Please “Stay Home”
Heaven—my friends and brothers, is not a place for brute people!
Only the most brilliant minds that humanity has ever had will enter there. No, I'm not talking about a Nicholas Tesla, an Albert Einstein, a Margaret Thatcher, or an Isaac Newton—super brilliant minds in their own environment. Being a genius in mathematics or politics does not necessarily rule you out of entering heaven, nor does it guarantee it. We're talking about what God calls a brilliant mind—
10 ANDThe fear of Jehovah It is the beginning of wisdomlaugha, And the knowledge of the Holy One is intelligence. —PROVERBS 9:10
To get to heaven, my dear reader, you must have an exquisite mind and be brilliant enough to recognize that Christ is our creator, redeemer, judge, and—above all, our high priest. If you—after having searched your Bible, don't understand that, you are a brute person, and you are not going to get to heaven.
But you may believe that yes, that you serve Christ, and that perhaps you already have your guaranteed passage to paradise. I invite you to reconsider your position, because—given the characteristics of all those people—call them churches, which claim to serve God, if you belong to one of them—or defend what is theirs, I have to tell you that—if you do not depart , you have an express passage that leads to the very cauldron of Satan. Enter the Seventh-day Adventists.
To get to heaven you must know God. That is, knowing what God says. And knowing is doing.
6He who says he remains in he, must walk as he walked. —1 JOHN 2:6
A little over a week ago I was talking with a gentleman about the adventures of Adventist Babylon. Yes, I know that “Ellen White” said that “the Adventist Church is not Babylon.” But here we are talking about how to get to heaven and the rules for getting there are not set by “Elena”—nor is Elena, they are set by God. [1]a“Seventh” Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 1: THE OSTRICH SYNDROME
[VIDEO 1:33:01, CristoVerdad] [1 B“Seventh” Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 2: Apologetic Distortion
[VIDEO 2:27:33, CristoVerdad] [1 CBABYLON EIGHTH Day Adventist, Part 3: Worshiping “Our” God
[VIDEO 1:35:31, CristoVerdad] [1]dEIGHTH-Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 4: Returning Home, Following “Our” North
[VIDEO 1:35:31, CristoVerdad]
And God said in his word—
1 You will bring Aaron your brother before you, their children with him, from among the children of Israel, to be my priests; to Aaron and Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar the sons of Aaron. —EXODUS 28:1
Aaron's daughters (LEV. 10:14) They were not invited by God to be part of his priesthood, because God was not pleased, he had other purposes for the woman (EFS. 5:20:21-33). The priest represents Christ, the woman her people. And Christ is the one who gives his life for his wife (People), not the woman for Christ. The woman does not save herself. The woman cannot be a priestess, elder or shepherd, because she is not a symbol of Christ, she represents the people—
6 Because like a woman abandoned and sad in spirit, Jehovah called you, and like the wife of the youth that is rejected, says your God. —ISAIAH 54:5-6
The priesthood was set aside for men, not only from the time of Moses, but from Eden itself—
21 Then the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its place.
22 And of the rib that the Lord God took from the man, he made a woman, and brought it to the man. —GENESIS 2:21-22
And for those who are still not clear about what we are talking about here, let me help you with that too, with a writing it is—
8 Because man does not come from woman, but the man's wife,
9 nor was man created for woman, but the woman for the man's sake. —1 CORINTHIANS 11:8-9
Pablo, Pablo, Pablo—
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 Because I do not allow women to teach, nor exercise dominion over man, but to be silent.
13 Because Adam was formed first, then Eve;
14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, committed a transgression.
15 But he will be saved by begetting children, If I continue in faith, love and sanctification, with modesty. —1 TIMOTHY 2:11-14
The theme of Christ and his priesthood is the clearest theme in the entire Bible, even above the Sabbath—and the Sabbath is clear, my friends. And the Adventist doesn't seem to understand that, nor does the rest of Christendom.
In 2015, the Adventist Church voted on the issue of ordination of women at its world congress in San Antonio, Texas. Well, it took place and it didn't take place, as its president explains to us. Ted N.C. Wilson. He took it, because that's what they made the brutes believe, who bought the story. And he didn't take it because everything was precisely that, a story, and his president himself told him so.
After the delegates of the 13 world divisions “voted” NO to the satanic, 100% anti-biblical practice of allowing a woman to serve as a pastor, immediately after—the day after this vote, the president of that pseudo-Christocentric institution clarified what it meant The vote-
What the vote meant is that WE MAINTAIN OUR CURRENT POLICY. Now, we have additional policies and provisions that have already been voted on by the annual council and that they have been accepted, whether the people agree or not, they are there.
Wednesday's vote had nothing to do with it specifically with the practice of ordaining women as local elders. Now, people might have different opinions on that particular issue, but Wednesday's vote had nothing to do with that. Nor did he have NOTHING TO SEE with anything in the policy regarding the commissioning of Women Ministers [WOMEN PASTORS]. So let's be clear about what was voted on Wednesday.” —TED NC WILSON, President Seventh-day Adventist Church
Ted Wilson and the Adventist Church clearly deceived you, the remaining question is, Are you clear?
As I told you at the beginning, I was speaking with a man of the Adventist faith. He is in error, defending and justifying this institution of evil, but he believes that these are the people of God, and—even worse, that the evidence I gave him is false, although it is all public and easy to verify. Evidence that comes from official sources of his own church, such as the massive evidence of the practice of ABORTION in Adventist hospitals. [2]ABORTION, Guidelines
[LINK, Adventist Church] [3]Abortion: Adventists do not oppose the project but demand freedom of conscience
[VIDEO 1:33:01, CristoVerdad] [4]ABORTIONS, SEX CHANGE — ABORTIONS, SEX CHANGE Seventh-day Adventist Church, Iglesia Adventista
[VIDEO 00:02:46, CristoVerdad] [5]Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Univ. Loma Linda and the Adventist Church
[LINK, CristoVerdad] [6]Why do Adventists support abortion? [Spanish]
[VIDEO 00:19:02, CristoVerdad] [7]David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — Analysis
[VIDEO 00:24:11, CristoVerdad] [8]Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00, CristoVerdad]
I also gave him enough evidence of the rampant homosexuality promoted and practiced by his beloved church—and NOTHING, Adventists don't react! [5]ABORTIONS, SEX CHANGE — ABORTIONS, SEX CHANGE Seventh-day Adventist Church, Iglesia Adventista
[VIDEO 00:02:46, CristoVerdad] [9]PASSIONAL MARRIAGE, Heavy Homosexuality in the Adventist Church [LINK, CristoVerdad]
[VIDEO 00:02:46, CristoVerdad] [10]RHONDA, Transsexual and Adventist “Elder” Seventh-day Adventist Church Transgender Elder [EVIDEO 00:22:08, CristoVerdad
[VIDEO 00:02:46, CristoVerdad]
We talk about Ecumenism, the denial of the sabbath by his church, and what has become a modality, the Adventist theology of which “The Church is Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.” All Adventist publications, PUBLICLY accessible to everyone who loves the truth and does not itch for error. [11]BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity
[VIDEO 2:35:55, CristoVerdad] [12]Sunday Worship in the Adventist Church
[BOOK, Adventist Church] [13]The Catholic Creed That Changed a People, The Adventist Church, 2005
[BOOK, Adventist Church] [14]The Church is Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, The Creed That Changed the World, 1971
[BOOK, Adventist Church] [15]aThe Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Assembling The Puzzle.
[VIDEO 1:38:13, CristoVerdad] [15]bThe Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church.
[VIDEO 2:01:35, CristoVerdad]
I presented that and much more, and nothing. We wonder if when Jesus said that “by their fruits you will know them” that excluded the Adventist Church and Adventists. In fact, speaking with this man I told him to explain the following text to me—
This is the remnant people of God in the last time of history, and it has two specific characteristics, “they were not defiled with women” and they follow the lamb”—that is, Christ—“wherever he goes.” A little further down, in the same chapter 14, a description of this town is given again, “they keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus" (APC 14:12), well obviously follow the lamb wherever he goes. They follow the lamb—friends, to the lamb, not to a woman!
That is the people of God, and I told the friend to explain to me the part that says that “they were not defiled with women,” to which he replied—and I paraphrased the idea, “that is the people of God who are not contaminated with churches”. So I asked her, And that doesn't include the Adventist church? to which he replied, "NO!"
And that's always the story with Adventists, when they talk about sin, nothing applies to your church! God condemns any abomination in any people, but when it comes to the Adventists, “they are the apple of his eye”, even when they openly worship the devil, as is already happening—
That's the brochure 4th Quarter of 2017. On the cover we see another Catholic image. If you pay careful attention to the right hand of John Paul II and the left hand of "Jesus", you will notice that they have the same shape, they just come from different angles, and “Jesus”'s hand is a little more open to try to mislead a little. That same pose of the hands can be found in the statue of Baphomet (the devil). This is not the first time we have seen this in a brochure. Sabbatical school, or should we say Satanic School?
Despite this, the real substance is in the content of the pamphlet. In the lesson for Saturday, October 28, we have an illustration of “Abraham”: an apparently very noble old man, when we see him from the front—from top to bottom. If you look at him from the beard up, a demon appears. If you turn the photo, the same demon appears from another angle, and becomes more evident. These are subliminal messages and they are not there by chance. ¿God's people worshiping the devil?
The following photo comes from the brochure of the 2do Quarter of the 2018. On the cover, a totally homosexual character. It's very obvious and my friend couldn't see it. Make-up face, outlined eyebrows, shadows (makeup) in the eyes and a homosexual pose, and with this one—and any other Adventist, NOTHING!
These are materials that you probably have in your home. Test them and check them. We recommend you visit our video section and watch the complete series Oliver and His Minions, 6 parts (two more on the way). [O]1OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [1] — The Error Is In The Union: Wolves Disguised As Sheep
[VIDEO 2:27:05, CristoVerdad] [O]2OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [2] — THE BEAST You Don't Know
[VIDEO 1:01:14, CristoVerdad] [O]3OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land
[VIDEO 2:27:36, CristoVerdad] [O]4OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”
[VIDEO 2:55:34, CristoVerdad] [O]5OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [5] — Satan's Elite (1.3) WALKING WITH THE RATS
[VIDEO 1:59:29, CristoVerdad] [O]6OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [6] — Satan's Elite (1.4) CANNONS FOR ROME, Columns of Smoke. Francisco Bergoglio in Panama
[VIDEO 2:221:26, CristoVerdad]
Here I briefly leave you the Part 5. For proof, simply watch the introduction to this video. It will take you 1 minute and 23 seconds. I recommend that after you finish reading this study you watch that entire part, and—definitely, the entire series.
Jesus said that “by their fruits you will know them” (MAT. 7:20), but we imagine that is only for Pentecostals and Catholics, and of course does not apply to the abominations of Adventist “Holy” Babylon.
But God said that his people are not contaminated with churches, that is, all churches are contaminated, All! (ISA. 4:1). That's why the Lord says clearly “Come out of there, my people […]” (APC. 18:4, ISA 52.:11)
And why does God insist on that? Well, the same text says it, “so that you are not participants in their sins nor did you receive part of his plagues.” That is, so that you don't get lost, leave the churches. But nevertheless, “this is the people of God”, say the Adventists, and—by extension, all the “Christians” who gather in the satanic temples of the rest of the daughters of the great grass—the churches (APC. 17:4-5).
Even though we talked a lot about abortion, and my friend and I didn't get anywhere, he didn't understand—or didn't want to understand—ANYTHING, even though he himself “uncle" He told them, just like their world leader Ted Wilson, it was reported by a newspaper from his native Argentina, and that IT IS WRITTEN on the official and main website of the Adventist Church with RED INK, yes—Red, although it seems black, because there is no other color that better represents the death of dismembered children in their hospitals and clinics than the color of blood. [7]David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — Analysis
[VIDEO 00:24:11, CristoVerdad] [8]Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00, Adventist Church]
“Just as those promoting the bill for the legalization of abortion demand that the State women's freedom to choose about your own son or daughter, Seventh-day Adventists ask that freedom of conscience be respected to practice premature termination and termination of pregnancy.” [3]Abortion: Adventists do not oppose the project but demand freedom of conscience [NEWS, Economies] —ECONOMIS, EL PAÍS, Argentina, June 27, 2018
So the newspaper editors Economy from Argentina perfectly understood the language as it is written in the official abortion statements found on the website, the main website of this institution (in Spanish). The page has the same name as the church—a registered trademark; It couldn't be more official than that, but our friend didn't understand. [2]ABORTION, Orientations, Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventists,org]
If you clicked on the link we just provided [17], and you look at the URL (Web) address, it reads as follows—
So official statements and documents: abortion. And no, our friend still doesn't understand. I imagine that he would not understand the words of the former president of the Church and father of Ted Wilson, the deceased—and lover of induced death, either. Neal C. Wilson, when he said in 1970 that “Adventists lean toward abortion instead of fighting it.” And all this with the noble cause of fight hunger and overpopulation.
We imagine that when God told Adam and Eve “Multiply, fill the earth,” (GEN. 1:28) He wasn't referring to Adventists either!
The damage that has been done to the vast majority of people who pass—and stagnate—in the confines of this institution and its doctrines is, in the vast majority of cases, irreparable. And all because inside they told him “this is the people of God.” Oh, the power of the Sabbath School brochure!
We are amazed that such a statement should not pass by the weight of the word of God; That is, one should not look for the fruits that demonstrate that that—or any other institution on this earth can claim the title of “People of God.” We also speculate that at Jehovah's Witnesses already the Mormons no such declaration was made to them in their kingdom halls and temples of worship, and they do not have to prove it either, just declare it!
Perhaps you will say that because I am taking so many turns to land on the topic of the shepherdesses. Well, actually I'm not dwelling on the matter but rather that's the same issue. The agenda of the Ordination of Women, Abortion and the LGBT Agenda they are the same thing. He who accepts one, irrefutably accepts the others, just as he who violates one commandment becomes guilty of all.
In the home of God there is a priest who marries a woman. When this union occurs, Life arrives. When you switch roles, or even move one of them, homosexuality/lesbianism and death ensue. It's the feminist movement which is behind the ordination of women in the churches.
Here I leave the PDF document of the article from Revista Adventista magazine January-March 2015, object of analysis in the Ted Wilson video that we showed at the beginning and that we will play again in a moment.
Here, by way of deception, the Church comes forward and tells you that it is not the feminist movement that is behind this. If the feminist movement is not within the Church, why bring it up? MMM… [16]Adventist Magazine and the Ordination of Women
[MAGAZINE, Adventist Church]
All the feminist groups out there promote homosexuality and abortion, all of them. In this video above, watch how this group of feminists promotes legal abortion using the excuse of “protect the lives of women who have clandestine abortions.” They say that it is a right "freedom". They express that abortion in Argentina is allowed for reasons such as "rape, risk to the health or life of a woman capable of gestation," as Ted Wilson and the Adventist Church's policies on abortion say; list to which the church also adds incest, in reference to a certain constitutional amendment that gave rise to legal abortion in the United States and the world. [8]Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00, CristoVerdad] [2]ABORTION, Guidelines, Policies of the Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventists,org]
I mean, We must protect the lives of murderers, not their victims. Yes, the lives of babies are worth nothing to these femme fatales, spawned by satan himself. And the Adventist Church, “People of God,” carries exactly the same message, in its policies and in practice. [2]ABORTION, Orientations, Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventists,org] And these policies are derived in turn from the “Hyde Amendment”, not from the Bible. [17] If You Will Kill — Abortion, THE HYDE AMENDMENT and The Adventist Church
[NEWS, El Nacional]
These women say that in Argentina they carry out 500.00 abortions a year, and that of these 43 women die from clandestine abortions, and these women must be protected by legalizing abortion. That is, let's kill 500,000 babies a year to save 43 psychopaths like them. The number of abortions is surely exaggerated, but those are the numbers that feminists are giving in Argentina; 5000,000 versus 43—amazing!
The Adventist Church and the feminist movement carry exactly the same agenda, since they are both the same movement, advocating for the same cause. The news presented is public, and the Adventist Church has not spoken out to deny it, because it cannot. In fact, it is the same Church that announces many of these news to the world, as is the case of the Economis news in Argentina.
I repeat again, Heaven is not a place for brute people. Are you understanding me, dear reader?
Now let's take the following news, published in the newspaper The National from Dominican Republic. There we see a renowned feminist—Susi Paola, saying that “It's not just feminists.” but also the most important institutions of Dominican society that support the decriminalization of abortion by the President Danilo Medina. Institutions among which is, guesser guesser—The “Seventh” Adventist Church Day. Don't believe me? Read it yourself. [18]They Are Not Only Feminists — Susi Paola and Abortion in
Dominican rep
[NEWS, El Nacional] [19]Abortion, The Adventist Church and Your Conscience
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
Susi Paola is simply referencing what the Adventist Church itself has made public, and she mentions the Adventist Church as a good example to support the practice of abortion in society. That's tremendous!
We will not only see this association in secular society but also in churches, and Paola Mentions other categories of religious leaders. But to “stay at home”, let's look at Jonathan Henderson (Up here), Pastor and Chaplain of the Pacific Union Adventist University, California, who openly preaches homosexuality, paid with your tithes and offerings, and who also promotes the ordination of women. Henderson says that “God changed because we have changed”. That “The Adventist Church is full of Homosexuals raising children” and? “we must receive these families.” He also tells us that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah “was not homosexuality but inhospitality.” [20 a“Let's Welcome Homosexuals” in the Adventist Church, Jonathan Henderson
[VIDEO 00:04:07, Adventist Church] [20]bThe “True” Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah IS NOT HOMOSEXUALITY, Adventist Church (Pastor Jonathan Henderson PUC)
[VIDEO 00:00:53, Adventist Church] [20]c[ENGLISH] Women in Ministry” Pastor Jon Henderson 11/5/13
[VIDEO 1:00:23, Adventist Church]
Jonathan Henederson has been preaching these abominations in the confines of Adventist Babylon for years, and no one has said—or told him—anything. Why it may be? Hmm…
You will not see Henderson and practically anyone like him condemning abortion in society, much less within Adventist institutions. But whatever, “this is the people of God.”
Promoters of feminism will always promote death. That is exactly the case of the Adventist Church, the only Christian organization in the world that publicly and openly supports abortion. Even evangelical groups recognize this and have risen up against the Babylon of the Seventh Day.
It is not only the press in the Dominican Republic and Argentina that has published it, but even the Washington Post, one of the most important newspapers in the United States and the World, has echoed this, and—surprisingly—has condemned the action of the Church. Adventist. [21]Abortion Opponents Picket Two Hospitals
[NEWS, Washington Post] [22]The Hands of Jesus – Elective Abortions in Adventist Hospitals (Sermon Transcript)
[ARTICLE, Religious Freedom]
The Washington Post, an institution of the world condemns what the “people of God” support, abortion!
Here is the translation of this news in case you are interested in reading it.
Two Adventist hospitals targeted by anti-abortion Christian groups. Groups that do not understand the truth of the Sabbath, but are clearer than Ted Wilson and all Adventists on this earth about the sanctity of life (2do Commandment of the law of God). And I ask, what is worth more, a life or the Sabbath? Since I don't like to give personal opinions, let's let Jesus himself give us the answer—
12 Well How much more worth a man than a sheep? Consequently, it is lawful to do good on the days of rest. —MATHEW 12:12
Jesus said he is “Lord of the Sabbath” and let us not forget that before giving us the Sabbath (LUK. 6:5)First he gave us life (GEN. 1:26-27); and Jesus himself is life. (JOHN 14:6). I ask, who is closer to heaven, the Catholics who do not keep the Sabbath or the Adventists who claim to keep it, but are confessed murderers of the most vulnerable in society—children? How about the evangelicals... what's worse, kicking in a church or cutting their throats in a hospital? Who is killing instead of giving life?
<< [EDITION, May 4, 2020] José Luis Javier
The Columbia Union on its website gives us a list of the number of abortions in its hospitals. [u]c How Many Abortions Do Adventist Hospitals Practice? —How Many Abortions do Adventist Hospitals Perform? [LINK, AdventistsHealth] It does so through Visitor magazine, which we already mentioned, on its official website. Here is the translation and then let's comment on some parts.
Ok, you have to know how to digest this information in order to understand it. The first thing you should know is that here the Adventist Church itself is admitting that abortions have been performed in its hospitals since the 70s, although we can verify that this was already happening in 1966. But they are admitting the practice in their Hospitals (Columbia Union), and then they tell us that abortions in Adventist hospitals “"They're not what they used to be."…
“WHAT THEY USED TO BE”, Mmmnnn… and what is it that we used to be then? Can you begin to understand what we are talking about here?
Second, and seeing that the information comes from an Adventist source, we cannot expect that they will tell us the whole truth, so we must know how to connect the dots. This article is simply justifying the Church, making it look like it has changed. On the one hand, they tell you that in this union, 188 abortions in 2015, which is false, since we know that thousands of abortions are performed in Adventist hospitals every year. David Gates said that “Loma Linda is one of the hospitals where the most abortions are performed“ in United States. [7]David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — Analysis
[VIDEO 00:24:11, CristoVerdad] And Loma Linda belongs to the system AdventHealth which is presented in these statistics, although Loma Linda does not belong to this union.
Now, the most important point—
“Landless pointed out that ALMOST ALL terminations at all five Adventist hospitals and systems reviewed were related to fetal abnormalities dramatic events that would make life outside the womb impossible.”
Almost all does not mean all, on the one hand. And on the other hand, it is Adventist policy that if a baby comes with congenital defects, there is reason to perform an abortion. That's what the Church says, but what does God say? s. [19]Abortion, The Adventist Church and Your Conscience [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[VIDEO 00:24:11, CristoVerdad] But even knowing the manipulation of information, the Church is admitting that children who do not have “fetal abnormalities.” And I ask the question, ¿Should there be only one abortion in a hospital of “God's people”?
And where does the Bible say that a “fetal abnormality” is sufficient reason to perform an abortion? We remind you, dear reader, that a creature that comes from its mother's womb with the Down's Syndrome It is considered a fetal anomaly, and a sufficient reason to perform an abortion, according to the rules of the world. So all the people born with this anomaly should not have been born? And how about people who are born blind or deaf and mute?
The same Ministry Magazine of the Adventist Church published an article in 1991 detailing the history of abortion in Adventist church hospitals. [m]1 History of Adventist Guidelines on Abortion [ENGLISH] a
[LINK, HeWantsFruits] [m]2Abortion: history of Adventist guidelines
[LINK, Ministry Magazine]
And not, Diego Rios He still doesn't understand, of course abortion is not performed in Adventist hospitals!
I sent all this material that I have presented to you so far to our good Adventist friend, and NOTHING.
I understood that the friend hit rock bottom when I told him that his church was ordaining female pastors, a doctrine that goes directly against what God commands in his word. To which he replied that “the Adventist Church NO ordain shepherdesses, and he did it mockingly. In short, I didn't know what I was talking about. After that we didn't talk much, because each one had to attend to their personal chores, and mine is to serve God.
It is impressive that a single Adventist on this earth has the guts to say that in the Adventist Church women pastors and—or elders are not ordained. I urge you, if you haven't, to go and watch Ted Wilson's first video, where he acknowledges the fiasco that was the 2015 San Antonio World Congress.
Wilson admits that after “voting” no to the ordination of Women, which the Adventist church maintained “the current policy” to commission women pastors. That is to say, we continue to ordain shepherds, only we do not call them ordained but commissioned, and that both titles reflect the same job, shepherding the sheep!
Wilson said that “What we voted for on Wednesday was simply NOT to allow the divisions to make the decision about the ordination of women in their divisions.” Simply put, the authority to ordain pastors does not come from the divisions directly, but from here—the General Conference. “We” are the ones who have the right to order them, not the divisions, which at the end of the day, belong to us anyway.
The Adventist reads this and says, “you see, it is the divisions that pastors are ordaining, not the Church.” And I wonder, isn't the Adventist Church made up of 13 world divisions? If the divisions ordain female pastors, it is because the Church ordains female pastors. The 13 world divisions are the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church, or am I wrong?
“Wednesday's vote had nothing to do with it, specifically, with the practice of ordaining women as old women local.“continued Ted Wilson, who said that this vote (of the elders) was taken at the annual council of the Church, not under a vote of the World Church. And that's the thing, everything is what the Church says and how the church says it, and from the Bible, Nananina Nananana.
The vast majority of Adventists do not understand the difference between a pastor and an elder. And the difference is NONE-that is to say, The difficulty is that there is no difference, because in the Bible a pastor, elder and bishop are the same thing; They are simply synonyms of the same practice. (PSAL. 23:1, JOHN 10:11, DAN. 7:9, 1 PET. 5:1, JOHN 21:26, ACTS 20:17-28)
In the text of Acts 20:17-28 Pablo combines all three titles in a single practice. First, he calls for the elders. He then urges them to watch over the flock; and where there is a flock there is a shepherd, right? That is, an elder shepherds just as a shepherd shepherds. Finally Paul tells these elders that the Holy Spirit has made them bishops to shepherd. That is, once again, the bishop feeds, like an elder feeds, like a shepherd feeds.
And if you study the Greek text translated as “seniors“ in Acts 20:17, This one has as its root the word “presbuster”, which gives birth to the word presbyter, which means elder. And once again, an old man pastures the sheep. So Pastor, Elder, and Bishop are synonyms, and these titles—as spiritual offices, we only find designated to men in all of scripture., because it is written!
The Adventist Church voted to ordain women to the priestly office of elders in the Annual Spring Council from 1974.” [24] Have you General Conference Session voted for the ordination of female elders? Part 2 [LINK, Adventist Church] While the Adventists put the coin—the bills, checks, and their lives on the plate, their beloved church put Satan in the place of God; the same position that Korah wanted to occupy in the desert (NUMBER 16), and Satan there in heaven (APC. 12:.7-12).
We see a pattern here: the church constantly bringing to the “vote” principles of God that are clear in scripture. Recently there has been a vote on abortion, and the question that arises is, Should God's principles be put to the vote? Should we vote if it can be adulterated? If two men should get married? Can it be stolen? If you can worship other gods? Answer me, friend. So why vote if you can kill and if a woman can hold the position that a single woman does not have in all the biblical scriptures?
Rebellion is the worst of all sins and ignorance is the greatest of evils. (HOSEA 4:6)
Since “1974” the Adventist Church has been ordaining elders. And I put “1974” in quotes, because in the Morning of 2013 (2008 English) “Unless We Forget”, by George R. Knight It relates how as early as the 1800s the Adventist Church was ordaining pastors, elders and evangelists. In reference to Ellen G. White, this morning says the following—
Here they introduce to the Church the teaching that Ellen G. White was a pastor. This has a super powerful purpose since the majority of Adventists idolize her with equal or more fervor than Catholics idolize the “Holy Virgin Mary”, to the point of putting her writings above the Bible. It is very common to see Adventists say “but Ellen said this.” “Sister White said that”, or “the Spirit of Prophecy says this,” in reference to his writings to counter a biblical teaching. Most Adventists still do not understand that if God speaks, Elena must remain silent. (GAL. 1:8). [e]w “Ellen White” and Satan, The “Seventh” Day Adventist Church and Its Followers
[STUDIO, CristoVrtdad]
If you continue reading that morning you will notice that it always uses feminist language, exalting women and trampling on men—
“She has achieved further in the last two years that no shepherd in this state[…]. I am […] in favor of giving [a] license to the lady Lulu Wightman to preach, and if brother W. is a man of ability, and works with his wife and promises to be a successful worker, I am in favor of giving him a license him also". Those were the words.” —UNLESS WE FORGET, p.331
Here is the lady's husband Lulu Wightman he is presented as a puppet while his wife is elevated almost to the level of royalty. The question I ask myself is, Since when is he the man who gives authority to preach the word of God?
Notice the language on these two pages provided… it is always “I give permission to this” or “that”.” The church said this,” “the Church said that,” “The pioneers did this,” “the pioneers did that,” and—of course, “ELENA SAID/DID THIS,” “ELENA SAID/DID THAT.”
God and the Bible are always the great absentees in Adventist doctrines, although this does not mean that they do not use the word of God to promote the lies of this church. Let's take another example from this morning—
“Minnie Sype, for example, established at least ten churches. And, in addition to his work evangelical, performed tasks pastoral such as baptizing, marrying and conducting funerals. On one occasion in which she was attacked because she presumed to preach, as a woman, Minnie responded that, after his resurrection, Jesus had commissioned Mary in order to notify the disciples that he was alive. Minnie claimed that she was following in the footsteps of Mary, telling the people that Jesus had not only risen, but is also coming again.
[…] —Unless We Forget p. 331 par. 6
Now it turns out that Mary Magdalene was a shepherd!
Some have George R. Knight (feminist) as a rebel, and that is what I believed in the past. However, over time I have come to understand that Knight is simply an instrument that is carrying the end-time message of the Adventist Church: “Satan is our lord.”
Knight and the Adventist Church do not have different visions, and this morning newspaper written by him demonstrates it, since it has the name of the Church and is produced and distributed by the Pacific Press, the largest publisher of the Adventist Church worldwide, and to you—Adventist friends, They put this book in your hands!
And my Adventist friend continued to insist that the ordination of women was voted no at the world congress. That was his position, and NOTHING or anyone moves him from there. I then sent him more material for him to review.
The following photo gallery shows us how on the cover of the magazine Visitor (Columbia Union, USA), we see the Adventist Church paying tribute to 40 Shepherdesses of this union. That was in 2017.
If you pay careful attention (p.19), you will notice that several of these shepherdesses look like men; that is to say, They are lesbians! If you advance the gallery, we have the magazine Adventist Journey/World (Mar. 2019) You will see another list of female pastors, including some already featured by Visitor. At the end of this list you will see only one “male”. This is Justin Khoe, a homosexual that the Adventist church is using with great success to push their gender—genders equal agenda.” [25]Adventist Church, An Honest Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
And the Adventist Church does not ordain female pastors!
In the following link we see the church doing a tribute to two shepherdesses in Cuba that “make a difference.” This link comes directly from the church's official website (Spanish), and no, “the Adventist church does not have female pastors”! [26]Two Adventist pastors make a difference in Cuba
[MAGAZINE, Adventist Church]
Below I present an excerpt from the news—
Gilma Carbonell, 44 years old, He is at the head of the largest Adventist church in Cuba, the Guantánamo Central Adventist Church, in the city of the same name. She ministers There are more than a thousand members, who completely fill the interior and exterior sections of the temple every Saturday. Carbonell has been a shepherd in the Guantánamo region of the Adventist Church for almost five years, and supervises there four districts, two ordained ministers, two other ministers and a Bible instructor.” -SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH
Here the Advetist Church itself is telling you what we here at CristoTrudad have been saying for a long time—because that is what the Bible teaches, that a commissioned pastor and an ordained pastor are the same thing. Pastor Gilda Carbonell supervises two ordained pastors. That is to say, she, being a commissioned pastor, gives orders to two ordained pastors. One of two situations is occurring here:
to) A commissioned pastor is above an ordained pastor, or
b) It doesn't matter if you are commissioned or ordained, as I already mentioned.
Since when is a servant older than his master? A brutal people NEVER You will be able to connect what I just presented to you, NEVER!
I recommend you see the link [26]Two Adventist pastors make a difference in Cuba
[MAGAZINE, Adventist Church] and read the news completely, and you will see how it is an open plan of the Adventist church to fill all of Latin America—and the world, with pastors. From time to time the Adventist Church is very honest!” and you have to listen to it. [25]Adventist Church, An Honest Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
Ted Wilson is known in Spanish as the PASTOR TED WILSON. However, its English title is “ELDER WILSON, That is, Elder Wilson, then—as we have already presented, an elder and a pastor are the same thing, although one may hold a higher hierarchical position than another, such as an elder and a first elder, both are elders. And if Ted Wilson, being a church elder, is also a pastor, So what is Rhonda Dinwiddie?
Rhonda is a transsexual which in 2015 was named “anaciana“ and "teacher“ Sabbath School” by the Hollywood Adventist Church, in California. His appointment came less than two months after the publication of the document A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, and the document on the transgenderism, where the Adventist Church openly says that this condition “is not intrinsically sinful“, documents published directly on the website of the Andrews University, the main satanic education center of the Adventist Church, and on the home page of the world church. [c]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, Position Paper, Theological Seminary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Oct. 9, 2015 [DOCUMENTS, Adventist Church] [d]1Adventist World Church Votes on Transgenderism [LINK. Adventist Church] [d]2[CV] Adventist World Church Votes on Transgenderism [DOCUMENT. ChristTruth]
It's been almost five years, Rhonda is still in the same place, and no one has said anything. Rhonda is—essentially, the first transsexual pastor (ELDER) openly recognized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
If you still believe that despite all these abominations this is the people of God, well, maybe you are not so far from the truth, you are just missing a small detail—”this is the people—DISCARDED—of God,” of course:
19 AND Babylon, beauty of kingdoms and ornament of the greatness of the Chaldeans, It will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, to which disorder God. —ISAIAH 13:19
I sent more material to the friend, but I'll leave it with you here, it's more than enough. As a final note, I told the young Adventist that I was not going to talk more about the issue of women's ordination with him, because it is very clear, the evidence is overwhelming, and he is completely uninformed and worse still, unfocused.
You may not know certain information or situation that is occurring, but once it is presented to you and verified with evidence in hand, the necessary adjustments must be made. and take God's side. That's what they did Levites during the dance of the golden calf (EXD. 32:25-26). If you do not do it, it is because you are not walking in the cause of God, but rather the cause of his church—which is the cause of man—the devil's cause!
I turn to you at this moment; I retain what I said, open your eyes so that the day of the Lord does not take you “like a thief in the night.” And not only so that it doesn't catch you by surprise, but more importantly, it doesn't catch you serving the devil, as you have been doing until now, of which you hadn't even realized. If you didn't know it, you already know it: I have given you evidence, although for every “good” Adventist the truth will always be a “lie!”
We are experiencing the global “pandemic” of a certain “virus” that is putting a headband in the head of almost every human being in this world, which is marking them to serve the Beast (APC. 13). [27]The Trademark of God and the Mark of The Beast
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] The Adventist Church, on the lips of its Pope—not dad, Ted Wilson, was the first religious institution to say "Stay at home".
Yes, “stay home” so we can schedule you. [28]Whales and the End of Time [STUDIO, CristoVerdad]
Like the vast majority of the rest of the world, the Adventist has failed to see that this germ—and everything it carries with it—is the Mark of the Beast disguised as disease. They have not been able to, or have not wanted to see, because they know that God's message for this time is “flee to the mountains.” (MAT. 24:16-18). And God sends us to that place to seek holiness, something condemned by the Adventist Church and the vast majority of Adentists. [29]Christ and His Law, According to the Adventist Church
[BROCHURE, Adventist Church]
The Adventist Church has its own virus, as we have already covered. [30]THE CORONA-Adventist, a Pandemic of Yesterday and Today
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] And this has infected about “20 million” people on this earth. This virus—ACTUALLY, has killed more human beings than the “pandemic” of this time, and for much longer.
God tells you “get out of there” for him to be able to save you (ISA. 52:11), while your beloved church tells you “stay home” and “let us worship the sun”. [11]BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity
[VIDEO 2:35:55, CristoVerdad] “Come out of her, my people,” the gentleman says again. “Stay home and we will feed you the farce.” [31]Two News
[VIDEO 00:21:24, CristoVerdad]
We have entered the final stage of the history of this earth, and “the Church of Christ” murdered in its hospitals and ordained elders and pastors in its churches, Mmmm…
So Jesus is about to make his appearance, and “his people”—the “Seventh” Day Adventists—of course continue to disobey his commandments. (MAT 15:8-9), And that is the people that Christ comes to look for? What does his word say?
14 Blessed THOSE WHO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the doors in the city.
15 But the dogs will be outside, and the sorcerers, the fornicators, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and makes lies.
16 I Jesus I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star. —REVELATION 22:14-16
And we have mostly been talking about Adventist Babylon in this study, but do not be confused friend who congregates in any other Christian denomination. It's all the same, they are all Babylon, and we challenge you to come to us and—with Bible in your hands—and the fruits, show us that a single denomination out there serves God; We are satisfied with just one. But before you come and jump at us with “my church is the true church of God”, first you better inform yourself well and get to know your church very well so that you do not come to be embarrassed in this place.
And so that you can see that we have good faith, here we will help you a little with that:
[EDITION] April 22, 2023
We recently received a comment on this study, which reads as follows
So because of JUDAS you throw away the church of Jesus (apostles)?????
“So because of JUDAS you throw away the church of Jesus (apostles)????? -Hugo"
Trying to understand the words of our good friend Hugo, we deduce that what he meant is that because Judas existed among the group that walked with Jesus, we in CristoVerdad are discarding “the church of Jesus.” Ah, the power of the churches!
A couple of things, dear Hugo. First, you have to show us that to) Jesus founded a denomination on this land, which is what the Catholic Church alleges about that group of apostles that you mention. and b), you must also demonstrate that only one organization on this earth is “the church of Jesus,” as you say, since all denominations claim to be “the true people of God,” all of them. And we believe that even you do not believe in that, so at least you must establish what that church of Jesus is that you mention.
When I read the Bible I don't see the name Catholic Church, Adventist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Episcopal, Christian, etc. These are denominations, and they are known by their names. No, what the Bible gives us are two essential characteristics that identify both the People of God and the People of the Devil:
12 Here is the patience of the saints, THOSE WHO KEEP the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. —REVELATION 14:12
God's people keep his commandments, and Jesus was very clear about that (John 14:15, Matt. 19:16-19). And the people of the devil keep the commandments of the devil, which is nothing other than the violation of the law of God.
44 You belong to your father the devil, and your father's wishes you want to do. He has been a murderer from the beginning, and has not abided in the truth, because there is no truth in it. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own accord; because he is a liar, and the father of lies. —JOHN 8:44
And our friend Hugo does not understand that, that to claim to be God's people, you must first obey God, and there is no denomination on this earth that can claim—or claim that, and—we would dare say, without necessarily knowing it, that you —Mr. Hugo, you can't claim that either. Or am I wrong? Do you keep God's law?
God recognizes his people as those who keep his law and have the faith of Jesus, and the devil also recognizes those people for those same characteristics, and that is why he persecutes them:
17 Then the dragon was filled with anger against the woman; and he went to make war against the rest of her descendants, those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. —REVELATION 12:17
And grace is reserved solely and exclusively for that group (EXD. 20:6, DAN. 7:27, ROM. 2:13). So we ask, What part of “THOSE WHO KEEP” do you still not understand? How many cheaters will enter heaven?
The word of God says “get out of there” so you don't get lost (APC. 18:5, ISA. 52:11). However, my advice to you who have made your home in a church is “stay home”, because that is where the purest sulfur on this earth is. “Stay at home,” and soon you will experience what your former—and now present—home, Sodom and Gomorrah, experienced.
We encourage everyone to follow our Indisputable Text of the Day series. [32]Irrefutable Text of the Day
[STUDIES, CristoVerdad]
“May God bless those who keep his commandments!
“Get out of it, my people...” (REV. 18:4)
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And you will know the truth...
NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material.
Photos—if any, also expand the content: videos, news, links, etc.
[d]1Adventist World Church Votes on Transgenderism [NEWS, Adventist Church]
[d]2 [CV] Adventist World Church Votes on Transgenderism [DOCUMENT, CristoVerdad]
[m]1 History of Adventist guidelines on abortion. [LINK, HeWantsFruits]
[m]2Abortion: history of Adventist guidelines[LINK, Ministry Magazine]
[1]a “Seventh” Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 1: THE Ostrich Syndrome
[1]b “Seventh” Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 2: Apologetic Distortion [VIDEO 2:27:33, CristoVerdad]
[1]c BABYLON EIGHTH Day Adventist, Part 3: Worshiping “Our” God [VIDEO 1:35:31, CristoVerdad]
[2] ABORTION, Guidelines [LINK, Adventist Church]
[3] Abortion: Adventists do not oppose the project but demand freedom of conscience
[5] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Univ. Loma Linda and the Adventist Church [LINK, CristoVerdad]
[6] Why do Adventists support abortion? [Spanish] [VIDEO 00:19:02, CristoVerdad]
[7]to David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — [VIDEO 24:11, CristoVerdad]
[12] Sunday Worship in the Adventist Church [BOOK, Adventist Church]
[13] The Catholic Creed That Changed a People, The Adventist Church, 2005 [BOOK, Adventist Church]
[16] Adventist Magazine and the Ordination of Women [MAGAZINE, Adventist Church]
[17] If You Kill — Abortion, THE HYDE AMENDMENT and The Adventist Church [NEWS, El Nacional]
[19] Abortion, The Adventist Church and Your Conscience [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[21] Abortion Opponents Picket Two Hospitals [NEWS, Washington Post]
[23] Abortion Opponents Picket Two Hospitals [LINK, Washington Post]
[25] Adventist Church, An Honest Church [STUDIO, CristoVerdad]
[26] Two Adventist pastors make a difference in Cuba [MAGAZINE, Adventist Church]
[27] The Trademark of God and the Mark of the Beast [STUDIO, CristoVerdad]
[28] Whales and the End of Time [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[29] Christ and His Law, According to the Adventist Church [BROCHURE, Adventist Church]
[30] THE CORONA-Adventist, a Pandemic of Yesterday and Today [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[31] Dos Noticias [VIDEO 00:21:24, CristoVerdad]
[32] Irrefutable Text of the Day [ESTUDIOS, CristoVerdad]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
[e] Sabbath School for Homosexuals, Adventist Church [STUDIO, CristoVerdad]
[g] ABORTION AND BEAUTY, Massacre and Aesthetics in the Adventist Church [LINK, Adventist Church]
[h] “Seventh” Day Adventist ABORTION: The Two Lords [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[i] I Don't Care”, El Pensar Adventista [STUDIO, CristoVerdad
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So because of JUDAS you throw away the church of Jesus (apostles)?????
your logic lacks a solid argument
Greetings Hugo. Could you rephrase your question so I can understand what you are saying? What is your reference point?
Another thing, we never talk about logic, but rather about what is written. Please stay in writing.
Hugo, this study has been updated and we leave some questions for you. We recommend that you read it again,