What do weapons of war have to do with "the thief" on the cross?


PART [1] [2]Jehovah's Witnesses, Illuminati Sect
[VIDEO 0:04:33, CristoVerdad]

There is a Jehovah's Witness individual, named Roberto Tenorio Castañeda—Colombian, who is wandering through WhatsApp groups inquiring about Luke 23:43, “The Thief on the Cross.” Well, I mean the one who asked Jesus for mercy. For some reason in his illustrious brain, Roberto believes he found the “magic formula” for eternal life. I tell you that this character goes from group to group asking the same question—he doesn't talk about anything else, and no matter what is presented to him, he remains stuck in time, with the same question, and he thinks he has gold in his hands. when reality has mirrors.

Below is my interaction with this individual. So let's see if we can get something good out of this... not from him, but from this, that is, from the study of the word, starting from the things that Roberto says. We will investigate the word yes “the thief on the cross” is in paradise, and more importantly, what is paradise? I assure you it will be interesting, although quite frustrating at first. And as we always do at CristoVerdad, we will give you God's side in all of this.

Castañeda always begins with this image, where he indicates that “Paradise is in the millennium”, which does not exist at the moment. We all know that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that the paradise that Jesus speaks of in Luke 23:43 It is heaven, nor are we going to heaven. Having this point as a reference, I replied to him that he was in a serious mistake, and then he wrote to me privately, and here I bring you the conversation. And I bring them to him because as I already mentioned, he goes from group to group like a plague with the same topic and we have to confront him, since he does not dare to have a debate in public. Without further ado, let's begin—

EDITION [8/15/2020] José Luis Javier

To remove all doubt, first let's see what the Bible says about the place where paradise is located, and then we will answer if this is what Jesus referred to on that glorious day at Golgotha.


1 It certainly does not suit me to boast; but I will come to the visions and revelations of the Lord.
2 I know a man in Christ, who for fourteen years (if in the body, I don't know; if outside the body, I don't know; God knows) was caught up to the third heaven.
3 And I know such a man (whether in the body, or out of the body, I do not know; God knows),
4 who was snatched away to paradise, where he heard ineffable words that it is not given to man to express. —2 CORINTHIANS 2:1-4

Where does Paul say God's paradise is located, and in what tense is Paul speaking? Is Paul talking about something that will happen in the future or something that happened in the not-too-distant past? We could end the debate right here and this heresy would be destroyed before it takes off. But from these elements we always learn something new, particularly what we should not do. So let's continue...

[11:00 PM, 7/25/2020 Roberto T. Castañeda
¿I am a Jehovah's Witness Do you have arguments to show me my error? Am Roberto Tenorio castañeda from Colombia
How do you explain Luke 23:43?

[4:06 AM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier Give me the biblical quote that says this (See photo). This is just a punctuation error. Jesus did not go up to heaven on that day (JOHN 20:17). I have all the biblical arguments. What's more, I can show you that you are Catholic, Roman and Apostolic. And by the way, I'm José Luis.

The JWs are just another sect, as I already mentioned, just like the other Christian harlots.

[7:02 AM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

You can explain this text:

Reina-Valera 1960, Luke 23:43
Then Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.

The text is poorly translated. That day there was no paradise. Paradise is in the millennium. You understand?

EDITION [4:06 AM, 8/14/2020] José Luis Javier

Here begins the frustrating part with this element. And right here I clarify that this individual is right about something, NO, “the thief on the cross” did not ascend to heaven that day, but will do so during the second coming of Christ. O It is also probable that he was resurrected together with Christ that third day (MAT. 27:52). However, because ““the thief on the cross” did not ascend to heaven that day of his death, our Jehovah's Witness friend believes that he has found the perfect formula to support the satanic doctrine that “no one” or almost no one goes to heaven. There is a reason Jesus said, “search the scriptures […]”. And we will search the scriptures, but as I warned, it will be very frustrating at first, so be patient until the end.

Let's see what Jehovah's Witnesses believe about heaven—

If I started to analyze all the errors in this video we would never finish. But let's focus on The 144 Thousand, Well, that is the group that the Witnesses use to support the idea that almost no one goes to heaven, except these 144 Mill. It is a reality that the 144 Mill are the select group that will go to heaven in the last time of the history of The humanity. The problem is that it is the belief that the JWs have of them. In fact, if we take the biblical description of the 144 Thousand, no Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved. Let's see-

1 Then I looked, and, behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with him one hundred forty-four thousand, who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. […]4 These are the ones that they were not contaminated with women, because they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb; —REVELATION 14:1, 4

The description is very simple and direct: the 144 Thousand, a) they are not contaminated with women, and b) they follow Jesus in all his doctrines. This group is not contaminated with Churches (ISA 4:1), because it is a holy and separated town (APC. 12:17). If you continue reading the account of the 144 Mill in Revelation 14, and stop at verse 12, we have the following:

12 Here is the patience of THE SAINTS, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. —REVELATION 14:12

Just as you hear it, The 144 Thousand are the group that keeps the law of God in the last time, and that is why they are persecuted by the devil (DAN. 7:25-28, APC. 12:17). This group is not contaminated with Churches, and Jehovah's Witnesses are a Church. This group keeps the law, and as you will see below in my interaction with Roberto, both he and his sect say there is no law.

Another thing, the video said that the 144 Thousand are resurrected by Christ to go to heaven. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that. The text only indicates that were redeemed from among men; that is, they are saved. There will undoubtedly be martyrs among this group (APC. 12:17), but the Bible does not say that everyone will die. In fact this group will be standing at the second coming of Christ, since they are the ones who will be giving the last message of salvation for humanity, as indicated in the message of the three angels, which continues with the description of the 144 Thousand —

The message of the three angels is preached by the 144 Mill not by angels. God passes this message to the 144 Thousand through angels, but they are human beings who preach it. And this message is the law of God, because “no lie was found in his mouth.” And the 9th commandment urges us not to bear false witness (EXD. 20:16).

Now, we have already seen that this group of the 144 Thousand also follow the lamb wherever it goes, Unlike the group of Isaiah 4:1, which is actually the group that Jehovah's Witnesses and anyone who is grouped into a religious denomination belong to, particularly if it is a Christian one.

In the video the JWs explain to us that the 144 Thousand are a very small and exclusive group that goes to heaven, separating them from the rest of the saved who—according to the JWs—will always live on earth. The reason that the JW—and the rest of the Christian churches make a separation between the 144 mill and the rest of the sealed ones is because of that distinctive mark that the biblical text teaches us: “they were not defiled with women.”

All Christian denominations understand that women in prophecy refer to churches (APC. 2 and 3). And what Revelation 14:4 It refers to all Churches, not to any one in particular, a distinction had to be made between both groups, otherwise a single person could not be justified attending a church today—they are all contaminated—all, and TJs are no exception!

1 So, beloved, since we have such promises, let's cleanse ourselves of all contamination of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. —2 CORINTHIANS 7:1

Now, can this separation be justified with the Bible? Who are those who will reach heaven? Well, they are the 144 Thousand, but the ones that the Bible mentions, not the ones that the JW and the rest of the Churches teach. Consider the following Text—

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and follow me,
28 and I give them eternal life; and they will never perish, nor will anyone snatch them out of my hand. —JOHN 10:27-28

What was the description we read a while ago of the 144 Thousand?

…These are the ones follow the Lamb everywhere he goes. [… ] —APC. 14:4

What we see here is that the 144 mill and the rest of the sealed ones are the same group. There are not two groups, and that one is not contaminated with Churches, since it is a Holy and separate group., who keeps the law (APC. 12:17), and that whole group goes to heaven. And although we won't cover that in this study, 144 Thousand is a symbolic number—not a literal one, as they teach. that only 144 thousand people will reach heaven, and all Jehovah's Witnesses, of course!

2 In my Father's home there are many houses; If it weren't like that, I would have already told you. I'm going to PREPARE THEM a place. —JOHN 14:2

I ask all the Jehovah's Witnesses of this land, Where is Jehovah the Father located?

Jehovah's Witnesses say that only the wrong version of the 144 Mill that they have goes to heaven, and no one has ever gone to heaven.

11 And it came to pass, as they went and spoke, behold, a chariot of fire with horses of fire separated the two; and Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind. —2 KINGS 2:11

23 Rejoice in that day, nowlegreos, For behold, your reward is great in heaven.; because that is what their fathers did with the prophets. —LUKE 6:23

And that reward is for everyone who follows the lamb, right? Is Jesus the lamb? OK, now that we have destroyed that false doctrine that we are not going to heaven, let's move on...

The apostle John narrates that No one has ever ascended to heaven except he who came down from heaven (JOHN 3:13). This seems to contradict the previous texts and that of the transfiguration (MAR. 9:2), from Enoch (GEN. 5:24), among others, but that is not the case. Jesus had the right to ascend or descend to heaven, but no other mortal man did. And that is the context of John's words. It is something similar to the exchange that Jesus had with Martha, the sister of Lazarus—

21 And Martha said to Jesus: Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
22 But I also know now that whatever you ask of God, God will give it to you.
23 Jesus said to him: Your brother will resurrect.
24 Martha said to him: I know that he will rise again in the resurrection, on the last day.
25 Jesus said to him: I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in me, even if he is dead, will live. —JOHN 11-21-25

No man has ever been resurrected, on his own, except Jesus—creator of life. Martha knew that Lazarus did not have the power to resurrect, but she was unaware that in front of her she had the giver of life, who could resurrect her brother, at that very moment. We are searching the scripture. Let's continue, our good Jehovah's Witness friend has been waiting patiently for us down here.

[7:04 AM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Then Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.

Could you explain Luke 23:43,? Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say?

[1:11 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

The important thing here is that this is not about what you believe but what the word of God says. And no, I don't understand, because you can't support what you say. That's a figment of your imagination. And your explanation doesn't make any coherent sense, for if Jesus was referring to the millennium, then that day—or the day of his resurrection, was the millennium. My advice to you, study the Bible in the light of what God says, not in the “light” of what your sect says.

All churches are sects, without exception, all of them, and the Bible says so. I already gave you the texts that explain it this way. I know this is shocking, and it took me a while to understand what is so clearly outlined in the scripture. (ISA. 4:1, APC. 14:4, 17:4-6). The New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses It is the most manipulated version of all the Bibles, even above the NIV. You came here to defend a church, I the word of God. Outside of the scribes, Pharisees, and rabbis, I don't see anyone in scripture defending any denomination. Today's churches are the synagogue of Satan that Jesus refers to in scripture (APC. 3:9).

And I already told you, the ex-thief did not go to heaven with Jesus that day, well not even Jesus did. Lack of study leads to mediocrity, and when you don't understand something you make it up, instead of praying and asking for divine direction. You say that there is no heaven for “anyone,” but you cannot support that with the Bible.

[1:19 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

There are many, I'll give you an example.

[1:19 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Your Bible says that Jesus is a god, and that is an ABOMINATION. You have come here to defend the Church, I adhere to what is written.

[1:20 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Let's go in parts

[1:20 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

No one is going to be saved by following the doctrines of sects. (MAT. 15:8-9). You are Catholic, Roman and Apostolic. All the churches were founded by Rome, all of them. That includes the sect you idolize.

[1:21 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda


[1:22 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Of course yesYo. I ask you a simple question... Who is that man on the cover of that Watchtower? [April 1, 2011]

[1:23 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Paradise only existed at the beginning of humanity. And it will only exist in the millennium.

[1:23 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

I already told you, your idea contradicts the word of God. Well, if what you say were true, paradise must have begun that same day.

[1:23 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

An actor representing the Lord Jesus Christ [in reference to the question about the photo].

[1:24 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

And what is he doing there?

[1:24 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Tell me which paradise existed in the first century. Which which which

[1:25 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

It's just that I don't have to say that. You can't fit into your mind what you want to believe. Tell me, What is that actor doing in that Watchtower? ANSWER.

[1:25 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T.Castañeda

It is a graphic representation [of Jesus]. You like the movies?

[1:26 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

NO. I don't see garbage. I do not watch tv. Answer the question.

[1:26 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Graphically Represent An Act Of Antiquity. That's all

[1:26 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Have you ever read the second commandment of God's law?

[1:27 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

If it is a sin for you, don't see it.

[1:27 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Have you ever read the second commandment of God's law?

[1:27 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Exodus 20

[1:27 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Have you read it?

[1:28 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Send me exodus 20:13

[1:28 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Do you need me to copy it here?

[1:28 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Yeah. Send me exodus 20:13

[1:29 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

4 You shall not make for yourself an image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above., neither below on the earth, nor in the waters under the earth.
5 You will not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 and I show mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments. —EXDO 20:4-6

“Thou shalt not kill”

[1:29 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda


[1:30 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

4 You shall not make for yourself an image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above., neither below on the earth, nor in the waters under the earth.
5 You will not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 and I show mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments. —EXDO 20:4-6

[1:30 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

It is poorly translated

[1:30 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

What is the actor doing in that Watchtower?

[1:30 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Take action

[1:30 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Yes, I know that for you everything is poorly translated.

4 You shall not make for yourself an image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above., neither below on the earth, nor in the waters under the earth.
5 You will not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 and I show mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments. —EXDO 20:4-6

You see, you are Roman, Catholic and Apostolic. That is a Roman image. And God said, Don't do it.

[1:31 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

When you kill a chicken, is God's law violated?

[1:31 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Where is your parish? I do not eat meat. And I have never killed a chicken.

[1:32 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Textual Bible (3rd revision)
Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not murder.

[1:32 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Now, if God says don't kill chickens, and I kill chickens, does that give you justification for killing chickens? Are you or do you make yourself?

[1:32 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

That is the correct translation

[1:33 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

In your head. Do you know what a synonym is?

4 You shall not make for yourself an image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above., neither below on the earth, nor in the waters under the earth.
5 You will not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 and I show mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments. —EXDO 20:4-6

Your sect promotes the violation of God's law. You do not keep the Sabbath. That makes you Bergogliano. Where is your parish?

[1:34 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Exodus 20:13
It should say Thou shalt not murder. No you won't kill

[1:35 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

That “the same thing”, friend. If you are a murderer, you are lost. If you kill, you lose. “The same thing.”

[1:35 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

He who kills a chicken violates the supposed law of God

[1:35 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

God said you shall not kill. Read yourself ISAIAH 11:6-7.

[1:36 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Murder is different from killing. Look up the dictionary

[1:36 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Study, and stop clinging to the errors of your sect. I do not defend churches.

[1:36 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Look up the dictionary

[1:36 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

If you came to attack my church, you waste your time, I don't follow sects. I stick to this writing. You have a lot of tangles in your head.

4 You shall not make for yourself an image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above., neither below on the earth, nor in the waters under the earth.
5 You will not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 and I show mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments. —EXDO 20:4-6

[1:37 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

I follow jw.org, 1021 languages

EDITION [8/15/2020] José Luis Javier

14 And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the public tribute bench, andand said: follow me. And getting up, he followed him. —MARK 2:4

Well my friend, continue following JW.org and I will continue following the lamb. Do you know that more than a Church, Jehovah's Witnesses are also a for-profit corporation? You know that? Have you ever walked around Warwick Headquarters… seen the luxury and splendor of that place? I imagine they are simply imitating the humility of Christ.

20 Jesus said to him: Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. —MATHEW 8:20

[1:37 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Of course, one more sect. A sect in 1021 languages. I have a website, translated into about 110 languages. You're not telling me anything with that. These translations are done with applications (software). If I wanted to translate CristoVerdad.com 1021 languages or more, I just have to add the application, and that's it. You don't impress me.

Explain these to me subliminal messages in JW.org publications Who is actually running that organization? You can't say that any of this is made up, it is plain for everyone to see. [to]Subliminal Images Hidden in the Publications of Jehovah's Witnesses
[LINK, Robert Richmond]
[b]Subliminal Messages in Watchtower Literature
[LINK, e-Witnesses]

JW.org is a sect completely at the service of its father Satan.

I already told you, stop following sects. As long as you continue defending sects, you are going to look very bad with me, because I am well informed.

[1:51 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier


4 You shall not make for yourself an image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above., neither below on the earth, nor in the waters under the earth.
5 You will not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 and I show mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments. —EXDO 20:4-6

No my friend, you have nowhere to run. Right now I'm just playing basic stuff. If we delve deeply into the Bible you are going to look bad, very bad. You are a sectarian.

[1:56 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

“Jw.org He is my guide. “That is the way of Jehovah.”

[1:56 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

All Churches are sects, all of them. These fried.

6 Jesus said to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. —JOHN 14:6

Outside of there you get lost. What is the way of Jehovah the Father? You are an idolater. They have done you great damage, I would say irreparable.

[1:56 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda


1-They are a globally united church with a website in 1021 languages
2 They teach the Bible not what a translator says
3 They preach with the apostolic model:

Luke 8:1-Acts 20:20
4 Apart from the world. No politics. nationalism. weapons [WATCH HERE]
5-They expel the messy 1 Cor 5:13
6-Different Lord's Supper [BEWARE HERE]
7-They are obedient to their managers Heb.13:17 [BEWARE HERE]

EDITION [8/15/2020] José Luis Javier

Of course they have a different, totally unbiblical Lord's Supper, where no one except the leaders participate in it. I already witnessed one of those dinners, and I was surprised when they took the bread and wine from my hand because only the elders on the platform could participate in it. Where is that in the Bible? [c]Jehovah's Witnesses and the Lord's Supper
[VIDEO 00:13:59, YouTube]
And as for being obedient to managers, the word of God says the following—

28 saying, Did we not strictly command you not to teach in that name? And now you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and you want to cast that man's blood on us.
29 Responding Pedro and the apostles, they said: It is necessary to obey God before men. —ACTS 5:28-29

Do you understand that? Where does it say in the Bible that we have to obey those who do not serve God? What we are seeing here is pure Satanism, the same thing that was seen from the Jewish leaders whom Peter and the rest of the apostles refute. God calls you to be faithful to him and nothing but him. You can collaborate with man, as long as he is not collaborating with the devil, as does the Jehovah's Tetigo sect, which you serve. And if they serve the devil, and you serve them, who are you actually serving? I leave it to you as homework.

See what the Bible teaches about the “apostolic model”—

27 Then he said to Thomas: Put your finger here, and look at my hands; and reach out your hand and put it in my side; and do not be an unbeliever, but a believer.
28 So Thomas responded and said to him: !!My Lord, and God mine!—JOHN 20:28
(See JOHN 10:2-3)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jesus is almighty God? (APC. 1:8). And what about those expelled?

12 Because What reason would I have to judge those who are outside? Do not you judge the ones inside?
13 For those who are outside, God will judge. Remove, then, that perverse from between us. —1 CORINTHIANS 5:13

The text is clear and emphatic, “quitdad” to “perverse from among you,” not to one who has zeal for the things of God. Tell me, have you removed from the congregation the pedophiles who have abused thousands of children in your churches or have you remained silent so as not to tarnish the already tarnished name of JW.org? [d]Sexual abuse of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia 2017. Royal commission.
[VIDEO 1:41:57, CCTJ]
Please tell us. And another thing, where does the Bible say that families should be isolated when they do not share the beliefs of your sect, where?

You do not teach the Bible, but the Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses, one of the greatest abominations that man has ever been able to commit against God. And outside Revelation 17:5, 14:4 and Isaiah 4:1, Where is JW.org in writing, where dear illustrious?

[1:57 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

You don't know basic things.

[1:57 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

That interests me

[1:57 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier


[1:57 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

It is not

[1:57 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

ACTS 5:29, Are you obedient to that?

[1:57 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

It is the only church that has translated the Bible.

[1:58 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

My friend, you are a sectarian. The Bible comes from God, not from The JW. Before the JW sect appeared in 1879, the Bible had already been translated into most of the world's languages. You are a sectarian. If I start asking you deeper biblical questions, you're going to look bad. I don't like to abuse.

[1:58 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

The Nazis did not subdue Jehovah's people

[1:59 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

You are still in the Milk stage. Tell me, What is the Lord's day?

[1:59 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Putin won't either

[1:59 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

It wasn't necessary, they were already serving the devil.

[1:59 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

You are less than those

[1:59 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

SECTARIAN. What is the Lord's Sabbath?

[2:00 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Hitler couldn't. Putin will not be able to In the name of Jehovah either

[2:00 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

You were founded by an Adventist Mason. And no light can come from the Adventists. Give me Bible. I thought you had some knowledge. Explain me that.

[2:01 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Rest when you can. The day doesn't matter. The law died

[2:01 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

The devil defeated them. You see you are a parish priest. You are Catholic, just like evangelicals and the rest of the “Protestant” churches. Where does the Bible say to rest when you can? Where does it say the law died?

[2:02 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

The law was nailed to the tree

[2:03 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

14 But I confess this to you, that according to the Way that they call heresy, so I serve the God of my fathers, believing all things in the law and in the prophets they are written; —PAUL OF TARSO, Acts 24:14

Do you know for whom the kingdom of God is reserved? Tell me. And no, JWs are not different, they are just as ignorant. Do you know for whom the kingdom of God is reserved? ANSWER, Give me the Bible. Let's see, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is a god? Where?

105 Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. —PSALMS 119:105

This shows how disconnected you are, friend. The only reliable guide is the word of God. Where does the guide say you can rest on any day, where? Where does the Bible say that the law died and was nailed to the tree? Well, I know what you mean, let me help—

14 Scratching the ID of the RITES that it was contrary to us, that it was against us, removing it from the middle and nailing it to the cross; —COLOSSIANS 2:14 (NKJV)

That's what you were referring to, the ritual laws that should no longer be done, like lamb sacrifices, right?

[2:41 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

There are many divided Christian sects. I already told you the approximate calculation. The unity of the people is a promise fulfilled.

[2:43 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

And the JWs are one of the most dangerous cults. Unity in the Error of Flame Ecumenism. I have asked you basic questions and you have not answered a single one. I can help you, if you decide to put your pride aside. Look what the Bible says about that great harmony and Christian unity that you talk about—

15 And I will cause enmity between you and the woman, and between your descendants and her descendants. He will crush your head, and you will bruise his heel.”. —GENESIS 3:15 (New World Translation, JW)

One more-

43 Just like the iron mixed with wet clay that you saw, they will mix with the people. But NO they will stick together, just as iron does not mix with clay. —GENESIS 3:15 (New World Translation, JW)

And now the coup de grace—

34 Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but sword. —MATHEW 10:34

[2:48 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!

Psalms 133:1
No sir, this organization is global. 

Fulfills Matthew 24:45-47. Christianity has many, countless divisions. Only one church has translated the Jw.org bible. That's the truth. No other has done this feat. Inimitable. It's not a story. Not even the United Nations has done so much for humanity.

[3:23 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

WOW, so much ignorance. Are you saying that the United Nations, one of the most satanic institutions in this world, has done something good for humanity?

My friend, you are in the flesh. Give me a Bible when you talk to me. No other sect has spread as much error in the world as the Jehovah's Witnesses (except perhaps the Adventists). You are an ignorant. I remind you that the Catholic Church is a World Church, also the Mormons, Avdentists, Baptists, etc., etc. You are Catholic, Bergoglio would be proud of you. I remind you, not all of us are brothers (JOHN 8:44).

EDITION [3:23 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

And Roma has done her job very well organizing and preparing her daughters. On March 26 Every year the most important date is celebrated within the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses: “the day of Christ's resurrection”, according to them. The interesting thing is that this date coincides with the end of the “Easter week" that Catholics and other Christian churches celebrate every year. [k]March 26: the feast of Jehovah's Witnesses
[ARTICLE, ABC Sociedadd]

We would like to know where we find March 26 in the Bible, and where God commands us to celebrate that day, even more so that this would be a substitute for the Shabbat, a party the seventh dayof each week that God commands us to celebrate solemnly, That day they reject him!

The Jehovah's Witnesses and the other "Christian" churches are governed by the same construction plan that the architects of the Vatican have designed for all their faithful, since the issue that there are different Christian denominations is one of the finest deceptions that the devil have been able to execute. There is no such thing, there is just one denomination: Roman, Catholic and Apostolic, with different branches—and nuances, of course.

Another major heresy of Jehovah's Witnesses is that they say that Jesus began to reign in 1914. The word of God says the following—

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 This was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him, and without him nothing that has been made, was made. —JOHN 1:3

36 For from him, and through him, and for him, are all things. Let the glory be his for centuries. Amen. —ROMANS 11:36

16 For in him all things were created, those in the heavens and those that are on earth, visible and invisible; be thrones, be dominions, be principalities, be powers; everything was created through him and for him.
17 And he is before all things, and all things subsist in it; —COLOSSIANS 1:16

We ask, if Jesus was the one who created all the Kingdoms in the heavens and the earth, and he existed before any existence, When then did Christ begin to reign?

We urge you to read the following article where there is an exhaustive analysis of this false doctrine, and—as you will see, it has been changed time after time by the Watchtower leadership or JW.org, whatever you prefer to call it. [n]When did Christ begin to reign? Jehovah's Testimonies
[ARTICLE, Reasoning with the Bible]

The organization preached that Christ was coming in 1914, but “Jesus” found something else that year, and since he did not come, they invented an invisible presence of Christ. That is, Christ did come but no one saw him, although the Bible already said “every eye will see it” (APC. 1:7).

This doctrine is very similar to that of “The Great Disappointment” of the Adventists in 1844. William Miller and his followers preached that Christ was coming on October 22, 1844. And since it didn't come, something else had to be invented. And they did, and now Adventists believe that this failure was divinely designed and gave rise to the Adventist Church. The Adventist “prophet” Ellen G. White wrote that Christ was coming in 1888, but he decided to return because the leaders of that Church did not agree on the issue of justification by faith, which is nothing other than reaching heaven without keeping the law, something that Jesus himself says is impossible. —

14 BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS, to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.
15 But the dogs
[HOMOSEXUAL] [5th] they will be out, and the sorcerers [1st, 2nd,], the fornicators [7th, 10th], the murderers [6th], the idolaters [1st, 2nd], and everyone who loves and makes lies [9th].
16I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star.—REVELATION 22:14-16
(See John 15:10).

Note that verse 15 shows you a group of violators of the Law of the Ten Commandments, and therefore they are outside the kingdom of heaven. In brackets, each commandment violated. And in verse 16 Jesus puts his signature, so that you do not mistake who is speaking here.

So we have then that Jesus did not come in 1888 because a small group of delegates did not agree at a World Congress of the Adventist Church in 1888. That is, the salvation of humanity does not depend on Christ, but on the Adventist Church, Well, it is this church (The Leaders) who decides when Christ comes. [l]What Might Have Been — Can Be [LINK, Adventist Review] And to think that I myself believed that nonsense at one time; That's tremendous!

And the sectarians will accept any story to justify being involved in their church, even when the Lord says—

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Get out of it, my people, so that you may not be partakers of their sins, nor receive part of his plagues;
5 because their sins have reached heaven, and God has remembered their evils. —APC. 18:4-5

And you will say, “ah that refers to the Catholic Church, The Great Whore.” Another story that Rome itself made the “Protestants” believe, so that you point your cannons at the Catholic Church, [m]OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [6] — Satan's Elite (1.4) CANNONS FOR ROME, Columns of Smoke. Francisco Bergoglio in Panama
[VIDEO 2:21:25, CristoVerdad]
while her daughters—just as the Bible says, unnoticedly do their mother's dirty work in recent times (APC. 13:11-12). Papal Rome is The Great Whore, a beast, but she has daughters—don't forget, and very faithful ones at that. (ISA 4:1).

[3:25 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Can you explain luke 23:43?

[3:26 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Explain your Luke 23:43
It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say?

[3:26 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

I already explained to you, friend.

[3:26 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

I hear you. I am attentive

[3:26 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Answer just one of the questions I asked you.

[3:26 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Repeat it. I deleted it, I think. Repeat it.

[3:27 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

I have made several for you.

[3:27 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Please Audio. I need it as a souvenir. Explanation of Luke 23:4. Audio please. It serves me more.

[3:28 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

11 And it came to pass, as they went and spoke, behold, a chariot of fire with horses of fire separated the two; and Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind. —2 KINGS 2:11

Explain me that.

[3:28 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Explanation of luke 23:43. I dont need.

[3:29 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

I'm not going to repeat the same thing. I don't appreciate ineptitude.

[3:29 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Look for it. Audio from luke 23:43. I need it. Please. Help me, I'm old, please. Audio from Luke 23:43 Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say? Please I listen to you. I think you won't be able to. Explain your Luke 23:43

Please, I need it in audio. Get me out of the error. Get me out of error. Nobody has been able to. Maybe you. But IMPOSSIBLE

[4:39 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

 JW.org Watchtower Invests in Weapons of War. [c]JW.ORG Watchtower Invest in WEAPONS of WAR
[LINK, MIker Tower]
Is that why you kill... because there is no law?

[4:45 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

SLANDER. A witness who pays military service is expelled. Betrayal of wife results in expulsion. Will you be with me in paradise? Which which which. Translators' error.

EDITION [8/15/2020] José Luis Javier

We are not talking about the poor sheep who sit on the benches, but the leaders who guide you. Aren't they Witnesses too?

This element has spent the entire conversation stuck on the same thing. He talks about a bad translation, but gives no evidence of that, and doesn't even make an attempt, making impressive use of mediocrity. He has also kept saying that Paradise is in the Millennium, but he does not give a single biblical argument to support it. In a moment I will return to Luke 23:43, for anyone who still has doubts, except Roberto, because it is obvious that he has no doubts, he is very firm in his error.

[4:47 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

My friend, the evidence is there, and all the information is public, and coming from your own sect.

Apart from being a sectarian, you are a murderer. Well, if you support a murderous institution, it is because you are also a murderer. I remind you of what you yourself said, “thou shalt not murder”The truth is still true. I remind you that God calls you to be faithful to him and nothing more than him. You are just another sectarian.

For a second I thought you were for God. You JWs are the same as Adventists, no matter what evidence you have in front of your nose, you will always defend the sect above the interests of God. SECTARY, that's what you are, apart from being Bergogliano.

[5:08 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say? Just this and nothing more. I do not ask for more. Explain it. I remind you, it is a terrible translation. But if you believe it, Explain it.

That's all I need to get out of the error. No more

[5:49 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

I walk in the street, then I shoot you, although I already explained it to you. I told you, I don't appreciate ineptitude. I have answered everything, but you have not been able to answer a single question.

[6:01 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Paradise is impossible in the year 33. It is a huge lie. Very big. Did you realize the deception of all the translators? They are based on an immense deception. Paradise existed in genesis and in the millennium. In no other era of humanity has there been paradise. That day there was a grave for the 3.

[10:32 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

The ineptitude of this element is serious. At no time have I said that the “The Thief on the Cross” He went to paradise, but nevertheless Roberto has a broken record in his brain that does not allow him to move forward from there. Another thing, Christ died in the year 31, not 33. [and]On Saturday Moons vs. The Seventh Day
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

[7:36 PM, 7/26/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

The other is a lie. And all Bibles have that lie. 24 translations with the same error. That was satan. Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say?

I notice you have a lot of hatred against the servants of Jehovah. What will it be? This produces anger. I understand it. While the dogs BARK, We witnesses ride.

EDITION [10:32 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

All Bibles have alterations, all of them. The Bible itself says this would happen and shows us exactly what these manipulations would be. (DAN. 7:25, JER. 8:8). However, as I mentioned before, the New World Translation is the most manipulated of all the translations available out there. I already mentioned them, but here I show you the most serious of all those manipulations—

In the beginning the Word existed, the Word was with God and the Word was a God.

Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jesus is a demon, since that is what gods are, thus violating the first commandment of God's law. You will not find that teaching even within the Lucepherine Church. But since man can never go before God, we can see that this contradicts their own Bible. They have tried to force this teaching into every possible text, but something always escapes them. Let's see-

 6 Because a child has been born to us, we have been given a son; and the government will be in your hands. He will be called by name Wonderful Counselor, Powerful god, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. —ISAIAH 9:5 (New World Translation, JW.org Bible)

The text I had in mind was Romans 9:5, But when I went to check this time I realized that they had already changed it. Romans 9:5 It reads as follows on JW.org in this year 2020…

ROMANS 9:5, JW 2020
5 The patriarchs belong to them and the Christ descended from them. That God, who is above all, be praised forever. Amen. —ROMANS 9:5, JW.org, Rev. 2019

However, I do have a physical copy of the New World Translation (1987). And this reads as follows…

ROMANS 9:5, JW 1987
5 to whom belong the ancestors, and from whom [came] the Christ according to the flesh: God, who is above all, [be] blessed forever amen. —ROMANS 9:5, JW (Physical copy) 1987

The change is notable and intentional. In the 2019 revision they added the word That after the word Jesus, and before the word God to completely alter its meaning. What does the Bible say about putting in or taking away from the word of God? (APC. :22:19). Isaiah 9:6 was just a mistake that I am sure will be “corrected” in a future edition, and that is why I do not give other texts here, since I do not like to help the devil in his business, that is what they are for.

There is no doubt that JW.org manipulated its own translation to destroy the divinity of Jesus as Almighty God (APC. 1:8). And if JW.org is changing what it has written in the past, this means that it is admitting to having made a mistake, something that does not fit into the heads of the members of this sect. A few years ago I was visiting a friend, who at that time was studying with a Jehovah's Witness. The man had been in the organization for 40 years, and when we pointed out several errors in his own Bible, he told us that JW.org was already working on a new translation that had no errors. That is, for all their history teaching error and now they would come with an unblemished version of their Bible; That's tremendous.

We here at CristoVerdad have to admit that we have been wrong in the past, particularly regarding the belief that the Adventist Church was once an instrument of God. But more than the error, we have been growing from light to light and advancing proportionally with the treasures that the Bible has. It was impossible to get where we are today if we had stayed within that sect. But the JWs will never admit to having made a mistake, but will continue to invent whatever story they can think of to continue feeding the weak minds of the slaves they have created.

[10:32 PM, 7/26/2020] José Luis Javier

Friend, you are in the flesh. What glory is there in that sect translating the most contaminated Bible in the world into more than a thousand languages? You are a parish priest. Oh, and in case you didn't know, God condemns those who do not bark, not to those who bark—

10 Their watchmen are blind, all of them ignorant; all of them dumb dogs, they can't bark; sleepy, lying down, they love to sleep. —ISAIAH 56:10

My friend Roberto, I'm going to explain this to you one more time.. I already told you, I don't appreciate mediocrity, so pay attention this time...

43 Then Jesus said to him: Truly I tell you that today you will be with me in paradise. —LUKE 23:43

When Jesus is talking about paradise, in this context, he is talking about heaven. Remember that Jesus is telling the repentant thief that he would be with him wherever he went. And where was Jesus going after his crucifixion and resurrection?

7 Jesus said to him: Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers and say to them: I ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. —JOHN 20:27

Where is the Father, Roberto?

Let's see what else the Bible says about paradise, since you mentioned Eden—

7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers, I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the middle of the paradise of God. —REVELATION 2:7

So the tree of life, which is in the middle of paradise, Mmmm...

 Where is that tree now?

1 Then he showed me a clean river of water of life, sparkling like crystal, coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb.
2 In the middle of the city street, on either side of the river, there was the tree of life, which produces twelve fruits, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. —REVELATION 22:1-2

The tree of life, and all of Eden, was transported to heaven shortly after Adam's transgression. And that is the paradise that Jesus refers to. How do we know that? Well, the scene of Revelation 22 is the continuation of Revelation 21. This is the New Jerusalem descending from heaven, where paradise is located, as we already saw (APC. 22:7)…

2 And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descend dheaven, of God, ready like a wife adorned for her husband. […]
5 And he who sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write; because these words are faithful and true.
6 And he said to me: It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To him who thirsts, I will give life freely. —REVELATION 21

These texts are very clear and specific, Paradise is in the New Jerusalem, and it comes from heaven. But remember that this scene is in the future and hasn't arrived yet, and before this the thing happened. Luke 23:43, where the city had not yet descended. That is, if paradise is in the New Jerusalem, and this city is still in heaven, then the paradise of Luke 23:43 is in heaven. This is not difficult to understand for those who want to walk in the light.

The point of confusion Luke 23:43 For people who do not scrutinize it is the technicality of the words "that" and “TODAY you will be with me in paradise.” Here there is simply a spelling omission on the part of the original translators of the Bible or distortions or manipulations by the publishers of the first translated Bibles, since the text of Luke It was translated directly from Greek, a language that does not have punctuation, such as the comma [ , ]…

43 Καὶ [and] εἶπεν [said] αὐτῷ [him] ἀμήν [truly] σοι [to you] λέγω [I say to you] σήμερον [today] μετ' [with] ἐμοῦ [my] ἔσῃ [you will be] ἐν [in] τῷ [he] παραδείσῳ [paradise] —LUKE 23:43 (from Ancient Greek Koine).

The word “that” is not in the original Greek. Even without having the original text at hand, we can know it, because the text—as it is conceived today—does not harmonize with the rest of the scripture on the state of the dead, nor the divinity of Jesus, since it would make him a liar. , that is, a sinner. And we know that Jesus did not sin (HEB. 4:14-15) .

The Greek text presented here is translated word for word. But translating word for word can lead to very serious grammatical errors and even miss the full meaning of what is being translated. For this reason, we must attend to the context of the story presented, and pay attention to the place punctuations and the literal richness of the language into which it is being translated. So the text of Luke 23:43 It would actually read literally this way…

“Then Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you today you will be with me in paradise.”

But as I already mentioned, Greek does not have punctuation, and during the translation the corresponding punctuations must be added, depending on the language into which it is translated, which did not happen when adding the word “that”. The Rotherthan Bible translation, for example, recognizes this point and puts the correct punctuations—

43 And he told, truly I tell you today: You will be with me in paradise. —LUKE 23:43 Rothertham Translation

In this case, this translation uses the colon punctuation to denote the pause, taking the place of the comma. “Truly I say to you today”—and similar variants, are a very common idiomatic expression of biblical times, which carry the same grammatical structure in several verses of the sacred writings. Let's see-

Ineptitude creates heresies, and even more so the idolatry of fallen individuals and systems that do not serve God. For something the word of God tells you today “get out of there”, and-

13 The word of the Lord will be to them commandment after commandment, mandate upon mandate, line after line, line upon line, a little bit there, another little bit there; let them go and fall backwards, and be broken, and bound, and taken. —ISAIAH 28:13

This is the same as “search the scriptures”, leavingOBVIOUSLY, that the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth (JOHN 16:13). But since Jehovah's Witnesses have Holy Spirit as “an active force”, who does not feel or suffer, much less listen, moan, speak, then he cannot guide you. And the thing is that whoever falls into that terrain—due to his ineptitude and mediocre study of the word—it is impossible to get out of there. (HEB. 6:4-5, 10:26-30).

Jesus is simply telling the “thief on the cross” that he earned heaven that day, because when he repented he kept the law, that is, he stopped sinning (1 JOHN 3:4). Remember, the word of God must harmonize and cannot be contradicted. We all know that Jesus did not go to heaven that day (JOHN 20:17). So we know that Jesus did not tell the repentant thief that he was going to heaven that day. Nor did he tell him that that day he would go to the millennium, because the millennium is not a place to go.

EDITION [8/16/2020] José Luis Javier

Another detail that our friend does not even mention, since he is stuck in Luke 23:43, we find it in verse 42—

42 And he said to Jesus: Remember me when come in your kingdom. —LUKE 22:42

Whenever we study the word of God we must take into account the context of what is being read, and not always or necessarily the literality of the text itself. (ISA 28:13). Literally speaking Jesus is not a lamb, but if we attend to the spiritual context we can reconcile that teaching (JOHN 1:29).

Here we see that this "thief"—who by then was no longer a thief, he was not asking Jesus to go to heaven that day. Apparently “the thief on the cross” It was clearer than any Jehovah's Witness that has ever come into existence on this earth. He said to Jesus, “when you come into your kingdom”, and that refers to the second coming of Christ, which begins the millennium—in effect, as Robert said. The issue with him and all the Jehovah's Witnesses on this earth is that they want to use this text to force the idea that we do not go to heaven. Well, we discarded that—with Bible in hands, and—for the love of souls, here are some more texts—

Knowing that the JWs preach and recognize that “the dead know nothing” and that there is no immortality of the soul, [F]Myth 1: The soul is immortal, Jehovah's Witnesses
[LINK, JW.org]
we asked them, Where did Moses and Elijah come from in the story of the transfiguration? Yes, Moses and Elijah, who are not part of The 144 Thousand! (MAT. 17:1-3).

The Millennium is simply a period of time where God is not manifested here on earth, and the dead in Christ will be with him in heaven (1 THES. 4:16-17)—or paradise if that seems better to you. It's a period of time, not a place, my friend!

3 and threw it to the abyss, and he shut him up, and set his seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until a thousand years were completed; and after this it must be unbound for a little time. -APOCALYPSE. 20:3

In this text, the abyss—THE EARTH (GEN 1:2), is place, and the millennium is the period of time in which this will happen. And you said that Jesus told the repentant thief that he was going to be with him during the millennium. Although all the saints (APC. 14:12) They are going to be with Jesus during the millennium, this was not what Jesus said directly to the repentant thief. However, even if it had been that-my friend, Jesus will be in heaven during the millennium. That is, you are reaffirming what I am telling you, since Jesus' promise to this former thief was that he would be with him in that place called paradise.

Another thing, when Jesus was resurrected, if what you say is true, the thief on the cross must have been next to Jesus, well—again, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

52 and the tombs were opened, and many bodies of saints who had slept arose;
53 And coming out of the tombs, after his resurrection, they came to the holy city, and appeared to many. —MATHEW 27:52-53

Where was the Holy City, Roberto? Remember, the Apocalypse has not yet been fulfilled here.

6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection; the second death has no power over these, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him a thousand years.
7 When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison,
8 and he will go out to deceive the nations that are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for battle; the number of which is like the sand of the sea. —REVELATION 20:6

The sealed people will reign with Jesus for those thousand years. But how do we know that that place is not on earth?

33 And the dead will lie of Jehovah on that day from one end of the earth to the other; They will not be mourned or gathered or buried; They will remain like dung on the face of the earth. —JEREMIAH 25:33

23 I looked at the earth, and behold, it was desolate and empty; and to the heavens, and there was no light in them.
24 I looked at the mountains, and behold, they trembled, and all the hills were destroyed.
25 Look, and there was no man, and all the birds of the air were gone. —JEREMIAH 4:23-25

Verse 23 makes a reference to an event that occurred long ago—

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 AND the earth was disordered and empty, and the darkness was on the face of the abyss, and the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. —GENESIS 1:1-2

And if the earth will be desolate during the millennium, where then will the Saints dwell with Jesus then? I leave it to you as homework.

Another angle of Luke 23:43,es that the text could very well not be poorly translated or without grammatical omission, but that Jesus could have been referring to what is going to happen to all of us at the moment of death—

52 in a moment, In a blink of an eye, to the final trumpet; because the trumpet will be blown, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be transformed. — 1 CORINTHIANS 15:52

What Paul is saying here is that time will practically not pass for the one who dies, at the time he is awakened by Jesus, since the blink of an eye passes in a fraction of a second. Both Jesus and “he thief" They knew that both of them would die that day. When the repentant thief wakes up he will see Jesus face to face as if time has not passed. Remember, those who die, the Lord only sleep. So Jesus is simply telling the “thief on the cross” is that “today you will see me”, because today—whether in 2 more millennia or tomorrow is today for you—“and for me” (Jesus), since at the moment of death—and forever, for the Sir a day it is like thousand years, and thousand years as a day.” (2 PET. 3:8).

And whether you sleep for an hour or sleep for 1,000 years, when you wake up it is as if time has not passed. This harmonizes with the scripture, and not my friend, the THEORY of Jehovah's Witnesses—your theory, it just doesn't add up. And your statement, as I already explained, does not have any coherent meaning, much less a biblical basis, because if Jesus was referring to the millennium, then the day of his resurrection was the millennium. But we know that the millennium has not arrived, and here we have a basic problem.

43 Then Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise. — LUKE 23:43

“The text is poorly translated. That day there was no paradise. Paradise is in the millennium. Do you understand?"These are your own words, which are simply your opinion, and which you could not—and did not even attempt to—support in writing." Yes, there was a paradise in the year 31 and it was—and is, in heaven. You wanted an explanation, and I gave you the explanation—from God, because I used the word of God.

And as for that “Jesus” and the images that JW.org uses in its publications, God said "do not do it" and there that argument ends. Jehovah's Witness literature is replete with images depicting the Father and the Son, and—again, God said “thou shalt not make unto thee images…” (EXD. 20:4-6).

I asked you several simple questions, but you couldn't answer a single one. I'm not here to convince you, continue in your mistake, if you prefer. And you already said it, no one has been able to convince you—and I add, much less will it be able, because the word of God says so:

22 Even if you please the fool in a mortar between grains of wheat crushed with the tamper, His foolishness will not depart from him. —PROVERBS 27:22

I gave you this writing.

13 “Do not murder.” —EXODUS 20:13 (New World Translation)

JW.org Watchtower Invests in Weapons of War. [c]JW.ORG Watchtower Invest in WEAPONS of WAR
[LINK, MIker Tower]
Is that why you kill, because you believe there is no law anymore? And as I already told you, Jehovah's Witnesses are so similar to Adventists that they are even in the same business of weapons of war. [j]Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War
[NEWS, Adventist Church]

The common point of all denominations “Protestants”, like good daughters, They all dance to the tune of Sunday, just like their mother the Great Whore (APC. 17:4-5), a la Diego Torres and Ruben Blades! [g]Diego Torres – Hoy Es Domingo (Official Video) ft. Ruben Blades
[VIDEO 00:04:36, VEVO]

[8:20 AM, 7/27/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

It's all a lie: Paradise existed in genesis and will exist again in the millennium. The rest are drowning kicks. Poorly translated text. That's all. You sought the useless explanation of a BLIND GUIDE. Speak beautifully to entangle fools. It is easier to say: BADLY TRANSLATED FROM PARENTS TO CHILDREN

What does the case of a criminal teach us?

Imagine Jesus talking to a criminal. The man is sad for all the bad things he has done and asks: “Remember me when you enter your kingdom.” Do you know what Jesus is answering? *… He is making this promise: “Truly I say to you today: You will be with me in Paradise.”

What do you think that Paradise will be like?… To make sure we imagine it correctly, let's talk a little about the paradise that God made for our first parents, Adam and Eve. Where was it? In heaven, or on Earth?…

I was on Earth. Therefore, when we imagine the criminal living “in Paradise”, we must imagine him here, on an Earth converted into a paradise. And what will it be like?… Let's see…

If jw.org is not Jehovah's slave. Which is it? Write it here. Jw.org is a message in 1021 languages. The one you think it is should be in more languages. Which is it? I hear you. That message has to exist. It must be universal. And it should be seen clearly. Which is it? You are that messenger.

They are worthless, Satan is an expert at slandering. They are expelled for paying military service. Slander is unacceptable.

Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say?

Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses go to war?

With slander if not. Jesus Christ was also slandered. He was not spared. The witnesses were victims of Hitler for his strong stance against guns. The same thing happens with Putin. In Korea in Eritrea the witnesses DO NOT accept weapons


The Son of Man did come eating and drinking, and yet they say: 'Look! A gluttonous man given to drinking wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' In any case, wisdom is proven right by his works

Matthew 11:19
 The Son of Man came, eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a gluttonous man, and a drinker of wine, a friend of publicans and sinners. But the wisdom is justified by your children.


[12:00 AM, 7/28/2020] José Luis Javier

Friend, the only lie here is your belief that you are in Jerusalem when you are in Babylon. I gave you the Bible, what you do with it is your business. I also showed you that you serve a 100% Satanic institution, but like the good pagan that you are, you defend your gods—your sect. Yes, many slanders were made of Jesus, but the difference is that no lie was found in his mouth, something JW.org cannot say for itself. And a slander is only slander if it can be demonstrated that what has been said is a falsehood. Go ahead and try it.

In your sect they tell you that they do not kill or go to war, however, with the money that you finance it, it is the first thing they do. Do you know what that does to you?—a murderer. And have you ever heard the term hypocrite in your life? That's your church.

[8:12 AM, 7/28/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say?

[8:12 AM, 7/28/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Let us spread the truth not religious deception. Jw.org is the truth of the Bible in 1021 languages. That is the slave of Matthew 24:45-47. Offense is the resource of the defeated. Look what happens with the WITNESSES today in: Russia-Korea-Eritrea. In prisons for not supporting wars. Your source is FAKE


[12:24 PM, 7/28/2020] José Luis Javier

You look like a broken record. I don't talk to you anymore, You're an Idiot. They fooled you for being an idiot. I gave you sources that you can investigate yourself. That's what I did. And I remind you again that the Saints are those who keep the law (APC. 14:12), well “the law is holy” (ROM. 7:12) and you have confessed that you do not keep the law, and that is why you are discarded as a holy people (NUM. 15:37-41). You are Jehovah's Witnesses, and what Jehovah speaks most about is his law, and you say “there is no law.” (PSALM. 119); tremendous disconnection my friend.

You just say “your source is false.” OK, prove it. You are a sectarian. Jesus said “by their fruits you will know them”, and here we see fumes of the devil. Jehovah's Witnesses have tithe money heavily invested in the Stock Exchange, invested in companies that manufacture military weapons to kill. According to your sect, they do not go to war, but since we see that they do, well every missile that explodes in someone's house, is another missionary visit of Jehovah's Witnesses. I already gave you the link and here I leave the documents again, which are the tax forms of Los TJ in the United States. I downloaded them and verified the information. [h]2014 WP.org Invest in Weapons of War, Tax Return, By Mike Tower
[DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad]

This is Lockheed Martin, the world's leading military weapons manufacturing company. AND That's where the tithe of Jehovah's Witnesses ends up; That's a tremendous deal, my friend. And not only that, but if you take a look at the tax return again you will notice other companies that have nothing to do with the Glory of God, such as Monsanto (Chemistry), Lions Gate (Hollywood), Monster Drinks [Yo]Hidden meaning of monster energy drink
[VIDEO 00:02:09, TheWuito]
(which has 666 in its logo), among others.

NOTE: To see subtitles of the Lockheed video in Spanish, click on the button DC from the Youtube player to activate them, and then click on the settings wheel and select “Subtitles (subtitles) and choose the language you want to translate to.

Look at the following image, and search for the name of those companies on Google or YouTube. Remember, no ignorant person will be saved. (HOSEA 4:6).

Regardless of that, you only have to grab the Bible to prove that the JWs are a satanic organization. These documents are only proof of what the Bible already says, the JWs are another daughter of the great whore. And I repeat to you that God calls those who keep his law to be Saints. (DAN. 7:26-28, APC. 14:12), and you and your sect say there is no law. You have enormous confusion in your head, like an excited Witness.

Holiness is the observance of the law, (NUM. 15:37-41, ROM. 7:12). I see mediocrity in the study of the word, something typical of JWs. You don't know basic things. That's what happens to you for following the teachings of men. (MAT. 15:8-9). That is why you are in darkness. My friend, God's people keep his commandments (APC, 12:17). Everything you talk is rubbish.

[12:58 PM, 7/28/2020] Roberto T. Castañeda

Explain your Luke 23:43. It's impossible I think. The translation was bad. What do you say?

EDITION [12:24 PM, 7/28/2020] José Luis Javier

This is where my conversation with this guy ended. Now do you understand why I had no choice but to call him an idiot? I tried hard not to get to that point, but I had no choice. Some get upset when I use these types of expressions, however Jesus uses even stronger expressions to refer to people like him.

6 Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before the pigs, lest they trample on them, and turn and tear you to pieces. —MATHEW 7:6

But you will say, yes, but the word idiot is not in the Bible. Are you sure about that?

22 Although majestic foolish in a mortar between grains of wheat crushed with a tamper, His foolishness will not depart from him. —PROVERBS 27:22

Do you doubt that this individual is a fool? And what is a fool?

As you can see, I have not departed from the biblical pattern, but rather exposed the error as it is. You already saw how he clung to his mistakes even when they were clearly exposed. I have to confess that I had to delete several of the moments that Roberto repeated his questions of Luke 23:43. I left several out, but there were too many, and I didn't want to risk losing you as readers without getting to the end of this conversation. If you made it this far, I must congratulate you for exercising patience.

A popular saying goes that “even if you wear silk, you look cute.” And the Bible says that he who dresses like a fool remains a fool. (PROV. 27:22). Be careful not to do the same. If you are going to dress, make sure it is holy, so that one day you will meet Jesus in Paradise, up in heaven.

27 and that the kingdom, and the dominion and the majesty of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, be given TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH, whose kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and all dominions will serve and obey Him. —DANIEL 7:25

Do you think anything good came out of this? Let us know in the comments section below. And I think it goes without saying that the Saints of the Most High are those who do not kill, nor murder, and paradise is also reserved for those who allow theft, just as he did.the thief on the cross” (APC. 14:12).


“Come out of her, my people (APC. 18:4)


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