatal within three years irrespective of a conventional treatment. TOnd protein anomalies can punch holes in the broad brain barriers, crossing into the brainleading to morphing of genes and proteinsthat can lead to ALS, dementia, and cancer. […]” -Gives. Sherry Tenpenny, Osteopath

    And after these statements, obviously, the attacks from the already world-famous judges of “the truth” did not wait; that is, the “fact checkers” or data verifiers. A little later in this study we will verify these fact-checkers or “independent” institutions, since they have become a key piece of this entire narrative. But for the moment let's touch on one of them, briefly, FactCheck.org[12]fIdaho Doctor Makes Baseless Claims About Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines [LINK, FactCheck.org]

    “Viral video shows doctor [Ryan Cole] making dubious claims about vacciness and COVID-19 treatments at a forum hosted by Idaho's lieutenant governor. Dr. Ryan Cole says that mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, “But the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us that there is no evidence that mRNA vaccines cause these diseases.” —FactCheck.org in response to statements by Dr. Ryan Cole

    “A viral video features a doctor making dubious claims about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments at a forum hosted by Idaho's lieutenant governor. Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those infections.” —FactCheck.org in response to Ryan Cole's remarks

    Just a word to our friends at FactCheck.org,

    • hydroxybutyl (hydroxybutyl)

    FactCheck.org check your sources, please. No more comments!

    And more than creating a synthetic protein in our body, mRNA brings a synthetic protein for the human organism to interact with. Yes, on the one hand they tell us that mRNA leads the organism to produce this protein, but nevertheless the chemical laboratory SignaChem gives us the Spike Protein Safety Information Sheet. That is, this protein is already designed synthetically from a laboratory. [S]1SPIKE Protein, SignalChem [LINK, SignChem]

    If you look at the list of ingredients of this protein (Art. 3) you will notice that it is composed of several ingredients: Sodium chloride (NaCI), Imidazole (1,3-Diaza-2,4-cyclopentadiene), Dibasic Sodium Phosphate (Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic), and Protein. The protein is not defined here, but Sodium Chloride and Dibasic Sodium Phosphate are part of the list of Ingredients published by the manufacturers of some of these vaccines.

    IMIDAZOLE is not part of the list they gave us, but here we see that it is a component of the Spike Protein, which they did give us, and it is found in the messenger RNA. The spike proteins of viruses are the channel through which they attack the organism. That in itself is alarming enough, but here we have something even greater, because it is a synthetic protein, and that is why we see, to a large extent, these vaccines causing so much damage.

    Let's see what the National Library of Medicine tells us about Imidazole...

    GHS Hazard Statements

    • Signal: Danger
    • H302: Harmful if swallowed [Warning Acute toxicity, oral]
    • H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Skin hazard
    • H360D: May harm the unborn child [Danger Reproductive Toxicity]

    So That's part of the mission of messenger RNA, to produce this artificial protein in our body, which damages our body—and the little bodies, in case you haven't noticed. And since messenger RNA is the carrier of all the ingredients in vaccines, in order to do it true justice, we will return later, and here we mention it first, since it is the first on the list of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the first to be authorized in the United States.

    You can do more research on messenger RNA, as there is quite a bit of information out there. For now, let's take a closer look at the consequences of using synthetic materials on living beings.

    Dangers of synthetic biology

    “The hazards of synthetic biology include biosafety hazards for workers and the public, biosafety hazards from deliberate manipulation of organisms to cause harm and dangers to the environment. The biosafety hazards are similar to those in existing fields of biotechnology, mainly exposure to pathogens and toxic chemicals; however, new synthetic organisms may have new risks. For biosecurity, there is concern that synthetic or engineered organisms could theoretically be used for bioterrorism. Potential biosecurity risks include recreating known pathogens from scratch, modifying existing pathogens to make them more dangerous and modifying microbes to produce harmful biochemicals. Finally, environmental hazards include adverse effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services, including potential changes in land use as a result of agricultural use of synthetic organisms.

     —Hazards of synthetic biology, Wikipedia [13 ]aHazards of Synthetic Biology
    [LINK, Wikipedia]

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the National Library of Medicine (USA) make similar points. [13]bWorst risks of synthetic biology for humanity
    [LINK, MIT]
    [13]cRisk in synthetic biology—views from the lab
    [LINK, PMC]

    Undoubtedly, synthetic biology is harmful to humans, the National Library of Medicine recognizes it. And although this is not exclusive to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, the truth is that they contain synthetic particles, about “50 trillion” as Dr. Tenpenny mentioned, and that causes damage to health, and you should know it. The interesting thing is that this news comes from the website of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the pillar universities in technology worldwide. One of the Universities or Institutes where the technology that transports messenger RNA was developed, as mentioned by Dr. Christiane Northrup in her video. But why is this important? Let's see…

    To begin with, as we already mentioned, messenger RNA is a synthetic technology, which transports the ingredients of the vaccine to places in the body never before possible, as we explained previously. And he does it using nanoparticles—or nano robots which both Dr. Carrie Madej and Northrup mentioned. This sounds like science fiction, but it is not; This is how advanced science is. This is so complex how it works that you have to see it to believe it. The problem is, that—as their name says, these are nanorobots so small that they are not visible to the human eye. Its size is “one billion one meter.” However, there is quite a bit of information about it. Here are some videos of experts explaining nanotechnology…

    That's Jay Walker, CEO of ApiJect, a company that develops nanotechnology for vaccines. According to him, all this technology is optional. FALSE, no one has been asked if they agree with what is in these vaccines, and they have definitely not told them everything that is in them, much less give us the choice between a vaccine with nanotechnology or one without it.

    Walker says vaccines contain RF computer chips “which only stores the vaccine dose information.” That is also a lie; Once injected you can be tracked wherever you go, as this information is accessed remotely via Wifi and 5G technology. That today they ask you for a vaccination card to participate in almost all areas of society is just a distraction, and it is temporary. Believe me, in a moment of persecution, they will not ask you for your card, but rather they will arrive directly to where you are located, because once vaccinated you are a walking antenna or GPS, as Christiane Northrup pointed out.

    Now, let's dive right into what Northrup and Madej mentioned about how this technology will be used to control us. First, it is necessary to understand that there are several patents that have to do with minipulation of the nervous system (Our brain). One of them is patent 6506148 through the use of electromagnetic fields, via screens and computer devices (TV, monitors, cell phones, etc.). That is, it is an attack (manipulation) from the outside in.

    From the outside, not only through the propagations, called programs, that lead human beings to believe any story that anyone invents, but also through the use of visual frequencies of these magnetic fields (light, colors, audio, etc.) of these devices. By emitting radial waves (magnetic fields) the behavior of human beings can be altered.  [4]aNervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
    [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]

    Its inventor is Hendricus G. Loos, who is said (not confirmed) to have worked for DARPA and the CIA, and owns several patents that have to do with the manipulation of the nervous system—our mind. Another patent that caught my attention was the patent 6238333. [14]bNervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
    [LINK, JUSTIA Patents]

    Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems | Patent number: 6238333

    Remote magnetic manipulation of the nervous system
    Patent number: 6238333

    Summary: Apparatus and method for remote manipulation of the nervous system using the magnetic dipole field of a rotating bar magnet. The reliance on modulation of spontaneous spiking patterns of sensory nerve receptors and the exploitation of a resonance mechanism of certain neural circuits allows the use of very weak magnetic fields. This, together with the large magnetic moments that can be obtained with a permanent bar magnet, allows you to effectively manipulate a subject's nervous system at a distance of several hundred meters, using a small, portable, battery-powered device. The method can be used in law enforcement for confrontational situations.

    Type: Grant Filed: August 10, 1999 Date of Patent: May 29, 2001
    Inventor: Hendricus G. Loos

    Now do you understand why there are magnets and metals in vaccines? Still don't understand?

    And you say, what does all this have to do with the vaccine? Well, EVERYTHING, and later we will see how some of the ingredients are toxic metals. With these patents for manipulating the nervous system, they manipulate or control what is inside, our body, and—particularly our daughters—from the outside. Stefano Manotari Mentioned it.

    The world elite wants to control everyone, but we know that they cannot vaccinate everyone. We recently received news that meats sold in supermarkets are also exhibiting magnetic properties. This makes sense now, because what we are seeing is that you don't have to vaccinate everyone to vaccinate everyone, if you can understand what I mean.

    Our immune system is a marvel of God's creation, and those behind these vaccines know it. That is why we are being bombarded on all fronts, to submit us both physically and mentally. And to those who do not submit… Well, the following video is subtitled (self-translated), but as a popular saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

    Jay Walker said he obtained a contract with the Donald Trump Administration. He added that “It is a public-private agreement between my company ApiJect Systems of America and the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Defense” and that these nanochips only contain information about the vaccine. Gentlemen, the United States Department of Defense, in case you didn't know, is a military agency.. What is the military doing administering matters that have to do with the health of the general public? As far as we understand, the defense department of a country manages the weapons of that country, both to defend how to attack. And here we see him handling a vaccine. That's interesting, and the FDA confirmed Mr. Walker's words. [15]a Company Says It Can Help Mass Produce Coronavirus Vaccine | NBC Nightly News
    [VIDEO 00:9:09, NBC News]

    Now let's see how this messenger RNA works in our body...

    The title of this video is The Nano Robots Inside You, or the Nano Robots Inside You. You must activate subtitles for translation. But just by looking at the visualization you can understand almost everything you need to know. This YouTube channel is called World Science Festival, and the host, journalist Robert Krulwich of the NPR Network, begins by saying:

    “I want to now go to what I think this what you are about to see… first of all what you are about to see is going on in you, first of all is happening inside of you right now, everywhere.” —Robert Krulwich, NPR

    We translate—

    “I want to go now to what I think… that is, what you are about to see, first of all, what you are about to see.” it's already happening inside you, right now, everywhere.” —Robert Krulwich

    It's interesting, but when Krulwich says “this is already happening inside you,” he is saying that many have already had these nano robots put into their bodies without even realizing it, since a large part of the world's population is very fond of medicine. conventional, and this video is from February 4, 2014. Then they show us what happens inside a cell with these nanoparticles, using three-dimensional animation. 

    Pay particular attention to this next video: “How Nanotechnology Can Change Your Life”

    Artificial red and white blood cells? Are we born with artificial red and white blood cells? And it should be noted that NPR is a branch of the PBS Communication Network, founded by the United States Congress. That is to say, it is the government who is talking to you here, and not some crazy person on the street. If you can't see the danger in all this you are dead, well dead. And these are the Nerds, computer experts, and the creators of these technologies that are landing in the arms of almost every human being on this earth.

    Information abounds on this topic, if you are interested in further research. But for now, let's remember that all this technology is used, in one way or another, in the Covid-19 vaccine. And it is thanks to this technology that (artificial) mRNA can work. And once again, spike protein is only possible thanks to all this technology, and some ingredients that we will mention later.

    We have received several videos of people having seizures and/or developing seizures. Guillain Barre syndrome immediately or shortly after being vaccinated. This syndrome affects the nervous system. The media, unable to avoid the issue, as many videos have gone viral, try to minimize these incidents, claiming that “these are very rare cases” and that “it cannot be assured that it was the vaccine that caused it.” However, just take a look at VAERS and the Covid-19 vaccine and you will realize that practically all vaccines cause this syndrome, and that it is no longer as rare as they tell us on TV, and—we could almost guarantee that This syndrome is 100% caused by vaccines.

    Apparently this syndrome was rare in the past, but after the mRNA vaccines it has become somewhat common, don't you think?

    We want to close this first part with the following: there is a very dangerous precedent with the spike protein that the manufacturers of these vaccines proudly promote. A precedent that, by the way, is interestingly recent. Below is a study and its translation on a (more) failed attempt at vaccines for coronaviruses that ended with a serious warning:

    We are not going to say much, because this information is simple and direct, [16]aImmunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology by Getting Sick with the SARS Virus
    [LINK, PubMed]

    “Caution is indicated when proceeding with the application of a vaccine against SARS-CoV in humans.”

    This warning indicates that this type of vaccine (SARS-CoV) should not be used in humans, for obvious reasons. This happened in 2012, and today we are in 2021 Everyone is already injected with this vaccine with the same synthetic protein.

    What happened was that when the SARS-CoV “virus” made its “appearance” in Africa, provision was made for a vaccine. This study comes from the University of Texas, and we obtained its publication directly from The National Library of Medicine, an Institution that—I don't know if we already mentioned it—is a union of the United States Government. We also see how the World Health Organization (WHO) was involved in this study.

    These are the same “health” institutions that today tell you “get vaccinated, there is nothing to fear.”

    And in this SARS-CoV vaccine testing study, mice and jurasses were injected with a vaccine containing the spike protein or Peak Protein, as it is also known. After being injected with the vaccine, as the study says, “All mice exhibited histopathological changes in the lungs.” That is, their cells were damaged and they developed chronic lung-type immunological disease. Needless to say, practically all of them died or were sacrificed to be studied. Hence the warning that coronavirus vaccines (SARS CoV) should not be used in humans, as they have always seriously failed in animal tests.

    And the messenger RNA Covid-19 vaccines that are landing in the arms of almost every human being on this earth are also SARS CoV vaccines… or SARS CoV2 to be more specific, in this case.

    A warning from the same government and the university that did that study, but nevertheless it is the same government that is behind this vaccine. A rooster can't crow any clearer than that... Or could it be?

    The Scientist magazine and other scientific publications reported this past June 15 that it has been discovered that “spike protein is associated with surges in COVID-19”. This is a case similar to what was reported by Dr. María José Martinez, where a COVID-19 vaccine in the development stage in Australia began to register positive cases for the “HIV” virus. We will expand on this later, but there is a question that needs to be asked right now, Does the COVID-19 virus really exist? [16]bSpike Protein Deletions Linked to COVID-19 Surges: Preprint
    [LINK, TheScientist]

    [EDITION] January 18, 2022]

    Although it has been our intention to formulate and elaborate on this in the fourth part of this study, it is necessary that at this very moment we dot the i in this aspect. And for this, here we leave you a very educational video, by Dr. Samantha Bailey from New Zealand, who tells us how Coronavirus 19 came into existence, and prevalence.


    Dr. Samantha Bailey exposes the architecture...


    Dr. Samantha Bailey exposes the architecture of th...


    Dr. Samantha Bailey enthüllt die Architektur des...


    Le Dr Samantha Bailey expose l'architecture du pl...

  • 中国人


    Dr. Samantha Bailey reveals arquitetura da maior...


    Dr. Samantha Bailey reveals arquitetura da maior...

  • If you have not stopped and watched a single one of the videos that we have been presenting, we highly recommend that you stop here and watch this video.


    Well, you still haven't seen anything...

    All of these vaccines contain ingredients that go unnoticed by everyone, since they are not listed directly, but are components of some listed ingredients. For the moment let's focus on Pfizer and Moderna, two of the reported vaccines that come with messenger RNA nanotechnology. Both contain an enzyme called LUCIFERASE. And luciferase—in turn, contains a substrate called LUCIFERINE. [16]cLUCIFERINA, a substrate of LUCIFERASA, Patent US10576146B2
    LINK, Modern Patent]

    Although luciferase is not an exclusive ingredient of these vaccines, the truth is that they contain it, and both Pfizer and Moderna—and their “fact checkers” deny it. [16]dWhat are the ingredients of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccines?
    [LINK, RoofView]
    SM-102, which we will expand on later, is an ingredient that we found listed in the Moderna vaccine. For now let's look at the Information Insert Sheet from Cayman Chemicals, who sells this product. [16]eSM-102. Product Information, Insert
    [LINK, RoofView]

    “SM-102 is an ionizable amino lipid that has been used in combination with other lipids in the formation
    of nanoparticles. The administration of mRNA luciferase in lipid naonoparticles containing SM-102 induces
    Luciferase expression liver in mice. Formulations containing SM-102 have been used in el development
    of lipid nanoparticles for the administration of mRNA-based vaccines.” —Product Information Insert Sheet SN-102, Cayman Chemicals

    That information is very clear. And although SM-102 is only found in the Moderna vaccine, it says right there “formulations containing SM-102 have been used in el development of lipid nanoparticles for the administration of vaccines based on mRNA.” And there are only two messenger RNA vaccines at the moment, Pfizer and Moderna.

    Now, I already mentioned that luciferin is a substrate of luciferase. Let's see what Moderna has to say regarding its messenger mRNA vaccine, Patent US 2012/0251618 A1, Oct. 2012

    “To create luciferin, 1 g of sodium or potassium salt of D-luciferin was dissolved in 66.6 ml of distilled phosphate buffer solutiona (DPBS), which did not contain Mg2+ or Ca2+, to prepare a 15 mg/ml solution. The solution was mixed gently and passed through a 0.2 μιη syringe filter, before being purged with nitrogen, aliquoted, and frozen at −80 °C while protected from light as much as possible. The solution was thawed using a water bath if the luciferin did not dissolve, mixed gently and kept on ice on the day of dosing.” —MODERNA, US PATENT US 2012/0251618 A1, Oct. 4 2012 [16]fMODERN | Patent US 2012/0251618 A1, Oct. 2012
    [LINK, RoofView]

    So we have to say that LUCIFERINE was created in a phosphate solution of 66.6 mililiters, huh? Does that number sound familiar to you? Until now we have tried not to mention much the spiritual aspect of all this that is happening, but you don't have to be religious to see that all this has a religious tone, right?

    This is the first part of our study on the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccine. From now on we accelerate and we will see that our list of ingredients becomes even dangerous, very dangerous, even “discontinued”.

    Although technically speaking we only covered one ingredient, mRNA with some of its components and briefly touched on hydroxybutyl, we laid a very solid foundation that will make our job easier with the rest that we are missing, since we covered a lot of ground, given that this topic It is very broad and complex. 

    Before finishing this (complete) study we will return to the messenger mRNA, we will touch again on the spike protein, luciferase and certain “other” elements that make up this technology and the rest of the chemical-biological agents of all the vaccines on our list. Without further ado, see you in part 2, and don't forget to comment below.

    PART 2 Next ➟

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    [3] What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 3
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