8 Even more so if we or an angel from heaven I will announce another gospel to you of which we have announced to you, be anathema. —GALATIANS 1:8

Have you ever heard the devil speak?



Series [1]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 1: Ellen, Satan, and the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[2]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 2: The Truth of Others, The Numbers
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[3]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 3: The 1,260 Days
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[4]Elena White Under The Magnifying Glass, PART 4: To The Law or “THE TESTIMONIES”, a Public Challenge to Carlos Picart
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[5]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 5: Jaime
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[6]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 6: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (a)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[7]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 7: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (b)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 8: The 34 Years
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[9]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 9: The First Day in THE Sanctuary
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 10: This is Enough for You Children of Darkness!
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 11: 1844 and The 2,300 Evenings and Mornings
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[12]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 12: The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafel Díaz and the Seventh-day Adventists
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[13]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 13: Plagiarism
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

[6:56 PM, 11/3/2019] Miguel H. Javier


The following quote was sent to my brother José Luis by a member of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church, after he published a topic on WhatsApp about Holloween and The Prophecies. [1] Lethal Deception, HALLOWEEN & The Prophecies
[VIDEO 1:26:41, CristoVerdad]
Theme, which among other things, presents as a self-proclaimed organization of “God”, promotes said satanic party. Below is the quote, attributed to Ellen G. White, the one that is written without quotes.

The Word of God does not give license to any man to oppose his judgment to that of the church, nor does it allow him to insist on his opinions contrary to those of the church.. If there were no discipline or government of the church, it would be reduced to fragments; It couldn't hold together as a body. There have always been human beings with an independent spirit, who asserted that they were right, that God had instructed them, impressed them, and led them in a special way. Each has his own theory, opinions that are peculiar to him, and each maintains that his opinions are in accordance with the Word of God.. Each one supports a different theory and faith, although they all claim to have a special light from God. They separate others from the body and each is in itself a separate church. They cannot all be right, and yet they declare themselves to be led by the Lord. The word of inspiration is not yes and no, but yes and amen in Christ Jesus.—3TI 471.2

Now, let's analyze that quote in the light of “the word of God,” which—incidentally, the quote itself mentions—and see who is speaking here, whether God or the devil himself, incarnated in the person of “ Ellen G. White”—yes, the one written with quotes.

(1) The Word of God gives no license to any man to oppose his judgment to that of the church,

This CONTRADICTS Isaiah 58:1—

1 Cry out loud, don't stop; Lift up your voice like a trumpet, and announce to my people their rebellion, and to the house of Jacob their sin. ISAIAH 58:1 (See 1 TIMOTHY 5:20);

NOW—According to this quote from “Elena”, THE CHURCH IS NOT THE MEMBERS, since the quote makes a difference between church and man. Also, that contradicts this:

9 Then the Lord said to Paul in a night vision: Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not be silent; —ACTS 18:9

Interesting! 9 is 6 backwards, and its third part is 3, which together with 18 forms 1863. Don't lose the thread!

(2) nor does it allow him to insist on his opinions contrary to its own.

Here we see another major contradiction—

27 When they brought them, They presented them at the council, and the high priest asked them,
saying, Did we not strictly command you not to teach in that name? And now you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and you want to cast that man's blood on us.
29 Peter and the apostles answered and said:
It is necessary to obey God before men. —ACTS 5:27-29

[EDITION] José Luis Javier

And even if some Adventist wants to justify this by saying something like, “but Ellen was referring to the people as the church, not the denomination,” it cannot be sustained. To begin with, the sect leaders who make these decisions—WHICH WE PRESENT BELOW—are also people, and—therefore, they are the Church. And these [CHURCH] leaders are saying things like “being gay is not a sin,” and they are urging members to participate in gay weddings. [h]Adventist Homosexual Guide, A “Gift” for You
[GUIDE, Adventist Church]

What this implies is that if the church—call it an institution or group of people, he decides to marry homosexuals [as is happening] [Yo]The Great Wedding Between Adam, Stephen, and the Adventist Church
[ESRUDIO, CristoVerdad]
or hanging an image of the Virgin Mary in temples to worship her, no one—ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, can rise up against that, since—according to Elena, God “does not give license to any man to oppose his judgment to that of the church” and not even give an opposing opinion against her. Is this biblical?

And—again, if Ellen was referring to people as the church, then what are you doing inside an Adventist temple, if that's not the Church anyway?

(3) If there were no discipline or government of the church, it would be reduced to fragments;

This contradicts the biblical text that says that The Image of the Beast would last UNTIL THE END (APC. 19:20);

(4) could not be held together as a body. There have always been human beings with an independent spirit,


13 For you, brothers, were called to freedom; just don't use the freedomtad cas an occasion for meat, but serve one another out of love.

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
We wonder if John the Baptist had an independent spirit, and—more recently, Martin Luther and the Reformation movement. And what about those renowned “pioneers” who are credited with having been directed by God, and among whom comes Ellen White, who had an independent spirit when she separated from the Methodist Church?

God in his word commands us all to have an independent spirit against everything that does not honor his name and that does not exalt his character—his law.

15 and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; It will bruise your head, and you will bruise its heel. —GENESIS 3:15

(5) who asserted that they were correct,

1 Masters, do what is just and right with your servants, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. —COLOSSIANS 4:1

(6) that God had instructed, impressed, and led them in a special way.

That's biblical. Among those human beings are the prophets, the apostles, the reformers, and Jesus himself.

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
However, what Adventists implicitly say is that the sect is right, and that we who defend God's law are wrong. It's not us who say that “BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN”, are they. [2]BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN, says the Adventist Church
[MAGAZINE, Adventist Church]


(7) Each one has his own theory, opinions that are peculiar to him.


Now it turns out that it is one's own theory to condemn abortion and homosexuality, Mmmm. And what does God say about it?

13 you will not kill. —EXODUS 20:13

22 You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it's an abomination. —LEVITICUS 18:22

(8) and each maintains that his opinions are in accordance with the Word of God

The only proper theory here is this quote that, completely ignoring what it says EXODUS 19:5, places the Adventist sect as the people of God. All of God's promises are conditional, all—

5 Now then, If you will listen to my voice and keep my covenant, you will be my special treasure above all peoples; because all the earth is mine. —EXODUS 19:5

If you will keep, friends and brothers, if you will keep.

(9) Each one supports a different theory and faith, although they all claim to have a special light from God.

OK, let's see... The Adventist sect killing, stealing, marrying homosexuals, recognizing "Sunday" as "the Lord's day", calling Rome mother and the Pope leader of the church of Christ, proclaims itself "People of God", invalidating the words of Jesus himself— [3]Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God?
[VIDEO 1:43:00, Adventist Church]
[4]Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders prosecuted for smuggling
[NEWS, La Nación]
[5]Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00, Adventist Church]
[6]David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — Analysis
[VIDEO 00:24:11, Adventist Church]
[7]The Great Wedding Between Adam, Stephen, and the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University
[LINK, Adventist Church]
[9]“Sunday, the Lord's Day” — Sunday Worship in the Adventist Church
[BOOKS, Adventist Church]
[10]a“The Church is Holy, Catholic and Apostolic”, The Creed That Changed the World, 1971 (Book)
[BOOKS, Adventist Church]
[10]b“The Holy Catholic Church”, The Creed That Changed the World, 1971
[BOOKS, Adventist Church]
[11]Image Subject [1]—Back to Rome
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[12]The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day: Assembling The Puzzle.
[VIDEO 1:38:18, Adventist Church]

36 Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world; If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; But my kingdom is not from here. —JOHN 18:36

(10) They separate others from the body [APC. 18:4] and each is in itself a separate church.

Now it turns out that the church is not the members as they make people believe when they point out the dirty tricks of their sect. Wasn't salvation individual?

(11) Everyone can't be right,

But that sect aborting children, [13]OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”, Mass Abortions
[VIDEO 2:55:34, Adventist Church]
[14]ABORTION, Guidance
[LINK, Adventist Church]
sending his dead back to Rome[15]aBACK TO “HOME”
[STUDY, Cristo Verdad]
[15]bEighth-day Adventist BABYLON, Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North
[VIDEO 1:50:15, Cristo Verdad]
and declaring homosexuality as something normal, natural, and—obviously, APPROVED by God, [16]Adventist Church Legalizes Homosexuality — A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care.
[DOCUMENTS, Adventist Church]
Yes, you are right, RIGHT?

Pay attention to this news—

FREEDOM TO KILL, Adventist Church
“Just as those promoting the bill for the legalization of abortion demand that the State give freedom to women to choose their own son or daughter, Seventh-day Adventists ask that freedom of conscience be respected to practice premature termination and termination of pregnancy.[25]Abortion: Adventists do not oppose the project but demand freedom of conscience, Argentina
[NEWS, El País]
—EL PAÍS Newspaper, Argentina, June 27, 2018

God is very clear in his word—

11 Depart, depart, get out of there, do not touch anything unclean; come out from the midst of it; purify yourselves you who carry the vessels of Jehovah. —ISAIAH 52:11 (See JER. 51:45; APC. 18:4)

(12) and yet they declare themselves led by the Lord.

The Adventist sect has killed millions of children, and is killing right now (EXD. 23:7; PRV. 24:11-12), and declares herself led by the Lord, even when Christ says “thou shalt not kill” (EXD. 20:13) and “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them,” (MAT. 19:14; MAR. 10:14; LUK. 18:16; DEUT 30:19). [17]If You Will Kill — Abortion, THE HYDE AMENDMENT and The Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[18]Abortion, The Adventist Church and Your Conscience
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

And even the president of the Adventist Church, Ted Wilson, tells us that this is a very dangerous abortion sect. and Just as God created the heavens and the earth, the Adventist Church is the monster that Ellen White created.

The word of God says—

19 I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; choose, then, life, so that you and your descendants may live; —DEUTERONOMY 30:19

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
Additionally, the Adventist Church is teaching that a man can place a “rectum vibrator” and that he has “your right to use your body in your own way, including your anus”. [19]Passionate Marriage — “Passionate Marriage”: HEAVY HOMOSEXUALITY in the Adventist Church
[BOOK, Adventist Church]

Who is led by the Lord in this case, or—rather, who or what is leading the Adventist sect?

(13) The word of inspiration is not yes and no, but yes and amen in Christ Jesus. —3TI 471.2

Because this is so incredible, I'll put the comment below. According to what “Ellen White” says at the end, The Apostle was not inspired when he said:

12 But above all, my brothers, do not swear, neither by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other oath; but let your yes be yes, and your no be no, so that you do not fall into condemnation. —JAMES 5:12

This is not inspired either:

29 Peter and the apostles answered and said: It is necessary to obey God before men. —ACTS 5:29

Now it turns out that God and his word have no authority, but that all divine authority belongs to that sect!

God warns:

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of it, my people, so that you do not share in their sins, nor receive part of its plagues; —REVELATION 18:4

Revelation 18:4 (18:4, one more 4 and it forms 1844; the Adventist Sect claims to have been born on that date; if we add 1+8+4 = 13. The Adventist sect is divided, as are Satan's people, in 13 Divisions. [20 aOLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [2] — THE BEAST You Don't Know
[VIDEO 1:01:14, CristoVerdad]
[VIDEO 2:27:36, CristoVerdad]
This is ironic because God's people have 12 Divisions (GEN. 49:28); Adventists say they are the people, but Christ says he has no people here (JOHN 18:36); If we regroup those numbers [1836], we have 1863, which is the date on which that sect was born as a religious institution).

7 You will walk away from a lying word, and you will not kill the innocent and just for I will not justify the wicked. —EXODUS 23:7

Who is the righteous one, the child who is being torn apart in his mother's womb right now, or the Adventist sect that is killing him?


11 Deliver those who are led to death; Save those who are in danger of death.
12 For if you say: Certainly we did not know, will not he who weighs hearts understand it? He who looks after your soul, he will know it, And will give to man according to his works. —PROVERBS 24:11-12

Despite that warning, Adventists, with the excuse of giving to God, give away billions of dollars each year in tithes so that children are NOT spared from death. It is possible that if the Adventist sect did not exist, thousands—or perhaps millions—of human beings who could have been born from 1963 to today would be safe and healthy. [21]The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company
[ARTICLE, CristoVerrdad]
[22]Your Tithes in the Stock Market
[LINK, Adventist Church]

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
And that's not counting the other thousands—perhaps millions—of souls who have been victims of the weapons of war that the Adventist Church has put into circulation throughout the world. [23]Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War
[LINK, Adventist Church]

[6:56 PM, 11/3/2019] Miguel H. Javier

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand,

10 he also will drink of the wine of God's wrath, which has been poured pure into the cup of his wrath; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone before the holy angels and the Lamb; —REVELATION 14:9-10

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
Here I leave you the audio in which I responded to the person who sent me the quote, with some attached texts, mentioned during the audio.


Since “Ellen White” was cited to spread the error, let us quote the other Ellen, the one who is “unpopular” in Adventist Babylon.

(A) “God works with those who are faithful to him:

The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life, he took away the kingdom of God from them and gave it to the Gentiles.

GOD WILL CONTINUE TO WORK BASED ON THIS PRINCIPLE WITH EVERY BRANCH OF HIS WORK. When a church demonstrates that it is UNFAITHFUL to the word of the Lord, WHATEVER YOUR POSITION, AND HOW HIGH AND SACRED YOUR VOCATION MAY BE, the Lord can no longer work with them.  OTHERS ARE THEN CHOSEN TO CARRY IMPORTANT RESPONSIBILITIES.  But if these in turn do not purify their lives from all wrong action, if they do not establish pure and holy principles in all their limits, 61 then, painfully, the Lord will afflict and humble them and, unless they repent, will remove them from their place and will make them a cause of ignominy. —14MR 102 (1903).

“Judged by the light granted The Seventh-day Adventist church must be weighed in the balance of the sanctuary. She will be judged according to the advantages she has received. If your spiritual experience does not correspond to the privileges that the sacrifice of Christ has assured you; if the blessings conferred did not enable her to accomplish the work entrusted to her The sentence will be pronounced against her: “Fault found.” She will be judged according to the light and the opportunities that were given to her…” —14 MR 102 (1903).

(b) “From the beginning, faithful souls have constituted the church on earth.  At all times the Lord has had HIS WATCHTOWERS, who have given a faithful testimony to the generation in which they lived. These sentinels gave the message of warning; and when they were called to lay down their armor, others continued the work. God bound these witnesses to Himself through a covenant, uniting the church on earth with the church in heaven. He has sent his angels to minister to his church, and the gates of hell have not been able to prevail against his people.” —ACTS OF THE APOSTLES p.10.2

(C) “I saw that God has sincere children among the nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and before the plagues are poured out,  ministers and people will be invited out of those churches and will gladly receive the truth.  Satan knows it; and before the loud proclamation of the third angel is given, it awakens excitement in those religious organizations, so that those who rejected the truth may think that God is with them. Satan hopes to deceive the sincere and lead them to believe that God continues to work on behalf of the churches. But the light will shine, and all who have a sincere heart will leave the churches fallen, and they will be decided by the remainder. —PE 261.1

(D) “The Sanhedrin had rejected the message of Christ and sought his death; therefore, Jesus separated from Jerusalem, from the priests, FROM THE TEMPLE, from the religious leaders, from the people who had been instructed in the law, and he went to another class to proclaim his message, and gather those who were to announce the Gospel to all nations.

Just as the light and life of men was rejected by the ecclesiastical authorities in the days of Christ, so it has been rejected in every succeeding generation. Time after time, the story of Christ's withdrawal from Judea has been repeated. When the reformers preached the word of God, they did not intend to separate themselves from THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH; but the religious leaders did not want to tolerate the light, and those who carried it They were forced to look for ANOTHER class, who longed to know the truth.

In our day, few of those who profess to follow the reformers are moved by their spirit. Few hear the voice of God and are ready to accept the truth in whatever form it presents itself to them. Frequently, heThose who follow in the footsteps of the reformers are obliged to DEPART FROM THE CHURCHES they love., to proclaim the clear teaching of the word of God. And many times, those who seek the light They are forced by the same teaching to LEAVE THE CHURCH of their parents in order to obey.”—DTG 198.4-199.1

(E) “It is about the law of God that the last and great conflict will come between Christ and His Angels and Satan and his, and it will be decisive for the whole world. …Men in positions of responsibility will not only neglect and despise the Sabbath themselves, but from the sacred platform they will urge the people to keep the first day of the week, alleging tradition and custom in favor of this human-made institution. They will point to calamities on land and sea – storms, floods, earthquakes, destruction by fire – as judgments indicative of God's displeasure at Sunday not being kept holy. …This falsehood is Satan's strategy to deceive the unwary.” —Southern Watchman, June 28, 1904.” Christian Service, p. 155

(F)”The sincere children of God They will break the bonds that held them down. family ties and church relationships They will be powerless to stop them.” —CS 597.2

Judge for yourself.

[EDITION] José Luis Javier
The interesting thing about this quote that we have analyzed is that not only does it contradict the Bible at every angle, but it contradicts the very prophet to whom it is attributed—

“Of those who boast of their light and yet do not walk in it, Christ says: “Therefore I say to you, on the day of judgment, the punishment will be more tolerable for Tire and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum [Seventh-day Adventists, who have had great light], that you are lifted up to heaven [in matters of privileges], TO HADES YOU WILL BE BROUGHT DOWN; for if the miracles that were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.” —EUD p. 45.3 (The Review and Herald August 1, 1893)

“The church is in the Laodicean state. The presence of God is not in your midst. EUD 45.4 (Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library 1:99 (1898)).

While Ellen White says that the Adventist Church can continue to serve its father the devil with complete freedom and without fear of any consequences, Ellen White JUDGES IT, and tells us that God Himself will destroy it (DEPUTED TO THE ADES) for its perversities, and that God— It definitely does not have a presence in that place.

[6:56 PM, 11/3/2019] Miguel H. Javier
Although all religions are an excellent copy of Rome, the Adventist sect is perfectly parallel to it. It's image perfect! The above quote from “White”—which we have analyzed in this study, is perfectly what papal Rome teaches—

[EDITION] José Luis Javier


For a long time we believed that there were two Elenas: one is the prophet of God, and the other is distorted by the Adventist organization. However, the child of God must always have his doors open—and his heart, to the new light that God has in his word. And when we say new light, we refer to the light that we have not seen, because the word of God is not new, and has always been there for us. We understand that the light is progressive, and increasingly brighter, if our heart is sincere towards God (DANIEL 10:12).

“Because God is not a God of confusion.” (1 COR. 14:33), He says his word. And everyone who loves the light will be shaken by the truth. And we understood that Ellen White was an instrument of God, since in her writings there are powerful messages that harmonize with the Bible. We recognized this Elena without quotes, while we were forced to put them on the other. That was the only way we could reconcile so much inconsistency in Ellen White's writings. “But the serpent was cunning….” (GEN. 3:1)

For some time now, Miguel and I were taking a look at the character of Ellen White. In fact, without realizing it, we naturally began to minimize the use of quotes from Ellen White. This was because every time we had a biblical dispute with the Adventists, they always brought out a text from Ellen White to justify the abominations that the Adventist sect commits in broad daylight. God says this, we said, “but Elena says that…” our Adventist friends always tell us.

We always understood that when God speaks, man must remain silent, and that includes Elena. In that aspect we were always clear. Perhaps this was the reason why we had to use quotation marks around the character of Ellen White, since there was no other way to accept her as a prophet; You have already seen what we have covered so far.

Recently Liliana Robeson, a young Colombian woman, made a video analyzing the character of Elena White. In her own words, Liliana decided to do an investigation after receiving many requests from her followers to do an investigation about the Adventist prophet. Here is the video.

Rebeson's findings were very revealing. I had already visited Ellen White's tomb in Battle Creek (Michigan) several years ago, and I had noticed that in her tomb there is an obelisk, a symbol of Freemasonry. I did not understand these things at that time, and perhaps for this same reason I did not notice or forgot the fact that on the tomb of her husband James “Jaime” White there is also an obelisk, Mmmm…

By then I was in my childhood within the Adventist Church and had not begun my study of the word of God, since I had not even been baptized yet. There is no way I could have connected certain dots, particularly the James White issue...

One fact that shook me about Liliana Robeson's discovery was the fact that Elena's funeral took place 33 days after his death. If 33, highest rank in Freemasonry. I always heard accusations that Ellen White was a Mason, because of the obelisk affair, and my defense against that was always: “Elena was already dead, someone put that obelisk there, not her.” [b]Enjoying the Apostasy
[VIDEO 2:17:00, CristoVerdad]
I thought that the organization and/or his family had become so corrupt that they did that, but “No, Elena was not a Mason.” This is how we were trained in Adventist Babylon, to think—incidentally, like an Adventist. Watch this video. What I see now is that I was simply clinging to my gods, or—in this case, my goddess, and I wasn't even realizing it. Look at the man who analyzes this video, a swashbuckling Adventist, although he seems to attack his beloved church, in reality he simply justifies his stay in that sect.

The fact that there is an obelisk on James White's tomb is very, very significant. He died on August 6, 1881, 34 years before his wife Elena. What this implies is that for 34 years there was an obelisk on James White's tomb while his wife—“the prophet of God”—was alive. One of two things happened here:

to) Both Ellen and James White were Freemasons, or
b) Ellen White had no idea what the symbol of an obelisk represents.

If she was a Mason, she must be ruled out as a prophet, since the Masons are an institution created by the devil. And if you believe that Elena had no knowledge of what an obelisk represented, then we must also disregard her as a prophet, because "the servant" and "prophet of God" was going to honor her husband with an instrument of Satan and God would not? Was he going to reveal it to her? To another dog with that bone. But there is still more…

We recently became aware of some very interesting information. Conversing with a well-known Adventist, Samuel Rivera, I asked him what he was doing with an image of “Jesus” on his profile. While he defended his prophet, I told him “you are an idolater,” because God said “thou shalt not make images…”, and here we see an image well known to members of the Adventist Church—and the Catholic Church!

Aside from God condemning this, here we see a Catholic crucifix representing “Jesus.” That painting is called “The Way of Life” or The Way of Life. I always heard that this painting had been commissioned by Ellen White and that there was a replica of it in her house when Ellen was alive. Searching for information about this painting to present to our good friend Samuel Rivera, I realized that—in fact, this painting was commissioned by Ellen White—and her Husband Jaime. And that's not all, but this painting is nothing other than heavy masonry at its finest.

As you can see, this painting has been revised several times, and—starting with the first, you can see the true provenance of this work of art. and here we see the “All-seeing eye“, favorite symbol of the Illuminati, those whose mission is to end the law of God on this earth.

And then we see that in each subsequent version of the painting, they were hiding the symbols in a subliminal way, but the message is the same, that—just like the sect they founded, Ellen White and her Husband were Freemasons, and The sun is the god of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church. And so that you have no doubt who's in charge here, these images come directly from the official Adventist Review website, the main magazine published by the corporate Eighth Day sect. [w]1The Way of Life, Adventist Review
[LINK, Adventist Church]
For some reason they have removed the photos from the Spanish version of the Adventist News website, where they present these same images, [w]2The road of life
[LINK, Adventist News]
but we found that the AdventistNewsOnline portal does have them, and here I present them to you. [w]3The road of life
[LINK, Adventist News Online]
This appears to be a page not directly associated with the Adventist organization, but they present the translation of the original article that presents these images. And there they tell us that Ellen White and her husband James were the intellectual authors of this Masonic cult, because that is what this painting represents, a satanic 100% cult.

And Ellen White's funeral not only took place 33 days after his death, but it was a half-burial, nothing more and nothing less than one day saturday. Liliana Robeson says she believes in God, but has no religious affiliation. So their work is purely investigative; she—so to speak, “has no candles at this funeral….” But the Adventist has become accustomed to being idolatrous and has not even realized it. All Adventist literature is full of what God said “thou shalt not…”

The funeral was on Saturday, July 24, 1915, but his burial was 33 days later, although the tomb was not closed, but rather they put a little earth, since “it was a day of rest.” That is to say, what we see here was a half burial, and another ten days later a complete burial was given. This is nothing more than a satanic ritual. The ancient Greeks, for example, believed that an incomplete burial did not allow the deceased to pass to the other side—the side of the dead, where they belonged. That is, “the soul” was left wandering around the world. [c] The Cult of the Dead in Ancient Greece
[LINK, Classic Culture]
This is the same Catholic and evangelical belief in the immortality of the soul, something completely unbiblical. (ECL. 9:5).

Today, due to the coronavirus “pandemic,” many incomplete funerals and burials are being carried out, in one way or another. Isn't this all part of a ritual for the enemy of souls? That's how we understand it, but apparently—once again, Elena was ahead of the times. In our study “SOLA SCRIPTURA” No Tan Sola, we expand more on the adventures of Elena and Freemasonry. [s] The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafael Díaz and the “Seventh” Day Adventists
[STUDY, CristoVerdad

We recently had a study via zoom with some of the members of our WhatsApp group, and the topic was: Does Ellen White Pass The Test?To the Law and the Testimony…”? We focus mostly on chapter 1 of the book History of Redemption, and—among other things, we find there that—according to Ellen White,

a) Christ was created
b) He did not always have glory
c) He was not always respected by the angels
d) He did not always know what was happening in heaven, nor did the Father know it.

Those messages are subliminally embedded in that book, as are hundreds of other false teachings in the more than 100,000 pages attributed to Ellen White. “But Ellen White tells many truths” some will say. Yes of course. And it is the truth—distorted, the devil's primary method of deceiving us. Method that has been used very successfully for thousands of years. And he has been so successful that he even wanted to deceive Jesus himself in this way—

1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted by the devil. […]
6 and he said to him: If you are the Son of God, cast yourself down; because it is written: He will command his angels concerning you, and in their hands they will support you, so that you do not strike your foot against a stone. —MATHEW 4:1, 6

Those are the words found in the Psalm 91. And the deception was in obeying the devil so that God would help you. The same issue in the Christian world today, they reject the law that God commanded to keep to obey God; complete nonsense, which does not harmonize with The Law and the Testimony, nor does it harmonize almost anything that Ellen White wrote, because in each book of hers, on each written page, we find a “Saint” Paul or a “Saint” Peter, Catholic 100% doctrine. Take the test, and take a walk through The Great Controversy or any of his writings and will verify it. And not only that, but Elena still had the audacity to write the following—

While he was praying before the family altar, the Holy Spirit descended on me, and it seemed to me that I was rising higher and higher, far above the dark world. I looked toward the earth to look for the Adventist people, but I found them nowhere, and then A voice told me: “Look again a little higher.” I looked up and saw a straight, narrow path laid high above the world. The Adventist people walked on that path, in the direction of the city that could be seen at its last end. At the beginning of the path, behind those who were already walking, there was a bright light, which, an angel told me, was the “midnight cry.” This light shone all along the path, and illuminated the feet of the walkers so that they would not stumble. —FIRST WRITINGS, p.14.1 [1]My First Vision, Ellen G. White Sees Adventists Walking the Path of Canaan [LINK, White Center]
Yes, she saw walking towards the sky the same people who kill and/or defend those who kill innocent creatures. Yes, the same people who hate the truth, and who give their lives for the church, but do not understand that when God said marriage he said Adam and Eve, not Adam and Stephen. Yes, that is the town that goes to heaven, the one that “Elena” or even Elena mentions. ¡NO!—we've had enough. It was a phenomenal plan of the devil, to put two Elenas, when in reality there has always been one. But that's not all, there's still more...

The word of God says the following—

10 not be found in you whoever makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, nor a practitioner of divination, nor a soothsayer, nor a spell-reader, nor a sorcerer,
11 Neither a forger of enchantments, nor one who asks a python, nor a magician,  NEITHER EVER ASK THE DEAD.
12 Because it is an abomination to the Lord whoever does these things, and because of these abominations the Lord your God cast them out from before you. —DEUTERONOMY 18:10-12

19 And if they say to you: Ask the pythons and the soothsayers, who whisper while speaking, answer: Will not the people consult their God? Will he plead for the living to the dead? —ISAIAH 8:19

And why does God forbid us to ask the dead?

5 Because those who live know that they must die: but the dead know nothing, nor do they have more pay; because his memory is forgotten. —ECLESIATES 9:5

That is what the word of God teaches. However, Michael recently came across an article that featured Ellen White receiving instructions from her Husband James White, after he had passed away. [g] Ellen White's Dream about her late husband.
[ARTICLE, Scribd]
I decided to look up the original quote in English, and here I bring you the translation—

A few days ago I begged the Lord to give me light regarding my duty. At night I dreamed that I was in the carriage, driving, sitting on the right. Father [JAIME WHITE] was in the carriage, sitting on my left hand. He was very pale but calm and collected. “Father,” I exclaimed, “I'm so happy to have you by my side once again! I felt like half of me was gone. Father, I saw you die; I saw you buried. Has the Lord had mercy on me and has let you come back to me again, and let us work together like we used to do? —LETTER 17, addressed to his son WC White, 1881, paragraph 6 (Lt 17, 1881 White, WC) [e]1Ellen White's Dream
[LINK, White Center]

This is how Ellen White's dream begins, narrated by herself. As we will see, Elena's interaction with her husband becomes very intense and interesting—

He looked very sad. Said: “The Lord knows what is best for you and me. My work was very dear to me. We have made a mistake. We have responded to urgent invitations from our brothers to attend important meetings. We didn't have the heart to refuse. These meetings have worn us both down more than we knew. Our good brothers were pleased, but they did not realize that in these meetings we assume greater burdens than at our age we could safely carry. They will never know the outcome of this prolonged strain on us. [….] —LETTER 17, addressed to his son WC White, 1881, Paragraph 7 (Lt 17, 1881 White, WC) [e]1Ellen White's Dream
[LINK, White Center]

And now Elena directly quotes her husband's advice—

“Now, Elena, calls will be made as they have been made, wanting you to attend important meetings, as has been the case in the past. But put this matter to God and do not respond to the most serious invitations. Your life hangs, so to speak, by a thread. You must have a peaceful rest, free from all excitement and all unpleasant worries. We could have done a lot over the years with our pens, on topics that people need and on which we have had light and can present to them, that others do not have. Therefore, you can work when your strength returns, as it will, and you can do much more with your pen than with your voice.” —LETTER 17, addressed to his son Willie C. White, 1881, Paragraph 8 (Lt 17, 1881 White, WC) [e]1Ellen White's Dream
[LINK, White Center]

Then Elena explains her husband's firmness for her to follow these advice—

He looked at me pleadingly. and said: “You won't neglect these warnings, will you, Elena? Our people will never know under what diseases we have labored to serve them because our lives were interwoven with the progress of the work, but God knows everything. I am sorry that I felt so deeply and that I did not work reasonably in emergencies, regardless of the laws of life and health. The Lord did not require us to carry such heavy burdens and many of our brothers so few. We should have gone to the Pacific coast sooner and devoted our time and energy to writing. Will you do this now? When I regain my strength, Will you take up your pen and write down these things we have long anticipated and slowly hasten on? There is an important issue that people need. Make this your first business. You'll have to talk to people a little, but avoid the responsibilities that have overwhelmed us.” —LETTER 17, addressed to his son Willie C. White, 1881, Paragraph 9 (Lt 17, 1881 White, WC) [e]1Ellen White's Dream
[LINK, White Center]

Because the text is a bit long, I tried to trim it a little, but not too much so that the meaning is not lost. Elena answers her husband, in the dream—

“Okay,” I said, “Jaime, you should always stay with me now and we will work together.”. He said, “I stayed in Battle Creek too long. I should have gone to California over a year ago. But he wanted to help the work and institutions of Battle Creek. I have made a mistake. Your heart is tender. You will be inclined to make the same mistakes as me. Your life can be useful for the cause of God. Oh, those precious themes that the Lord would have made me bring before the people, precious jewels of light! —LETTER 17, addressed to his son Willie C. White, 1881, Paragraph 10 (Lt 17, 1881 White, WC) [e]1Ellen White's Dream
[LINK, White Center]

Now Elena gives the final touch to this story, outside of the dream—already awake

I woke up. But this dream seemed so real. Now I can see and understand why I don't feel a duty to go to Battle Creek. for the purpose of assuming the responsibilities of the General Conference. I have no duty to be at the General Conference. He Mister forbids me. It's enough. […] —LETTER 17, addressed to his son Willie C. White, 1881, Paragraph 11 (Lt 17, 1881 White, WC) [e]1Ellen White's Dream
[LINK, White Center]

Answer me, who was it that spoke to Saul…Samuel? (1 SAMUEL 28). Who was it that spoke to Elena, God or a dead person? And since God says in his word that “the dead know nothing,” that is—they do not speak, why Sir Was Ellen White referring to it then? Where did those instructions she received come from? Let us help you with the answer—

1 However the snake She was cleverer than all the animals of the field that Jehovah God had made; which he said to the woman […] —GENESIS 3:1

One more quote—

9 And the great dragon, the ancient serpent, was cast out, which is called devil and satan, which deceives the whole world; was thrown to the ground, and your angels They were thrown with him. —REVELATIONS 12:9

Now do you understand the seriousness of what we are reading here?

Although the letter continues, the rhetoric is the same. He immediately wakes up from his sleep, Elena changes her position, thanks to the firm advice—which seemed more like orders—from her late husband, Jaime White. She explains that the dream was so real, that we should ask ourselves if what she actually received may not have been a vision instead of a dream. She executes “Jaime’s” instructions to the letter., and this quote that we have presented comes directly from the official website of the White Center, the organization that administers the estate of Ellen G. White. It couldn't be more official than that!

We know that this issue is very thorny for many, but if you can weigh Ellen White on this particular issue with the balance of THE LAW AND THE WITNESS, So let us know how this is written. What we have seen here is spiritualism at its finest. Are we going to make an exception for Ellen White just as Adventists do for the abominations of their Catholic church?  [d]Adventist Missionary Bible, a Catholic Edict
[BIBLE, Adventist Church]
Could something of God be doing the work of the devil?

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 belonging to the law and Ecclesiastes 9:5 is testimony from the same book where that law is found—the Bible! And the Bible is the word of God, right? If God said “do not consult the dead,” who is Ellen White to consult them and still call herself a prophet of God? Did Balaam's disobedience make him a prophet of God? Being Elena a prophet and with a complete Bible in her hands, shouldn't she have known about this? As it seemed to both, “Elena” and Elena forgot that “Jaime” Knows Nothing.

And it is thanks to the fact that Elena is still around without quotes that there are many “dissidents” outside the Adventist Church, who—clinging to Elena, still say “We are Adventists, but the real ones from 1844”. In other words, Elena has made them believe that to get to heaven they must claim the Adventist name, either within the organization—in the case of members, or outside it—in the case of “dissidents.” So we have to claim the Adventist name, right? LET'S SEE WHAT GOD THINKS ABOUT IT—

11 This Jesus It is the stone rejected by you builders, which has become the head of the corner.
12 And in no one else is there salvation; because there is no other name under the sky, given to men, in which we can be saved. —ACTS 4:11-12

There is no other name, but as always, with Adventists God makes an exception. And we see that Elena did it too, because she said—

“We are Seventh-day Adventists. Are we ashamed of our name? We answer: No no! We are not ashamed of him. It is the name that the Lord has given us. It points out the truth that will test the churches.” —REMNANT CHURCH 107.1, Letter 110, July 7, 1902.

The word of God says no “there is another name”, but Elena says...", well, let's leave it there.

The Catholic Church claims infallibility, the Adventist church says the same, and for that it has Elena to co-sign that message.

1. “It may seem that the church is about to fall, but it won't fall. She remains standing, while the sinners in Zion are sifted, while the chaff is separated from the precious wheat. It is a terrible ordeal, and yet it has to happen.” —Selected Messages 2:436 (1886).

2. “As the storm approaches, many who professed to believe in the message of the third angel, but who were not sanctified by obedience to the truth, will abandon their faith, and They will join the ranks of the opposition.” —The Great Controversy, 666 (1911). 2:436 (1886)

3. “Weak and imperfect as it may appear, the church is the object to which God devotes in a special sense his supreme consideration. It is the scene of his grace, in which he delights in revealing his power to transform hearts.” —The Acts of the Apostles, 11.

The first statement is 100% false, whether you attribute them to the church—the organization, or the church—the membership. The Adventist Church will not fall, but was raised as a fallen church, from its very beginning. In fact, the membership is equally or more fallen than the organization. The institution says to attend and honor gay marriage, while members say “But these are the people of God.

We invite you not to believe our words but to see it for yourself with your own eyes, and read the guide published by the same church. [h]Adventist Homosexual Guide, A “Gift” for You
[GUIDE, Adventist Church]

As for the second quote, we will gladly go on the side of the opposition, because we do not believe that a man in bed with another man is something that sanctifies, much less dismembering children in their mother's womb. But Adventists—thanks to Ellen—again, believe that going against their sect is going against God.

And the third quote is an aberration. The scene of God's grace is the heart of man, not a church, that is why he put his law in our hearts (JER. 31:31-33), and that is where grace is gained or lost (APC. 22:14-16). God says clearly, “get out of there” (ISA. 52:11, APC. 18:4) so that you don't get lost, but Elena tells you that that's where you're going to find grace. That's tremendous!

Sodom and Gomorrah did not fall as low as the Adventist Church and its members, and you already know the end of those cities. However, the Adventist believes that no matter what their sect says or does, they will never cease to be the people of God. The reality is that the Adventist Church has never been one, but Elena—with her “prophetic” cunning—has made them believe so, and from there no one can get them out.

NOTE: we are already concluding, but first we would like to recommend our latest work on Elena White, The Truth of Others [F]Ellen White, The Truth of Others:
The numbers
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
There we analyze the numbers behind his rise as a prophet. Now, let's continue...

And it seems that with Elena White anything goes. And when we say everything, it's everything—

"After what Satan He was expelled from heaven along with those who fell with him, He realized that he had lost all the purity and glory of heaven forever. Then he repented and desired to be restored to heaven. He was willing to take his own place, or any place that could be assigned to him.He and his followers REPENTED, wept, and begged to be restored to God's favor.. But no, his sin, his hatred, his envy, and his jealousy had been so great that God could not erase them. “They had to remain registered to receive their final punishment.” —SPIRITUAL GIFTS, Volume 1, pp. 18, 19

Where does the Bible say that Lucifer and his angels repented? And if they repented, how is it possible that a God full of mercy did not forgive them, when—according to Helen herself, Satan was willing to take any place that God offered him? What does God say about forgiveness?

14 if my people will humiliate themselves, upon whom my name is called, and they will pray, and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land. — 2 CHRONICLES 7:14

According to Elena, did Satan repent?

21 Then Peter came to him and said, Lord, how many times will I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven?
22 Jesus Told him: I'm not telling you up to seven, but even up to seventy times seven. —MATHEW 18″21-22

So we have the Lord Jesus commanding us to do something that he himself does not do; This Elenita is tremendous, huh?

The word of God says.

9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump. —GALATIANS 5:9

We should not be surprised that the Catholic Church and the “Adventist” Church both claim infallibility, and that Helena defends the latter, since the order of the additions does not alter the result. And although the Bible says that all “Christian” church systems are fallen (ISA. 4:1, APC. 14:4)—because they are separated from the law of God, the EIGHTH-Day Adventist Church has already spoken openly about who is in charge at home—

1) “I believe that the Church is holy, catholic and apostolic” —The Creed That Changed the World, Pamphlet (2005) [10]a“The Church is Holy, Catholic and Apostolic”, The Creed That Changed the World, 1971 (Book)
[BOOKS, Adventist Church]

(2)a “The apostolic conclusion was that there cannot be a Christian separated from the church. —The Creed That Changed the World, Book (1971)

(2)b “The Holy Catholic Church.” —The Creed That Changed the World, Book (1971) [10]b“The Holy Catholic Church”, The Creed That Changed the World, 1971
[BOOKS, Adventist Church]

Just as you hear it, “The Church is holy, catholic and apostolic says the Eighth-day Adventist Church. [12]The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day: Assembling The Puzzle.
[VIDEO 1:38:18, Adventist Church]
[24]BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity.
[VIDEO 2:32:55, Adventist Church]

Daniel or Paul never gave inconsistent messages; neither did John, much less Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah, well—after all, they attached themselves “to the law and to the testimony.” And in the testimony of Jesus—the same law (EXD. 40:20), There can be no lies, because this directly violates her. (EXD. 20 16, APC. 20:15, JOHN 8:44) which goes against the very character of Christ (JOHN 14:6), because it is written—

8 Even more so if we or an angel from heaven I will announce another gospel to you of which we have announced to you, be anathema. GALATIANS 1:8

With quotes or without quotes, Ellen White was the one who gave rise to the “Seventh” Day harlot. And nothing that gives rise to an institution as satanic as that sect can come from God. We emphatically declare to the Adventist Church—and to its prophetess, anathema!


Get out of it, my people” (APC. 18:4)


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