The word of God says, 

8Because if Joshua had given them REST, they would not speak after another day. —HEBREWS 4:8

The following study is the product of a conversation in a Facebook group called Dante Gebel Fans. That's right, while the word of God says “Cursed is the man who trusts in man” (JER. 17:5), Those who claim to serve Christ continue to follow men, to the point of idolizing them, even using the same terms that worldly people use, fans in this case. And that is the problem, that they focus on following men and their doctrines and forget the “sound doctrine”—that is, the doctrines which Christ taught.

The conversation began when Ale Sos—another follower—or in this case, creator of doctrines of men, published a photo about meat, which says that the original sin is eating animals. Although this study is not about that, I will briefly share with you a fragment of what I told you. To know a little more about the conversation, see the photo attached here.

There is no such thing as original sin, as far as this false doctrine is concerned. The word of God says:

23 Because the wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. —ROMANS 6:23

What causes death is sin. AND  “sin is transgression of the law”  (1 JOHN 3:4). That is the original sin, that the law was violated of God [ALL], [1]The Law, The Jews & You
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
and that in turn brought about eating meat, because to eat, you must first break the law—that is, you must kill. (EXD 20:13), as I explained to Ale Sos. The Lord warned Adam,

17but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; because on the day you eat of it, you will certainly die. —GENESIS 2:17

We have a complete study on that topic, [1]The Law, The Jews & You
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
  but what God said to Adam in essence was that The day you violate my law, you will surely die, because The pay for violating my law is death. And Adam broke the law (HOSEA 6:7), and for violating that law both Adam and his wife Eve lost access to the Tree of Life (GEN. 3:21). And Jesus himself tells us what we must do to regain access to that tree of eternal life—

14Blessed  those who keep his commandments , for have a right to the tree of life, and  to enter through the gates in the city.[…]16 I Jesus I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things—REVELATION 22:14-16

As I explained to Ale Sos, eating meat is not the original sin, but violating the law led to eating meat. And speaking of the law, I had published a small study on the Sabbath that my brother Miguel wrote, and here I present it to you as a reference—

Another person made a comment, which is very common in the world of evangelical churches, alluding to the fact that there is no longer a day of rest:


Well, let's grab the bull by its horns:  Evangelicals don't hate God's law, they hate the Sabbath.  Eduardo Gutierrez, an idol in the evangelical world, for example, says that “You must keep all the commandments except the Sabbath.”  [2]aIs it valid to keep the Sabbath? Part 1 Adventist VS Pastor Eduardo Gutierrez
[VIDEO 1:31:45, News]
[2]bIs it valid to keep the Sabbath? Part 2 Adventist VS Pastor Eduardo Gutierrez
[VIDEO 1:30:46, News]
Armando Alducín—idol of the Baptists and the “Christian” world in general—says the reasons—human, “why don't we Christians keep the Sabbath?” Here at CristoVerdad we already unmask the parish priest Alducin, [3]John, The Disciples and The Day
of the Lord
[STUDY, CristoVerdad
and we will soon have audiovisual material where we will expose the scammer Eduardo Gutierrez; stay tuned with us.

The wolves are already beginning to take off their disguise as lambs, and at least they are being honest about what lies behind their hatred against the Sabbath instituted by God—and for God, for the sake of man. (MAR. 2:27).

We clarify that we have nothing against the evangelical and “Christian” brothers, but we are pointing out how much they have been deceived by the wolves—which they call shepherds, and the harlots—which they call churches. (REV. 17:4-5). [and]BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God in the Adventist Church and Christianity: “We are ALL Catholics”
[VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]

When someone like Marisol Fernadez says “but the true Sabbath day…” is directly saying that the Seventh Day Sabbath is false, and—as they also always ignore, that the law—including the Sabbath, comes directly from God, not from Moses, and God—obviously, cannot be the giver of a false day—

17sign is forever between me and the children of Israel; because in six days he did  Jehovah  the heavens and the earth,  and on the seventh day he ceased and rested. 

18AND gave to Moses, when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony,  stone tablets written with the finger of God —EXODUS 31:17-18

Daniel 7:25 tells us that the devil “I would think about changing the times and the law.” And the main place where he has focused on making that change is not in the civil laws of the nations of the world, but changing them where God put them first:

16This is the pact that will be madeI'm with himyou After those days, the Lord says:  QI will wave my laws in their hearts And in their minds I will write them, […] —HEBREWS 10:16

This biblical text in the “new testament” is in turn a direct reference to the old, where God—through the lips of Jeremiah—speaks to us in this way:

31Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, in which I will do  New agreement  with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.
32Not like the covenant I made with their fathers on the day I took their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they invalidated my covenant, although I was a husband to them, says the Lord.
33But this is the pact What will I do to the house of Israel after those days?  says Jehovah: I will give my law in your mind, and I will write it in your heart and I will be their God, and they will be my people. —JEREMIAH 31:31-33

So we have that the new covenant is simply a ratification of the old one, which Israel did not validate due to its disobedience. And it is interesting that this quote is also in the book of Hebrews, since it is precisely to chapter 4 of Hebrews that this young lady was referring when she said “…but the true Sabbath refers to something else.”, but more precisely, verse 3 refers—

3But we who have believed enter into rest, in the manner that he said: Therefore, I swore  in my anger,  They will not enter my rest;  although his works were finished from the foundation of the world. —HEBREWS 4:3

Since it is not our custom to isolate biblical texts to force an idea, let's analyze the full context of what Paul is talking about here. But first here I leave you the complete chapter 4 of the book of Hebrews, and then we will analyze verses 1 to 11, where Paul talks about rest.

Ok, as I already mentioned, this study is based on the conversation I had with Marisol, and on some additions that I have made when converting that conversation into this study that I am presenting to you here. Once again, let's grab the bull by the horns.

Marisol Fernandez, you don't read [the Bible] carefully, sister.

Thus we began, and here we continue—

So we have that Paul was not talking about the Seventh Day Sabbath, but about “another topic” in Hebrews 4? Let's see, and I will show you with the same biblical quote that you are presented with, how wrong both you and the entire evangelical world are. Let's analyze Hebrews 4:1-11, verse by verse.

1st Point

1Let us fear, then, lest still remaining the promise of entering into his rest, some of you seem not to have achieved it. —HEBEREANS 4:1

Paul begins with a warning that the promise of rest still remains. And if it remains, it is because it existed before. In other words, Paul is saying that this is nothing new.

2nd Point

2Because we also don't knows has beenspread the good news as to them; but  did not take advantage of them  hearing the word,  for not being accompanied by faith  in those who heard it. —HEBREWS 4:2

Paul is saying, that just as with the Jews of the old covenant, with him—and with us, God has made the same covenant. We will analyze this point at the end.

3rd Point

3But  THOSE OF US WHO HAVE BELIEVED we enter into rest, in the manner that he said: Therefore I swore in my anger, They shall not enter into my rest; although his works were finished from the foundation of the world. —HEBREWS 4:3

This is the text in question that Marisol Fernández was referring to, and that—in the entire evangelical world, they do not understand, although it is very simple for those who want to trust in God and not in man. Here Paul tells us that only those who have believed in him—in God, they entered into their rest. And what is it to believe?—

Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments” (JOHN 14:15). The Sabbath is one of the 10 commandments of the Law of God (EXOD. 20:8-11). and loving is “the fulfillment of the Law” (1 JOHN 3:4). Jesus himself stated it:

10 If you will save  my commandments,  you will remain  In my love; JUST AS I HAVE KEPT THE COMMANDMENTS OF MY FATHER, and remain in his love. —JOHN 15:10

And John, the beloved disciple, who knew Jesus better than each of us, put it this way:

6He who says that he abides in him, must walk as he walked. —1 JOHN 2:6

And how did Jesus walk on this earth?

16He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up;  and on the Sabbath  entered the synagogue,  according to your custom , and got up to read. —LUKE 4:16

And the Bible is very clear that the seventh day (Saturday) is the Sabbath. (GEN. 2:1-3, EXD. 20:8-11). To believe is to obey, well "also demons believe and they tremble” (James 2:19). The demons “believe,” but they do not obey; there is the difference. And that is precisely what Paul is talking about in Hebrews 4.

Hebrews 4:3 also says that the “works” of God “were finished from the foundation of the world.” And the way God finished those works was by resting on the Seventh day.

4th Point

4For in a certain place HE SAID THUS OF THE SEVENTH DAY: AND God rested from all his works on THE SEVENTH DAY. —HEBREWS 4:4

Here there is a direct reference to the Seventh day, day of rest (4th commandment), and isn't it talking about the Sabbath, friend?

5th Point

5And here again: They will not enter my rest. —HEBREWS 4:5

Here Paul re-emphasizes that God continues to say that many will not enter his rest. But why? Because they continue to disobey... Pay attention, you who are reading this and who continue to reject God's law, particularly the 4th commandment!

6th Point

6Therefore, since  SOME NEED TO ENTER INTO IT,  and those to whom the good news was first announced DID NOT ENTER BECAUSE OF DISOBEDIENCE,—HEBREWS 4:6

Verse 6 clearly states that many— like you , they did not enter rest because of disobedience. It was God himself who said remember of the Sabbath”—Not Moses, as you have been taught in the house of the harlot that you congregate with, Sister Marisol, and you are an evangelical friend. [4]Adventist Church of the Hand with the Harlots
[VIDEO 00:06:20, CristoVerdad]
And one more time-

16So they will keep the Sabbath the children of Israel, celebrating it throughout their generations by perpetual covenant.
17 sign is forever  between me and the children of Israel; For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he ceased and rested.
18And he gave Moses, when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, two tablets of testimony, tablets of stone  written with the finger of God

And before you come up with the absurd story that the covenant was for Israel alone, I recommend that you read Isaiah 56—

The thing is that you do not study, and you have dedicated yourself to maintaining the satanic churches in which you congregate, because nothing that throws the word of God to the ground can come from God. And that is only what the fallen institutions that you defend so much have dedicated themselves to. And if something does not come from God, it comes from the devil. “He came to his own, and theirs "They didn't receive it." (JOHN 1:11). Was Jesus only for Israel too?

And Paul here says that many are yet to enter it [rest]—many like you. Hebrews. 4:6 also makes a reference to the literal people of Israel “to those who were announced FIRST….” That is, there is one second people to whom the same message is announced today, and the same day of rest is given: the gentiles, among whom are you, my sister and your evangelical friend who hates the Sabbath so much.

7th Point

7again  DETERMINE A DAY : Today, saying after so long, through David, as it was said: If you hear his voice today, Do not harden your hearts. —HEBREWS 4:7

Verse 7 says that [God] “determines  one day:  today”… In other words, here again we are literally talking about ONE DAY A WEEK, not the distorted idea that you have that “Christ is our rest” and therefore “You don't have to keep the Sabbath.” And that day that Paul refers to is the same day as yesterday, since we see John in the “New Testament” receive the Apocalypse on the day of the Lord—the seventh day Saturday. (REV. 1:10). Why does John talk about the day of the Lord if there is no longer the day of the Lord?

Paul gives the warning not to harden “your hearts”, exactly what you have done with the truth of the Sabbath. With every warning comes a consequence. And all biblical mention of the Lord's day is in reference to the Seventh Day of the week—Saturday, and that is what John is referring to. in the last chapter, of the last book of the entire Bible; the last message of salvation for all humanity! 

Yes, Christ is our rest (LUK. 6:5), but the way we rest in him is by keeping his law (JOHN 14:15), and—in particular, the Sabbath, so that we may rest in him, with him, and for him—

28come to me all  those of you who are working  and loaded, and I I will make you rest. —MATHEW 11:28

And the commandment of the Sabbath commands us to rest and rest from our works (EXD. 20:8-11). Therefore, Christ gives us the Sabbath so that we can achieve that rest—both physical and spiritual—that Paul told us about.

5And he said to them: The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. —LUKE 6:5

8th Point

8Because if Joshua had given them REST, HE WOULD NOT SPEAK AFTER ANOTHER DAY. —HEBREWS 4:8

Simply put, God was the one who gave the Law, NOT JOSHUA. God was the one who gave Isarel the land of Canaan, not Joshua. God was the one who gave the Sabbath, not Joshua. And God said seventh day, not Joshua—nor any human institution. Now, if it had been Joshua who gave the law, and Joshua had said Wednesday the Sabbath, Joshua was not going to be talking about Monday, No?

Also here we see another reference to a literal day “would not speak after another  day .” The interesting thing here is that the text begins talking about rest “Because if Joshua had given them REST“, and then ends up connecting it to a day of the week”I WOULD NOT TALK AFTER ANOTHER DAY.” That is, the rest—again, it is not Christ himself—but his day, through which he allows us to rest, as we mentioned above.

And once we know all this, verse 9 explains itself—

9th Point

9Therefore, THERE IS A REST for the people of God. —HEBREWS 4:9

And if there is a rest, it is because There is one Sabbath left to keep, which—says the word of God, will continue to be kept for eternity, by every human being [all flesh] and every created creature that has remained faithful to God and his holy law, which amounts to the same thing—

22Because like the new heavens and the new earth that I make  will remain  before me, says the LORD, so shall your descendants and your name remain.
23And from month to month,  and SABBATH DAY ON SABBATH DAY, will come ALL MEAT  to worship before me, —ISAIAH 66:22-23

10th Point

10For he who has entered into his rest has also rested from his works, LIKE GOD FROM HIS. —HEBREWS 4:10

Verse 10 is the most compelling of all. It clearly says here that those who enter into rest—YOU AND I, rest in the same way that God rested. And how did God rest, sister, evangelical or “Christian” friend?

1So the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their host.
2And God finished the work that he did on the seventh day;  and he rested on the seventh day from all the work he did. 3And God blessed the seventh day,  and sanctified it, because in it he rested from all the work  what he had done in creation. —GENESIS 2:1-3

What do you still not understand sister, or you evangelical friend?

11th Point

11LET US TRY, THEREFORE, TO ENTER THAT REST, so that no one falls into such an example of disobedience. —HEBREWS 4:3-11

Let's analyze a little, because this is very simple, if you have a decontaminated mind...

Paul gives us the warning to be careful not to do what you are doing—not entering into “His rest”—Yes, Seventh day Sabbath, so that I do not fall into such disobedience, as ancient Israel did.

Even before God presented the law again [New Covenant] to Israel in Exodus 20, we see that God had already given very precise orders about the Sabbath:\

4And the LORD said to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread for you from heaven; and the people will go out and gather a day's portion daily,  so that I can prove whether he walks in my law or not. 5More in sexevery day  They will prepare to save double  of what they usually collect each day. —EXODUS 16:4-5

Those who today reject the commandment of the Sabbath cannot understand this, because they have NEVER dedicated themselves to knowing the will of God regarding the Sabbath. They simply repeat like parrots what their coyotes (“shepherds”) and fallen churches [all] repeat: a) that there is no law, in the case of evangelical and “Christian” churches, and b) that the law of God does not save, in the case of apostate “Seventh” Day Adventists. [c]Christ and His Law, According to the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad

Saying that God's law does not save, It is the same as saying that the law of God is abolished, since this directly contradicts what God says in his word (REV 22:14). And if the law does not save—and God did not say that, then it is because that is not God's law—it does not exist!

And here God commanded Israel—and everyone who follows Jehovah (EXOD. 12:38, EXOD. 20:10, ISA. 56), to gather a double portion of the manna on the sixth day (Friday) so that on the Sabbath they would not profane the day of the Lord by working. And in this way—by keeping the Sabbath as God says, he would test them if they walked in his holy law (ROM. 7:12), because the Sabbath is also the law. And all this happens before God write with your own finger the law on stone tablets (EXD. 31:18), and give them to Moses for all the people of Israel—and all humanity. (ISA. 56)

God's word is also clear, without law—Seventh day Sabbath—in this case, there is no entrance to heaven. (REV. 22:14-16, JAMES 2:15). Now, knowing this, let's return to the second point of this study, and close with a flourish—

2nd Point CONTINUED […]

2Because also to usOthers the good news has been announced to us as well as to them; but  did not take advantage of them  hearing the word,  for not being accompanied by faith  in those who heard it. —HEBREWS 4:2

Paul is saying, that just as with the Jews of the old covenant, with him—and with us, God has made the same covenant. The same pact yesterday is the same pact today. And yesterday's covenant was kept—and/or should have been kept, as today's covenant must be kept—by faith. And speaking of faith, Abraham is called by God as the father of faith. (HEB 11).

4What, then, shall we say that he found Abraham, Our father according to the meat?
12and father of the circumcision, for those who are not only of the circumcision, but also  follow the footsteps of faith that our father Abraham had  before being circumcised. […]16Therefore,  it is by faith, so that it may be by grace so that the promise may be firm for all his descendants; not only for those who belong to the law, but also for her who is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. —ROMANS 4:1, 12, 16

So it is by faith that it may be by grace, Hmm… And what else does Paul say about faith?

30Because God is one, and he will justify by faith to those of the circumcision, and through faith to those of the uncircumcision.
31Then by faith do we invalidate the law? In no way,  but we confirm the law . —ROMANS 3:30-31

Paul says that faith confirms the law of God, each of the ten commandments! And Abraham was called Father of faith, but why?

5because Ab heardraham my voice,  saved  mYo precept,  my commandments, my statutes and my laws. 

The law existed before Sinai!

In short, dear Marisol and all my evangelical friends who are reading this study, Abraham's faith was confirmed by keeping the law of God—the same one that you say is abolished; and the same law that Jesus also confirmed, only for those who want to achieve eternal life:

16Then one came and said to him, Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do to have eternal life?
He said to him: Why do you call me good? There is none good but one: God. But if you want to enter life, guard the commandments.  —MATHEW 19:16-17

And what commandments was Jesus referring to?

18Told him:  Which is it?  And Jesus said: Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. You shall not bear false witness.
19Honor your father and your mother; and, You love your neighbor as yourself.
—MATHEW 19:18-19

In a nutshell, Jesus said, To enter heaven, keep the same law of the ten commandments that I gave to Moses. Note that Jesus did not mention them all, but rather gave a general summary of the law, which—being the rich young Jew, he knew very well. And if you don't believe so, Do you believe that you can reach heaven by violating the first commandment of the law, and worshiping other gods, such as Buddha, For example?

Jesus affirms the law to the rich young ruler, and in his last message to all humanity, he reaffirms it again for you and I who are alive today—

14Blessed are those who keep his commandments,  to be entitled to the tree of life, and let them come in through the gates in the city. 15But the dogs they will be out, and sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and tells lies.
16 I Jesus  I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star. —REVELATION 22:14-16

If you are a careful reader of scripture, you will notice that in verse 15 of Revelation 22, Jesus also emphasizes that lawbreakers “they will be out” of his kingdom. We have a complete study on this, and we recommend you review it. [5]The Law, The Jews & You
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

But let's remember that Paul was also talking about Abraham and circumcision. Let's expand a little,

10How, then, was it told to him? [Faith] Being in the circumcision, or in the uncircumcision? Not in circumcision,  but in uncircumcision —ROM. 4:10

And why does Paul say this?

25For truly circumcision benefits,  if you keep the law;  but if you are a lawbreaker, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.
26If then the uncircumcised man keeps the ordinances of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?
27And he who is physically uncircumcised,  but keep the law perfectly, it will condemn you , that with the letter of the law and with circumcision you are a transgressor of the law.
28For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision what is done outwardly in the flesh;
29but he is a Jew who is one on the inside,  and circumcision is that of the heart , in spirit, not in letter; whose praise comes not from men, but from God. —ROMANS 2:25-29

In essence, Paul—in the “New Testament,” is repeating what Solomon said—in the “Old Testament,” that God’s law “It is the everything of man." (ECL. 12:13). And the law of God is God himself, well—

142Your justice is eternal justice,  And your law is the truth —PSALMS 119:142

And Jesus is the truth, TRUE? (JOHN 14:6).

No, Paul and Jesus never contradict each other. However, the evangelical world is in total contradiction with Paul, Jesus, and all Biblical teaching. [6]Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
In our experience with evangelicals, we have not found a single doctrine that they are clear about, due to their insistence on keeping wolves and congregating in fallen systems—call them churches. And the problem is not only the churches they idolize, but also a surprising mediocrity in the study of the word of God that has made them slaves of those churches. Let us remember that only the truth will set us free (JOHN 8:32), "and" the “law is truth.” Can you understand that?

God says, "come out from there” (ISA. 52:11), and that's where you feel comfortable. You-my friend, is a slave, because he has rejected the only tool that can make him free.

So my friends, this is by faith, as we already presented—

2Because the good news has been announced to us as well as to them; but  did not take advantage of them  hearing the word,  for not being accompanied by faith  in those who heard it. —HEBREWS 4:2

We see that Israel did not benefit “the good news” for their lack of faith... that is, for not keeping the law. For lack of faith, they worshiped a calf (EXOD. 32), thus violating the first two commandments of the law.

Because of their lack of faith, they put burdens on the Sabbath (MAT. 12:9-14). Because of their lack of faith, they made the whole law something grave, implementing traditions of men (MAR. 7:13). That is why Jesus came to “fulfill the law”—not to abolish it, as we understand—as Jesus said, that the example of the Pharisees would not be a good thing for us today. (MAT. 23:3). And that's why “Jesus is the end of the law(ROM. 10:4)the purpose, if you are still not understanding.

This “it is by faith”, my friends and brothers, “so that it may be by grace”. It is by keeping the law that we obtain the grace that Jesus gives us, thus recognizing his sacrifice on the cross (JOHN 14:15) and only then will we reach heaven. (REV. 22:12-21)

This “is by faith”, a separated people. AND "without faith," Paul himself says, “It is impossible to please God.” (HEB. 11:6). Translated from Spanish to Spanish, we can say but without keeping the law it is impossible to please God.  Are we exaggerating?—

6Because to be concerned with the flesh is death, but taking care of the Spirit is life and peace.
7Because the designs of the flesh  They are enmity against God; because they are NOT subject to the law of God , nor can they;
8and those who live according to the flesh  They cannot please God. 
9But you you do not live according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, is not him.

 How is your faith today? 


“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)


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