A biblical character named Christ Jesus once said:
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it in abundance. —JOHN 10:10
Yes, Jesus came to this world to give life. But who is Christ Jesus?
And since it seems that the vast majority of Adventist people do not seem to have the slightest idea of who Jesus Christ was — and taking advantage of the fact that the World Cup fever, Russia 2018, has already ended and that now they do have SOME time to reflect on the word of God, let Jesus Christ himself answer us who he really is:
6 Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth, and life; No one comes to the Father except through me. —JOHN 14:6
There seems to be a certain logic that—if Jesus Christ came to give life, it is because he himself is life. No one can give what they don't have.
But as for you and me... what does Jesus expect from us? And since I – Jose Luis Javier, do not believe in “commandments of men” (Matt 15:8-9), let us – once again, let Jesus tell us in his word:
14 Blessed are those who keep his commandments, to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city. —REVELATION 22:14
If they told you that God's law was abolished, Jesus himself tells you that the devil deceived you.
So—Jesus himself also tells us that to have eternal life we must keep his law. But what does your law say?
13 YOU WILL NOT KILL. —Exodus 20:13
Everything seems to agree, and until now we have to—Jesus,
a) He came to give life.
b) That's life.
c) It has a law of life.
d) It has a town called______________.
Indeed, we cannot forget that Jesus also has a people who serve him. This is a different town, pulled apart, peculiar. He is not equal to others—for Jesus is not equal to others.
And what is the name of that town? Let's see….
We know that John was part of that people of Jesus. And since the Bible mentions him as the beloved disciple, who better than John to tell us what we must do to be part of that people:
6 HE WHO SAYS that he abides in him, must walk as he walked. —1 JOHN 2:6
So to be part of Jesus' people, “you have to walk as Jesus walked!
Hypocrisy is not part of God's people! You have to be faithful, not to say that you are faithful, but to be faithful.
And although all writing is inspired—and John was definitely inspired, better yet—again, let's quote Jesus about what his people are called, lest it be a matter of John not being as inspired as we really believe:
12 Here is the patience of THE SAINTS, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. —REVELATION 14:12
But you will say, the Apocalypse is from John. No, my Bible says the opposite:
1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his servants the things that must soon take place; AND HE DECLARED IT, sending it by means of his angel to his servant John,
2 who has borne witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to all things that he has seen. —REVELATION 1:1-2
So we have that the Apocalypse is from Jesus himself! And if it is from Jesus himself—and you call yourself a Christian, you—whether you call yourself an individual or an institution, you must obey what The Apocalypse says, or else you would be left out of the people of God. So—with this information in hand, we can fill in the blank. in part d, higher. Let's ask Jesus the same question, again, What is the name of his people?
12 Here is the patience of THE SAINTS, those who KEEP the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. —REVELATION 14:12
Now, fill out the form.
d) God's people are called __________
In case you are NOT connecting the dots yet, let me help you:
And this is a mandate, not an option:
16 because it is written: Be holy, for I am holy. —1 PETER 1:16
The people of God are Holy, any definition outside of that is the people of the devil. If your Bible—or your pastor, or your church—says something different, please let us know!
Since we are “a little” clear about who Jesus is, his holiness—and his people, let's analyze this news:
The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation—self-proclaimed Church, headquartered in Silver Springs, Maryland, USA—is the only “Christian” denomination that has ABORTION AS A LEGAL POLICY in their hospitals and “health centers,” worldwide. Its current president—Ted NC Wilson, who was then president of the Euro-Asian Division, was one of the executives (for that is what he is—an executive), who approved the current policies that encourage the practice of abortion in hospitals and clinics of the here mentioned corporate company… a company that—as we already mentioned, calls itself “Christian” and that—still has the audacity to also call themselves “People of God”. [1]
For those who are still confused about who is actually running this satanic organization, we have that more than 90% of the leaders at that time voted in favor of the “yes you will kill” policy of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Corporation. Leaders who—some 26 years later, have risen to the highest positions in the hierarchy of this company, as is the case of Wilson—son of the devil, who now—apart from also being the son of the devil, is President of the General Conference of “Seventh” Day Adventists—worldwide church.
In this attached video we see that Loma Linda University—the company's main health institution (Loma Linda Hospital)—pays tribute for their “humanitarian” work to IRVING M. FELDKAMP AND HIS WIFE, and to Edward Alfred, renowned abortionists. FELDKAMP admits in the video that he has “performed more than 1,200 ABORTIONS! And he gives us a tour of how to perform a safe and effective abortion, worthy of admiration for those who are in “his father” business.
Let's continue connecting the dots... The Adventist Church,
a) It has pro-abortion policies.
b) Practice Abortions in their “health centers”.
c) Reward the murderers for this practice.
d) ___________ People of God.
And it is not the first time that this organization has awarded the emissaries of the Art of Killing, since about two years ago Sheila Jackson Lee Adventist congressman in the United States, promoter of the Gay agenda and fierce defender of “right” to kill, She was honored at Oakwood University, Alabama, for her great “lifetime.” In her words, Lee says that she “has brought to Congress the ideal of the three angels' message.” Yes—as you already heard, homosexuality and murdering children is now the ideal of the three angels' message. (REV. 14:6-11)
The New World Order in One Minute and 23 Seconds (Tribute to Sheila Jackson Lee) [2]. We should not be surprised that this institution—dressed as a church, is promoting death—particularly this Loma Linda University, where it has openly stated that “Jesus is homosexual” and that—obviously, he agrees with Homosexuality, since “You Can Be an Adventist and a Practicing Homosexual at the Same Time.” [3]
And—Obviously, abortion is also performed at Loma Linda Adventist Hospital. And not only abortion, but for those who are dissatisfied with the sex that God gave them, in this hospital too “Sex Change Surgeries are performed” (since 1979), [4] which—according to Jesus himself, will lead millions and millions to eternal death (1 COR. 6:9-10; LUKE 17:20-30)
And these gentlemen honored—and awarded with plaques of recognition—were exalted for their great philanthropic work towards Loma Linda, the same place where not only abortions are performed, but also sex change surgeries. [c]
For those who have never heard of the word philanthropic, it simply means that these gentlemen contributed large sums of money to this university. Just as the renowned athlete did Magic Johnson who donated US$500,000 dollars for Oakwood Adventist University to continue promoting the Gay agenda, since Johnson himself identifies with the cause, since he has a transgender son. [5]
And speaking of Transsexual—although this is a topic for another day, Ted Wilson and the Adventist Church say that this practice “is not intrinsically sinful” [6]
And having also legalized homosexuality in that church [7], since it is the most normal thing now for transsexuals—who are also homosexuals—to walk around “like Peter around his house,” occupying high positions as pastors, elders, and “Sabbath” School “teachers.” RHONDA DINWIDDIE
“The monkey dances for the money”, says a certain Latin American saying. But apparently the Adventist Corporation also dances for money, and not for the principles of God.
And it's not that that organization actually needs money, because with the money that they take from the poor every year (more than a billion dollars in the North American Division alone), Venezuela's economic "crisis" would be resolved, and there would still be enough left. to “evangelize” the rest of the world and thus—FINALLY, Jesus would come, well—according to the company, Jesus will not come until the Adventist Church evangelizes the world…
Well, that is what we will see, well with more than 3 Billion dollars stagnant in the Stock Market, invested in all kinds of businesses, such as the production of Weapons of Wars, Christ is going to have to wait another 2,000 years, because this town is in “football” at this time, and not in his second coming:
[1] Adventist Church Invests Tithing in Weapons of War. [8][2] Tithe, Money of Death —Will man steal from God? [9]
And since Christ is God of Life, and here death is promoted, we see contrary interests. So we have to—until Christ decides to change, he will not come, well—obviously it is not the Adventist church that is going to change, since it crossed the line and moved quite far from it, to the point of no return.
With all this information—also in hand, you finish filling out the box d) from the last sheet:
The Adventist Church,
a) It has pro-abortion policies.
b) Practice Abortions in their “health centers”.
c) Reward the murderers for this practice.
d) _______________ of God.
And since I know that what exists most among the Adventist people is not love for God, but confusion, let me—again, help you with the answer:
The Adventist Church,
If you believe otherwise, it is because the devil has also deceived you.
If you are an Adventist, denounce the harlot. If you are Catholic, denounce the whore. If you are Pentecostal, denounce the harlot. If you are a Baptist, denounce the harlot. If you love God, denounce the harlot.
Martin Luther once stood up and denounced the Catholic harlot, nailing his “95 Theses” in the cathedral of Wittenberg Castle in Germany. Luetro did not mind rebelling against his beloved church, because he decided “obey God rather than men.” (ACTS 5:29)
It would not be bad if the 95 Theses of God were nailed to each Adventist corporate temple. Yeah, the 95 Theses that God summarized in ten (EXOD. 1-17), emphasizing thesis number 6:
13 Thou shalt not kill —EXODUS 20:13
If you are one of those who like a clear account, and you want to elaborate more on the overwhelming evidence of this serious sin in the Adventist Corporation, and—more importantly, if you believe in life—and in the God of life, and you want serve him—and him alone, I urge you to consider the following material:
[1] Tithing Money of Death—Will Man Steal from God? (already mentioned). [9] [2] Oliver and His Minions, Part 4: SATAN'S ELITE 1.2 “Noble Pretexts” — Stephen Bohr, the Adventist Church and Its Promotion of Abortion. [10]https://vimeo.com/273647147
If you are tithing and offering in the Adventist Church—or any other church, you are tithing to the devil himself, for Jesus—I REPEAT, is the God of life, not of death.
If you know someone who is sick, hungry—or in any other need, then take your tithes and your offerings to that home, because this is what the Lord demands. (DEUT. 14:22-29). And don't forget the command that Jesus gave to the rich young man, and give it where this young man should have given it—But he never did. (MAT. 19:16-24).
If you didn't know that the tithe is for the needy—once again, you have been deceived by the devil himself—using his human instruments, of course.
Today is July 27, 2018; Saturday, Lord's Day (EXOD. 20:8-11, ISA. 58:13-14; MAT. 12:8). But Jesus is not only the lord of the Sabbath—seventh day of rest but also lord of life—for life was created “through him and for him” (JOHN 1:1-4). Jesus also tells us about another gentleman, who is “father of lies” and “death” (JOHN 8:44). Let us remember the words of the beloved disciple:
6 He who says he abides in him must walk as he walked. —1 JOHN 2:6
And which of the two lords are you serving?
As a curious note—for those who may be interested—and closing, Jesus of Nazareth, the same one called Christ, who became man so that we might have life, and not only that, but so that we might have it in abundance, tells you to you and me that “HIS PEOPLE” “It is not contaminated with English.” (REV. 14:4).
The word of God warns against calling what is profane holy, and what is holy profane—
11 Beloved, do not imitate the bad, but the good. He who does good is from God; but he who does evil has not seen God. —3 JOHN 1:11
He who reads, understands!
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