6 Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn and tear you to pieces. —MATHEW 7:6
Although the Bible warns against throwing pearls at those who despise the truth, as long as there is a glimmer of hope of reaching those who are in error, we must make the effort, as long as we understand that they have not crossed the line that leads from error to perversion (1 COR. 5:11). To you who are not sanctified by the truth, we give you the benefit of the doubt—once again, for the love of souls…
In the Bible we have two great characters, who did the work of God. One was Paul, who had a God that he served. The other was Jesus Christ, who—in turn, is God himself. We have to believe that JESUS IS THE GOD PAUL SERVE. And if Jesus is Paul's God and Paul is Jesus' disciple, which of the two has authority over the other?
Paul never contradicted the words of Jesus on any matter. However, many—by using mediocrity or carelessness, in the study of the word—misinterpret Paul's teachings.
Now, let's suppose for a moment that Paul did contradict Jesus' words at any point... We ask, Who then will have the last word, Paul or Jesus? Who do you serve, Paul or Jesus? Who inspired the word, Paul or Jesus? WHO IS GOD, Paul, Jesus, or you?
Jesus, in the last book of The Bible (Revelation), in the last chapter, using very clear, simple language, left us the last Message of Salvation for all humanity:
That is the same tree of life that Adam and Eve lost access to for having broken God's Law. (GEN. 3:22-24). And Jesus tells us how to regain access to that tree. There is no symbol here to decipher, nothing to interpret; A clear, direct and simple message, which is repeated time after time throughout the Bible. And just in case someone wants—or wants you—to be confused, Jesus himself makes it clear who is not going to heaven:
15 But the dogs WILL BE OUT, and the sorcerers, the fornicators, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and makes lies. —REVELATION 22:15
And in verse 16, Jesus puts his signature, so that you have no doubt who is speaking:
16 I, JESUS, have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches.…—REVELATION 22:16
If you pay just a little attention, you will notice that each group presented here (Rev. 22:15) is a violator of the Law of the 10 Commandments of God (EXOD. 20:1-17). That is, Jesus first says that the keepers of his law go to heaven. (REV. 22:14), and then he tells us something that should be obvious, but that the Lord in his wisdom knew would be necessary for this time of so much confusion—THOSE WHO VIOLATE HIS LAW WILL BE LOST. (REV. 22:15).
In fact, John—who knew Jesus even better than Paul—as he walked with him, put it this way:
2 AND HE IS THE PROPITIATION FOR OUR SINS; and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world.
3 And in this we know that we know Him, IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS.
4 He who says, I know him, AND DOES NOT KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, such a person is a liar, and the truth IS NOT in him;
5 but HE WHO KEEPS HIS WORD, in him truly the love of God has been perfected; by this we know that we are in it.
6 He who says that he abides in him, YOU SHOULD WALK AS HE WALKED. —1 JOHN 2:2-6
Once again, no symbol to decipher, nothing to interpret; a clear, direct and simple message. And in case someone wants—OR WANTS YOU—to deceive you, Jesus himself—as we already mentioned, tells you who is NOT GOING TO HEAVEN.
Paul—for his part, repeats practically the same message that Jesus brings us in Revelation 22:15:
9 Do you not know that THE UNRIGHTEOUS WILL NOT INHERIT the kingdom of God? Do not err; neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor those who have sex with men,
10 Neither thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. —1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-10
Once again, Paul—like Jesus—presents that each group is a violator of The Law of the Ten Commandments, and therefore will be lost. Of course, this is if they do not come to repentance and begin to observe the divine law given by God. The grace of Christ is manifested through His Law (REV. 22:12-21).
Now, let's break down both groups of characters who go to perdition, those that Jesus presented and those that Paul presented, and which commandments they violated, starting with the most obvious:
REVELATION 22:15 (Jesus)
DOGS: 10th,5th, 7th, 1st, 2nd, 4th (See Deut 23:17-18)
SORCERERS: 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 4th
FORNICATIONS: 7th, 10th, 1st, 2nd, 4th
THE MURDERERS: 6th, 1st, 4th
THE IDOLATERS: 2nd, 1st, 4th
LIARS: 9th, 1st, 4th, (and by extension, the entire rest)
Now let's analyze Paul (1 COR. 6:9-10)
FORNICATIONS—7th, 10th, 1st, 2nd, 4th
IDOLATERS—2nd, 1st, 3rd, 4th
ADULTERERS—7th, 10th, 1st, 2nd, 4th
EFFECTIVE—10th, 5th, 7th, 1st, 2nd, 4th
THOSE WHO CHEAT WITH MEN—10th, 5th, 7th, 1st, 2nd, 4th
THIEVES-8th, 1st, 4th,
GAVERS—10th, 8th, 4th (and by extension, 5th, 6th)
DRUNKS—1st, 2nd, 4th (See Philpians 3:18-19)
CURSERS—9th, 1st, 4th
SCAMMERS—8th, 1st, 4th
So we see that each group in these two lists is simply an expansion of what God had already left in his law. Some are very obvious and direct, such as do not steal, do not kill and do not commit adultery, while others we can see a principle of the law that has been violated. For example, each group violates the first and 4th commandments, since these commandments refer directly to God, and any transgression—at any point (James 2:10), is disobedience to the same God who gave the law. Another not so obvious example is the misers…
Jesus summarized—DID NOT ABOLISH, but summarized, the entire law in two commandments (MAT. 22:34-40).
[1] 37 “Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”—First 4 commandments—1st Table.
[2]: 39 "You love your neighbor as yourself."—6th-10th—Second Table.
The first 4 commandments of the decalogue are the direct relationship of God with man. If—for example, you keep the first 4 commandments, you are “loving the Lord above all things,” beginning with “thou shalt have no other gods,” followed by no to idolatry, “do not take his name in vain,” and observing “ the Sabbath” that recognizes him as creator (7th Day Saturday).
The last 6 commandments are the relationship of neighbor with neighbor. If—for example, you love your neighbor as yourself, “thou shalt not covet his wife,” “thou shalt not kill” thy neighbor, “thou shalt not steal” from thy neighbor, “honor thy father and mother,” who are also your neighbor, you will be faithful to your wife (or your husband if you are a woman), who is also your neighbor, you will not covet your neighbor's wife and sons, you will not bear false witness against your neighbor, and YOU SHALL NOT BE GAVE TO HIM, etc. …That is to love your neighbor as yourself, where the rich young man failed (Matthew 19:16-22). Dogs (homosexual)/effeminate violate the 5th commandment, since it only contemplates the union of a man with a woman. Homosexuality transgresses this principle.
In short, Jesus was not abolishing the law, but fulfilling it (Matt. 5:17)—as he fulfilled it, teaching us to fulfill it and highlighting that it can be summarized in two:
40 All the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments. —MATHEW 22:40
If the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments, and—as a result of this summary of the law, The Ten Commandments were abolished, then we have that the prophets were also abolished. That is, following this line of thought that Jesus abolished the law because he summarized it in two commandments. This in turn would mean that prophecies were also abolished, since they depend on the prophets, who are sent by God. Let's keep in mind that still There are some prophecies left to be fulfilled, such as the second coming of Christ. That is, the second coming of Christ was abolished, and—let us remember, that Christ himself was also a prophet... Was Christ also abolished? Did Christ abolish himself?
Peter—who also walked with Jesus on land (and through water)—put it this way:
21 For this is what you were called; because Christ also suffered for us, LEAVING US AN EXAMPLE, so that you follow his footsteps;
22 which HE DID NOT DO SIN, nor was deceit found in his mouth; —1 PETER 2:21
Let us remember that not to sin is to keep the law. And Jesus confirms that he did so:
10 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; JUST AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHER'S COMMANDMENTS, and remain in his love. —JOHN 15:10
In the Bible, everything revolves around Love, which is based on His Holy Law—which in turn is based on God Himself. (1 John 4:7-8). And let us remember what the word love means, according to what God left us REVEALED in his word.:
10 Love does no harm to others; so THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LAW is love. —PAUL (Romans 13:10)
And what about that change of law that Paul was referring to in some of his epistles?
9 And so to speak, in Abraham Levi also paid the tithe, who receives the tithes; …
11 If, then, perfection were through THE LEVITIC PRIESTHOOD (because under it the people received the law), what need would there still be for another priest to arise, according to the order of Melchizedek, and that he should not be called according to the order of Aaron? ?
12 Because the priesthood has changed, IT IS NECESSARY THAT THERE IS ALSO A CHANGE IN THE LAW; —HEBREWS 7:9-12.
The text is simpler than it appears:
First, we must understand that Paul was talking about THE LAW OF THE LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD, not The Law of God's Ten Commandments. This Levitical law was a set of rules and ORDINANCES (Law of Moses, who was a Levite) different from the Law of the Ten Commandments. Paul confirms this in verse 16:
15 And this is even more evident, if a different priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek,
16 not established according to THE LAW OF THE COMMANDMENT REGARDING THE OFFSPRING [Levites], but according to the power of an indestructible life. —ACTS 7:15-16
This is confirmed in Jesus himself, for he came from the descendants of the Tribe of Judah, not from Levi. Also, let us remember that the Law of God is eternal (indestructible)—
6 He made them to be eternally and FOREVER; He gave them a LAW that WILL NOT BE BREAKED. —PSALMS 148:6
Paul talks about a different priest would arise, with a different law (than the ordinances). And Daniel had already prophesied that this priest would be Jesus, and that upon his death these ritual laws of the Levitical priesthood, which we know as sacrifices, would be eliminated, right?
27 And after the sixty-two weeks THE MESSIAH'S LIFE WILL BE TAKEN, but not by itself; …
27 And for another week he will confirm the covenant with many; In the middle of the week HE WILL MAKE THE SACRIFICE AND THE OFFERING CEASE. …. —DANIEL 9:25-27
And that brings us to one of Paul's simplest texts, however one of the most misinterpreted, because people simply read the Bible very carelessly and without care, not taking the necessary pauses to understand what they read; However, the text explains itself:
14 For he is our peace, who made both peoples one, tearing down the middle wall of separation,
15 ABOLISHING enmities in his flesh, The Law Of Commandments EXPRESSED IN ORDINANCES, to create in himself one new man, making peace,
16 and through the cross reconcile both with God in one body, killing enmities in it. —EPHESIANS 2:14-16 (Reina Valera 1960)
Paul speaks clearly that what was taken down on the cross were “the commandments EXPRESSED IN ORDINANCES,” and not the Law of The Ten Commandments. And what are those ordinances? Let's look at the same text in an older Bible:
14 Scratching the card OF THE RITES that it was contrary to us, that it was against us, removing it from the middle and nailing it to the cross; —COLOSSIANS 2:14 (NKJV)
The Bible is very clear about what was going to happen after the death of Christ. And Christ himself comes and confirms that his Holy Law remains, because time after time he preached about keeping The Law; He did it during his 3 and a half year ministry.,
14 Follow peace with youodos, and holiness, without which NO ONE will see the Lord. —HEBREWS. 12:14
And holiness cannot exist where there is sin. To say otherwise is to say that God is a sinner,
16 for it is written: Be holy, for I AM holy. —1 PETER 1:16
That is, God commands us to live without sin (OVERCOME), as he lives without sin. And the only way to live without sin is by keeping the law,
4 Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; because SIN IS INFRINGEMENT OF THE LAW. —1 JOHN 3:4
But there is someone who is interested in there being no law:
8 He who practices sin is of the devil; because THE DEVIL SINNS FROM THE BEGINNING. For this the Son of God appeared, to undo the works of the devil. —1 JOHN 3:8
In other words, he who breaks the law is from the devil. To say that there is no law, is to say that there is no sin. And if there is no sin, “the sacrifice of Christ on the cross was a failure,” to quote the words of Francisco Bergoglio.
No civilization can exist without laws. The universe is governed by physical laws that cannot be altered. In the same way, the human being is governed by moral laws, and—In the absence of these laws, God does not exist either, since the first law of God is "You can not have others gods in front of me." If that law does not exist, then man has the freedom to idolize other gods, without any penalty. Is that biblical?
Overturning God's Law has been a well-planned plan of Satan for a long time, and the Bible presents it as such. First with temptation in Eden (GANDN 3:1-6), and later prophesied in the book of Daniel:
24 And the ten horns mean that ten kings will arise from that kingdom; ANOTHER WILL RISE, which will be different from the first, and will overthrow three kings.
25 And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will break the saints of the Most High, AND WILL THINK ABOUT CHANGE THE TIMES AND THE LAW; and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, and times, and half a time. —DANIEL 7:25-26
That new horn that arose was the Papacy, who we already know would continually blaspheme against the most high. Take Francisco Begoglio, for example, who in 2015 said at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City that Christ's sacrifice on the Cross ended in failure, “The failure of La Cruz.” [1]Francisco Bergoglio: The Death of Jesus “Ended in Failure.”
….Likewise, this system has mocked by saying that God gave it authority to change its law. In the Catecismo del Converso [Convert's Cathechism of Catholic Doctrine], (p.50 and back cover), The Catholic Church admits to having changed the Seventh Day of rest sanctified by God, substituting in its place the first day of the week, Sunday. Hence, almost all “Protestant” denominations are Sundays, since they inherited the false day of rest from Rome. And the churches that call themselves Sabbath churches violate this commandment by failing to apply it correctly, and they also violate other commandments, such as the constant use of images of men to represent Jesus, thus violating the second commandment of the law of God. Click on the image to see this official document (The Catechism of the Convesro), where the fourth commandment is moved out from fourth to third place, and Sunday replaced by Saturday.
This law change—from Saturday to Sunday, is actually The Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-18), and not the false and illogical doctrine that this mark is a microchip. But this brand will not be official until this is pronounced as a national law in the United States. In his papal encyclical LAUDATO Si, Francis Bergoglio calls on the governments of the world to implement a Sunday rest law to “save our sister the earth.” of global warming. This also indicates that it is being manipulated [changing] he weather [2]THE EARTH Trembles, And Where Is Christ? —Manipulating Time to “Change Time and Law” to destabilize the planet, and pressure governments to accept the implementations suggested in LAUDATO Si. Shortly after this implementation, Christ comes (Daniel 7:26-28).
For more details on this point, see the following documents:
The Mark of the Beast is Not the Microchip [3]The Mark of the Beast is Not the Microchip
[2] The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language and El Sábado [4]Saturday vs. Sunday — Royal Academy of the Spanish Language
[3] SUNDAY WORSHIP It is Worship to the Sun God [5] Sunday, The Lord's Day, Catechism of The Catholic Church — Worshiping the Sun God
The last message of Jesus in the Bible is that his grace will only fall on those who keep his Holy Law (REV. 22:12-21). That is why Paul says that “The Law is Holy” (ROM. 7:12), for it sanctifies us, just as God himself had said before (NUM. 15:38-41).
Finally, the Bible presents that there in heaven we will continue to keep the law:
22 For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make SHALL remain before me, says the LORD, so will your descendants and your name remain.
23 And from month to month, AND FROM SABBATH DAY TO SABBATH DAY, they will all come to worship before me, says the Lord. —ISAIAH 66:22-23
The text indicates that the law will remain forever, since the Sabbath is one of the 10 commandments of God's law (4th), and will be kept in heaven eternally. That is why the psalmist put it this way:
44 I will keep your law always, FOREVER and eternally. —PSALMS 119:44
Was Davíd wrong or were you wrong? Did God inspire David or did he inspire you?
24 being justified freely BY HIS GRACE, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
25 whom God made a propitiation through faith in his blood, to manifest his righteousness, because he had passed over past sins in his patience,
26 with the aim of manifesting his justice at this time, so that he may be the just one, and the one who justifies him who is of THE FAITH of Jesus. …
31 Then by faith do we invalidate the law? In no way, BUT WE CONFIRM THE LAW. —Romans 3:21-31
But Paul said we are not saved by works, right? In effect, Paul stated:
8 For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God;
9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to walk in. —EPHESIANS 2:8-10
However, JESUS stated:
12 And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to reward each one. depending on his work. —REVELATION 22:12
Once again, who serves who…and who do you serve, Paul or Jesus? We must keep this principle very clear, as it will lead us to get out of any confusion in this matter when there seem to be conflicts of interest between both characters. However, we have already covered that “God is not a God of confusion” (1 COR. 14:33), and Paul states,
Pablo, servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, pulled apart for the gospel of God,…—ROMANS 1:1
In short, Paul himself declares that, to) he is a servant of Jesus Christ, and b) that this same man set him apart for the gospel. Having this information in hand, we can follow the pecking order we have already established (biblically). Equally important, we have that—if Paul was set apart by God Himself—and if Paul never strayed from the path, then Paul's words could never contradict Jesus's. That is, if when comparing these two biblical texts (Ephesians 2:8-10 and Revelation 22:15) There seems to be a confusion, this means that the confusion is in us, and not in the writing. Therefore, we cannot use one biblical text to destroy another. Quite the contrary, the texts—at the minimum, they must harmonize, and in the best of cases, one text must explain the other—not destroy it, because the word of God does not contradict itself. Now, Paul says that “we are saved by works,” while Jesus “comes to reward each person according to his work…”
Once again, the text (EPH. 2:8-10) It is simpler than it seems. The key text is found in verse 8, where Paul tells us “For by grace you are saved through faith“. And what did Paul tell us earlier about faith?
31Then by faith do we invalidate the law? In no way, but WE CONFIRM the Law. —ROMANS 3:21-31
And keeping the law is a work (Numbers 15:38-41). And Jesus, just after saying that each one comes to give according to his work, tells us what those works are: Revelation (22:14—good works = salvation), (Revelation 22:15—bad works = perdition). This means that Paul was not talking about the works that Christ spoke about. Jesus spoke of His Holy Law, and Paul spoke of the works of man—the traditions of the Pharisees and doctors of the law, whom Jesus so often condemned...
2 The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.
3 Therefore, whatever they tell you to keep, keep it and do it; but do not do according to his work, because they say, and do not do.
4 Because they tie heavy loads that are difficult to carry, and they put them on the shoulders of men; but they don't even want to move them with a finger.
5 Before, they do all his works to be seen by men. For they widen their phylacteries, and spread the fringes of their cloaks;
6 and they love the first seats at dinners, and the first seats in the synagogues,
7 and the greetings in the squares, and that the men call them: Rabbi, Rabbi. —MATHEW 23:2-7
…and that Paul himself faced on several occasions (ACTS 23:1-10). And if Paul affirms that we are saved through faith (EPH. 2:8), and that faith confirms the Law (ROM. 3:31), This indicates that Paul is affirming that we are saved through the law—for faith is the same law!
And those were the same works by which Abraham—father of faith, it was justified (ROM. 4:16),
23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says: Abraham believed God, and was counted by justice, and he was called a friend of God. —JAMES 2:23
One more time, justice [6] Justice, definition (Google) It is the application of established laws or regulations. God himself affirms it in the example of Abraham:
5 because Abraham heard my voice and kept my commandment, MY COMMANDMENTS, my statutes and my laws. —GANDNESIS 26:5
Google defines the word Judge [7] Judge, Judge, definition (Google) as follows:
And Paul emphasizes,
30 For we know him who said: Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. And again: The Lord WILL JUDGE his people. —HEBREWS 10:30
So let us not forget that Jesus is our judge, AND AS WE ALREADY SAW, A judge judges based on the laws that are already established. If there is no law, there is no judgment. If there is no trial, we also do not have a judge to judge us. And the only one who DOES NOT JUDGE is Satan. I mean, If there is no law, there is no God. If there is no law, there is only one god—Satan!
Paul never contradicted the scriptures, much less Jesus. But Paul must be studied carefully—pay attention, both to the point and the comma, just as Peter himself warns:
15 And know that the patience of our Lord is for salvation; AS OUR BELOVED BROTHER PAUL ALSO, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 almost in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; AMONG WHICH THERE ARE SOME DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND, which the unlearned and fickle TWIST, as well as the other Scriptures, FOR THEIR OWN PERDITION. —2 PETER 3:16
The problem is not Paul—much less Jesus—but man's foolish insistence on following the commandments of men. (Matt. 15:89). So Paul “vs.” Jesus It is an invention of men. There is no conflict in the scripture, rather a complete harmony. Paul is the worst example that twisters of the gospel can use to say that the Law of the Ten Commandments is abolished, because if there is a biblical author who speaks clearly about the validity of God's law, it is Paul. Jesus said that to get to heaven (be justified), you must keep the law (REV. 22:14). And Paul—more than any other biblical author—makes it clear:
12 For all who have sinned without law will also perish without law; and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law; 13 because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified.
14 For when the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature what is of the law, these, although they do not have the law, They are law unto themselves,
15 showing the work of the law written in their hearts, bearing witness to their conscience, and accusing or defending their reasoning,
16 on the day when God judgera through Jesus Christ the secrets of men, according to my gospel. —ROMANS 2:12-16
Another false argument against God's law is that it was given only to the Jewish people—and not to all of humanity. It truly never ceases to surprise us at the ineptitude that exists in those who, with their lips, profess to follow Christ. This is a simple topic—very simple…
To begin, it says the fourth commandment of the law of God—not of man,
8 Remember of the Sabbath day to sanctify it.
9 Six days you will work, and you will do all your work;
10 but the seventh day is a rest to the Lord your God; Do not do any work in it, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maid, nor your beast, NOT NOR YOUR FOREIGN that is within your doors.
11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; Therefore, Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it. —EXODUS 20:8-11
The law of God—from the beginning, was given as a whole or group, which cannot be separated (JAMES 20:10). So we understand THAT if the foreigner also had to observe the shabbat, He DIDN'T have to kill either, right? Did God only prohibit the Jewish people? “not having other gods”…and how about not committing adultery? Following the logic of most evangelical groups—that the law is only for the Jew, does God allow us Gentiles to worship other gods and idolize their images? Should we not honor our parents? Where is the principle that God is no respecter of persons? (ACTS 10:34)
We have asked some logical questions, because today—the Christian, what seems to use the least is logic. Of course, it is written above anything, but the word of God does not contradict itself (1 COR. 14:33). You will say, “no, but if the law was only for the foreigner who was within Israel…” Let's see the writing is:
10 You all you are today in the presence of Jehovah your God; the heads of your tribes, your elders and your officials, all the men of Israel;
11 your children, your women, and your foreigners who live in the middle of your camp, from the one who cuts your wood to the one who draws your water;
12 that you may enter into the covenant of the Lord your God, and into his oathMay the Lord your God agree with you today,
13 to confirm you today as his people, and that he may be your God, as he has told you, and as he swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
14 And it is not only with you that I make this pact and this oath.,
15 but with those who stand here with us today before the Lord our God, and with those who are not here today with us. —DEUTERONOMY 29:11-15
These are the words of God to the Jewish people, just after being freed from the yoke of Egypt, and—also just at the time of receiving the Law of the Ten Commandments. In other words, there was no other Jewish people anywhere else. So God was referring to ALL humanity—well, to all humanity it was given, from the beginning:
16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, From every tree of the garden you may eat;
17 further of the tree of heavennce ofgood and evil you will not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die. —GENESIS 2:16-17
The tree of knowledge represents The Ten Commandments God. [8] The Sabbath and Logic: The Day of the Lord and The Tree of Knowledge But how do we know that? Very simply, the order was not to eat (not break the law) from that tree, as this would bring death to Adam and Eve. Let us remember that “sin is transgression of the law.” And what are the consequences of sinning?
23 Because the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.—ROMANS 6:23
What gives rise to death is the commission of sin; and what gives rise to sin is the violation of any of the ten commandments of God's law—including the Sabbath. That is, if there is no law—once again, there is no sin either, since it is generated from the violation of said law. And Adam and Eve were told not to violate the law so that it would not die, and—because they violated it, there is death, and—therefore—sin.
Friends, this is too simple and I don't want to go into too much detail, since we already expanded on this topic in another article, [9] The Law, The Jews & You — Who Was The Law Given For? but briefly, let us not forget that Abraham kept the law of God (GEN. 26:5), and he was not Jewish. In other words, he knew the law. When God gave the order not to touch the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve—made in the image and likeness of God, perfect and with great knowledge, knew—PERFECTLY, that they were going to die if they ate that fruit. (GEN. 3:3). And to know the consequence of sinning, they had to know the law, because—again, “sin is transgression of the law” and “the wages of sin is death”—The Law was not given for the first time at Sinai, much less only to the Jewish people! [9] The Law, The Jews & You — Who Was The Law Given For?
Cain knew that there was a commandment that said “thou shalt not kill”, and that is why he denied having killed his brother Abel (GEN. 4:8-9), for he knew the consequence of killing—that is, violating God's law:
14 Behold, today you cast me out of the land, and I will hide myself from your presence, and I will be a wanderer and a stranger in the land; and it will come to pass that whoever finds me will kill me. —GENESIS 4:14
As a study, we invite YOU to compare the text of Genesis 2:1-3 side by side with Exodus 20:8-11. YOU WILL REALIZE that they are practically the same text—one given in Sinai and another given in The Beginning. This is critical, since the main objection that the evangelical world has against God's law is the fourth commandment. If we ask you who is reading this article, what [1st] If we can have other gods, [2nd] worship images, [3rd] take God's name in vain, [5th] dishonor our parents, [6th] kill, [7th] commit adultery, [8th] steal, [9] speak lies, [10th] covet the goods and/or the partner of our neighbor, you will surely say no. But if we ask you if we can violate the fourth commandment, you—probably, too—will say that “that is Mosaic law,” that “it is for the Jews”, that “we are in grace and not in the law”, that “the law was nailed to the cross”, that “There are 613 commandments”, etc. etc., …excuses, excuses, excuses.
The Sabbath, representing the entire law, will be observed—once again, for eternity—by all flesh… not all Jewish meat, but all flesh—humanity:
22 For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make will remain before me, says the Lord, so it will remain your descendants and your name.
23 And from month to month, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh will come to worship before me, says the Lord. —ISAIAH 66:22-23
Enough of the excuses. It's time for you to evaluate yourself, put aside your hypocrisy (MAT. 15:7-9)—and to man, and become one with God.
15 If ImYe, keep my commandments. —JOHN 14:15
Now closing, and—understanding that this is not a message from man, but rather one that comes from above, let us quote the creator of the heavens and the stars:
19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and THE ARK OF HIS COVENANT It was seen in the temple. And there was LIGHTNING, VOICES, THUNDER, an earthquake and great hail. —REVELATION 11:19
We ask, a) What is inside the ark of the covenant, and b) what voice are you listening to…the voice of God or the voice of a god?
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—ChristTruth https://www.cristoverdad.com
NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material.
Photos—if any, also expand the content: videos, news, links, etc.
[1] Francisco Bergoglio, The Death of Jesus “A Failure Ended.”
[2] THE EARTH Trembles, And Where Is Christ? —Manipulating Time to “Change Time and Law”
[3] The Mark of the Beast is Not the Microchip
[4] Saturday vs. Sunday — Royal Academy of the Spanish Language
[5] Sunday, The Lord's Day, Catechism of The Catholic Church — Worshiping the Sun God
[6] Justice, definition (Google)
[7] Judge, definition (Google)
[8] The Sabbath and Logic: The Day of the Lord and The Tree of Knowledge
[9] The Law,The Jews & You — Who Was The Law Given For?
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