Diluted in this way, anyone who tramples on God's law to obey a human ordinance receives the mark of the beast. He accepts the sign of submission to the power he wishes to obey instead of obeying God. —CS 590.3 That's the real one

EGW; It's the one that nobody ever cites.

It's very clear! The mention of so many abortions [1] “Seventh” Day Adventist ABORTION: The Two Lords [2] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University, Adventist Church [3] ABORTION AND BEAUTY —Mass Abortions, Breast Implants and Butt Lifts, Adventist Church, from 666 in everything they do, having joined Rome and declared it to the world, [4]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle [4]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church steal people's money, [5] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? — Abortions, wars, Financed with the tithe, Adventist Church openly introduce homosexuality [6] Understanding the “Biblical” View of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care — Position Doc., Sem. Theological Seventh-day Adventist Church— An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 [7] Declaration of Vote on Transgenderism, Seventh-day Adventist World Church [8] “BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN,” says the Adventist Church [9] THE EDUCATE children of the devil — Allah, Adventist god: LGBT perversion in Loma Linda, Adventist Church  [10]a Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin” [10]b Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 2 — Completed Apostasy [11]a “Seventh” Day Adventist Transsexuals, Part 1 [11]b “Seventh” Day Adventist Transsexuals, Part 2 and say that you should not speak to those souls with the Bible because they will not change, thus contradicting the very voice of Christ that for him nothing is impossible (LUKE 1:37), to say that homosexual orientation is not a sin, [12] Hatred of Children, Destroying Adventist Youth, Morning Analysis of Youth “A Historic Day”: Beyond the Stigmata [6] Understanding the “Biblical” View of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care — Position Doc., Sem. Theological Seventh-day Adventist Church— An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 declare in the Sentinel that “There is joy in homosexual sex” and promote the Catholic catechism, [13] The Bible, Teresa of Calculta, and The End of the World — The Joy of Homosexual Sex, El Centinela Magazine, Adventist Church tell his membership in the ADVENTIST WORLD magazine to return to Rome,  [4]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle [4]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church to say that “Sunday is the Lord's day,” [14] “Sunday, Lord's Day”—Sunday Worship in the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church that “The church is holy, catholic and apostolic.” [15] “The Church is Holy, Catholic and Apostolic” — The Creed That Changed the World (BROCHURE, 2005), Editorial Montemorelos SA DE CV, Adventist Church [16] “The Church is Holy, Catholic and Apostolic” — The Creed That Changed the World (BOOK 1971, Pacific Press), Adventist Church [17] The Sect That Is No Longer — Adventist Church Signs Pact With Catholic Church [DOCUMENT] [18 The Sect That Is No Longer and Rome Affirms It, Part 1 — Adventist Church Signs Pact With Catholic Church [VIDEO] [18]b The Sect That Is No Longer and Rome Affirms It, Part 2 — Adventist Church Signs Pact With Catholic Church [VIDEO] [4]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle [4]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church putting women in the place of Christ (represents Satan) [19] [S]ELECTION YEAR, Ordination Time: Strange Fire in “Israel” — The Adventist Church and the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood promote PEDOPHILY in children's literature, [20] And God Created Adam and Stephen — Seventh-day Adventist Church Promotes Homosexuality in Children's Classes sex without marriage in documents for young people, and much, much more... IT HAS NOT MOVED ANYONE! Simply have accepted THE SEAL OF SATAN, the mark of the beast. And once sealed, forever sealed!

Just as God's seal is irreversible, Satan's is also irreversible.

Why have most of the people in there accepted the mark of the beast?

The first thing is that they believe that the mark of the beast is only accepting the false day of worship. However, “He who violates one is guilty of all” (James 2:10).

The Servant—the true one, the one they all hate, says this:

As the teachings of spiritualism are accepted in the churches, the barriers imposed on the carnal heart will disappear, and religion will become a cloak to cover the lowest iniquities. —CS 589.2

That, of course, is not “the servant” that says that the ship will not sink, this is the one that says that it has been sunk for centuries. If it's not sunk as a ship, THEN YOU WERE WRONG, because it wasn't a ship, but a submarine.

The imposed restrictions have already disappeared. Magic acts in pulpits, dressed women showing even the smallest cells of their bodies, express adultery at very, very low cost, daily theater—all prohibited in the Holy Law, but THE FILLARS ALREADY DISAPPEARED, and wow, the brand It's on! But they say, “Don't go away”! , and boy do they stay… by the millions!

The mark is set unless the Bible and these Handmaid's texts have been altered by those mediocre "dissidents."

Are we not seeing with our eyes that there is no longer respect for anything, and that everything is common? Don't we see and hear it said that the evil one is the one who points, and that pointing does not edify, as if what edifies is what is pointed out?

Financing corruption [21] YOUR TITHES IN THE STOCK MARKET, Adventist Church [22] Adventist Church Invests Tithe in Weapons of Wars, Stock Market [23] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? — Abortion, Wars Funded by Tithing, Adventist Church [24] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company has increased in an unprecedented way; Meanwhile, millions starve, money is lost in a little place called the stock market. Isn't the tithe for preaching the gospel? What's more gospel than saving the lives of so many people who all they eat every day is air until they die? Murderer for murderer, the most murderous human being is the Seventh-day Adventist. They only feed their goods to other assassins like them. They give them millions, three times a week. IT'S NOT A STORY!

However, this behavior has a response, no one likes to eat malnourished meat, so, THE CHRISTMAS PIG MUST BE FATTEN BEFORE EATING IT [ZAC. 11:12-17, JER. 19:9]. That's right, the Bible says that they will eat them all when they soon realize that the deception for which they willingly paid does not lead to heaven.

The walls disappeared, today there is another spirit ruling; That is what the Servant—the true one—calls spiritualism.

They all say that the Law of God does not save, but you have to understand, they know that considering what the Law is (REV. 22:14-15; ROM. 6:23; 1 COR. 6:9-10, LEV 18:22, 1 TIM. 1:8-11), it would be impossible for them to live the illusion that they live now, that they believe that having trampled the Law as they do today, THEY GO TO HEAVEN. Dreaming costs nothing! Well, it costs Adventists more than 20% of their salaries each year. That's an expensive dream! (MAT. 25:44-46)

Friends, because I represent this humble ministry ChristTruth, I have to say what The Word says about the Truth!

In times of relative peace, the test of faith is based on the defense and exaltation of the Law (the 144,000, APOC. 14:4). Will a group that violates it and pays for others to violate it exalt and defend the law? Will such a group reach heaven having mostly accepted the seal of submission to Satan? If there is a chance for someone who does such a thing, there is also a chance for Satan.

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