“The Seventh-day Adventist Church reminded its Dominican parishioners that it recognizes the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy…”
We ask, What are those extreme conditions in which God gives the authority to end an innocent life, such as that of a baby in its mother's womb? [1]a Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion
in extreme conditions
[NEWS—7 Days]
“[W]hen your life is in danger, when the fetus presents Congenital malformations or when it is the result of a rape either incest.”, continues the Adventist Church, in the voice of the Pastor Mario Rondón, through the [OFICIAL] Adventist radio station of high national prestige in the Dominican Republic, Radio Dawn. Rondón is citing point No. 4 of the official policies of the Adventist Church on abortion, which we present later. [2] Abortion—Guidelines, Official Position of the Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventist Church]
The news continues—
“In the context of the discussion about the controversial articles of the Penal Code on abortion observed by President Danilo Medina [Rep. Dominican], the Adventists established their position through their station, Radio Amanecer, in a document read by Pastor Mario Rondón.”
We recommend reading the full news. [1]a Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion
in extreme conditions
[NEWS—7 Days] [1 B Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion in extreme conditions
The Adventist Church responds to the penal code of the Dominican Republic; Will you answer to God's penal code—His holy law?
So under extreme circumstances, the Adventist Church practices abortion. Well, searching in my Bible I found another of those extreme conditions in which God “allows” abortion:
13 you will not kill. —EXODUS 20:13
The only abortion approved by God is the abortion of sin.
Nick Vujicic He is a man, who—despite many adversities in his life, has decided to move forward, serving God. Australian-born Vujicic, who has become an international figure, was born without arms or feet. He is a motivational speaker who helps those people who were born with a physical disability understand that God can use them for his own honor and glory.
Nick Vujicic is also an inspiration to those, who—having been born in perfect physical health, have decided to walk in mediocrity. Vujicic is also—according to the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church—God's people, a person who should NEVER have been born. That is, Nick Vujicic's mother—as a woman, and—again, according to the Adventist Church, was in all her "right [of] terminate a pregnancy—
“when your life is in danger, when the fetus presents Congenital malformations or when it is the result of a rape either incest.” —Pastor Mario Rondón, Adventist Church, Dominican Republic
We have already mentioned it before, although it is true that God condemns incest (LEV. 18), God honors life—
16 Six things you have to HATES he Mister, and seven are an abomination to Him:
17 proud eyes, lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that schemes perverse plans, feet that run quickly towards evil,
19 a false witness that say lies, and he who sows discord between brothers. —PROVERBS 6:16-19
A baby in its mother's womb is innocent blood; a life created by God, which must be respected. Nor is rape an excuse to—pardon the redundancy—violate God's perfect law. (ROM. 7:12)
So do we have to have the Adventist church respect the individual conscience of those who want to kill? Well, a popular saying goes that "every thief judged by its condition". The strategy of the Adventist Church has always been—
a) Tell a lie,
b) repeat that lie as many times as necessary, until—finally,
c) people believe the lie.
And today many Adventists believe, that—indeed, if the mother's life “is in danger,” or if the baby “comes with congenital defects,” and—or, if the pregnancy “is the result of a rape either incest“, that God gives you or me the right to kill that baby, at the same time that he gives us the keys to the kingdom of heaven. If you don't believe me, take a few minutes and read the comments of people responding to this news, published on the Dominican Adventist portal 7 days. [1]a Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion in extreme conditions
[NEWS—7 Days] Here I put some of those comments—
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“Abortion should be provoked only for the most serious reasons.” —JOSÍAS ESTEPAN G. |
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“No one can force, and only God will judge what each person decided to do with their free will.” —ADRIANA GÓMEZ |
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“I feel proud from the position I feel it is my church, with love and mercy with the unfortunate ones who are forced to make this decision, without blackmail or manipulation. God bless the IASD in ES” —JULIO CESAR ESTEBAN |
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“God continue to direct our denomination, giving wisdom in the light of the bible for these very controversial topics” —ERIK HAPPY |
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“A wise position in accordance with the Baptist principle of freedom of conscience. The Dominican Adventist Church puts its ear to the hearts of Dominican women.” —NATANAEL DISLA |
Erik Feliz says that the Adventist Church has wisdom in light of the Bible. We see that idolatry reaches such a level that they do not know the difference between God and the devil. In the corrupted minds of these people, everything that comes from the organization is law, even if it violates the law.
Julio Cesar Esteban gives glory to God for “the love” and “the mercy” that the Adventist Church has “with the unfortunate ones who are forced to make this decision“. And how about those unfortunate creatures that fall into the hands of these killers? For them there is no love, mercy? Are not these creatures children of God?
Nathanel appears to be a Baptist, and not an Adventist. However, he praises such a noble gesture of this Adventist mega corporation; pollution is in all churches (APOC. 14:4), although in some—obviously, more than others.
This lie has been repeated, time after time, and people continue to believe it. David Gates said it, [3]a David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — Analysis
[VIDEO 00:24:11, CristoVerdad] [3]b DAVID GATES, Death's Uncle
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] Ted Wilson [4] Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00—ChristTruth] Rondón and the Adventist Church in the Dominican Republic, [1]a Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion in extreme conditions
[NEWS—7 Days] Esteban Bohr supports her, [5] OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2)
“Noble Pretexts”
[VIDEO 2:55:34, CristoVerdad] It is practiced in Adventist hospitals, [6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church] [7]a ABORTION AND BEAUTY,
Adventist Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] The Adventist World Church declares it, [2] Abortion—Guidelines, Official Position of the Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventist Church] and—it could not be missing, practically every paid pastor and leader of that institution. If they are silent—knowing this, it is because they too believed the lie—at best. In the worst case, they don't care, and—or, they don't care at all about the lives of these creatures, what God says in his word, much less their own salvation, because God is clear—
23 Because the p's payecado Is Die, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. —ROMANS 6:23
And abortion is murder—direct violation of the 6th commandment of God's law (EXOD. 20:13), and—therefore, for those who did not know it, it is a sin. And all sin leads to perdition, if it is not confessed, rejected, and removed from our lives.
It is interesting, but in an article published in the Journal The National of the Dominican Republic, a feminist speaks out regarding the delineations of the penal code on abortion in that nation; and he does it this way— [F] SUSI PAOLA, They are not just feminists, El Nacional, December 16, 2014
“The Dominican Republic is on a tiny list of places - only six - where abortion is totally punishable”.
For people who express themselves from religions, “it is incomprehensible to interpret the difficulty in understanding the difference between “promoting abortion” and “posing exceptions to the criminalization of abortion.” Others, amazed that “in the name of Protestantism the so-called “therapeutic abortion” is denied, because for many years these Christians have accepted it. and thousands of his parishioners have practiced it when it has been necessary.” And the Seventh-day Adventist Church, “reminded his parishioners that he recognizes the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy in the three exceptions.”
For journalists, columnists and directors, “religion is a private thing and cannot use the State to impose itself on the entire society.” They miss “the lack of religious pronouncement when “The priest of Juncalito, or the nuncio abused many children.”. And some explain that, “the Dominican Republic is on a tiny list of places – only six – where abortion is completely punishable.” For others, “all that remains is for the Catholic hierarchy to ask Pope Francis to create a Court of Inquisition of the Dominican Holy Office, to take us back to November 1478.” —SUSI PAOLA, They are not just feminists, El Nacional. December 16, 2014
A feminist, using the Adventist Church as a defense for abortion. While calling other churches hypocrites, he praises the Adventist Church. Mmmmm, interesting, right?
But does the Adventist Church respect the conscience of individuals?—of course it does, as long as they serve the devil. Well, if you express the feeling of God, those synagogues discipline you, erase you, expel you, defame you, call the police, and even kick and push you out of the temples. [10] ”MESSAGE OF GOD REJECTED” REV. 3:14-19 – ZARANDEA LA IGLESIA, Bolivia [VIDEO 00:05:53, MYVERITO777]
Another point, the Adventist Church not only DOES NOT OPPOSE abortion in extreme conditions, but in no other conditions, as “our” great “Uncle David” and Ted Wilson already confirmed to us, and—as the same church confirms to us on its page official Web-[2] Abortion—Guidelines, Official Position of the Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventist Church]
4. “The church should not serve as a conscience for individuals; Either way, it should provide moral guidance. Abortion for reasons of birth control, sex selection, or convenience is not tolerated by the church. However, sometimes women can face some exceptional circumstance that presents serious moral or medical dilemmas such as ua significant threat to the life of the pregnant woman, serious dangers to their health, carefully diagnosed severe birth defects in the fetus, and pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. THE FINAL DECISION REGARDING WHETHER TO TERMINATE THE PREGNANCY OR NOT SHOULD BE MADE BY THE PREGNANT WOMAN after proper consultation. To make her decision, she must be helped with precise information, biblical principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, these decisions are best made within the context of a healthy family relationship.” —ABORTIONS—Guidelines (5), Seventh-day Adventist Church, Official Position
It is interesting that the Adventist Church first tells us that it respects the conscience of individuals, and then that it is not the conscience of anyone. They are similar ideas, but—has not “the church of God” offered instructions (conscience) to individuals to walk in the ways of God?
Why do you meet in a church, then? Is it not to be instructed in the word of God, thus affecting your carnal conscience and achieving an epsiritual?
We suspect that you meet there for one of two things:
a) To maintain them ($), and/or b) to get lost.
Once in there, after they have been brainwashed about “the sanctity of Life”, [4] Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00—ChristTruth] They also have the guts to tell you that the decision whether or not to have an abortion “SHOULD BE MADE BY THE PREGNANT WOMAN.” We wonder if a woman can make herself pregnant; Where is the father of the child?
6. “Church institutions must be provided with guidance to develop their own institutional regulations, in harmony with these guidelines. People who have religious or ethical objections towards abortion you should not be forced to participate in its realization.” —ABORTIONS—Guidelines (6), Seventh-day Adventist Church, Official Position
It's all there, on the official Babylon Adventist website. But let's translate this text—from Spanish to Spanish, focusing on the last sentence of this section 6:
People who have religious or ethical objectionss towards abortion No They should be forced to participate in its implementation.
That is, those who have morality and want to serve God should not be forced to have an abortion. However, what about those who do not have this ethical or religious morality? Well, as we already mentioned, for those people we have the “Seventh” Day Adventist hospitals. [6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church] [7]a ABORTION AND BEAUTY, Adventist Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
But that's not all, but—when we go to point No. 5 of these same policies of the Adventist Church, we find the following—
5. Christians recognize that their first and primary responsibility is to God. They seek a balance between the exercise of individual freedom and responsibility towards the community of faith and society in general and its laws. They make their choices according to the Scriptures and the laws of God and not based on society's norms. Therefore, any attempt of forcing a woman to remain pregnant or terminate her pregnancy must be rejected as a violation of personal freedom.
In short, according to The Adventist Church of the Eighth Day, [8] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 Is the New 7 — The Eighth Day Church
[VIDEO 2:32:55—ChristTruth]—who also have the guts to tell us—my friends, brothers, and—adversaries who would like to silence my conscience—and my mouth, that KILLING IS A MATTER OF PERSONAL FREEDOM! [2] Abortion—Guidances, Official Position of the Adventist Church [LINK, Adventist Church]
I'm beginning to think that the punishment God gave to Cain (GEN. 4) It was a bit unfair—because Cain—by killing his brother Abel, was only making use of his personal freedom, right?
I'm going to tell you something—if you continue to support this satanic sect, you are going to be lost. (REV. 22:14-15)
9 The appearance of his rosters testiagainst them; because like Sodom they publish their sin, they do not hide it. *!!Poor souls of them! because they accumulated evil for themselves. —ISAIAH 3:9
As we always say here at ChristTruth, Do not believe us, believe in the same works that this Luciferian institution is committing, and—which, it itself is telling you. Believe him, just as Jesus begged the Pharisees to believe in his works—Jesus's. (JOHN 10:38)
At the time of writing this article, I—José Luis Javier, am 43 years old, single, and do not have children. Nick Vujicic, whom The Adventist Church condemns for being born, is a man happily married to a very beautiful woman—both inside and out, without any physical disabilities. I—José Luis Javier, with my 4 limbs in place, could say—without having to question or judge God, that Nick Vujicik has been more blessed than me. Or at least, he has known how to make better use of his physical faculties than I have. And all this thanks to the fact that his mother has probably never set foot on the floor of an Adventist Church, and—better still, NEVER went to a surgical room in a hospital of that institution.
And Vujicic is not an isolated case, but we can see how hundreds of people—perhaps thousands—or perhaps millions—around the world, live a relatively normal life, because their parents preferred to listen to God, and not to perverted ideology. of a sect that has taken upon itself the task of doing 100% the work of Satan, who—by the way, “has been murderous from the beginning.” (JOHN 8:44). Some of these people may seem like monsters to you, but don't tell that to your parents and loved ones around you, because they won't believe you.
Nick Vujicic's embryo looked into the eyes of God. And God looked upon him, and rewarded him with life in abundance. The Adventist sect has other ideas, and you have become indifferent to this abortion situation. And even more, you have stayed where God told you to run—
15Therefore, when you see in the holy place the abomination of desolation of which the prophet Daniel spoke (he who reads, let him understand),
16then those who are in Judea, flee to the mountains.
17Whoever is on the roof must not come down to take anything from his house;
18and whoever is in the field, let him not turn back to take his cloak. —MATHEW 24:15-18
And we are not saying at all that the Adventist Church is a holy place, but rather that if an institution supposedly serves God, it has to seek holiness and not give up until it is achieved. (EPHESIANS 5:20-29). Is that what we are seeing?
God said you will not kill, and the Adventist Church is killing. Whoever plays crazy in these things, Jesus will play crazy before the Father when your name is called into the presence of God. (MAT. 10:33)
“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.
[2] Abortion Position, Adventist Church
[3]b DAVID GATES, Death's Uncle [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[4] Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[5] OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts” [VIDEO 2:55:34, CristoVerdad]
[6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church
[4] Why do Adventists support abortion? — Andrew Mitchell[VIDEO 00:19:02, Prolife Andrew]
[7]a ABORTION AND BEAUTY Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[7]b Abortions, Pune Adventist Hospital, India (English) [LINK, Adventist Church]
[8] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 Is the New 7 — The Eighth Day Church [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]
[9] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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