10Because commandment after commandment, command upon command, line after line, line upon line, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10

[STUDY, PART 2 — April 27, 2019] CristoVerdad, Our WhatsApp group
[SEE PART 1] Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference?, Part 1
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

[6:47 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Greetings my brothers. For those who are still enjoying it, happy Saturday. And for those who live in places where the sun has already fallen silent, my greetings.

Right now—for the record, I'm going to finish the study that we started on the spur of the moment a couple of days ago. I'll try to be brief, since we already covered a lot of it. However, that brevity will depend more on how many things arise here today, since we do not set time for God. Having said that, let's begin...

[6:47 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Returning to the previous idea, let's refresh our memory a little—

10Because commandment after commandment, command upon command, line after line, line upon line, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10

13But when that one comes Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak of himself, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will show you things to come. —JOHN 16:13

This is God's method of knowing the truth and his will. He left his written word, and from there we must draw all our guidelines, and—it is the Holy Spirit, who will guide us and give us understanding, not man, much less his instruments, such as hermeneutics. [1] Hermeneutics, definition
[LINK, Wikipedia]
Anything outside of that, “be anathema…”

One of the best-known texts from the book of Daniel is the following:

25And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will break the saints of the Most High, and will think about changing times and the law; and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, and times, and half a time. —DANIEL 7:25

Many times it seems that we forget what we already know. Here the Bible clearly says that the devil—through his human instruments—would think of changing the times and the law. This text not only covers the law of the ten commandments, but also the law—that is, all inspired scripture. Now, if you are a careful student of the word of God, you will understand that all scripture inspired by God is based on love—that is, the law of the Ten Commandments—

8Do not owe anything to anyone except love.hoops oneyou to others; because He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
9Because: not adulterThou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet, and any other commandments, in this sentence it is summarized: You will love your neighbor as yourself.
10 Love does no harm to others; so COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW it is love. —ROMANS 13:10

This is important to note and understand, since many do not associate certain biblical principles with the law of God. For example, as I explained to a sister in a study today, in EXODUS 20 you will not find a text that explicitly says that homosexuality is a sin. And I have even heard people say that God's law does not condemn that practice. But the word of God is not only studied based on what it explicitly tells you, such as “"thou shalt not kill" either “thou shalt not steal”, but also based on the principles behind the law—or the word:

39Search the Scriptures; because it seems to you that in them you have eternal life; and they are the ones who testify about me;
40and you do not want to come to me so that you may have life —JOHN 5:39

And the law says “honor your father and mother.” (EXOD. 20:12) and “thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife” (EXOD. 20:17). That is, God's law only contemplates the marital relationship between a man and a woman, and—therefore, The principle of the law condemns homosexual practice!

It is interesting that Jesus says “you do not want to come to me so that you may have life“. But what does it mean to come to Jesus?

25 and behold a law interpreter He stood up and said, to test him: Master, By doing what will I inherit eternal life?
26 He told her: What is written in the law? How do you read?
27 He answered and said: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.
28 And he said to him: You have answered well; do this, and you will live.

We have already explained before that the commandments of Jesus are his holy law, and they are the means by which he gives eternal life to man. (REV. 22:14), thus validating his sacrifice on the cross. [2] Jesus and “His Commandments”
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

And that is why the devil wants to change the times and the law, well “He has been a murderer from the beginning” (JOHN 8:44), and—you, brother or sister who is reading this, the devil wants to kill you. And if the devil would think of changing the times and the law, then why should we doubt that at this time he would be trying to change the times and the law?

Once again, the way we can refute the devil's schemes is by understanding that it is with the law that we can achieve it, because commandment after commandment, line upon line, a little there, a little there…”

And it is the Holy Spirit that will give us understanding. So any writing—ANY, that comes out contradicting what is in the Bible, it is with the Bible that we are going to refute it—or even validate it.

But what happens when it is with the Bible itself that they come to us with strange doctrines or—worse still, When is it in the Bible itself that there are minipulations? How do we defend that, how do we detect it?—

Simply—with the Bible, well “commandment after commandment, line upon line, a little there, a little there:…”, and the Holy Spirit directing, of course.

When I asked the question who was Saint Luke (SEE PART 1), that's what I meant. I don't know if anyone is following me here right now, but I would like to ask the same question again, Who was Saint Luke? I'll wait about 30 seconds to see if anyone is encouraged...

Who was Saint Luke? or Saint Peter, Saint John, or Saint Mark… any of these characters is fine—


Saint Matthew, anyone?

OK, I continue…

"Saint lucas" does not exist. Neither does San Mateo, nor San Juan, San Marcos, San Pedro, or any Saint or Saint that you want to imagine.…

“Saint Luke” is Catholic doctrine. So when you read your Reina Valera 1960 Bible you begin the book of Matthew saying something like “The Gospel According to Saint Matthew” either “Saint Peter the Apostle”, It's because the devil is I try “in changing times and the law.” Are they copying me?

The Bible does not talk about Saint Matthew. The word of God talks about Mateo, who is very different. But how do we know that, and what does that have to do with the issue of the Trinity?

[7:25 PM, 4/27/2019] Wilmer, Venezuela:

Well we know because “commandment after commandment, line upon line, a little there, a little there…” Are you connecting the dots?—Can you see the dots?

And the law of God tells me from the first commandment “You can not have others gods in front of me", and “you won't get an image” “nor will you prostrate yourself before them” (EXOD. 20:1-6). AND “Saint Peter”, is a god—also an image/statue, before which many prostrate and worship, both in Catholic and “Protestant…” churches.

It is the law of God—MY DEAR BROTHERS, which tells me that Saint Luke can not exist.

And what about the Trinity?

[7:30 PM, 4/27/2019] Youvens Jéovah:

[7:30 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:

The law—as I already mentioned, does not only refer to the ten commandments—explicitly. In fact, there are times when Paul—for example, refers to the law of sin (ROM. 7:23).

But The Law—in its broader context, refers to the entire word of God. And I make this emphasis because many do not connect, as I already mentioned, that all writing inspired by God is based on the law of the ten commandments. Every good and moral principle comes from there...

Sister Milagros presented a couple of Catholic books, where Rome admits to having manipulated the Bible to enter the doctrine of The Trinity. And since this happened, then the “Holy Spirit does not exist” either we only have the Father, or even only Jesus is the only person of divinity, etc etc. He also presented some texts of supposed original writings of the Bible in Hebrew, which someone invented out there. I already presented the images to you [IN PART 1], and here I show them again, and I would like to focus on one of them.

This photo shows us an “original” text where “Matthew 28:9” only presents baptizing in the name of Jesus. The “original” text in the photo presented is indistinguishable—apart from the fact that it has no source of origin to be able to trace its origin; it was simply put there for expurgatory purposes. And the question I ask myself is, Is this text original, or did someone give it an origin?-Am I clear?

Something common that we always hear is that “the original text” says this, or that, but no one shows you the famous original text. However, we see how here they show us “the original text”, yes—but original from the devil.

I—José Luis Javier, am a graphic designer by profession (more than 20 years of experience), and I can assure you that I could design a more original text than this one. Are you understanding me?

Another thing, and I didn't realize this until after finishing the study, is that this “original” photo—of its owner, is of none other than our great friend—although I have never seen him at all. less known, who calls himself “I AM PENTECOSTAL.”

So are we getting doctrine from a certain “I am Pentecostal”? Well, in our ministry—AND OUR LIVES, we only draw doctrine from one am—THE GREAT I AM! (EXOD. 3:14).

Let's analyze another of the photos...Mmmm, better not, it's not necessary. Let's continue…

Once again, let us remember that Godhead and Trinity are not the same thing. But since many confuse that, let's take the bull by the horns.

[7:36 PM, 4/27/2019] Wilmer, Venezuela:
Sorry for the emoji

[7:38 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
It is the same law of God that tells us, Brother Wilmer, that we should avoid emojis (EXO. 20:4-6). [3] Image Subject [2]—THE EMOJIS: Worshiping Satan ????❤
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

[7:40 PM, 4/27/2019] Wilmer, Venezuela:

[7:41 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Since the Catholic Church claims to have invented “the Trinity”—that is, it manipulated the text of Matthew 28:19, so now we understandI know that “there is only one God”, but not in his divinity, but in his uniqueness, or who knows—his duality…

That's what many believe. And since the “mother” Church—of many—admits this manipulation in the Bible, how can you and I know that? Or how do we defend that?

I'm going to sound a bit repetitive, but I already told you, well

10 “…commandment after commandment, line upon line, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10

It is with the Bible—my brother, my sister, that we are going to defend the word of God. It is not the Bible that has to adjust to what a book from the Catholic Church, Adventist, Pentecostal, Methodist, etc., etc. says.

And if there are heresies within the Bible itself—and there are (Saint lucas?), it is—pardon the redundancy, with the same Bible that we are going to confront them—and refute, well “commandment after commandment, line upon line, a little there, a little there…” It is impossible for man to change the Bible in such a way that it does not lead us to the truth, because—

16All Scripture is inspired by God, and useful for to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in righteousness,
17to order that the hombre of God be perfect, fully prepared for every good work. —2 TIMOTHY 3

If the Bible is the scripture that God left us so that we can reach perfection, and therefore, salvation (HEB. 12:14, REV. 22:14),Do you believe that God is going to allow the devil to change his word in such a way that man cannot understand it, and—therefore, end up with NO chance at salvation? What did Christ die for then? Didn't he know that the devil would try to change the times and the law?

Are they getting the message?

And since we know that the Catholic Church invented the Trinity—yes, it did—we ask, does the Bible talk about Divinity, and—how does the Bible define Divinity?


1. In the beginning he created God the heavens and the earth. —GENENSIS 1:1


(H433) Strong's Concordance
GOD = ELOGIN, Hebrew name, plural).[4] Elogin, definition—Strong's Word H433, Strong's Concordance
[LINK, Blue Letter Bible Ministry]

26Then he said God: LET'S DO to the man in our image, according to our likeness;… —GENESIS 1:26

Many times you notice that I write in the plural, like when I say “we asked…”. This is because sometimes I speak in the name of ChristTruth, our ministry, which has several members. And here we see God say Let's do…", alluding to the fact that there is more than one divine being creating man.


20 And you shall command the children of Israel to bring you oil pure olive oil, ground, for the luminary, to make burn continuously The lamps. —EXODUS 27:20

This is the Holy place, where the menorah or lamp was located (HEB. 9:2), which illuminated this department. The lamps described here refer to each arm (7) of the candelabra. Now let's see what each of these symbols represents:

  • LAMP: God the Father (PSALM.119:105)
  • OIL: God, Holy Spirit (1 Sam. 16:13)
  • LIGHT: God, Son (JOHN 8:12)

Does the Bible talk about Three people, one God?

The lamp, the oil and the light are each different elements. but a lamp[1] can't give light[2] without the oil[3], well—after all, “these three They are one.”

8Because THREE are the ones who dan ttestimony in heaven, [1]the father, [2]the verb, and the [3]Holy Spirit: and these three are one. —1 JOHN 5:8

Did Rome Change Too? ALL these texts? There is still more.


2Chosen according to the foreknowledge of God Father in sanctification of Spirit, to obey and be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you. —1 PETER 1:2

I had already mentioned them before, but here I bring them to you again—


16AND Jesus [1], after what wasand baptized, he then rose from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God [2] that descended like a dove, and came upon him.
17and there was a voice from the heaven [3], which said: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. —MATHEW 3:16-17


8Take care that no one deceives you through philosophies and hollow subtleties, according to the traditions of men, according to the rudiments of the world, and not according to Christ.
9Because in him he dwells bodily all the fullness of the [Deity],
10and you are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and power. —COLOSSIANS 2:8-10


7He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit He says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
8And write to the angel of the church in SMIRNA: The first and last, who was killed, and lived, says these things: —REVELATION 2:7-8

Does the Bible Speak Clearly?

Something that all promoters of the oneness or duality of God have in common is that they DO NOT UNDERSTAND when God says—for example, “I will send my spirit.” When you read this, you automatically begin to disconnect—NOT CONNECT, ends, humanizing God, since your finite minds do not understand a very simple principle: spiritual things are discerned spiritually. That is the same outrage that the Jehovah's Witnesses, that—when they cannot explain something about God, due to lack of discernment or because it is not revealed in his word, they believe in the obligation to have to explain it, and—once they reach this point, they invent it.

Now, analyze the following text:

24Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and will join to his wife, and they will be one flesh. —GENESIS 2:24

In this marriage of a man and a woman, is the individuality of the couple lost—physically, because they become one flesh?

The only time in which that individuality—call it duality in this case, is lost, is in a homosexual or lesbian relationship, well—before God, that is not a couple. (LEV. 18:22), but they become one being physically and spiritually—with the devil, spreading lies (JOHN 8:44). Be careful what you—friend—are defending out there.

One more time, Spiritual things are discerned spiritually, but for that you have to be spiritual, not a spiritualist. And everyone who falls into rebellion against what is established by God is a spiritualist. (1 Sam. 15:23).

My friends, brothers… while it is true that the devil would think about changing the times and the law, that does not mean that he would distort the word in such a way that you and I could never get to the truth. That's impossible, because—

10…commandment after commandment, line upon line, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10

Everything must be defended with the Bible—even the Bible itself. When you face the evidence, you will get to the truth. Does a Catholic book have the truth about the Bible? Who does the Catholic Church serve, God or the devil? Or is it not the purpose of the harlot—with all her daughters, to change the times and the law?

If the Catholic Church brings this type of material to light, it is for that very reason, He is trying to change times and the law... that is, the entire Bible.

A question to ponder—what would happen if suddenly the Catholic Church said that they invented God and that God simply does not exist? Do you think they are not capable of doing something like that? Well, to start, They are already saying that the devil does not exist. [Yo] For Superior General of the Jesuits, the devil is a symbolic figure
[LINK, aciprensa]
So we are on the “good” path.

Now—and closing, I am going to show you a case where a Catholic writing confirms a truth—

And how are we going to check that?

I already told you—

10…commandment after commandment, linea about himline, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10

The Catechism of the Council of Trent of 1761, on page 365, shows us the following:

18. Why did the Apostles move the festival from Saturday to Sunday. But the Church of God considered it correct to move the worship and celebration from Saturday to Sunday.; because just as that day was the first that illuminated the world, This is how our life was brought from darkness to light, resurrecting on that day our redeemer, who opened puerya to us for eternal life. That's why the Apostles wanted it to be called the Lord's Day. THE CATECHISM OF THE COUNCIL OF TRENTON, p.365, Art. 18

Here we leave you a PDF copy of the book—The text in question only, [5]a Catechism of the Council of Trent — 1761, p.365
[BOOK, Catholic Church]
and b) The complete Book (51.5MB) [5]b The Catechism of the Council of Trent, 1761 — Complete (670 pages)
[BOOK, Catholic Church]
[5]c The Catechism of the Council of Trent, 1761 — Complete (670 pages), HATHI Trust Digital Library, Official link [BOOK, Catholic Church]

And the Catechism of the Convert (Rev. 1930, p.50), tells us, emphatically—

We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because The Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday... “for the fullness of divine power that Christ gave her.”

OK, let's face the evidence, in light of the Bible.

The Converso Catechism dates back to the 1800's and the Trent Catechism dates back to 1761. Two documents published by the Catholic Church where they—not God—admit changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Where is the Truth?—let's see...

The Bible says-


3And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation. GENESIS 2:3

[8:52 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
Yes hrno, these texts do not appear in the Greek originals

[8:53 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
There are not three persons, one God…

[8:54 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
You—you obviously haven't been paying attention. I'll be back with you in a moment.


8Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
9Six days you will work, and you will do all your work;
10but the seventh day is a rest to the Lord your God; Do not do any work in it, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your maidservant, nor your beast, nor your foreigner who is within your gates.
11For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it. —EXODUS 20:8-11


2Speak to the children of Israel and say to them: solemn festivals of Jehovah, which you will proclaim as holy convocations, will be these:
3Six days we will work, but the seventh day will be of rest, a holy convocation; you will do no work; Sabbath is from the Lord wherever you live. —LEVITICUS 23:2-3


12For how much more valuable is a man than a sheep? Therefore, It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. —MATHEW 12:12S

27He also said to them: The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. —MARK 2:27


4Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; because sin is a violation of the law. —1 JOHN 3:4

PABLO (Epistles)

4 And he argued in the synagogue every day of rest, and persuaded Jews and Greeks. —ACTS 18:4

6Because taking care of flesh is death, but taking care of Spirit It is life and peace.
7Because the designs of the flesh They are enmity against God; because THEY DO NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAW OF GOD, nor can they;
8and those who live according to the flesh they cannot please God. —ROMANS 8:4-8


5And he said to them: The Son of Man is Mister even from the day of repose. —LUKE 6:5


10I was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,
11what did he say: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. Write what you see in a book, and send it to the seven churches that are in Asia: to Ephesus, Ismirna, PeArgamus, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. —REVELATION 1:10-11


22Because like the new heavens and the new earth that I make will remain before mesays Jehovah, so it will remain your descendants and your name.
23And from month to month, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, they will come all meat worship before me, said the Lord. —ISAIAH 66:22-23

-DAVID: 44I will keep your law always, Forever and eternally. —PSALMS 119:44

-DAVID: 142Your justice is justiceia eterna, and your law the truth. —PSALMS 119:142


4Blessed are THOSE WHO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to be entitled to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates in the city.
15 But the dogs will be outside, and the sorcerers, the fornicators, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and makes lies.
16 I Jesus I have sentI love my friendgel to bear witness to these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning starto.…
21The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Now, can it be supported by the Bible when The Catholic Church says it has changed the Sabbath, and we see that ALL the large “Protestant” churches observe and—or promote Sunday as the Lord's Day?

Still need the answer? In case you don't know, the answer is yes, the Bible supports that the devil “I would think about changing the times and the law”—and he is achieving it—in the hearts of those who call themselves “Christians.” And if Daniel 7:25 says, I would think because—although man has changed and/or accepted [another] law—humanly speaking, it is still as valid as in the beginning, both in heaven and here on earth. (REV. 11:19; ISA. 66:22-23, REV. 22:14).

Armando Alducin, great theologian of The Baptist Church, says the reason “Why don't Christians keep the Sabbath?“. [6] John, The Disciples and The Day of the Lord
[STUDY, CistoVerdad]
Alducin is referring to you—friend, who rejects the word of God, to your own perdition. (REV. 22:14-16; 1 COR. 6:9-10). [7] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

[9:21 PM, 4/27/2019] Milagros Marmol, RD (USA):
What was the question?

[9:21 PM, 4/27/2019] Milagros Marmol, RD (USA):

[8:53 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
There are not three persons, one God…

[9:22 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:

[9:23 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
You have to read to understand, sister. If you come halfway you won't be able to understand what is being talked about here. No, I was referring to whether what Rome said about changing the Sabbath day can be supported by the Bible. (DANIEL 7:25)

I'm already closing, it's just that my computer has become very slow.

[9:26 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
OK, I'm back. I had to turn off the computer and turn it on again...

Quoting from our study, Juan The Disciples, The Day of the Lord and You: [6] John, The Disciples and The Day
of the Lord
[STUDY, CistoVerdad]

Armando Alducín tells you and me that God transferred the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday because “Sunday is the new creation inaugurated by Christ in his resurrection”. Is that biblical?—or rather, Where does Armando Alducin get that teaching from?-Let's see,

This is the belief in the evangelical and “PROTESTANT” world in general, that Jesus inaugurated a new creation with his resurrection, and—therefore, a new day of the Lord….

I repeat, where do they get that from? Hmm…

[9:30 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
Rome cannot change the Sabbath day, but what it has done, with the cunning and help of Satan, is to confuse the entire world into believing that Saturday in this Gregorian calendar is the Sabbath day, God does not govern his holy day of rest. rest through the calendar created by the Jesuit and Pope Gregory, God has his own calendar in which the Sabbath is still valid and no one can change that day, we must study even more.


During the study I did not notice this comment, Miguel. So, I leave this question open for you: WHAT IS THE DAY OF THE LORD THEN? What is that calendar? And what do we have to study to catch up with God?

Another thing, changing or creating a calendar, thus affecting the day that people understand as the Sabbath, is not changing the Sabbath?—the times and the law?


[8:52 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
Yes hrno, these texts do not appear in the Greek originals

Do you have those original texts in your hands? Have you seen them with your own eyes? Do you speak Greek?

I hope that—in due time, you can enlighten us.

[9:32 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Returning to the thread…

Armando Alducín tells you and me that God transferred the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday because “Sunday is the new creation inaugurated by Christ in his resurrection”.

Is that biblical?—or rather, where does Armando Alducin get that teaching from?—Let's see,

The day of Resurrection: the new creation
2174 Jesus rose from the dead "the first day of the week" (Mt 28, 1; Mc 16, 2; Luke 24, 1; Jn 20, 1). As it is the “first day”, The day of the Resurrection of Christ remembers the first creation. As it is the “eighth day”, which follows Saturday (cf Mc 16, 1; Mt 28, 1), means the new creation inaugurated with the resurrection of Christ. For Christians it became the first of all days, the first of all festivals, the day of the Lord (Hè kyriakè hèmera, dies dominica), “Sunday”:

«We all meet on the day of the sun because it is the first day [after the jewish sabbath, but also the first day], in which God, bringing matter out of darkness, created the world; "On that same day, Jesus Christ our Savior rose from the dead." (Saint Justin, Apology, 1,67). —CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Art. 2174. [8] The day of the Resurrection: the new creation — Catechism of the Catholic Church
[LINK, Vatican.va]

There it is—ROME put its heresies into all the “Protestant” Churches, and so they accepted it. He has put all of you to worship the sun god, and they haven't even realized it. I recommend re-reading page 365 of the Catechism of Trent (above), as well as page 50 of the Catechism of the Convert.

So is Rome telling the truth this time about changing the Sabbath? Well, Rome says yes, but more importantly, The Bible says yes!

[9:34 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
Including the Seventh-day Adventist Church

[12:08 PM, 03/05/2019] José Luis Javier:
EDIT—Including the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church! [a]1 Adventist Church Promotes Sunday Worship in Its Publications
[DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad]
[a]2 The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Assembling The Puzzle. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC”
[VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad]
[a]3 The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC”
[VIDEO 2:01:35, CristoVerdad]
[and] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity.
[VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]

[9:34 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
And how could we confirm that?

Well, once again—

10commandment after mandamiento, line upon line, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10

It is with the Bible that any error is checked or discarded—even if it is found in the Bible itself. I recommend one of our topics where we cover this issue:

The Bible, THE MANDELA EFFECT, and The Wonderful Journey in Time, two parts. [9]a The Bible, THE MANDELA EFFECT, and The Wonderful Journey in Time, Part 1
[VIDEO 2:21:28, CristoVerdad]
[9]b The Bible, THE MANDELA EFFECT, and The Wonderful Journey in Time, Part 2
[VIDEO 1:48:49, CristoVerdad]

We have already seen that the matter of “The Trinity" It cannot be supported by the Bible, but the issue of the Divinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit can be…

[9:38 PM, 4/27/2019] Milagros Marmol, RD (USA):

[9:38 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Brother Miguel, I have just one question for you, How many Spirits does the Bible say Satan has?

[9:39 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
I don't know bro, I have not read that in the Bible.

[9:39 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
You tell me

[9:40 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
I'll help you with that in a moment. Another question, does Satan imitate the things of God?

[9:40 PM, 4/27/2019] Milagros Marmol, RD (USA):
If you imitate them!

[9:41 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
Satan has looked at all the things of God

[9:41 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
He tries to copy them all

[9:42 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
OK... Let's suppose—and I say suppose, because you don't seem to believe in that—that God is a Divinity of Three, as we have explained here... Do you think the devil would want to imitate that, if that were the case?

[9:43 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
I believe in one God, it is the same Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, there are no three gods

[9:44 PM, 4/27/2019] Miguel Córdova:
There is no God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, that does not exist.

[9:45 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:

Well my brother, Jesus said that no one reaches the Father except through him (JOHN 14:6), and here we see you rejecting the Father. In essence, you are an atheist, because “He who has seen me has seen the father” (JOHN 14:9).

And no, there are not three gods..., In India alone they have more than 350 million gods. And I don't believe in three gods either. I believe in only one [D]ios, too—

7Because three They are the ones who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. —1 JOHN 5:7

Again, Spiritual things are discerned spiritually, but for that you have to be spiritual, not a spiritualist. Are you copying me?

[9:46 PM, 4/27/2019] Milagros Marmol, RD (USA):
I don't believe in three gods either. The Bible says, that The Father is The Only God and His Son Jesus Christ.

[9:46 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Answering the question of  “The Trinity of Satan.”..

13And I saw leaving the dragon's mouth, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; —REVELATION 16:13

Three unclean spirits, Mmmm… as the Bible presents, that—

[1]The Father is Holy (LEV. 11:44), [2]Jesus is Holy (MAT. 1:24), [3]The Holy Spirit is—well, Holy.

And not only that, look at how that text from John that we already mentioned continues:

7Because THREE They are those who bear witness in heaven, the father, andl Verb, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one.
8AND three They are those who bear witness on earth: [1]he Spirit, [2]water and [3]blood; and these three they agree. —1 JOHN 5:78

And who are those who testify against God here on earth? Let's reread Revelation 16:13—

13And I saw it come out of the mouth of the [1]dragon, and from the mouth of [2]the beast, and from the mouth of the [3]False prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; —REVELATION 16:13

The mouths testify, my brother—does Satan imitate the things of God?—Any comment on that?

So—because it does say so. the Bible, in ChristTruth—and in our lives, we confess that, Jesus is God (JOHN 1:1), the Holy Spirit is God (1 JOHN 5:7), and the father-obviously, is God (EXOD. 6:7).

Although both you, Brother Miguel and Sister Miagros, have distortions at different levels, at the end of the day you both believe the same thing: There is no God—because that [g]od you talk about is not in the Bible... I correct you, if it is, His name is Satan—father of lies. (JOHN 8:44), and you have allowed yourself to be confused, by looking for second-rate writers out there, - and not attached to one piece of writing!

Jesus and the Holy Spirit, sister Milagros, are not the same person. And Jesus is not the only one who makes up the divinity of the Almighty God, brother Michael. Let Jesus himself explain that to us—

16 AND I[1] I will pray to the Father[2], and will give you other Dildo[3], that he may be with you forever: —JOHN 14:16

Tell me, did the Catholic Church also change that text? Let's continue—

31Therefore I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy it will be forgiven to men; but the blasphemy against him Spirit It will not be forgiven.

32 To anyone who says a word contrto the Son of Man, he will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, will not be forgiven, neither in this century nor in the one to come. —MATHEW 12:31-32

If Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same person, wouldn't blaspheming against the Spirit be blaspheming against Jesus? And—how is it that someone who blasphemes against Jesus has a chance of being saved but someone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit—is “ both” the same person, has no chance. Is God a God of confusion? (1 COR. 14:33).

That's what the Bible says. And if you are one of the people who believe that Ellen White was a prophet of God, she wrote the following:

"There is three living people in he trio heavenly; in the name of these three great powers – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- are baptized those who receive Christ through faith.” —ELENA G. White, Evangelism, p.446 [10] The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

Whether or not she was a prophet is not our topic today. However, those words harmonize 100% with the Bible, and God's truths do not cease to be truths—even if the devil himself says them (MATTHEW 12:31-32).

Three people, one God. This is a serious matter, and you have to be spiritual—not a spiritualist, to understand it.

[9:48 PM, 4/27/2019] Joel, MEXICO:
Your sister statement caught my attention, would that be a duality??

[9:49 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Exactly. Maybe Sister Milagros didn't explain herself well.

[9:50 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Does anyone have doubts about whether Jesus is God? In case, the following verses may clarify your confusion:


And the whole Bible, well

3Everything for him were made, and without him nothing that was made was made. —JOHN 1:1-3

Or still some doubt about whether the Holy Spirit is God?

[9:50 PM, 4/27/2019] Joel, MEXICO:

[9:50 PM, 4/27/2019] Milagros Marmol, RD (USA):
The Bible talks about the Spirit of God!

[9:50 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
Well, there's no way it's the spirit of the devil, sister.

The Bible also says that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ, right? Did they already forget about the lamp so quickly, and everything else we've covered? Don't forget that the Bible also says thatGod is Spirit(JOHN 4:24). Then we would have something like the Spirit of the Spirit of God, right? One more time, spiritual things...

If there are no more questions, I terminate the study. I recommend the following material to cover more…[10] The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
That study focuses more on the divinity of the Holy Spirit. It is only a complement to this study. We also recommend The DNA of God and The Church, Two parts. [11]a The DNA of God and The Church, Part 1: The Genetics of the Creator
[VIDEO 1:22:04, CristoVerdad]
[11]b The DNA of God and The Church, Part 2: The Genetics of His Woman
[VIDEO 1:53:16, CristoVerdad]

[9:54 PM, 4/27/2019] Magnarys Zabdiel:
Why is that questioned or argued? It is not clear?

[9:56 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier
Just for the record, although I already mentioned the Biblical quotes,

6Because child it is born to us, son is given to us, and the government on his shoulder; and it will be called his admirable name, Adviser, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. —ISAIAH 9:6

8I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the all mighty. —REVELATION 1:8

In our studio Jesus, The Angel of Jehovah, We expand on this. [12] Jesus, The Angel of Jehovah
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

[9:58 PM, 4/27/2019] Joel, MEXICO:

[9:59 PM, 4/27/2019] Wilmer, Venezuela:
I am with you brother Javier

[9:59 PM, 4/27/2019] Joel, MEXICO:
With this verse alone doctrines collapse (Jehovah's Witnesses)

[10:01 PM, 4/27/2019] José Luis Javier:
The word of God says:

9 Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and you have not known me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father; How then do you say: Show us the Father?

10 Don't you think I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me, he does the works. —JOHN 14:9-10

If Jesus said that he and the father are one, and John—a beloved disciple, who knew Jesus better than any of us—said that the Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the son, then how come we don't understand something? so simple? And notice that Jesus says that ““I am in the Father, and the Father in me.”, emphasizing that they are two different people.

One last question, and returning again to Genesis 2:24…

24Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they will become one flesh. —GENESIS 2:24

The Bible says that in a marriage the man and the woman will become one being... So there is only one being—physical, after marriage? DO THEY MUTATE INTO ONE PERSON? Which of the two sexes disappears? OR DO THEY BECOME A KIND OF HERMAPHRODITE?

Brothers, the Bible is clear; God is clear. Usually we are the ones who are not clear—are you clear?

I have had to be very direct in this study. The salvation of many of you is at stake. There is nothing personal here, and—for the love of my neighbor, that is, yourselves, I do not want to close without presenting this great danger that you run and God's warnings regarding it.

32To anyone who says a word against the Son of Man, he will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, will not be forgiven, neither in this century nor in the one to come. —MATHEW 12:31-32

Although blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin, do not believe that those who blaspheme against the son will suffer a better fate, unless they repent:

4Because it is impossible that those who were once enlightened and tasted the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
and they also tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come,
and fell away, be renewed again to repentance, crucifying again for themselves the Son of God and exposing him to reproach. —HEBREWS 6:4-5

In short, a person who at one point received, understood—and lived, according to the light of the truth, and today is denying and trampling it, has already run out of grace. It is my hope that none of you—or anyone else who may be reading this, and who may have rejected it because they did not understand the truth, but sincerely in their hearts rejected it in involuntary ignorance, simply did not understand what they were doing. Because if he consciously did so,

26Because if we sin voluntarily after having received the knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sins,
27but a horrendous expectation of judgment, and boiling fire that must devour the adversaries.
28He who violates the law of Moses, on the testimony of two or three witnesses, dies irretrievably.
29How much greater punishment do you think he will deserve? he who tramples on the Son of God, and will consider the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified unclean, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
30For we know him who said: Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. And again: The Lord will judge his people.
31It is a horrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God! —HEBREWS 10:26-31

They are walking on quicksand. And quicksand is very dangerous terrain.

Blessings for all.


“Come out of her, my people…”



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