17Then the dragon was angry against the woman; and he went to make war against the rest of her seed, which KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. —REVELATION 12:17

If you are a “Seventh” day Adventist, you are Catholic.


Danbury, Connecticut, Saturday January 11, 2020.

A few years ago my brother Miguel came across a document—pamphlet, in which the Aventist Church emphasizes “I believe that the church is holy, catholic and apostolic.” [1] The Creed That Changed the World, 2005 (Brochure) The Adventist Church and Its Catholic Creed—
[BROCHURE, Adventist Church]
At that time that statement was so surprising to me—and honest, [2] Adventist Church, An Honest Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
that I set out to obtain that material, published by the Northern Mexican Union (2005), under the “authorship” of Coyote “Pastor” José Luis Jiménez S.

This brochure is actually an excerpt from the book with the same name, The Creed That Changed the World, written by Walter Raimundo “Bert” Beach, published in 1971. Beach is a Jesuit and former director of Religious Liberty for the Adventist sect; the same as in 1977—and on behalf of his church, he granted a medal of recognition to “Pope” Paul VI, and in turn the same one who has convinced an entire town that “Rome has changed” [3] OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [1] — The Error Is In The Union: Wolves Disguised As Sheep
[VIDEO 2:27:05, CristoVerdad]
Brother Osvaldo Torres sent us both copies from Mexico.

The Creed That Changed the World—the brochure, replaces the brochure The Faith of Jesus, which is aimed at new and/or future members of that Adventist corporate sect.

For about three years I had simply said that this pamphlet was taught at least in the Northern Mexican Union of the Adventist Church. And remember, a union is not a church, but a set of associations that in turn direct hundreds and thousands of local churches.

I was limited to making this pronunciation since I had no information or direct evidence where else this pamphlet was being taught, although I was sure that it was taught in other places, I just couldn't prove it. But when the devil knocks on the doors of “your house,” it is not difficult to recognize him.

Last Saturday, January 11 of this year 2020—that is, just over a week ago, the “Pastor” Pablo Huérfano Jr. of the Danbury Adventist Church, in the State of Connecticut in the United States, put this study booklet in the hands of each member of its congregation. His explanation: “This is to evangelize Catholics”, Mmmmm….

Danbury is the Church where a member of our family currently congregates, and that's how we found out. I publicly challenge any Adventist to prove that this information is false, and that it did not happen in the Danbury Church. we will give $$1,000 reward to the one who can achieve it. If you need to inquire about it, here is the Facebook page, [e]2Hispanic Adventist Church of Danbury, Connecticut
[LINK, Adventist Church]
and the phone number of that local sect.[e]3Hispanic Adventist Church of Danbury, Connecticut. Church Directory
[LINK, Adventist Church]

But what is that creed about, what does that pamphlet say? Let's see-

On page 2 they tell you exactly what this is all about: “The Catholic and Apostolic Creed”, where they say that Jesus “was born of the Holy Virgin Mary“. That is, not from Mary, but from Santa Maria, which is venerated by more than a billion Catholics—and Protestants—around the world. And—as we already mentioned, they also tell us that “The Church is Holy Catholic and Apostolic.” Right there it also says “I believe in the communion of saints.” In other words, “I believe in Saint Peter”, “Saint John”, “Saint Mary”, “Saint Philip”, etc. Are you understanding this?

Page 31 of the document emphasizes the same message, “I believe that the Church is Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.” Furthermore, they tell you that that Catholic church (Adventist) It must be supported by the tithe, that God actually designated for the poor. (DEUT. 14:22-29). [4]Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]

If you review all the images in this booklet, you will notice no difference than if you read any other Catholic publication.” [1] The Creed That Changed the World, 2005 (Brochure) The Adventist Church and Its Catholic Creed—
[BROCHURE, Adventist Church]
In fact, this pamphlet repeats exactly the same message that we find in the catechism of the Catholic Church, Article 811.

''One Church''—The Catholic

Jesús Católico811 “This is the only Church of Christ, of which  “We confess in the Creed that it is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” (LG 8). These four attributes, inseparably linked to each other (cf. DS 2888), indicate essential features of the Church and its mission. The Church does not have them for herself; It is Christ, who, through the Holy Spirit, gives the Church its being one, holy, catholic and apostolic, and He is also the one who calls her to exercise each of these qualities.

So we have that Adventists have been told that this is to evangelize Catholics, telling Catholics the same thing that Catholics believe. Do you know why Adventists are considered stupid? (JER. 17:5)

What happens is that due to the ineptitude of the Adventists—and forgive these expressions, they have been made to believe that things are as the Church says, and not as God says, and they have swallowed that story. It is the same teaching of Catholics, since they are the same people, different branch.

While it is true that the word of God urges us to obey the authorities (ROM. 13:1), God never calls us to be faithful to anything other than Him. (ACTS 5:29). No one—nor anything—is above the word of God. Another thing, God has not given any authority to the Adventist Church, the devil has given it to them. (MAT. 7:15-20, JOHN 8:44), with the help of its members, of course.

We do not see in the scriptures any prophet, disciple, and/or follower of Christ give their life for any institution. For whom did John the Baptist give his life, for whom did Isaiah give it? (EXD. 20:14)

However, we constantly see in biblical scripture the Pharisees defending the doctrines of the system they themselves had created—

9He also told them: Biin you invalidate the commandment of God to keep your tradition. —MARK 7:9

This past Saturday, January 18, I was visiting the Sabaneta Adventist Church, of saint Louis in the Eastern Zone of Santo Domingo, Capital of my native Dominican Republic. On this occasion they were making the second call on the appointments of leaders for 2020. An internal controversy was being debated where apparently the first elder on duty “they sawed off his stick”. That is, after the appointment board and the entire church voted for the leaders, there was an alleged complaint and the position of first elder to whom he had been elected was removed. In her place they appointed a woman to be the first elder of that local sect.

More than an internal conflict of that church, that was rather an order that came from above, and I'm not talking about heaven. The pastor said that ““All procedures in the church manual were being followed,” under which—said clearly, “the church is governed”. The Bible was not mentioned anywhere, and no one complained or said this mouth is mine in the face of such abomination; Goliath slaughtered an entire town on this occasion, while David was conspicuous by his absence. [5]YEAR OF [S]ELECTION, Time of Ordination: Strange Fire in “Israel”
[VIDEO 2:32:54, CristoVerdad]

So a Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church, right? That message is not new within the Adventist Church, nor is it unusual. We recommend that you review the following material in its entirety and you will realize that—in effect, if you meet in that sect you are more Catholic than Jorge Mario Bergoglio. [e]1 BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity.
[VIDEO 2:32:54, CristoVerdad]
[6]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Assembling The Puzzle.
[VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad]
[6]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church.
[VIDEO 2:01:35, CristoVerdad]
[7]aTHE SECT THAT IS NO LONGER, AND Rome Affirms It [1]
[VIDEO 1:34:40, CristoVerdad]
[7]b THE SECT THAT IS NO LONGER, and Rome Affirms It [2]: The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day
[VIDEO 1:38:22, CristoVerdad]
[8] EDUCATION the children of the devil: The Adventist Church Officially Declares Ecumenical
[VIDEO 2:07:38, CristoVerdad]

For Adventists it is already a normal thing to have elders and pastors in their churches, even when God says “the woman who falls before the congregation” (1 COR. 14:33-39). I raised my hand to make an observation, but because the local big bad wolf was not a church member, “Pastor” Francis Contreras, blew my mind, and didn't allow me to give my opinion. However, he told me “when I finish here I will talk to you outside.” Here I leave you with the coyote preaching one of his “Christocentric” sermons. [9] Francis Conreras, San Luis and Los Prados de San Luis Adventist Churches, Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic
[VIDEO 00:45:33, CristoVerdad]

As promised, this ravenous wolf called me to talk outside the church, before the “divine” worship began. I told him that I was observing the matter of the change of hierarchy of the first elder—who continued as an elder, but not first elder. The observation I made to him is that I heard him say that all the procedures of the Handbook of the Adventist Church, but I asked him if the method they were using was biblical.

I further told him to show me from the Bible where he can justify the appointment of an elder—and even more so, a first elder as leader of a congregation. The first thing he told me was that I was an Adventist, and I answered I am biblical. He asked me the same question again, and I answered him again. I am biblical. He insisted on the same question if I am an Adventist, and I insisted again that I am biblical. And I said “If you are not an Adventist then we have nothing to talk about.” Apparently speaking is only reserved for the “Eighth” Day Adventists.[e]1 BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity.
[VIDEO 2:32:54, CristoVerdad]

At that time, the new first elder approached, who was the secretary of the appointments board and who—from the same platform, she had voted for the approval of the new committee of leaders of the Sabaneta Church of San Luis. That is to say, she voted for herself!

The wolf became somewhat aggressive with me and explained to the young old woman that I “did not respect the procedures of the church to which I belong”. I automatically made it clear to him that I did not say that I belong to the Adventist Church, and I told him You said that, not me. I am biblical.

The young “old woman” seemed to me to be a very sweet person, but seriously deceived by this predatory wolf. My last words to her: I have nothing against you, but the word of God says “to the law and to the testimony

The coyote then tells me to prove to him with the Bible that she couldn't be old. I started with Exodus 28:1 and he interrupted me immediately. Then I told him, What's more, NO, show me that this is in the Bible. That man continued talking nonsense and mentioned Débora, a classic and unjustifiable case. (JUDG. 4:6-9). [10] Deborah—Prophetess, Mother, But Not Judge Nor Governor
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

The wolf Contreras told me that Deborah was a prophet. I responded and asked him whether Deborah was a shepherd or an elder. I also asked him if he knew Who was Barak? He didn't answer any of my questions. And I ask you who is reading this, are a mechanic and a doctor the same thing? Are a prophet and a pastor the same thing?—

Deborah, for those who search the Bible, is the worst example that can be used to justify the ordination of women pastors and elders. To begin, the Bible presents that prophesying is a function that both men and women can perform, and Deborah is a classic example of that. But we also have the case of Mary, sister of Moses and Aaron, who was a prophetess, but was never called to minister in the Sanctuary as a priestess. Aaron also had daughters. (LEV. 10:14), but these were never called to minister the priesthood like their brothers Nadad, Abihu, Elizar and Ithamar, and his father Aaron. Felipe's 4 daughters the evangelist were prophetesses, and not a single one of them ministered as a priestess or pastor or elder of a congregation (ACTS 21:8-9). And an elder, priest or bishop is the same thing, biblically speaking. (PSA. 23:1, DAN. 7:9, JOHN 10:11).

But bringing up Deborah shows one of two things: either this wolf is completely ignorant or he is, pardon the redundancy, a tremendous predatory wolf. Débora, to the surprise of many, was neither a governor nor a judge. [10] Deborah—Prophetess, Mother, But Not Judge Nor Governor
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
Much less a shepherd or an old woman. Regardless of that, I ask again, is a prophet, a priest, or a pastor the same thing?

Deborah, in her own words, says that women should be below the authority of men—

Deborah presents the shame it would be for Barak if his enemy was destroyed by a woman, and not by him. And let's not forget that—after all, Deborah was a woman!

We see Barak, incidentally, in the list of heroes of the Faith in Hebrews 11, while Deborah is conspicuous by her absence. Have you ever asked yourself why?

An elder in a congregation would be above many men. A first elder would be above all men, except the pastor of that church. And if she is married, she would still be above her husband. The word of God says:

3But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man,  and the man is the head of the woman,  and God the head of Christ. —1 CORINTHIANS 11:3

How many heads did Christ establish in the home and in a congregation of faith? Let us help you with the answer, since we're sure your local wolf hasn't taught you this:

1 Faithful word: If anyone desires the bishopric, he desires a good work.
2 But it is necessary that the bishop be blameless, HUSBAND OF ONLY ONE WIFE, sober, prudent, decorous, hospitable, capable of teaching;
3 not given to wine, not quarrelsome, not greedy for dishonest gain, but kind, gentle, not covetous;
4 MAY YOU GOVERN YOUR HOUSE WELL, may you keep your children in subjection with all honesty.
5 (for he who does not know how to govern his own house, How will he care for God's church?); —1 TIMOTHY:3:1-5

Contreras tried to trap me by asking what “If today's women should wear veils”. I told her that the Bible says that her hair serves as a veil. (1 COR. 14:15) . I asked her how many women in the role of elders the Bible presents. And since he didn't answer that question either, I then emphasized to him that The Bible does not present a single. And he asked me why, to which I answered: because God said no.

This wolf Francis Contretras was just trying to allude to tradition, culture and machismo, which according to the Adventist church, is the reason why we do NOT see pastors or elders practicing the sacred scriptures. That is to say, “This is a cultural issue” and God lets “each congregation decide what is best for its own territory,” as one of the sect's biggest wolves also emphasizes, Alejandro $Billion. [e]5 Alejandro Bullón in favor of the ordination of women
[VIDEO 00:02:05, Adventist Church]
[e]6 OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land. Alejandro Bullón unmasked

We ask ourselves, since when did God leave the people of Israel the option of being guided by culture or tradition? Were God's priesthood and sheep-feeding affected by machismo, culture and/or tradition or did God leave specific orders in this regard?

1You will bring before you Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, to be my priests;  to Aaron and Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar  sons of Aaron. —EXODUS 28:1

Was Jesus wrong?

12In those days he went to the mountain to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
13And when it was day, he called his disciples, and he chose twelve of them, whom he also called apostles:
[1] to Simon, whom he also called Peter, [2] to Andrés his brother, [3] Jacob [4] and Juan, [5] Philip [6] and Bartholomew,
[7] Matthew, [8] Thomas, [9] James son of Alpheus, [10] Simon called Zealot,
[11] Judas brother of James, [12] and Judas Iscariot, who became the traitor. —LUKE 6:12-16

How many female apostles does the Bible present?

Did Jesus submit to any culture or tradition... was Christ a sexist? No, the Adventist Church is simply an institution that does not serve him; that is to say, serves the devil.

And since we are talking about the Adventist Church, let us present what the church “believed”, professed, preached and executed before (PHOTO), in the words of James White, husband of Ellen White and Johns Andrews, another of the “pioneers” of the sect—

It clearly says there that a woman SHOULD NOT be old, and the pseudoprophesies Ellen White NEVER refuted the words of her husband James White. Something so simple and the San Luis coyote doesn't understand it? No, it's not that he doesn't understand, but it's that he was not put there to understand but to obey, executing orders, and—hence, the discharge of the first elder (male) instead of a woman.

And the rule of women is the satanic agenda of the New World Order, of which the Adventist Church is an intrinsic and integral part, [5]YEAR OF [S]ELECTION, Time of Ordination: Strange Fire in “Israel”
[VIDEO 2:32:54, CristoVerdad]
and the Bible had already prophesied it—

12The oppressors of my people are boys,  and women ruled over him.  my people, those who guide you deceive you, and twist the course of your paths —ISAIAH 3:12

The wolf, for his part, continued to insist that I must submit to the regulations of the Adventist Church. I told him again that I am biblical, and asked him what Yeah Abortion performed in Adventist hospitals is also biblical, and a regulation of their church. The young “cornflower” made a gesture as if she wanted to insinuate “Where did this crazy guy come from?”. Well, here I present to you the madness I am talking about…


And we also find this madness on the official website of Adventist Babylon. [11] Abortion, Guidelines, Legal Crime in Adventist Babylon
[LINK, Adventist Church]
Coyote Contreras did not say anything about it and ended by saying “continue with your Bible.” That is, “continue with your Bible and we will continue with our manual.” My last words to him: you are a wolf. Now, if you want to know what a coyote is, here I present to you one more of its kind.

So we have that the Adventist Church is evangelizing Catholics with the same doctrines that Catholics know and embrace, since they are Romans, and Adventists believe the story...

NO!, the Adventist church is not evangelizing Catholics, is evangelizing Adventists—who are actually Catholics, with the Catholic doctrines that they also know and already embrace, only this time the church is being honest about the true origin of its doctrines.

God's word describes his people in the following way:

12Here is the patience of  the Saints , those who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS of God and the faith of Jesus. —REVELATION 14:12

It also describes the devil's people—

4AND THE WOMAN She was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, and had in her hand a golden chalice full of abominations. and from the filth of her fornication;


And who are the daughters of the Whore?

And what will that woman and her daughters do against the people of God?

6 I saw the woman drunk the blood of the saints, and of the blood of the martyrs of Jesus; and when I saw her, I was amazed with great amazement. —REVELATION 14:6

And this woman—and her daughters, have always persecuted—and will persecute God's people to the end—

17Then the dragon was angry against the woman; and went to war against the rest of her seed, which THEY KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ. —REVELATION 12:17

And the Adventist Church is an abortionist Church, which publicly declared that homosexuality is not a sin, that he "Sunday" is he “Lord's Day” [e]4 Sunday Worship in the Adventist Church
[DOCUMENTS, Adventist Church]
and has rejected the law of God in practically every point, and—therefore, it cannot be considered—far from it is, God's people. [12] OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”
[VIDEO 2:55:33, Adventist Church]

Once again, God's people keep his commandments, they do not boast that they keep them, but they keep them. “Seventh” Day Adventist Friend, can you understand something so simple and clear?

And if the Adventist Church says publicly and openly that “The Church is holy, catholic and apostolic”So what should we call the members who congregate in the Aventist Church?

You connect the dots—friend, friend, if you can see the dots!


Get out of it, my people...” (REV. 18:4)


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[e]5 Church A historic day – May 17 – Beyond the Stigmata —Adventist Church Perverts Childhood [VIDEO 00:03:00, Esperanza TV]


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