Demons of Sexual Perversion

Demons of Sexual Perversion

Gender Ideology, Taken to a New Level DESCRIPTION: Sodom and Gomorrah have made a comeback, and they are doing it with splash. Main target: your children. Family is under attack, Jesus at the door. “Come out of her, my people…” (REV. 18:4) Share it!...
Disfrutando La Apostasía

Enjoying The Apostasy

Los Títeres de Un Sistema [Julio 16, 2015] DESCRIPCIÓN: Mientras los minutos finales de esta tierra se acercan, muchos han caído en un estado de indiferencia que no les permite ver el peligro que corren. Otros, por el encontrario, se han sumergido en un estado de...
Varón y Hembra

Male and Female

The Ordination of Women and the Gay Agenda in the Adventist Church PART (1) The Mark of the Beast and The Microchip — Calculation Error [STUDIO, CristoVerdad] (2) The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language and Saturday [July 16, 2015] DESCRIPTION: The Supreme of...