This is about to pop, I said this past Saturday, October 10th, to my brother Miguel and our great friend Carlito. This is about to explode, It would be your translation.
We were speaking in reference to a new statement released by the “North American Division” of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church, in which they—in a direct way, (Nov. 6, 2018) demand their right to “that” a declaration be “requested from the world church that: (1) affirms our shared respect for wealth and variety of the multiple cultures and practices in which we minister…” [1]a 2018 Year End Committee Report (English) — 2018 NAD YEM Writing Committee Report. [1 B Official release article (English) — After Discussion, Prayer, the 2018 NAD Year-End Meeting Writing Committee Presents NAD Response to Recent GC Voted Document.
And what variety of cultures and practices were they referring to? Well, for quite some time now—since 2015 to be exact, a series of family “fights” have been made public between the General Conference of the Adventist Church and the North American Division of this same institution.. [2] Crisis in the Adventist Church: North American Division (DN) Becomes Independent — NADExit Struggles that—as we have already mentioned before, are nothing more than pure theater, for the execution of an agenda that the Adventist Church already has well defined—and determined! It is the never ending theme: the ordination of women to pastoral ministry, which—as we have also covered extensively, [3] VMale and Female: The Ordination of Women and the Gay Agenda in the Adventist Church leads to an even more sinister agenda.
On October 15 of this year 2018, the General Conference (GC) voted and approved the document [4] Adventist Church adopts document of conformity — Board of directors of the Adventist world headquarters approves the steps recommended by the Unity Oversight Commission qthat outlines the disciplinary process for those unions and divisions that “do not adhere” to the policies of the church, approved through the vote that takes place every 5 years at its world congress. And the point is that it was voted “no to the ordination of women” at the last conference held in San Antonio, Texas (2015). Well, that is the story that has been told to the zombies that congregate in that corporate sect, because in San Antonio, there was no vote against the ordination of women in the Adventist Church, much less that practice is condemned by the General Conference. What was voted was that “unions and divisions cannot ordain pastors,” thus maintaining the existing policy that conferences can do it. It was all a trap, tremendous deception friends; and there was not even a vote on the issue of old women in the churches, which amounts to the same thing. Remember, before the pastors, the elders arrived within the Adventist Church. Ted Wilson—president of the sect, just after the vote in San Antonio, clarifies any confusion you may have. [5] YEAR OF [S]ELECTION, Time of Ordination: Strange Fire in “Israel” — Ted Wilson Says “Ordination of Women Still in Force in the Adventist Church.” [Marker 23:10 – 25:15]
Wilson also tells you that “We have no prophet to ask,” furthermore that “we do not have the Urim or Thumin.” and “that is why we “bring this”—and any other, “matter to a vote.” He only needed to mention that we don't have a Bible either, although this was implicitly what he said. [TW] Ted Wilson—“We Have No Prophet” — The Ordination of Women in the Adventist Church He also emphasizes that the church's policy is not to ordain female pastors, but rather “commissions them”—another great deception, since ordering and commissioning are the same thing. So, both the CG and the DN are “fighting” for the same cause. In other words, there is no such thing as a family dispute, but rather a combined strategy to take the final step they have worked so hard for. Having said—and clarified all this, let's briefly analyze part of the statement that the North American Division has published, and what the message behind the message is. Let's see-[1]a 2018 Year End Committee Report (English) — 2018 NAD YEM Writing Committee Report.
Request for Action 1. We respectfully request, in light of Jesus' prayer for unity in John 17 and in harmony with the call for unity in the body of Christ in Fundamental Belief No. 14, that the General Conference Executive Committee at its 2019 Annual Council rescinded the action approving the document.
Action Request 1. We respectfully request, in light of Jesus' prayer for unity in John 17 and in harmony with the call for unity in the body of Christ in Fundamental Belief No. 14, that the Executive Committee of the General Conference in its 2019 Annual Council rescinds the action approving the document.
This point simply calls for eliminating policies against “ordaining female pastors” by unions and divisions.
2. We respectfully request that the 2019 Annual Council review any policies that enable majority fields to dictate the management of non-doctrinal, non-biblical issues to minority fields (1 Cor 12:26) and create policies that protect the interests of minority fields .
2. We respectfully request that the 2019 Annual Council review any policy that allows majority camps to dictate the management of non-doctrinal and non-biblical matters to minority camps (1 Corinthians 12:26) and to create policies that protect the interests of minority camps.
Here they are telling you that the decision to ordain or not ordain female pastors in the Adventist Church—or any other church, is not a matter that is outlined in the Bible. In the words of “Alexander the Great”—The Great Apostate Bullón, this “is not a theological or doctrinal issue, but a cultural issue”; [6]a The ordination of women – Pr. Alejandro Bullón [6]b Oliver and His Minions [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land — Alejandro Bullón Unmasked So let everyone make their decision according to the dictates of their “culture.” However, the Bible says otherwise—the priesthood and/or pastorate alike are reserved exclusively for men. [5] YEAR OF [S]ELECTION, Time of Ordination: Strange Fire in “Israel” — Ted Wilson Says “Ordination of Women Still in Force in the Adventist Church.”
1You will bring before you Aaron your brother, now their children [MEN] with me, from among the children of Israel, to be my priests; to Aaron now Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar Aaron's sons.—EXODUS 28:1
Aaron also had daughters, but they were not chosen for the priesthood, even after the vacancies left by the death of Nadab and Abihu, (LEV. 16:1-2) when they were struck down by God himself for violating—it is worth clarifying—the Priesthood of God:
14 You shall also eat in a clean place, you and your children, and your daughters with you, the waved breast and the lifted shoulder, because they are yours and your children by right, given from the peace sacrifices of the children of Israel. —LEVITICUS 16:14
Jesus—our example to follow, right?—and who had great women who followed and served him, chose 12 men to found his ministry here on earth—
12In those days he went to the mountain to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
13And when it was de day, lHe called his disciples, and chose twelve of them, whom he also called apostles:
14to Simon, whom he also called [1] Pedro, to [2] Andrew his brother, [3] Jacob and [4] Juan, [5] Philip and [6] Bartholomew,
15[7] Matthew, [8] Thomas, [9] Jacob son of Alpheus, [10] Simon called Zealot,
16[11] Judas brother of James, and [12] Judas Iscariot, who became the traitor. —LUKE 6:12-16
That is what the Bible says, and this without even counting the strong admonition for those women who have the audacity to even contemplate the idea of exercising this practice. (1 COR. 14:33-38), and yet the great ignorance—and rebellion that exists within that people—both at the top and on the benches never ceases to amaze us. [7] Chosen to Serve the Devil — The Pastors of the Adventist Church and the Ignorant People Who Support Them
You must study and know the issue of the ordination of women very well, because this is the issue—in its distortion, as presented by the Adventist Church, which—as a strategy, the church is using to execute the intention of the true message that is behind the message, and that we present here— [5] YEAR OF [S]ELECTION, Time of Ordination: Strange Fire in “Israel” — Ted Wilson Says “Ordination of Women Still in Force in the Adventist Church.” [8]a The True Gospel of Salvation — The Ordination of Women and Ellen White [8]b Sanctification: Faithfulness in End Times — The Sanctuary and Ordination of Women [8]c 3. Sanctification: Who is for Jehovah? — The Danger of Women's Ordination [3] VMale and Female: The Ordination of Women and the Gay Agenda in the Adventist Church
3. We respectfully request that an item be placed on the 2020 General Conference Session agenda calling for a statement by the world church that: (1) affirms our shared respect for the richness and variety of the multiple cultures and practices in which we minister; and (2) empowers ministry that is sensitive to the local context (Acts 15; 1 Cor 9:19-23).
3. We respectfully request that an item be placed on the 2020 General Conference Session agenda requesting a statement of the world church that: (1) affirms our shared respect for the richness and variety of the multiple cultures and practices in which we minister; and (2) empowers ministry that is sensitive to the local context (Acts 15; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23).
Let's stop beating around the bush and take the bull by the horns. Here we are talking about homosexuality—homosexual marriage, and the Adventist Church itself confirms it. Let us not forget that on October 9, 2015, the Adventist Church justified Sodom and exalted Gomorrah, legalizing its actions. [9]a An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 [9]b Vote Statement on Transgenderism, Seventh-day Adventist World Church, April 11, 2017 — Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism. Church leaders express the desire to bring people to the foot of the Cross, not chase them away from Christ [9]c homosexuality: Tolerated Sin in the Adventist Church [9]d Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin” [9]e Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 2 Completed Apostasy before a "town" that "perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
In recent weeks, we have published extensively on the new guide for pastors, teachers, leaders, and—anyone who may be interested, [10]a Guided to Destruction — Analysis Adventist Guide Promoting Gay Marriage [10]b No—We're Not Going to Be Silent — Pedophilia, Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, Adventist Church directed at family members of LGBT+ people—particularly, “children” and young people, where openly Roman Catholic Adventist Church tells you that you must honor the homosexual marriage of Adam and Stephen, just as you must honor marriage as God instituted it, Male and Female. Also they threaten you about not attending a homesexual wedding of a child—or any family member of yours, as this will “damage trust with your own child.”
This past month of October, and throughout the year, we have been bombarded with a lot of subliminal material, and—on other occasions not so subliminal, as is the case with this statement published by the DN in this month of November, 2018, and the entire gala of Eighth Day Adventist publications. [11] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God in the Adventist Church and Christianity
“This is what it is,” says a popular phrase. The table is set, the “people” are ready, and The Adventist Church is one step away from taking the step forward, publicly—and in an open and direct way, there is nothing to hide. The church will take its step; and you, when will you give yours (MAT. 24:15-18) ? —
4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, so that NO be partakers of their sins, nor receive part of its pests; 5 because their sins have reached heaven, and God it has been agreed of their evils. —REVELATION 18:4-5
“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.
[1]a 2018 Year-End Committee Report (English) — 2018 NAD YEM Writing Committee Report. [1]b After Discussion, Prayer, the 2018 NAD Year-End Meeting Writing Committee Presents NAD Response to Recent GC Voted Document. [2] Crisis in the Adventist Church: North American Division (DN) Becomes Independent — NADExit [3] Male and Female: The Ordination of Women and the Gay Agenda in the Adventist Church [4] Adventist Church adopts conformity document — Board of directors of the Adventist world headquarters approves the steps recommended by the Unity Supervision Commission. [5] YEAR OF [S]ELECTION, Time of Ordination: Strange Fire in “Israel” — Ted Wilson Says “Ordination of Women Still in Force in the Adventist Church.” [6]a The ordination of women – Pr. Alejandro Bullón [6]b Oliver and His Henchmen [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land — Alejandro Bullón Unmasked [7] Chosen to Serve the Devil — The Pastors of the Adventist Church and the Ignorant People Who Support Them [8]a The True Gospel of Salvation — The Ordination of Women and Ellen White [8]b Sanctification: Faithfulness in End Times — The Sanctuary and Ordination of Women [8]c Sanctification: Who Is For Jehovah? — The Danger of Women's Ordination [9]a An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 [9]b Vote Statement on Transgenderism Seventh-day Adventist World Church: April 11, 2017 — Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism. Church leaders express the desire to bring people to the foot of the Cross, not chase them away from Christ. [9]c Homosexuality: Tolerated Sin in the Adventist Church [9]d Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin [9]e Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 2 Completed Apostasy [10]a Guided to Destruction — Analysis Adventist Guide Promoting Gay Marriage [10]b NO—We Will Not Be Silent — Pedophilia, Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, Adventist Church [11] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God in the Adventist Church and Christianity [TW] Ted Wilson says “We Have No Prophet” — Who is for Jehovah? — The Ordination of Women
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