The Corporation of The Seventh-day Abortionists
ADRA, Sevneth-day Adventist Chuurch Promote Abortion
[Document, CanWaCH) [2]
DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive SRHRincluding Access to Abortion Canadian Conference. Celebrated the Hotel Westin Hontel in the city of Ottawa, Canada (April 18-19, 2018).
1. Presentation (PDF) of the Conference Beyond 2020 — Participants [b] 1. Beyond 2020 Canadian — Participants
2. Preliminary Program given to the participants the Beyond 2020 Conference [c]1 2. Beydond 2020 Candian Conference — Prelimnary Program
[BILINGUAL, CristoVerdad]
These documents are provided originally by CanWaCH, Canadian Partnertship for Women and Children’s Health. Original documents (without translation) available below, Sources and Connections.
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NOTES: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplemental Material. Photos may also expand the content: videos, news, links, etc.
[a] CanWaCH Beyond 2020 Website
[b] BEYOND 2020, Part 1 Presentation (Original) [DOCUMENT, CanWaCH]
[c]1 BEYOND 2020, Part 2 Preliminary Program, PDF (Original) [DOCUMENT, CanWaCH]
[c]2 BEYOND 2020, Part 2 Preliminary Program, Website (Original) [LINK, CanWaCH]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
[2] Position on Abortion, Adventist Church [LINK, Adventist Church]
[3]b DAVID GATES, Death's Uncle [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[4] Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[5] OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts” [VIDEO 2:55:34, CristoVerdad]
[6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church
[4] Why do Adventists support abortion? — Andrew Mitchell[VIDEO 00:19:02, Prolife Andrew]
[7]a ABORTION AND BEAUTY Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] [7]b Abortions, Pune Adventist Hospital, India (English) [LINK, Adventist Church]
[8] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 Is the New 7 — The Eighth Day Church [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]
[9] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
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