“In our day we see that churches (denominations) encourage feasting, gluttony, and dissipation through meals, fairs, dances, and festivals (concerts) established for the purpose of raising funds for the church treasury. This is a method invented by carnal minds to obtain resources without making sacrifices.” —CMC 212.1

“We must not propose to stimulate the concupiscence of appetite or resort to carnal entertainments to persuade the followers of Christ to give of the resources that God has granted them. If you do not give voluntarily, for the love of Christ, the offering will in no case be acceptable to God.” —CM C 212.4

This was Ellen G. White, referring to the concerts that are held to raise funds in the Churches.

Now notice this change—

“It would please God very much if each church (temple) had a Christmas tree from which offerings, large and small, would hang for those houses of worship….To choose a fragrant tree and place it in our churches it does not involve sin, but this lies in the motive that causes it to act and in the use given to the gifts placed on the tree.—{HC 438.2}
The tree can be as tall as suits the occasion as long as its branches are loaded with the golden and silver fruits of your benevolence and you offer them to God as a Christmas gift. Let your domatives be sanctified by prayer.”-—HC 438.3

That was the aberration, now let's give its interpretation:

What “EGW” says there is that if you are going to steal, steal for God, and then pray for that theft to be sanctified, because at the end of the day, “The End”—apparently, “sanctifies the means.” . The early passages are in perfect harmony with the Scriptures. But the last ones seem to have been written by the devil himself.

The word of God says,

21You shall not plant any Asherah trees near the altar of Jehovah your God, that you have made yourself,
22nor shall you set yourself up as a statue, which the LORD your God hates. —DEUTERONOMY 16:21-22

And in case you believe that the prophet can change what God established—

4who willclean to it unclean? Nobody. —JOB 14:4.


The Week They Call Holy, Christmas and You: What the Bible Says — Manipulating the Writings of Ellen G. White, Adventist Church
[1] The Week They Call Holy, Christmas and You: What the Bible Says — Manipulating the Writings of Ellen G. White,
Adventist Church
[VIDEO 2:37:53, CristoVerdad]

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