by ChristTruth | May 14, 2019 | documents
The Adventist Church and Its Catholic Creed PART (1) The Creed That Changed the World, 1971 (Book) (2) DESCRIPTION: “The church is one, holy, catholic and Apostolic,” says the “Seventh-day” Adventist Church, before a town that...
by ChristTruth | May 14, 2019 | documents
The Adventist Church and Its Catholic Creed PART (1) (2) The Creed That Changed the World, 2005 (Booklet) DESCRIPTION: “The church is one, holy, catholic and Apostolic,” says the “Seventh-day” Adventist Church, before a town that...
by ChristTruth | May 14, 2019 | documents
The Adventist Church “Legalizes” Homosexuality ADVENTISTGAYLGBTSODOMA GOMORRA PART (1) A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral CarePart 1 (Documents 1 & 2) (2) DESCRIPTION: In the days of Lot, the...
by ChristTruth | May 14, 2019 | documents
The Adventist Church “Legalizes” Homosexuality ADVENTISTGAYLGBTSODOMA GOMORRA PART (1) (2) Adventist World Church Votes on Transgenderism DESCRIPTION: In the days of Lot, the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church fails to...
by ChristTruth | May 13, 2019 | documents
“Domingo”, Día del Señor—Día de Adoración DESCRIPCIÓN: Tal como fue profetizado, el diablo está “cambiando” los tiempos y la ley. Otra ramera más, la Iglesia Adventista fija su adoración en Baal. DOCUMENTOS PRESENTADOS 1. Revista Adventist...
by ChristTruth | Nov 13, 2018 | articles, documents, biblical studies
En el año 1957, la entonces iglesia (ahora corporación) Adventista, publicó el libro Questions On Doctrine, que traducido al castellano es Preguntas Sobre Doctrina. 61 años han pasado desde entonces, y hoy día en esa iglesia ya nadie “Pregunta Sobre” la...
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