20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not say according to this, it is because it has not dawned for them. —ISAIAH 8:20
Series [1]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 1: Ellen, Satan, and the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [2]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 2: The Truth of Others, The Numbers
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [3]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 3: The 1,260 Days
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [4]Elena White Under The Magnifying Glass, PART 4: To The Law or “THE TESTIMONIES”, a Public Challenge to Carlos Picart
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [5]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 5: Jaime
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [6]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 6: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (a)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [7]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 7: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (b)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [8]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 8: The 34 Years
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [9]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 9: The First Day in THE Sanctuary
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [10]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 10: This is Enough for You Children of Darkness!
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [11]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 11: 1844 and The 2,300 Evenings and Mornings
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [12]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 12: The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafel Díaz and the Seventh-day Adventists
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [13]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 13: Plagiarism
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] [14]
“We are one of the true Adventists, of those of 1844”, I have heard Carlos Picart preach in the past on many occasions. That is, to get to heaven—in one way or another, you have to be an Adventist, but from those of 1844, of course!
Carlos Picart is an Adventist preacher, as I mentioned, who directs the ministry The Proclamation of the Third Angel, which has been carried out for years via telephone conferences and radio waves in Puerto Rico. A few minutes ago we received the following message via WhatsApp:
Spelling errors belong to the author. In due course, we will analyze this preaching in depth, but for now Miguel and I have been identified as teaching. satanic doctrines. This accusation does not surprise us, since no one wants to stop clinging to their gods. Now, can you prove such an accusation with this writing?
To begin, the Bible says that there is no other name—but that of Christ—under heaven, given to men in which we can be saved (Acts 4:11-12), and Picart says “We are Adventists” (A NAME). As far as I understand, Paul wrote about 2 thousand years ago, long before 1844. That is to say, to accuse us that rejecting the writings of Ellen G. White—“The Testimonies”—is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. it's complete nonsense.
When Jesus spoke of the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, was he referring to Ellen White and her writings? Is that what his disciples understood? Did Ellen White exist then? We need biblical support for this, please.
When Paul was inspired by that same Holy Spirit, Ellen was almost two thousand years away from being born, and therefore the Adventists were not on his mind, and he said "there is no other name." However, we know that God raises up prophets at any time and for any time. Of course they do, and those prophets must walk accordingly “To the law and to the testimony”, not according to “The Testimonies” of Ellen White to threaten them, since Ellen herself was a “prophet.” This means that the testimony does not come from the prophet, but that the prophet—if true, must submit to the testimony of Jesus—his law (EXD. 25:16). [b]Catholic-Adventist Missionary Bible, the Vatican Effect
[DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad] Jesus is the one who gives the testimony (APC. 1:1, 22:16), but we see that Elena creates her own testimonials.
And is this all about the law and testimony or about the law—or—”the testimonies”? Can you understand and connect the dots of what we are discussing here?
We imagine that the poor Martin Luther It did not threaten him either, since he did not know the Testimonies of Ellen White. Neither do the people in the different religious organizations, since if they do not come across Ellen's writings—and abide by them, they are lost because they are lost, well—once again, they have not been threatened by not knowing Ellen White, Adventist prophet. .
Gentlemen, to get to heaven you have to be an Adventist, not a follower of Christ!
Apparently, the salvation of humanity does not depend on Christ and his holy law, but on the Testimonies that our good friend Picart is recommending to us. And to think that at some point I also believed that stupidity. However, if you listened to the audio, you will realize that Picart and all the dead who “do know” from his prayer conference call, defended Ellen White with Ellen White's writings. [09:00]—not with the Bible, something typical of any sectarian group, whether it is called a church, or whether it is called a movement… there is always another writing above the Bible!
Carlos Picart—snake after all, if he used the Bible to defend his goddess, and in his preaching he made use of a single biblical text to justify his error—or defend his business—
10 I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me: Look, don't do it; I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God; because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. —REVELATION 19:10
Then he goes and explains to us what that means, according to him [18:00]—
“Worship God because the testimony of Jesus is the prophetic gift. […] That means that the people of God […] have the prophetic gift, the spirit of prophecy in the last time.And do you know what that means, that he was going to have a prophet.” —CARLOS PICART, preacher of error
And that prophet is—of course, Ellen Gould Harmon White, better known as Ellen White!
That's what Picart says, and the sheep who follow him believe him. But what we see here is another nonsense. What grammatical meaning does “worship God because the testimony of Jesus is the prophetic gift”? What does the prophetic gift have to do with worship? When the root is rotten, there is no trunk to support any tree.
Now, we are not called ChristTruth because yes, and here—once again we will expose the error, although this time we will do it from an unexpected source, but with biblical support, from the lips—or the pen, of Ellen White:
This is the message of Revelation 12:17. In short, Ellen White—serpent at last—also uses the Bible and is not always going to contradict it, Well, the truth is the hook used to eventually lead you into error., like Satan tried to do to Jesus in the desert (LUK. 4:9-10), and how he managed to execute with Eve in the Beginning (GEN. 3:1-6). However, this quote from Elena is 100% biblical and completely destroys the entire little sermon of Carlos Picart. He relies on Elena being a prophet because—according to him, she has the prophetic gift, manifested in her writings. But the prophetic gift is not the Spirit of prophecy, as he points out, but rather the prophets spoke of the spirit of prophecy—the testimony of Jesus, that is, of the law of God.
16 And you will put in the ark the testimony that I will give you. —NUMBERS 25:16
It was Jesus who laid down the law at Sinai, not the Father, in case you don't know. (ACTS 7:38), and the law is its testimony. We recommend our studio Jesus, the Angel of Jehovah. [j]Jesus, The Angel of Jehovah
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
So we have that the same “prophet” that Picart defends contradicts him; that is the CLOUD in which Carlos Picart lives. (JUD. 1:11-12). AND Revelation 19:10 it simply means, “Worship God because the testimony of Jesus is his law”—or his character (1 PET. 3:15-16, LEV. 20:7). The first 4 commandments of the law have to do exclusively with the worship of God (EXD. 20:1-11). The law and testimony In reality they are not two characteristics but one: its character (the law). In a nutshell, “Worship God because he is holy,” because HOLINESS IS THE OBSERVANCE OF THE LAW (NO. 15:40). That does make sense, and that is the testimony of Jesus, his spirit of prophecy (ROM. 7:12, HEB. 12:14).
The result of this attack against our CristoVerdad ministry is the product of a series of studies that Miguel has written lately pointing out the heresies in the writings of Ellen G. White, shared in our WhatsApp group and other groups. At the time of writing these lines, these studies have not been edited and published on our website, and we will soon have them available.
So that you have a reference from where all this comes from, here I present one of those studies, semi-edited—
[10:52 AM, 9/3/2020] MIGUEL H. JAVIER
THE 1,260 DAYS OF DAN 12:6-7,11, OF REV 11:3,9; 12:6,14; 13:5 IS IT 1,260 YEARS? SECTION 01 1. According to “them” the 2,300 evenings and mornings (Dan 8:14) They begin in the year 457 BC, and supposedly end on 10-22-1844, with the supposed passage of Christ from the Holy to the Most Holy. THERE IS A PROBLEM 2. Christ himself says that he ascended to the Father right after he was resurrected, and the Father is on his throne (John 16:10,16; 20:17,29), and his throne is the Holy Place (Heb. 10:20-24) SECTION 02 3. We have proven that 1844 is false. If so, will we accept the 1,260 years as true since, according to “them”, they are within the period of 2,300 evenings and mornings? It took Christ only 3 days to enter the Holy of Holies., but “they” say it took them 1,813 years (the numbers are the same as Rev 13:18, They are the beast!) 4. According to “them,” the 2,300 evenings and mornings are divided as follows: SECTION 03 5. From 457 BC to 34 AD; from 34 AD to 538 AD (supposedly the papacy began in 538. Lie! It began in 313 AD with Constantine). 6. If 1844 is false and the 1,260 years (538-1798) are true, what the hell do we do with the time between 1798 and 1844 (46 years). If Jesus did not pass into the Holy of Holies, then their official version falls apart. SECTION 04 7. If Christ passed, according to “them”, to the Holy of Holies in 1844, and not immediately as the scriptures say, What did Christ do during 1813 years outside the throne of God? Lambs were no longer killed, there was no intercessory priest, Christ had not yet interceded, SO THERE WAS NO INTERCESSION ALL THAT TIME AND NO ONE WHO LIVED DURING THOSE YEARS WAS SAVED? Acts 4:12; 1Tm 2:5 8. If 1844 is false (IT IS FALSE!), then everything else is false too. The 2,300 evenings and mornings begin, according to Gabriel (Dan 9:20-27), with the reconstruction of Jerusalem (Neh 2:3,5), and they do not go beyond the year 70 AD with the destruction of the wall of Jerusalem, whose crisis, which represents the end of the world, lasted, until its destruction, 3 and a half years. SECTION 05 9. Finally, the 1,260 days are always a time set for the end. 1,260 years, considering that Christ said that time would be shortened (Mt 24:22), It's too long a time. The story of Elijah is an exact type of the end, and all the events occurred in a period of 1,260 days, that is, 3 and a half years. (1 King 16-18). 10. Supposedly the first 490 years (70 weeks, Dan 9:) of the 2,300 days were fulfilled with the death of Stephen in 34 AD, False! It was because of the capture and death of Christ in 31 AD, that the people were rejected by God (John 18:36). SECTION 06 11) From that year (34 BC), they go to 538 AD (504 years later), where they affirm that the Papacy was born. False! The Papacy was born with the annexation of the paganized Apostolic Movement to the Roman Empire, in 313 BC., and not when that power destroys three kingdoms after 538 BC, and papacy is a union of Church and State, that did not happen in 538 BC 12) From 538 BC to 1798 (1,260 years later), His prophet says that the wound of Revelation 13:3 was given, FALSE! The wound was the Protestant Reformation of 10-31-1517, and closed on 10-31-2017, and affirmed as such by Francisco on 6-6-2015 [c]Face to Face with THE BEAST and the Deadly Wound That Was Healed SECTION 07 13) From 1798 to 1844 (46 years later), supposedly the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14, passing Christ from the Holy to the Most Holy, FALSE! All the Scriptures, even in the doctrine of the Sanctuary, say that Christ ascended to the Father, to the Most Holy, at the moment of resurrection, three days later (the blood of atonement passed through the three doors of the Sanctuary before reaching the Ark of the Covenant). "Those who understand will understand!") CHIQUITÍN'S FAMOUS ARGUMENT 14. “Let's understand something, if the cult that promotes the stories that contain the 2,300 evenings and mornings tells its sheep that the interpretation of the 2,300 evenings and mornings is a farce, THAT'S THERE THEIR STORY GOES! their false prophet would be manifest, and they would cease to exist as a sect. The success of “them” has been to maintain as truth something whose only truth is that it is false, ELENA WHITE. If the prophecy falls, the prophet falls, and if the prophet falls, the Church falls.” —CHIQUITÍN, CistoVerdad [EDITION] José Luis Javier And I—José Luis Javier, added: also the freeloaders fall who have made a lifestyle of stealing from God, because as Elena says about the tithe, “Let each church feel its responsibility to take special interest in the weak and elderly. One or two of them can certainly be taken care of, The tithe should not be used for this work”. —MANUSCRITPT RELEASES, 3, p.218. [d]Tithing is Not for the Weak and the Elderly, Ellen G. White “The cause of God should not be relegated so that the poor can receive our primary attention.” […] —THE MINISTRY OF KINDNESS, 291.2, Testimonies For The Church (English) 4:550, 551 [and]Tithing is not for the poor, but for ministers, Ellen G. White “The tithe is to be used for one purpose only—support the ministers whom the Lord has appointed to do his work. It is to be employed to sustain those who speak the words of life to the people, and bear the burden of the flock of God. —MANUSCRIPT RELEASES 7, p.135. [and] The Purpose of Tithing: The Ministers, Ellen G. White “Do not use funds from the cause—The tithe It is set aside for special use. It should not be considered as a poor fund. It must be specially consecrated for the maintenance of those they are giving the message of God to the world and must not be distracted from that purpose.” —THE MINISTRY OF KINDNESS, 291.1 & RH Dec. 1, 1896 [F]Tithing is Not for the Poor, Ellen G. White That is not in the law and the testimony, of course (DEUT. 14:22-29). We have a very complete study on this, and we invite you to consider it, and refute it, if you can! Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [g]Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? No wonder both the Adventist Corporation and the “dissident” corporations preach the same thing and defend Elenita so much; Yes, “they are protecting their Moor.” The tithe—and the offerings, are the common denominator. For that money all the monkeys dance. And I ask, with how much tithe money did Jesus send the seventy to preach... how much tithe did they collect on that mission? (LUC. 10) [END OF EDITION] José Luis Javier
[VIDEO 1:32:41, CristoVerdad]
[LINK, White Center]
[LINK, White Center]
[LINK, White Center]
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
For now, we recommend a study already published a long time ago:
Ellen White and Satan, The “Seventh” Day Adventist Church and Its Followers [h]Ellen White and Satan, The “Seventh” Day Adventist Church and Its Followers
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
Here you will be able to see if we are really bringing doctrines of demons or if we are exposing a demon. I will not expand further since what I write is not a deep study, but a challenge that we make to a public debate with our good friend Carlos Picart so that—with Bible in hands, come and justify “The Testimonies” of Ellen White, to the law and testimony.
I, José Luis Javier and my brother Miguel Javier, on behalf of our CristoVerdad ministry, WE CHALLENGE YOU CARLOS PICART TO PUBLICLY SUPPORT THE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST US, and—more importantly, that biblically you can prove to us that “The dead do know,” that Christ passed from the Holy Place to the Holy of Holies in 1844, that God does approve of homosexuality—as Elena explains it, that God has no problem with children being dismembered in Adventist hospitals, and anything else that you may have found in any of our studies that has made you jump out of your bed, to the point that your business of living is threatened. of the sheep instead of feeding them, for which we also ask for a biblical basis.
As for Jenny, the person who is sending this “Alert Message”, we just have to say, thank you for sounding the alarm. For the truth to be true it takes people like you so that the contrast between light and darkness can be seen. Since you have not been able to go beyond saying "you are wrong", without any biblical support, you went as a gossip to who can feed you your error and where you can feed, literally. After all, you already have a reputation for keeping coyotes. [Yo]THE GAMBETTAZO
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] And Picart attacks your coyote Hugo Gambetta, but since Elena is even bigger than your coyote, you join the error to crawl in the mud with it. It is very rare to see a single pig in a puddle, they also need “ideal help”.
It is interesting that you say that we are carrying out a satanic deception, but at the same time you call us brothers. You still don't understand that we are not all brothers. For example, The rapists of women and children are not my brothers, as you think so. You and I are neither, because we do not have the same father. Yours is located at John 8:44, but we see ours from the beginning, Genesis 1:1.
Privately we have already sent this message to our friend Picart, but—to be more fair, we wanted to make it public, since the accusation has been public, although from the back. You choose, Mr. Carlos Picart, the terrain, the day and the hour, and come and bring with you whoever you want to bring, if you consider it necessary, to “deny” our “heresies” and help us set out along the path of the truth, and so we stop being “delusional fools.”
Choose the ground, whether it's your conference call, radio show, or some neutral ground like another conference call network, a Zoom conference, or even a live broadcast on our own website. If you need a moderator, bring one too, we are happy to accommodate you. The only thing we ask is that the debate be public, so that everyone can witness how wrong we are, and how you can help us. Do that work and don't be discouraged.
Oh, and before I forget, Don't forget to bring your TESTIMONIALS, that we will bring our own—The Bible. If you need to debate only with me or with Miguel so that things are more even, we will also accommodate you with that. We hope that you read this petition PUBLICLY through your information channels and on your radio program so that PUBLICLY you commit to destroying the error, as a good Adventist that you are. The challenge is cast, and we make it PUBLIC (ISA. 58:1), according to the law and testimony. (1 TIM. 5:20)
“Come out of her, my people…“ (APC. 18:4)
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And you will know the truth...
—ChristTruth | http:/www.cristo Verdad.com Go to front page
NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material.
Photos, if any, also expand the content: videos, news, links, etc.
[a] Blasphemy Against the Spirit: The Attack on the Word of God, Towards Testimonies, Carlos Picart
[b] ]Catholic-Adventist Missionary Bible, the Vatican Effect [DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad]
[c] Face to Face with THE BEAST and The Mortal Wound That Was Healed [VIDEO 1:32:41, CristoVerdad]
[d] Tithing is Not for the Poor, Ellen White [LINK, White Center]
[e] The Purpose of Tithing: The Ministers, Ellen G. White
[f] Tithing is Not for the Poor, But for Ministers Ellen White [LINK, White Center]
[g] Tithe, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
[i] Jesus, The Angel of Jehovah [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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God bless you!
Zaka tunatoka kwenye Mapato peke yake??
Zaka hasa ni juu ya matunda ya nchi. Na wakati Bible inataja weighs, hii inapaswa kubadilishwa kwa chakula cha kuwalisha wenye njaa.
Zaka haikuanzishwa kuhubiri Injili, kama kufundisha kwa uongo madhehebu yote ya Kikristo.
Soma Kumb. 14:22-29.
Bwana Yesu akubariki wewe na familia yako.