1 Finally, brothers, we beseech and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you learned from us how it is convenient for you to conduct yourself and please God, so you will abound more and more.
2 For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus;
3 for the will of God is your sanctification; that you separate of fornication;
5 not in passion of concupiscence, like the Gentiles who do not know God;
6 let no one offend or deceive in nothing to his brother; because the Lord is the avenger of all this, as we have already told you and testified to you.
7 For God has not called us to uncleanness, but to sanctification.
8 Therefore, he who rejects this does not reject man, but to God, who also gave us his Holy Spirit.
9 But about brotherly love you have no need for me to write to you, because you yourselves have learned from God to love one another;
10 And you also do this to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But we beg you, brothers, to abound in it more and more;
11 and that you seek to be quiet, and to go about your business, and to work with your hands in the manner that we have commanded you,
12 so that you may conduct yourselves honorably toward those outside, and have need of nothing. —1 THESSALONIANS 4:1-12
The Apostle Paul calls us to sanctification and to depart from all types of fornication—that is, violation of God's law. The text is key, as Paul himself emphasizes keeping the law, “for you shall not commit adultery.” (EXO. 20:14) It is in the law; and adultery and fornication are the same thing, at different levels. Also, “You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.” (EXO. 20:17) It is in the law. And before committing fornication with his neighbor's wife, First you have to covet it. In other words, these two commandments are practically the same, since one leads you to the other, and both are there to protect the most sacred thing that God created: MARRIAGE.
And all this is enclosed within the framework of Sanctification; and “without Holiness no one will see the Lord” (HEB. 12:14). and we know “that the law is truly holy…” (ROM. 7:12).
Simply put, if God's law is holy, and you keep it, God sanctifies you through his law, and thus—and only thus, can we all have access to grace (APOC. 22:12-21), which is given by the sacrifice of Christ; price paid on the cross, not for the works of man"so that no one can boast," but through the works of Christ—that is, his holy Law (REV. 22:12-14); well “sin is transgression of the law” (1 JOHN 3:4).”
And what the wages of sin is death (ROM 6:23), Adam had to die for his transgression. But Adam is not a redeemer. So the love of God was manifested in Christ bearing the penalty of Adam's transgression—that is, paying the price for his sin. But since Christ never sinned, he can give life, for—again, “sin is transgression of the law,” and sin only produces death (Rom 6:23), No life!
Christ gives life; Christ kept the law. And you, do you want to know how to obtain eternal life?
7 But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. —JESUS CHRIST (Matthew 19:7)
And he gives you power to keep the law because “he who is in it does not sin” (1 JOHN 3:6-9). It's that simple, because it is written:
14 Blessed are those who keep his commandments, to have the right to the tree of life, and let them enter through the gates into the city. —JESUS CHRIST (Revelation 22:14)
And those who decide to violate His Law, God will have no choice but to leave them out. (REV. 22:15), given that
8 “He who commits sin is of the devil;” —1 JOHN 3:8
And God—my dear brothers, “…he is not a God of Confusion…” (1 COR. 14:33).
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THE JUDAIZERS Gentiles and Jewish believers, Judaizing Gentiles; They believe that the Apostle Paul, when he preached the gospel of Christ to the Gentiles, taught them Judaism (the Torah). This cannot be true, Because, the Apostle Paul stated that the gospel that he preached among the Gentiles, he neither received nor learned from any man, but by revelation of Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:11-20). Did Paul lie? No, because we all know that the Apostle Paul, from a young age, received the instructions of the Law, and in his older years, that of a Pharisee Jew (doctor of Laws) named Gamaliel (Acts 22:3).… see more "
We recommend reading Revelation 22:12-21 and Romans 7:12
Friend, you are more confused than Cantinflas. 7 For to be mindful of the flesh is death, but to be mindful of the Spirit is life and peace. 7For the imagination of the flesh is enmity against God; because THEY DO NOT SUBMIT TO THE LAW of God, nor can they; 8 and those who live according to the flesh CANNOT please God. 9 But you do not live according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his. —ROMANS 8:6-8 14 AND… see more "
Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross