Putting an end to error


Series [1]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 1: Ellen, Satan, and the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[2]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 2: The Truth of Others, The Numbers
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[3]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 3: The 1,260 Days
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[4]Elena White Under The Magnifying Glass, PART 4: To The Law or “THE TESTIMONIES”, a Public Challenge to Carlos Picart
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[5]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 5: Jaime
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[6]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 6: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (a)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[7]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 7: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (b)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 8: The 34 Years
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[9]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 9: The First Day in THE Sanctuary
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 10: This is Enough for You Children of Darkness!
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 11: 1844 and The 2,300 Evenings and Mornings
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[12]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 12: The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafel Díaz and the Seventh-day Adventists
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[13]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 13: Plagiarism
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

Miguel H. Javier



Juan himself answers—

1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to reveal to his servants the things that must happen soon; and declared it by sending it by his angel to his servant John,
2 who has borne witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to all things that he has seen. —1 REVELATION 1:1-2


John forgets that it was God who revealed and declared the prophecy, but the angel rebukes him and reminds him again.

10 I fell at his feet to worship him. And he told me: Look, don't do it [EXD. 20:2, First Commandment]; I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus [THE SERVANTS OF CHRIST]. Worship God [EXD. 20:2]; because the testimony of Jesus [JESUS HIMSELF] is the spirit of prophecy [WHO GIVES THE PROPHECY, AND NOT ME] —REVELATION 19:10


6 And he said to me: These words are faithful and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets [THE GOD WHO REVEALS HIS WORD TO THE PROPHETS, IN THIS CASE TO JOHN], has sent his angel, to show his servants the things that must soon happen.

7 Behold, I come soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book [ARE YOU REFERRING TO THE APOCALYPSE OR THE BOOKS OF HELENA?]. —REVELATION 22:6-7


John forgets again that the revelation was not given by the angel, but by God.

8 I John am the one who heard and saw these things. And after I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. [EXD. 20:2].

9 But he said to me: Look, don't do it; For I am a fellow servant of yours, of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. [DOES THIS REFER TO ANY BOOK BY ELENA?]. Worship God [EXD. 20:2].REVELATION 2:8-9


The verses clearly present that Jesus, God, is the one who reveals and declares all prophecy (APC. 1:1-2) and therefore, says the Angel, all worship must go to him (APC. 19:10; 22:6-9)

The Adventist sheep (those inside and those outside) worship a sorceress because she, according to them, is The Spirit of Prophecy. In other words, since she is God (because God is The Spirit of Prophecy), and not Jesus as the Angel says, they worship her.Christ is the spirit of prophecy, that is, who gives life to the prophecy.

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
Another popular version among Adventists is that “Elena is not the Spirit of Prophecy, but the Spirit of Prophecy was manifested in her.” That's the version I believed for a long time. However, both versions are false, and if you have been reading this entire series, you can also attest to that.

Miguel H. Javier
The angel is simply reminding John of what John himself said at the beginning. (APC. 1:1-2), that he should worship the one who gave the prophecy and not a creature equal to him (APC. 19:10; 22:6-9).



Elena was never given a new prophecy to reveal. His deception consists in giving interpretations to revealed prophecies. However, all his interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation turn out, under the slightest scrutiny, to be false.

If that witch's interpretations had been true, anyway, the name Spirit of Prophecy doesn't fit her at all. INTERPRETING, IN THEIR CASE, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REVEALING, BECAUSE “WHAT SHE REVEALS,” IS SOMETHING ALREADY REVEALED.

[EDITION] José Luis Javier

Another thing, the Bible does not speak of “Spirit of Prophecy”, but of the “Spirit of The Prophecy". There is a sublime, but very important difference between both expressions. We recommend reading part 1 of this series to expand on the idea. More importantly, it is the Holy Spirit who gives the interpretation of the word, not the man (JOHN 16:13). In the entire journey that we have been covering up to here, putting Elena under the magnifying glass of Isaiah 8:20, we see that she just can't keep quiet; He always has something to say, even when there is nothing to say, because God has already said it.

Miguel H. Javier

The only thing new in the prophecies of that satanic spirit called EGW, son false interpretations which in the least contradict the interpretations that God himself gives to all his prophecies in THE SCRIPTURES (JAN 16:13).

TO Daniel already Juan The prophecies were revealed to them, but today one is worshiped that contradicts those prophecies. And as if that were not enough, he is honored by calling his fables satanic “Spirit of Prophecy”, and “Testimonies of Jesus Christ”.


People are told the lie, without giving any proof, that Elena is a true prophet of God, and they accept it. However, to prove that it is false, not even millions of tests are enough. Their heads are latrines, and their brains are the dung that Satan deposits in them daily.

Now, I have to admit that not everyone falls into that category:


21 He changes times and ages; he removes kings, and sets up kings; Give wisdom to the wise, and science to the understanding. —DANIEL 2:21

3 The wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who teach righteousness to many, like the stars forever and ever.
10 Many will be clean, and made white and purified; The wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who understand will understand. —DANIEL 12:3,10

35 But wisdom is justified by all her children. —LUKE 7:35

18 Here is wisdom […] —REVELATION 13:18

9 This, for the mind that has wisdom: […] —REVELATION 17:9


In Elena's enchanted world, all sin is forgivable and tolerated. However, any questioning of his person causes anger and threats. Doesn't God submit to any question why he is the light?

that world [Adventist Church] He has manipulated the mind so that his deceased do not even in the least ask about a woman who cannot attest to anything she says about her, and believe the corpses that follow her. The day it occurs to you to ask, instantly his goddess dies!

31 And Joash said to all those standing by him, Will you contend for Baa[ELENA]l? Will you defend their cause? Anyone who contends for him[the] Let him die this morning. Yeah [ELENA] it's a[to] God[to], contend for yourself[to] with which he knocked down his altar [ChristTruth]. —JUDGES 6:31

The strategy has worked, since [Elena] cannot defend her cause in the slightest, she has millions in the world to defend her. They are clear that the day their dead is buried, they—dead too, they will be counted as the deceased they have always been.


There is nothing like Ellen White's sect in the world. To her Satan, without a doubt, gave the most solemn job among all the Churches, to destroy The Holy Law of God. [6]Sunday Worship in the Adventist Church
[BIBLES, Adventist Church]

Elena is god (1er Commandment), promote Sunday as the Lord's Day in all their Bibles (4to Commandment], homosexuals marry (5to Mandamiento), perform sex change surgeries (Loma Linda and La Sierra universities; GEN 2:27). They pervert childhood (MAT. 10:14).



There is much more: they openly promote pedophilia, pornography, and homosexuality in children's literature and logos, they perform thousands, perhaps millions, of ABORTIONS every year (6th Commandment) in their hospitals... No, Elena cannot die, because otherwise the dead die! Eighth Day Adventists!


[]EDITION] José Luis

And the Adventist Church has gone to such extremes as asking for forgiveness from homosexuals, [7]Adventist Church Asks Forgiveness to Homosexuals, Opens “Space for All”
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
ask their members to attend this type of wedding, and vehemently declares that they must HONOR to gay “marriage,” and they even give it a totally free homosexual guide so that its members learn how good the ad “love” between Adam and Stephen is. [8]New Resource, Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones: Adventist Edition, Previewed at April Meeting at NAD Headquarters
[LINK 2:32:55, Adventist Church]
[9]Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones
[LINK, Adventist Church, CristoVerdad]
[10]aThe “True” Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah IS NOT HOMOSEXUALITY, Adventist Church (Pastor Jonathan Henderson PUC)
[VIDEO 00:00:53, CristoVerdad]
[10]b“Let's Welcome Homosexuals” in the Adventist Church, Jonathan Henderson
[VIDEO 00:04:07, CristoVerdad]

And what is Ellen White's response to all this?


The Word of God does not give license to no man to oppose his judgment to that of the church, nor does it allow him to insist on his opinions contrary to its own. —TESTIMONIES FOR THE CHURCH, Volume 1, p. 471.2

“It may seem that the church is about to fall, but it won't fall. She remains standing, while the sinners in Zion are sifted, while the chaff is separated from the precious wheat. It is a terrible ordeal, and yet it has to happen.” —SELECTED MESSAGES 2:436 (1886).

Not to mention more!


“Come out of her, my people (APC. 18:4)


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