[9:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You see you just like to ask more you don't answer
[9:05 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Did heaven and earth pass?
If you keep holding on to your mistake, you will lose yourself.
4Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; for sin is a violation of the law. —1 JOHN 3:4
[9:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
I'm not going to answer you anymore, you never wanted to answer, my question.
[9:06 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier You're going to lose. You should have gone with Luisito Toro…
[9:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
I will not answer you anymore end of the Debate
[9:06 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Tell me, What parish do you congregate in?
[9:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You are not reasonable
[9:07 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
The Day of Resurrection: The New Creation
2174 Jesus rose from the dead “on the first day of the week” (Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1). As it is the “first day”, The day of Christ's Resurrection remembers the first creation. As it is the “eighth day,” which follows Saturday (cf Mc 16, 1; Mt 28, 1), It means the new creation inaugurated with the resurrection of Christ. For Christians it became the first of all days, the first of all festivals, the day of the Lord (Hè kyriakè hèmera, dies dominica), on Sunday:"
"We all get together the day of the sun because it is the first day [after the Jewish Sabbath,[/su_highlight] but also the first day], on which God, bringing matter out of darkness, created the world; that same day, Jesus Christ… —CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Art. 2174 [4]The Day of Resurrection: the New Creation
[LINK, The Vatican]
[9:07 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier You are a worshiper of the sun god.
[9:07 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
[9:07 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Yeah!
I'm okay with that. I've already done my job.
[9:07 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
No, you don't answer my question.
[9:08 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
If I can't tolerate the light, you can kick me out of the group. I'm glad to go. I already fulfilled God.
[9:08 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Matthew 12:5
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier Should you expand that text a little more. Let me help you-
5Or have you not read in the law, how on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless? 6Q I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. 7And if you knew what it means: I want mercy, and not sacrifice, you would not condemn the innocent; 8 for the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. —MATHEW 12:5-8
[9:08 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
What does bird say? Explain to me
[9:08 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Did you so soon forget the lesson of mercy I gave you?
23Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and you leave the most important part of the law: justice, mercy and faith. This was necessary to do, without stopping doing that —MATHEW 23:23
5For those who are of the flesh think about the things of the flesh; but those who are of the Spirit, in the things of the Spirit. 6Because to be concerned with the flesh is death, but to be concerned with the Spirit is life and peace. 7Because the counsels of the flesh are enmity against God; because they are not subject to the law of God, nor can they. —ROMANS 8:5-7
[9:08 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Explain to me, EXPLAIN TO ME. That's Pablo, and he says that you live in the flesh for not keeping the law, and that in this way you have no way of grasping God.
[9:09 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
What does Matthew 12:5 talk about?
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
23Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and you leave the most important thing in the law: justice, THE MERCY and faith. This was necessary to do, without stopping doing that —MATHEW 23:23
12For all who have sinned without law, Without law they will also perish; and all who have sinned under the law, by the law they will be judged; 13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:12-13
[9:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) The priests considered the Sabbath not sacred and no one judges them.
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
That statement is false. Jesus is talking about mercy. There was a work that also needed to be done on the Sabbath. An example of this was circumcision of boys on the eighth dayof birth (ACTS 7:8), and do good to the needy. If the eighth day fell on a Saturday, it had to be done, because this was also God's order. “I want mercy and not sacrifice.”
Remember that “the most important things in the law were faith, mercy, and justice,” something that the Pharisees and priests of that time did not comply with. That is why Jesus did not come to violate the law but to fulfill it. That is, to teach us how to fulfill it, since they had forgotten about justice, faith and—particularly,
3Jesus entered the synagogue again; and there was a man there whose hand was withered. 2And they watched him to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath day, so that they could accuse him. 3Then he said to the man who had the withered hand, “Get up and stand in the middle.” 4And he told them: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good? [MERCY], or do wrong; save the life [MERCY], or remove it? But they were silent [LACK OFMERCY]. 5Then looking around angrily [FOR ITS LACK OF MERCY], saddened by the hardness of their hearts [LACK OF MERCY], He said to the man: Stretch out your hand. And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored whole. [MERCY]. 6 And the Pharisees went out and took counsel with the Herodians against him to destroy him. [FOR HIS LACK OF MERCY].
[9:10 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
It's too much evidence. I am not your enemy. I am presenting you the truth, but you want to cling to the error. I guarantee you that you will get lost if you continue down that path. Take your fight against God, not with me. This is not personal. It is the word of God against the word of the devil—menirous from the beginning (JOHN 8:44).
[9:11 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
We do not keep one day a week as the Sabbath, because the Bible says that requirement “was to be done away with” (2 Cor. 3:7-11; see comments regarding this on page 337).' 2) 'But there is a Sabbath which we keep regularly (Heb. 4:4-11)
The one who will judge will be God. Don't think you're going to do better with God than with me.. Your future doesn't look bright.
[9:12 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
So the law wasn't for that? You see that you contradict yourself
I win
[9:12 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and you leave the most important part of the law: justice, mercy and faith. This was necessary to do, without stopping doing that. —MATHEW 23:23
No, you won't be better off.
[9:12 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Nothing you say you already lost
[9:13 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Yes of course. You earned your downfall.
[9:13 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You could never answer my question
[9:13 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Who speaks in the Apocalypse?
[9:13 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Does the law bring us closer to Christ or separate us?
[9:13 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You have no answer
[9:13 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 1The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his servants the things that must soon take place; and he declared it by sending it by his angel to his servant John,—REVELATION 1:1
[9:14 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
So what
[9:14 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Revelation 22:14-16
14Blessed are those who KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, *to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city. 15But the dogs will be outside, and the sorcerers, the fornicators, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and makes lies. 16AND or Jesus I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star. —REVELATION 22:14-15
Connect the dots...that, if you can see the points!
[9:14 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Answer me the question first. Hahaha you look like a broken record
[9:14 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Jesus says that if you do not keep his law, do not dress, because you are not going to heaven. And I don't have to get out of there. This is the last book of the Bible, and the last chapter, and speaks of the law of God!
[9:15 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You never answered my question Does the law bring us closer to Christ or separate us? Why are you afraid to respond?
[9:16 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
It's just that I didn't want to break your heart so soon, because when you die that is the “gem” you bring. But, let's close this:
“The law” brings us together and separates us. of Christ. That's my answer, although I gave you that answer practically from the beginning, but where there is no discernment, won't sin be imputed?—well, no (HOSEA 4:6).
[9:16 PM, 9/17/2019] Rafael Who was the law of the 10 commandments for? ?
[9:16 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 19And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of his covenant was seen in the temple. And there were lightning, voices, thunder, an earthquake and great hail. -APOCALYPSE. 11:19
[9:17 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Answer my question. Brings us closer or separates us
[9:18 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Raphael, The law of the ten commandments has two primary functions: 1) SALVATION, to the one who keeps it, getting closer to God that way (APC. 14:12, 1JOHN 3:6) and 2) DAMNATION, making—effectively, one with the devil to the one who rapes her (1 JOHN 3:8), as is the case with people like this wicked man named Alex.—
8But we know that the law is good, if one uses it legitimately; 9Knowing this, that the law was not given for the righteous, but for the transgressors and the disobedient, for the wicked and sinners, for the irreverent and profane, for the parricides and matricides, for the murderers, 10for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars and perjurers, and for everything that opposes sound doctrine, 11according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which has been committed to me. —1 TIMOTHY 1:8-11
[9:18 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
There is.
[9:18 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
you are lost goodbye sir
[9:18 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
I already answered the famous question, “the law” brings us closer and separates us from Christ. Dual function. Can you beat him?
[9:19 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You are separated from Christ you are not a Christian goodbye sir excellent night
[9:19 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
You do not read?
[9:20 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
No, it was already said that you are separated from Christ if you remain under the law.
You're not a Christian, goodbye.
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier You are the most inept and ignorant thing I have ever seen in my life. But I am here to serve and not to be served. Let's see-
“The law,” when kept, brings us closer to Christ. After all, “the end of the law is Christ,” right?—
2And he is the propitiation for our sins; and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world. 3And in this we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 4He who says: I know him, and does not keep his commandments, such a one is a liar, and the truth is not in him; 5But whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God has been perfected; By this we know that we are in him.—1 JOHN 2:2-5
It seems to me that I am talking to a preschooler. Well, no way—
10 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; just as I have kept my Father's commandments, and remain in his love. —JOHN 15:10
If you will keep—friend, if you will keep.
“The law,” when violated, not only distances us, but separates us from Christ—
23 because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, 24being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,—ROMANS 3:21-24
And what is sin?
4Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; for sin is a violation of the law.
6Whoever abides in him does not sin; everyone who sins has not seen him or known him. 7Little children, let no one deceive you; He who does justice is just, as he is just. 8He who practices sin is of the devil; because the devil sin from the beginning. For this the Son of God appeared, to undo the works of the devil. 9 Everyone who is born of God does not practice sin, because the seed of God remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. —1 JOHN 3:6-9
Do you understand now, or do you need more?
8But we know that the law is good, if one uses it legitimately; 9Knowing this, that the law was not given for the righteous, but for the transgressors and the disobedient, for the wicked and sinners, for the irreverent and profane, for the parricides and matricides, for the murderers, 10for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars and perjurers, and for everything that opposes sound doctrine, 11according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which has been committed to me. —1 TIMOTHY 1:8-11
[9:21 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 25For truly circumcision benefits, if you keep the law; But if you are a transgressor of the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision. 26If then the uncircumcised man keeps the ordinances of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? 27And he who is physically uncircumcised, but perfectly keeps the law, will condemn you, who by the letter of the law and by circumcision are a transgressor of the law. —ROMANS 2:25-27
I'm just refreshing your memory. Well, or at least I'm trying to put something into that thing inside your head that you call your brain. But remember that evolution is a false theory, and that Nothing will ever come out of nothing!
[9:21 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
The law you talked about all this time separates you from Christ
[9:21 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
I had already answered you. No, inept, what separates you from Christ is that you violate the law that he told you to keep as proof of your love for him (JOHN 14:15). If you don't keep it, it's because you don't love him. And if you don't love him, believe me, you're out of his grace..
[9:21 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
[9:21 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier I expected to be challenged. But it has NOT happened.
Bring what you have.
[9:21 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
To continue with the law the law ended Romans:10:4
[9:22 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 4because the end of the law is Christ, for righteousness to everyone who believes. —ROMANS 10:4
Have you ever read Romans 13:10?
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier 8I am the Alpha and the Omega, principle and end, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.
Those words were spoken by Jesus himself. Is Jesus the end of himself? Is the end always the end? Do you have any end in the life?
[9:22 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
You mean perfect!
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, that converts the soul; The testimony of Jehovah is faithful, making wise the simple.—PSALMS 19:9
[9:23 PM, 9/17/2019] Rafael
And who was this for?
Acts 21:25 But as for the Gentiles who have believed, we have written to them determining that they should not keep any of these things; only that they abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from drowning, and from fornication.
[9:23 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Who did Paul preach to?
Did you read the entire chapter Rafael? Let's expand that text a little, and you will see—as always, the Bible explains itself.
Riot in the Temple
18 And the next day Pablo He went in with us to see James, and all the elders were gathered; 19 To whom, after having greeted them, he told them one by one the things that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. 20 When they heard it, they glorified God, and said to him: You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are who have believed; and all are zealous for the law. 21 But they have been informed about you, that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to apostatize from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children, nor observe the customs. 22 What is there then? The multitude will surely gather, for they will hear that you have come. 23 Do, then, what we tell you: There are four men among us who are obliged to fulfill their vow. 24 Take them with you, purify yourself with them, and pays their expenses to have their heads shaved; and everyone will understand that there is nothing they were told about you, but you also walk orderly, keeping the law. 25 But as for the Gentiles who have believed, We have written to them determining that they should not keep any of this; only that they abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from drowning, and from fornication. 26 So Paul took those men with him, and the next day, having purified himself with them, he entered the temple, to announce the fulfillment of the days of purification, when the offering was to be presented for each of them. 27 But when the seven days were almost over, some Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the entire crowd. and they laid hands on him, 28 shouting: Men of Israel, help! This is the man who everywhere teaches everyone against the people, the law and this place; and besides this, he has brought Greeks into the temple, and has desecrated this holy place. 29 For they had previously seen Trophimus of Ephesus with him in the city, whom they thought Paul had brought into the temple. 30 So the whole city was moved, and the people gathered together; and seizing Paul, they dragged him out of the temple, and immediately closed the doors. 31And while they sought to kill him, the tribune of the company was told that the entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar. ——ACTS 21:18-31
I could go into more detail about this Rafael, but I'm just going to say the following: Pablo was the victim of gossip.
[9:25 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You ignore Galatians 5:4
[9:25 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:13
Does Paul contradict himself, are you not understanding Paul?
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Why is your friend attacking me in private, you ordered it!
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 4You have separated yourselves from Christ, you who are justified by the law; from grace you have fallen. —GALATIANS 5:4
13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:13
One more time, Does Paul contradict himself, are you not understanding Paul? Tell me, is Pablo contradicting himself, or you are not understanding.
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You can't alone or what
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Do you know what the ceremonial law is?
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Because they are so
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier You know that?
[9:26 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
[9:27 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:13
Does Paul contradict himself, are you not understanding Paul?
[9:27 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Hahaha copy and paste you don't give one
[9:27 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:13
Does Paul contradict himself, are you not understanding Paul?
I don't know what you guys are talking about.
13because it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified. —ROMANS 2:13
Does Paul contradict himself, are you not understanding Paul?
Explain to me.
22 For according to the inner man, I delight in the law of God; 23But I see ANOTHER LAW in my members, that rebels against the law of my mind, and that takes me captive to THE LAW OF SIN which is in my members. —ROMANS7:22-23
Do you understand that?
[9:29 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha you only know how to ask but you don't answer Let's sleep now
[9:30 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 22 For according to the inner man, I delight in the law of God; 23But I see ANOTHER LAW in my members, that rebels against the law of my mind, and that takes me captive to THE LAW OF SIN which is in my members. —ROMANS 7:22-23
Does Paul contradict himself, are you not understanding Paul?
[9:30 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
What is the text of apocalypse? What are you saying ?
[9:30 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Who will be justified?
[9:31 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Answer me. The text of apocalypse
[9:31 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier What text? You have not explained Apoc to me. 22:15.
[9:32 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Revelation where he talks about the law of Christ and the commandments of God
[9:32 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
That is? I tell you, I don't have a Bible on hand. tell me what he says
[9:33 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 14Here is the patience of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. —REVELATION 14:12
[9:33 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Yes, one of them. Explain it. Here's the other one, the one I was asking you about earlier—
15But the dogs they will be out , and sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and tells lies. —APOC. 14:12
Who will be left out of the kingdom?
[9:34 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Is it 14:12?
[9:34 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
You ask. I don't know what text you are referring to.
[9:35 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
If that's it I think
[9:35 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
If you don't have a Bible, that's not my problem. I'm not a fortune teller. It wouldn't make any difference though. You have the same errors with Bible or without Bible.
[9:36 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 12Here is the patience of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. —APC. 14:12
Who goes to heaven?
[9:36 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
That's what my translation says
[9:37 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 14 Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. HEBREWS 12:14
[9:38 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Talk about the faith of Jesus
[9:38 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
It is the same, although that is a very strange translation. But it also says it there… “THOSE WHO OBSERVE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD”
[9:39 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Which Ten?
[9:39 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier ISA. 28:10, 13 Here is the answer.
Who is the devil chasing?
18And he gave Moses, when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, two tablets of testimony, stone tablets written with the finger of God. —EXODUS 18:31
28And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; He ate no bread, nor drank water; and wrote the words of the covenant on tablets, the ten Commandments. —EXODUS 34:28
[9:41 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier APC. 22:15 I'll give you the answer. Remember, which are the ten... it's one book. It's the same story.
[9:41 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
The word commandment is generic John 13:34,35
[9:42 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
OK, Explain to me Revelation[is 22:15. Who does not enter the kingdom of God?
[9:42 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
I don't know how it refers to the decalogue specifically.
[9:42 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
I'm going to help you—
13The word, therefore, of Jehovah It will be commandment after commandment to them, mandate upon mandate, line after line, line upon line, a little there, a little there; until they go and fall on their backs, and are broken, bound, and taken. ISAIAH 28:13
[9:43 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
There it does not specify the 10 commandments either.
[9:43 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Read Revelation 22:14, and then 22:15. You're not connecting, friend.
[9:43 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
And if it is taken literally, then it would be necessary to comply with all the 600 laws of the Mosaic law.
[9:43 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier We are talking about the law of God—the ten Commandments. If you don't know anything about ceremonial law, it's better not to get involved in that field. When you don't know something, you stay silent.
And yes, Revelation 22:14-15 refers to the decalogue. If you need me to show you, just tell me. There is no sin in not knowing something. You are not taught these things in those sects that meet. So I know how to understand.
[9:44 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
BAD'1989, Bible up to date, 1989
Is 28:10-1310 Children who repeat: “a?b?c?ch?d, a?e?i?o?u, a little here, a little there”?»
11Well then, God will speak to this people with mocking lips and strange tongues,
12 people to whom he said, “This is the place of rest; let the weary rest"; and also: "This is the place of rest." But they didn't want to listen!
13 For the word of the Lord to them will also be: “á?b?c?ch?d, a?e?i?o?u, here a little, there a little.” So that they may turn backwards when they walk, and become injured, tangled and trapped.
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier Isaiah 28:10-13 is simply commanding you to “search the writings,” something you are not doing.
[9:44 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You are going to continue insulting.
It is just the bad translation of the Queen Valera, in this version there is nothing that suggests keeping the Sabbath
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
It's just that you don't have a single drop of discernment in your head. That text does not talk about the Sabbath, but it gives you the key to understanding APC. 22:14-15. He is telling you to search the scripture and compare scripture with scripture. It seems to me that I am talking to a 5-year-old child, or someone who has never held a Bible in their hands.
[9:45 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Go go to Google
[9:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
I am going to explain Revelation 22:14-16 to you since obviously you will never be able to discern it, although it is very simple. Let's see-
14Blessed are those who KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to be entitled to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates in the city. 15But the[1] dogs they will be out , [2] and the sorcerers, [3] the fornicators, [4]the murderers, [5]the idolaters, and [6] everyone who loves and makes lies. 16 I Jesus I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the linage of David, the bright and morning star. —REVELATION 22:14-16
Ok, Revelation 14 tells us that to get to heaven we must keep God's commandments—that is, his holy law. (EXD. 20:1-17). It is true—as you say, that the word commandments can be a generic term, but not in this case. Like any text, you have to understand its context. And verse 15 gives us that context. Pay attention to the numbers I put in square brackets.
Apocalypse. 22:14 gives us the characteristics we must have to reach heaven. And verse 22:15 gives us the characteristics of those who will not arrive [enter] his kingdom. Let's analyze each number in brackets—
THE COMMANDMENTS AND THE LAW (Revelation 22:14-15)
[1] The Dogs: Dogs, that is, homosexuals, will not enter the kingdom of God, since homosexuality violates several of the commandments of the Decalogue (5th,7th, 2nd, 4th, 10). Deuteronomy 23:17-18 gives you the context of the “Dogs" from Revelation 22:15, [2] The sorcerers: Well, it goes without saying that witchcraft violates the law of God (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) [3] The fornicators: Fornication and adultery are the same sin, in varied circumstances. (9th, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 3rd) [4] the murderers: Is there a need to describe this sin? (6th, 4th, 5th, 1st) [5] The idolaters: Like sorcerers, this group is condemned by law (2nd, 1st, 4th) [6] Everyone who loves and makes a lie: liars violate the 9th commandment directly (9), and by extension, the other 9 commandments, since any deviation from what was established by God in the law (and all his word), is a lie. For example, it is a lie that homosexual marriage is approved by God (5th, 7th,2nd, 4th), as it is also a lie that God approves the worship of Mary or any other idol, and that Sunday is the Lord's day.
So, YEAH, Revelation 22:15 makes explicit and implicit mention of the law of God, and which is also the opposite of Revelation 22:14; so we have that “the commandments” referred to in verse 22:14 is a direct reference to the law of Sinai—the ten commandments. And to close with a flourish, Revelation 22:16 gives us the signature of the one who spoke these words. That is to say, from him who gave that same law!
13The word therefore of Jehovah [his_highlight background=”#fff621″ color=”#313131″]to them will be commandment after commandment,[/su_highlight] command upon command, line after line, line upon line, a little there, a little there; until they go and fall on their backs, and are broken, bound, and taken. ISAIAH 28:13
Line upon line, as the Bible says, friend. Can you see the dots now?… Can you connect them too?
[9:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
I'm going to give you a key, on what day was it that John received the first vision of the Apocalypse?
All churches are sects. It's not an insult, it's the truth. The Bible says it (ISA. 4:1, APC. 14:4). All denominations are sects. I haven't just said that to you, and you know it. I've said it here since day one.
[9:47 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Which of these commandments must be kept?
[9:48 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
ALL (James 2:15)
[9:48 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Answer me
[9:48 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier ALL (James 2:15). How many commandments did God say to break? Answer me.
Now explain Isaiah 66:22-23 to me
[9:50 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Then you show them Matthew 24:14
[EDITION] José Luis Javier It really bothers me to keep repeating the same thing, but friend, You are gross!
Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” (JOHN 14:15). That's part of the evengalelium too. Or are you going to teach the world to love the devil?
And one thing that I will never fully understand is how the Bible continues to talk about something until its last page, when that was abolished long before? How long after the death of Jesus did Paul and John write?
[9:50 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
There was a change of law now we are under the law of Christ
[9:51 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Yes of course. Rome changed it and gave it to all of you. Am I not telling you that you are Catholic, friend?
[9:51 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
And the law of Christ does not say that we must keep the Sabbath
[9:51 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier “If you love me, keep my commandments” You are brutal, my friend.
The Day of Resurrection: The New Creation
2174 Jesus rose from the dead “on the first day of the week” (Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1). As it is the “first day”, The day of Christ's Resurrection remembers the first creation. As it is the “eighth day,” which follows Saturday (cf Mc 16, 1; Mt 28, 1), It means the new creation inaugurated with the resurrection of Christ. For Christians it became the first of all days, the first of all festivals, the day of the Lord (Hè kyriakè hèmera, dies dominica), on Sunday:"
"We all get together the day of the sun because it is the first day [after the Jewish Sabbath,[/su_highlight] but also the first day], on which God, bringing matter out of darkness, created the world; that same day, Jesus Christ… —CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Art. 2174[4]The Day of Resurrection: the New Creation
[LINK, The Vatican]
[9:52 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
That is what the Catholic Church says, and you have accepted it... That makes each of you Catholic. He who steals is called a thief; and he who follows Catholic doctrines, Catholic
But God already warned...
[9:52 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Copy and paste from Google great is your wisdom
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier Let's assume for a moment that if I'm copying from Google as you say, if I'm presenting you with the truth, what does it matter? Furthermore, I prefer to copy and paste rather than say the stupidities and barbarities that you have commented here, and that—with Bible in hands, I have refuted you. You're inept, that's what you are. You love lies, and as such you are going to get lost (APC. 22:15). This is what you love—
1. “Does the [Catholic] church have the power to make modifications to God's commandments? Instead of the seventh day and other festivals designated by the previous law, The church has decreed Sundays and holy days to be kept for the worship of God; and these we are now obliged to keep in consequence of the commandment of God, instead of the old Sabbath.” —Excellency Reverend Dr. Challoner, p. 211. [Compilation of Christian Doctrine]
2. How do you prove that the church has the power to command holidays and holy days? By the act of change from Saturday to Sunday, which Protestants allow; and, for which they affectionately contradict each other, keeping Sunday strictly, and breaking most of the other festivals commanded by the same Church. How do you check this?Because by keeping Sunday, they recognize the power of the Church to organize the parties and the command to be under sin; and not to save the rest [of the festivals] commanded by her, in fact they deny, once again, the same power.” —Rev. Henry Tuberville, DD (RC), (1833), p. 58. Compilation of Christian Doctrine
3. “Do you have any other way to demonstrate that the church has the power to institute holy days of obligation? Had she not had such power, she could not have done it with which all modern religious people agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no biblical authority.” — Doctrinal Catechism, Rev. Stephen Keenan, (1851), p.174.[6]Catholic Church and Its Power to Change the Law —Doctrinal Catechism, Rev. Stephen Keenan, (1851),
[LINK, Bible Light
5. Great Power They [Catholics] allege that Saturday was changed to Sunday, the Lord's Day, contrary to the Decalogue, as it appears; Nor is there any more striking example than the change of the Sabbath day. Great, they say, is the power and authority of the Church, since it abolished one of the ten commandments. [7]Great Power of the Catholic Church to Change the Sabbath, Augsburg Confession, Art. 28
[LINK, Believe] — Augsburg Confession, Article 28
25And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will break the saints of the Most High, and will think about changing the times and the law; and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, and times, and half a time. DANIEL 7:25
[9:53 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Rome or God?
[9:53 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier ROME.
The Bible warns about it and you still don't understand—or don't want to understand. That's what happens to them for following sects. You follow the same Sabbath day as Rome, and that doesn't turn your brain on. Could it be that they don't have them?
Have you never asked yourself why? Since when does God's things resemble those of the devil? Does God imitate the devil, or does the devil imitate God? Since when does the majority follow God?
58This is the bread that came down from heaven; not as your fathers ate the manna and died; He who eats this bread will live forever. 59These things he said in the synagogue, teaching in Capernaum. 60When many of his disciples heard them, they said: This is a hard word; who can hear it? […]
66Since then Many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. —JOHN 6:59-60, 66
Explain to me ISAIAH 66:22-23
[9:54 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
I have never stated that Sunday is the Lord's day, that is a fallacy of hasty generalization.
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier And why then do you congregate in a Sunday Church—on Sundays?
[9:54 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 22Because like the new heavens and the new earth that I do will remain before me, says the LORD, so shall your descendants and your name remain. 23And from month to month, and from Sabbath day to Sabbath day, ALL FLESH WILL COME TO WORSHIP before me, says the Lord. —ISAIAH 66:22-23
There it says that the Sabbath will be kept for eternity, for all flesh. I didn't make that up, my friend. You are defending man's doctrines.
[9:55 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Ausejo, Seraphim of Ausejo, 1975 Ro 7:6-7 6but now, by dying to that which imprisoned us, we have become free from that law, so that we serve in the new regime of the Spirit, and not in the old regime of the written letter.7 What shall we say then? That the law is sin? Do not even think about it! But the truth is I have not known sin except through the law. Because I would not have known what covetousness was if the law had not told me: You shall not covet.
What do you understand by disobliging?
[9:56 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 8This people of lips honors me; But, his heart is away from me. 9 Well, they honor me in vain, Teaching as doctrines, commandments of men. —MATHEW 15:8-9
[9:56 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Ausejo, Seraphim of Ausejo, 1975 Ro 7:6-7 6but now, by dying to that which imprisoned us, we have become free from that law, so that we serve in the new regime of the Spirit, and not in the old regime of the written letter.7 What shall we say then? That the law is sin? Do not even think about it! But the truth is I have not known sin except through the law. Because I would not have known what covetousness was if the law had not told me: You shall not covet.
[9:56 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
How many laws does Romans 7 talk about?
[9:57 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Paul gives that example the tenth commandment, why?
Of the Ten Commandments
[9:57 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Not… Or rather, yes and no. Because there are always two laws (or more).
[9:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Why does he put the tenth commandment as an example of the law of which they have been disobliged. You understand. What do you understand by that word?
[9:58 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Two laws: 1. When you keep (God's Law), and 2. When it is violated (law of Sin).
[9:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Let me explain the word unobligated
[10:00 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
I think I already gave you the tetxo, but I'll give it to you again...
[10:00 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
I am waiting for your answer What does the word disobliged mean?
[10:00 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Disassociated, you no longer have an obligation to that.
[10:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Ok so that happened with the law and the Ten Commandments okay? you said it yourself
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier Where does God say, and where do I say that we are disenfranchised by the law? I only gave you the definition of unbound that you asked for, not that it applies to God's law, good pervert.
[10:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Ausejo, Seraphim of Ausejo, 1975 Ro 7:6-7 6but now, by dying to that which imprisoned us, we have become free from that law, so that we serve in the new regime of the Spirit, and not in the old regime of the written letter.7 What shall we say then? That the law is sin? Do not even think about it! But the truth is I have not known sin except through the law. Because I would not have known what covetousness was if the law had not told me: You shall not covet.
Honestly, you are an animal, and animals forgive me, because I don't think they are as brutal as you. The same text tells you the gloriousness of the law, which converts the soul (PSA. 19:7).
[10:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Would you not covet it from the Ten Commandments?
[10:01 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
You are not connected [as always], something super simple.
[10:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Of course the tenth
[10:02 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Paul is talking about two laws, and you have soup on your head. I refute it with him in Romans 7:
[10:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Ausejo, Seraphim of Ausejo, 1975 Jr 31:31-33 31 Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a new alliance with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. 32 Not like the covenant I sealed with your fathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. They broke my alliance, and I treated them as lord - declares Yahweh -. 33 This will be the alliance that I will seal with the house of Israel, after those days - declares the LORD -: I put my law within them and write it on their hearts; I will be their God and they will be my people.
[10:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
But why use that example. Keep searching on Google
Tell me where it is written you should not covet?
[10:08 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
I will call you Mr Google
[EDITION] José Luis Javier Don't worry, go ahead. Google is a virtual encyclopedia where you have access to practically all the information in the complete history of humanity. Even the complete Bible is on Google, in all existing and future versions. I think there is wisdom in that. Instead to you, I will continue calling you inept and sheep, inept.
[10:11 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier 6But now we are free from the law, having died to that to which we were subject, so that we serve under the new regime of the Spirit and not under the old regime of the letter.
[10:08 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) The sin that dwells in me
7 What shall we say then? Is the law a sin? In no way. [2] But I did not know sin except through the law; for neither would I know covetousness, unless the law said, Thou shalt not covet.
8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, produced in me all covetousness; because without the law sin is dead.
9 And I once lived without the law; But when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.
10 And I found that the same commandment that was for life, proved for me to be death;
11 because sin, taking occasion by the commandment,…[10:12 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Ausejo, Seraphim of Ausejo, 1975
Col 2:16
Therefore, let no one criticize you in matters of food or drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
There are three laws. Verse 14 says the law is spiritual [ROM. 7:14]. The law of sin also verse 25 [ROM. 7:25]
[10:11 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
[10:17 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
You let me listen to your audio and then send another one, don't be a chapulín, give me time ok
Romans 7:6,7 talks about the ten commandments.
Verse 14 talks about the law of the spirit
Verse 25 talks about the law of sin
There are three laws????????????. And he didn't say anything ????????
You only repeat sects like a parrot??
Tell me where Paul quotes Romans 7:7 from before continuing.
[10:17 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Don't leave me without an answer. Better written. I waste time listening to the audio. The first part is a lie, verse 6 talks about the law the decalogue. He's stirring them up. Nobody said that the law is cursed, You made that up. We only said that there was a change in the law. We are under the rule of the spirit or that of Christ
[10:17 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier Your clumsiness has no limits. Does Christ call us to be spiritual or worldly?
16I say therefore: Walk in the Spirit, and do not fulfill the desires of the flesh. 17For the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the desire of the Spirit is against the flesh; and these are opposed to each other, so that you do not do what you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20idolatry, witchcraft, enmities, strife, jealousy, wrath, strife, dissensions, heresies, 21envy, murder, drunkenness, orgies, and things similar to these; about which I warn you, as I have told you before, that Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.—GALATIANS 5:16-21
7Because three are those who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
Are you guided by the spirit, or by the flesh?
5For those who are of the flesh think about the things of the flesh; but those who are of the Spirit, in the things of the Spirit. 6Because Caring for the flesh is death, but taking care of the Spirit is life and peace. 7For the mind of the flesh is enmity against God; because they are not subject to the law of God, nor can they; 8and those who live according to the flesh cannot please God. —ROMANS 8:5-8
The problem with you and the vast majority of sheep who congregate in “Protestant” churches is that they have championed Paul's writings to defend their heresies. But Paul is for thinking and spiritual minds, not for inept people like you. That's why they always make mistakes. But God has a warning for you—
15And know that the patience of our Lord is for salvation; as well as our beloved brother Pablo, According to the wisdom given to him, he has written to you, 16almost in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; between of which there are some difficult to understand, which the unlearned and unstable twist, as well as the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. —2 PETER 3:15-16
That is the path you have chosen, and no one takes you from there, no matter how impious.
[10:42 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
The beginning of verse 6 is very clear but now we are free from the law [ROM. 7:6] Man, see you tomorrow better. you never finished
[10:42 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Brother [I correct, friend], with all due respect, leave your mediocrity.
[10:42 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Don't stain, give me a chance to listen, don't send more, wait
Ausejo, Seraphim of Ausejo, 1975 Rom 7:4 So, my brothers, you too were left dead to the law through the body of Christ, to actually belong to another: to the risen from the dead, so that we bear fruit for God.
[10:42 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Dead to the law of sin, inept.
Yes, there was a change… ROME
1. “Does the [Catholic] church have the power to make modifications to God's commandments? Instead of the seventh day and other festivals designated by the previous law, The church has decreed Sundays and holy days to be kept for the worship of God; and these we are now obliged to keep in consequence of the commandment of God, instead of the old Sabbath.” —Excellency Reverend Dr. Challoner, p. 211. [Compilation of Christian Doctrine]
2. How do you prove that the church has the power to command holidays and holy days?
By the act of change from Saturday to Sunday, which Protestants allow; and, by which they affectionately contradict each other, maintaining Sunday strictly, and breaking most of the other festivals commanded by the same Church. How do you check this? Because by keeping Sunday, they recognize the power of the Church to order the holidays and the command to be under sin; and not by keeping the rest [of the festivals] commanded by her, in fact they deny, once again, the same power.” —Rev. Henry Tuberville, DD (RC), (1833), p. 58. Compilation of Christian Doctrine
3. “Do you have any other way to demonstrate that the church has the power to institute holy days of obligation? Had she not had such power, she could not have done it with which all modern religious people agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no biblical authority.” — Doctrinal Catechism, Rev. Stephen Keenan, (1851), p.174.[6]Catholic Church and Its Power to Change the Law —Doctrinal Catechism, Rev. Stephen Keenan, (1851),
[LINK, Bible Light
5. Great Power They [Catholics] allege that Saturday was changed to Sunday, the Lord's Day, contrary to the Decalogue, as it appears; Nor is there any more striking example than the change of the Sabbath day. Great, they say, is the power and authority of the Church, since it abolished one of the ten commandments. — Augsburg Confession, Article 28[7]Great Power of the Catholic Church to Change the Sabbath, Augsburg Confession, Art. 28
[LINK, Believe]
2174 Jesus rose from the dead “on the first day of the week” (Mt 28, 1; Mk 16, 2; Lk 24, 1; Jn 20, 1). As it is the “first day”, The day of Christ's Resurrection remembers the first creation. As it is the “eighth day,” which follows Saturday (cf Mc 16, 1; Mt 28, 1), It means the new creation inaugurated with the resurrection of Christ. For Christians it became the first of all days, the first of all festivals, the day of the Lord (Hè kyriakè hèmera, dies dominica), on Sunday:"
"We all get together the day of the sun because it is the first day [after the Jewish Sabbath,[/su_highlight] but also the first day], on which God, bringing matter out of darkness, created the world; that same day, Jesus Christ…— CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Art. 2174 [4]The Day of Resurrection: the New Creation
[LINK, The Vatican]
[10:46 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Not Google
[10:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
[10:46 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical):
It does not matter. Let me hear your audio please ok
[10:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier:
It's not Google, that's my page, and the Vatican page, who you serve.
[10:47 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical):
Don't write, let me listen carefully
[10:47 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Read Article 2174 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Day of Resurrection: The New Creation
2174 Jesus rose from the dead “on the first day of the week” (Mt 28:1; Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1). As it is the “first day”, The day of Christ's Resurrection remembers the first creation. As it is the “eighth day,” which follows Saturday (cf Mc 16, 1; Mt 28, 1), It means the new creation inaugurated with the resurrection of Christ. For Christians it became the first of all days, the first of all festivals, the day of the Lord (Hè kyriakè hèmera, dies dominica), on Sunday:"
"We all get together the day of the sun because it is the first day [after the Jewish Sabbath,[/su_highlight] but also the first day], on which God, bringing matter out of darkness, created the world; that same day, Jesus Christ… —CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Art. 2174[4]The Day of Resurrection: the New Creation
[LINK, The Vatican]
[10:47 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Are you going to let me listen to the stupid things you sent?
[10:47 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier Ya, it's so good with so many pearls. I've finished now.
Listen to them [the audios].
[10:48 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
Or are you afraid that I will refute you?
[10:48 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier FORWARD!
[10:48 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
And who says that we do not comply with God's law?
[10:48 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) What we are showing you is now the law is spiritual, as they say??????
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
Another stupid thing that comes out of your mouth. It is not that there is another spiritual law, but that law is spiritual (ROM. 7:14).
[10:49 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
It refutes itself
[10:49 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
That is why Saturday as a written law no longer obligates us, now it remains a principle that invites us to give time to God every day XD.
Try to send audios of at least 2 minutes
[10:51 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Now Respond is the spiritual or Written law!
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier They really sabotaged your brain, or rather, they removed it.
25Because circumcision in truth benefits, if you keep the law; but if you rebel against the law, your circumcision is made uncircumcision. 26So that, If the uncircumcised man keeps the righteousness of the law, will not his uncircumcision be considered circumcision? 27And that which is uncircumcised by nature, perfectly keeping the law, he will judge you , that with the letter and with circumcision you are rebelling against the law. 28Because he who is openly Jewish is not a Jew; nor is circumcision that which is manifest in the flesh: 29But he is a Jew who is one on the inside; and circumcision is that of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; the praise of which is not of men, but of God. —ROMANS 2:25-29
I already told you, stop inventing with Pablo that Pablo is for people with brains. Friend, You are gross!
[10:51 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
The purpose of the Sabbath was that, to dedicate time to God
27He also said to them: The Sabbath was madebycauseof theman, and not the manbycauseof the resting day. —MARK 2:27
I mean, dedicating time to God is a bad thing, and as such, God eliminated it. Another nonsense!
13 [1] If you withhold your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your will on my holy day, [2] and you will call it a delight, holy, glorious of the Lord; [3] and you will venerate him, [4] not walking in your own paths, [5] nor seeking your will, [6] not even speaking your own words, 14so [7] you will delight in the Lord; and I will make you climb upon the heights of the earth, and I will give you the inheritance of Jacob your father to eat; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. —ISAIAH 58:13-14
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
[10:52 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Others can now participate. I should clutch my pearls and take them, but maybe there's someone in this place who isn't a pig. Maybe, just maybe.
I want mercy and not sacrifice!
[11:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier
Good night everyone.
< >
[EDITION] Jose Luis Javier
The Conversation continues. Alex debates with Miguel, and “enemies” unite in error to crucify the truth—Christ (JOHN 14:6). So, cAs a final note, I would like to point out that this “Bible” Studies group on WhatsApp is made up of people of different confessions, denominations and dogmatic variations on Scripture. Alex, for example, is evangelical, while the group presents a wide diversity of evangelicals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics of course, as well as other variants of Trinitarianism and Unitarianism, among others.
Given this diversity of beliefs and denominational affiliation, it is not surprising that there is much division among this group among its members. I have already debated a few of them. The interesting thing is that although the majority were “killing” each other, this same majority united to crucify Christ, in his truth—his holy law. (PSA.119:142). For example, you already saw how Teddy intervened in the conversation, and how Alex himself said that Tito Martinez. Tito is a character in the group whom practically all of them detest, Bus has a very bad moral reputation in the group. In the words of Teddy (Augustine) (Mormon)
[12:29 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) I agree with you José Luis this guy is AWESOME [12:29 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) And a son of Beelzebub [12:30 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) He got corrupted with money [12:30 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín)And he is a masturbator and looks at women with carnal desire [12:31 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) This is a puppet of Beelzebub Mr. Cochino Tito [12:32 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) No matter how much he talks to me about the Bible, I don't pay any attention to him, he is not the one who, being a sinful and heretical being, gives me lessons from God and the Bible, he only seeks PROTAGONISM, IN THE GROUPS HE IS A THEATREPER
Later in that conversation, Tito responds and the fight continues….
[3:41 PM, 9/10/2019] Tito Martinez That's the real old dirty mormonoid [3:41 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) No but of sinful masturbator you have all the winning tickets [3:42 PM, 9/10/2019] Tito Martinez Bartolero yes because about once a week I become a saint Bartola as God commands [3:42 PM, 9/10/2019] Tito Martinez and it is very healthy for the mind, body and spirit [3:45 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) tito bartolo [[3:42 PM, 9/10/2019] Tito Martinez: Look, hypocrite, who went to talk about a heretic, a son of Satan who teaches that God the Father has another God the Father over him.
That's just an example of how well those two get along in the group (which Alex manages). Alex was not far behind and made the following comment:
[4:46 PM, 9/10/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Everyone, even Roman Catholics, fears Tito Martínez, the best Apologist [5:12 PM, 9/10/2019] Teddy (Agustín) The best handjob you mean
OK, Alex—at best he's just being sarcastic. And at worst, he is agreeing with Tito Martinez that pornography and masturbation are actions sanctified by God. You judge, dear reader. However, during my debate with Alex he said that Tito humiliated me in a debate we had previously, which (the humiliation)—obviously, NEVER happened. But now he came out to defend Titus, because Titus is another one who says that “There is no Law”, and if there is no law, then pornography and masturbation—obviously, they are not condemned by the word of God—God himself…
A few days ago, Ariel Paz and I were going to have a debate about the “impersonality” of the Holy Spirit. Due to technical difficulties, Ariel and I were not able to have a video conference that we had agreed to. We both agreed to set a later date. I have to say that we had a very pleasant conversation, although we obviously have divided positions on that topic. Ariel is a oneness (Jesus is not God, nor is The Holy Spirit God). Since we haven't addressed the topic yet, I'm not going to expand on it. But Alex is an evangelical and Paz is a Jehovah's Witness.
After finishing this debate with Alex, you will have noticed his penultimate comment:
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] [Alex (Evangelical): Ariel peace, what happened to the debate about the holy spirit?
Alex is simply trying to find someone to do for me what he couldn't do in this debate, refute me. And he doesn't care if this person has different beliefs than him. Alex had even sent me a video where Ariel Paz is supposedly humiliated by a Catholic. During my debate with Alex, Ariel Paz wrote to me privately and said “Shabath shalom, Brother. The law of God is perpetual eternal.” So we see that Paz and Alex are at opposite poles.
And we see that the majority in this group put their differences aside, and united to attack the law of God, that is—crucify the truth. (PSA 119:142). We already have precedents in the Bible where this type of union has occurred in the past—
11Then Herod with his soldiers He despised and mocked him, dressing him in splendid clothing; and he sent him again to Pilate. 12And Pilate and Herod became friends that day; because before they were at enmity with each other .
That is the same strategy that Francisco Bergoglio has executed to unite all the “Christian” and even non-Christian confessions, such as Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and even Atheism. That is, let's put our differences aside and unite in error, in what he calls "Love."
The result of this union—and others—was the death of Christ on the Cross. They crucified “the truth” (JOHN 14:6), or at least, that's what they thought. Here I leave you the rest of the conversation in the group, completely unpublished.
[11:47 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical) ????
[10:53 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical)
It's just you and me or is it that you can't just block your friend Miguel is very nosy
[10:53 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: BEFORE THE TRUTH, LIONS BECOME CATS. The Spirit of Truth is far superior to that of ignorance and error. Before her any lion becomes a herd, and the cat, a MOUSE.
[10:53 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): If the debate is with You, it is with You, are my brothers writing to you privately right now?
[10:54 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: One more triumph for the Truth
[10:54 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Don't get involved or the debate ends here
[10:54 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): No triumph
[10:55 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: FINALLY:
[10:55 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Write well
[10:56 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Maybe in your mind there was no triumph, but it is obvious that there was a loser,….You
[10:57 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: You understood me...my keyboard is Google's garbage. Recommend me a good one
[10:57 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): I want José Luis where he is, why is he sending you as a babysitter?
[10:57 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: And so you do something well tonight
[10:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: His hands hurt giving you so many knockouts
[10:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): I remind you, the debate is not with Tigo, it is with José Luis
[10:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Ok, when I can respond hahaha coward
[10:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Do you want to debate with me now?
[10:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Isn't that enough for you?
[10:58 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): End of Debate
[10:59 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[10:59 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Now, end of the debate...
[10:59 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: The hanadores c write and see history….End
[10:59 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): It's not with Tigo, it's with José Luis
[11:00 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): José Luis and you are charlatans
[11:00 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I would try better. You will agree with me. Although I don't want to anymore. I trust you a lot.
[11:00 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: It's the pride.lp that you have breathing
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Of course what you say
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha Adventist
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: But we know how to defend the truth. You or your mistakes can't defend
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): They support abortion
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Are you an Adventist?
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha murderers
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Now I understand!!!!
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You keep the Sabbath
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Adventist, dad!!!
[11:01 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Your
[11:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not that ignorant, you are.
[11:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): No, you and José Luis are Sabbatarians
[11:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Get out of that SECT
[11:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You look for a church to defend jjj
[11:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You are pathetic
[11:02 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Adventist….
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: And your Adventist…
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): An ignorant person who is afraid to say what his church is
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: U tu Adventista
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Tell me what your sect is
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Respond
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: …
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): What is your sect?
[11:03 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: [11:03PM, 9/17/2019] hermo7777: U tu Adventista
[11:03PM, 9/17/2019] +52 1 241 136 2545: Tell me what your sect is
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): What is your cave where you come out with Bible in hand?
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): So what is your sect?
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Lawyer without a church hahaha
[11:04 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): I don't know what you're doing here
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Without church
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Without a pastor
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): And even worse without God
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Tell me what the name of your sect is
[11:05 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Tell me, answer, obey
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Obey
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): It's an order
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You feel sorry for others friend
[11:06 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:07 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Lawyer without a church hahaha
[11:07 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: I am not an Adventist...you are
[11:09 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: Finally, this is my sect:
Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
[11:09 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:09 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha elenista sabbatical Witt
[11:09 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Stop believing I'm Jewish
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Tell me what tribe you are from
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Likewise
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Jew hjj??
[11:10 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:11 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GOOD NIGHT!!!!! THE TRUTH, DEAR, THE TRUTH!!!!
[11:11 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha, where is your sect based, who founded it?
[11:12 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha yes of course go make animal sacrifice
[11:13 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Yes, why don't you keep the Sabbath jjjj
[11:14 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Go to sleep, dream that you are kissing the walls of Jerusalem??
[11:15 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Do you want to debate?
[11:15 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Now yes
[11:15 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Tell me the question
[11:16 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: GO TO SLEEP, SO YOU REPLACE. I WILL MAKE IT TO YOU TOMORROW…
[11:16 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hail your apocalyptic question jjj
[11:16 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha go search on Google
[11:16 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): With José Mr Google
Whenever you can!!!!
[11:17 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha
[11:17 PM, 9/17/2019] Miguelin H. Javier: UNTIL TOMORROW!!!!
[11:18 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Stupid questions
[11:18 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): Ave, answer me this
[11:18 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Hahahaha, start investigating.
[11:18 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
[11:18 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: The question is serious. Let's see how illustrious you are.
[11:19 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Shut up, coward, I'm not going to debate with you again, you never need help, you can't do it alone
[11:19 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Ah, the answer to what Hermo asked you is not on Google
[11:19 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: It's in the Bible.
[11:20 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Now, I won't give you any more clues.
[11:20 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: It's been a long time since I finished. Nobody is helping me.
[11:21 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Tomorrow will bring the answer, otherwise they will ask you again.
[11:21 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Ausejo, Serafín de Ausejo, 1975
Rom 6:15
So what? Can we sin, since we are no longer under the law, but under grace? Do not even think about it!
[11:21 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: And I won't answer you about the chicken and the new one because it wasn't me that you asked.
Alex (Evangélico) added +57 311 4494251
[11:23 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Answer me then about the law
[11:24 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: I meant the egg, not new. OKAY.
[11:24 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You got out of line
[11:25 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): And you asked your brother for help
[11:25 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Another day he exploited you on another topic. Remember, “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.”
[11:25 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: And I am not going to sacrifice you.
[11:25 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Nobody helped me.
[11:25 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha just kidding
[11:25 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): You are well shoveled
[11:26 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: I broke up with you, and I told you in the audio
[11:26 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Keep keeping your law
[11:26 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: And you continue violansola.
[11:27 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): The law is for Israel
[11:27 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Remember Hermo's questions, he gets very angry when they don't answer him
[11:27 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Understand that boy
[11:27 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Yes, yes, Ok.
[11:27 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): And Ami, what do I care if he gets angry?
[11:28 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): If you say you are a Christian you should not get angry
[11:30 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): Tito Martínez will answer it
[11:30 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Don't say that, you haven't seen him when he gets angry. “Mercy still”… And we don't want to lose you.
[11:32 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Oh, yes!!
Ah, well tell Tito to help you with your answer too.
[11:32 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): So he's a psychopath and that's how everyone in your satanic sect will be.
[11:32 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Don't make him angry, he has a powerful Bible.
[11:32 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): Aha, you're afraid of Tito Martínez, I'll beat you up
[11:33 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Yea in Cerio
[11:33 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Hey, are you a comedian?
[11:33 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Tell Tito to help you.
[11:33 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: “Need and hunger came together.”
[11:33 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): He dragged you
[11:34 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: How Herod and Pilate, this is how they unite in favor of error.
[11:34 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Ah, well you are a liar, because that was not what you said then.
[11:35 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): So what?
[11:35 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: I remind you that liars will not enter the kingdom of God. That's in your favorite verse (APC. 22:15)
[11:35 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): It was clear to you
[11:35 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: You have joined a sexual pervert.
[11:35 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: That's tremendous.
[11:35 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Tremendous.
[11:36 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Tremendous.
[11:36 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Friend, are we going to debate biblically or with nonsense?
[11:36 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: I'm done for today.
[11:36 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Good evening.
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Another day, but prepare better.
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangélico): You see, very Cerio
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: I will give a topic a few weeks in advance
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): That's what I say, stop Google
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Hahaha whatever you say
[11:37 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: “Mercy…”
[11:38 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): Ariel peace, what happened to the debate about the holy spirit?
[11:38 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Good evening everyone.
[11:42 PM, 9/17/2019] Alex (Evangelical): I only ask that if you want to Debate, go to a church, don't go out with that Biblical ok
[11:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: IRREFUTABLE TEXT OF THE NIGHT
1Thus says the Lord: Keep justice, and do justice; for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. 2Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who embraces it; who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and who keeps his hand from doing all evil. 3AND THE FOREIGN Whoever follows Jehovah does not speak saying: Jehovah will completely separate me from his people. Nor let the eunuch say: Behold, I am a dry tree. 4For thus says the Lord: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, and choose what I will, and embrace my covenant, 5I will give them a place in my house and within my walls, and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them a perpetual name that will never perish. 6And to the children of FOREIGNERS that they follow Jehovah to serve him, and that they love the name of Jehovah to be his servants; to all who keep the Sabbath from profaning it, and embrace my covenant, 7I will take them to my holy mountain, and I will recreate them in my house of prayer; Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; because my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples. 8Says the Lord God, who gathers together the dispersed of Israel: I will yet gather his gathered together to him. —SAIAH 56:1-8
[11:46 PM, 9/17/2019] José Luis Javier: Good evening everyone.
[2:58 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez ☝☝
[5:18 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) They tell you that you are saved but if you stop giving the Tithe you are no longer saved hahaha and not that salvation is not lost
[5:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez that's it
[6:08 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez AUDIO BOOK.
By Tito Martínez
Expanded and completed on September 6, 2019
This little book is a refutation of all the doctrinal lies and heresies taught by an individual named Javier Palacios Celorio, founder of a Judaizing sect called “Kehila Messiánica Joy y Paz”, whose website is the following: https://gozoypaz.mx
[6:09 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Good morning!!!! Dear ones, YOU SHOULD NOT EAT PORK under penalty of dying raw and being lost.
[6:15 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: THIS IS FOR THE CAT AND THE MOUSE:
Cat (Tom)::
Mouse (Jerry):
Just click on the attached link and it will take you directly to the questions. I've been doing that since Friday, Jerry
[6:24 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) No Debate with unchurched people
[6:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha!!!! I'm not going to debate, I just want you to at least try to answer my questions, dude... Forget about the debate and just answer.
[6:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You Answer what your sect is
[6:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Another thing, what parish are you from? I will convert to her if you answer well, either you are worried about the fact that I don't have a church or you are using it as an excuse because, like Jerry, the question is more than you can answer.
[6:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I already told you, I will convert to your parish if you respond…
[6:45 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: It is the furthest I can go in this case... You respond and we become parish brothers...
[6:45 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Answer me
[6:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I already did it, I am not religious. I'm not stupid. I do not support lazy men, thieves and liars. My money, God's money, goes to God, to the workers.
[6:48 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: That's why you can't understand the simplest truths or answer the easiest questions
[6:56 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) And you're the only one asking me and who else, Catholics, right?
[6:58 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: You are Catholic, friend…
[6:59 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: We bought it from you, but I will continue to show you that this is how it is
[7:00 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: EVERYONE, READ, PLEASE:
[7:00 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: LEY81
Saturday and Sunday
IS Sunday A BIBLICAL DAY AND NAME? The first day of the week is biblical, but Sunday is not.
Daniel 7:23-27
[23] He said thus: The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on earth, which will be different from all other kingdoms, and will devour, thresh and tear the whole earth in pieces (the fourth beast is Papal Rome today which inherits the power of the Roman empire).
[24]And the ten horns mean that ten kings will arise from that kingdom; and after them another will rise, which will be different from the first, and will overthrow three kings (in the Middle Ages the Roman Empire was divided into 10 nations, but when the papacy arises it completely destroys three that were not wanted...
[7:06 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Read and you will realize that everything you defended last night was in defense of the bestial system that Daniel predicted (7:25). And you say you're not Catholic? What religious person is not Catholic? The same Adventists who say they keep the Sabbath are more Catholic than Luis Toro, whom he admitted to be the errant one who best knows how to defend his error.
[7:07 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: God's mercy is still in your favor, but do not abuse it, because it is eternal only for the obedient.
[7:07 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) And then why do you defend the Sabbath?
[7:08 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Do you think you are obedient?
[7:08 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Because it is a commandment of the Law of God. Simke!!!
[7:08 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: No, but I recognize that we must obey. You don't recognize that...
[7:10 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Although I am more of a sinner than you, I am at an advantage over you because I recognizeby but you do not.
[7:17 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: FINALLY:
I am not here to win any debate, that is irrelevant, I am here because I am interested in your salvation. However, such salvation is impossible to achieve by setting aside the Law. It is even common sense, *a citizen who keeps the laws of his country, is safe from its consequences.
Your problem is not the Law, since perhaps you do not directly worship Satan, you are not an idolater, you take God's name seriously, you are obedient to your parents, you do not commit adultery, you do not steal, you do not lie, and you do not covet. However, the Sabbath, which is the ONLY Commandment that gives meaning to the nine that I mentioned to you, that is your problem... you don't want to accept it. But it's not that you have a day of rest, you HAVE Sunday, Satan's day.
[7:19 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: SERIOUSLY TO ALL, READBESTO, PLEASE.
[7:22 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Take care of yourself anyway
[7:25 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Doesn't he have a church that Defender is a disguised Adventist?
[7:26 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Jerry, can't you answer more questions and would you like to debate me?
[7:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez I will answer them in the debate
[7:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[7:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez, do you dare to debate with me on audio yes or no?
[7:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Miguel, you don't have a church to represent
[7:28 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Tom, do you think that someone who defends the Law like me is going to lie about something so serious? You are the Adventist here, not me.
[7:28 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez well I see that you are a cowardly chicken Miguel
[7:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: But I have questions that you, having English, cannot answer...
[7:30 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: That's right, but you can't answer a simple question... THAT'S WORSE. I'D RATHER BE A COWARD!!!!
[7:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Stupid questions have you asked Biblical
[7:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez Well, there you all have that miserable chicken and coward who is afraid to debate with me
[7:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: They have never given you more biblical oregunyas than those…
[7:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Believe me!!!
[7:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez FEARLY LIAR AND COWARD
[7:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez What did you poop in your pants when I challenged you to have the debate on audio?
[7:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez Miserable coward
[7:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Oh yes, look how scary!!!! Wow!!!! Fear!
[7:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez That's why you don't dare debate with me
+57 311 4494251 left
[7:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez the poop you have done in your underwear smells stinky
[7:33 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: The best desktop in the world and it can't answer a simple question
[7:33 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez I already told you, you idiot, that I would answer that question in the debate
[7:33 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez You are a scared coward who is terrified of me and that is why you do not dare to debate with me
[7:33 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Oh yes, of course!!! Ha ha ha and another ha
[7:33 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez Because you know perfectly well that in 2 minutes I would make mincemeat of you
[7:34 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez goodbye cowardly idiot
[7:34 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Take it now, and I'll give you the chance to sweep the floor with you, Jerry
[7:35 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Well, YOU'VE BEEN WITHOUT AN ANSWER FOR A WEEK...and in two minutes you will annihilate me?
[7:35 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez I have already told you, you idiot, that I would only answer it in the debate
[7:35 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez I will only respond to you in an audio debate
[7:35 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez But since you are a cowardly chicken who is terrified of me, then there is nothing to do
[7:35 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: You told me: “IN A FEW HOURS…
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: And I'm still waiting...
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez And now I tell you in a debate
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez If there is no audio debate then there is no audio response
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Respond now, Jerry
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez Goodbye idiot
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Did you miss your prom or did you lack knowledge?
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez I don't talk to imbeciles and subnormals like you
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Accept the debate, Mr. Without a Church
[7:36 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Jerry, don't leave me alone, ha ha ha
[7:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Don't go...please!!!!
[7:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[7:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez My name is not Jerry, you piece of subnormal
[7:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez I don't talk to subnormals, goodbye
[7:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Unndebaye? Ha ha ha…
[7:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) He is afraid of you, there is no doubt
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: You cannot answer a question and have it debate…
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez of course that dog is afraid of me
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I am merciful….
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangélico) Tito Martínez won until now no one has been able to beat him
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Jabja ja
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez Goodbye cowardly chicken
[7:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[7:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[7:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) What was the question you asked Tito?
[7:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ka
[7:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ka
[7:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha
[7:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Sorry, my phone doesn't know how to write... ha ha ha
[7:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Tito Martinez Miguel's cowardly chicken without a brain
[7:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[7:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: JERRY, in this group losing is winning, ha ha ha
[7:41 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Buy dictionaries...they have the meaning of winning the other way around. Ha ha ha….and another ha
[7:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) So what was the question, answer
[7:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[7:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Sorry, you are ignorant, but that doesn't take away from the funny thing….
[7:45 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangélico) Behave Cerio
[7:50 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: PEN25
There is something “beautiful” in error: although each error has a different area in its error, when the Truth appears, the error unites them all.
[7:55 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) If that's why you're afraid to debate in audio???
[7:56 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Jaka ka…I'm afraid, ha ha ka!!!!
[8:01 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Excuse me, I meant ha ha ha ha ha… I like you, I'll give you another one again j
[8:02 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Debate debate with Tito or with me
[8:06 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ka ha ha
[8:11 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I'm going to talk to my four-year-old nephew to see if he dares to continue humiliating you guys
+Blake removed +54 9 291 448-8425
[8:14 AM, 9/18/2019] +Blake: As long as he doesn't do the same thing as Maximiliano, making dirty cheats
[8:14 AM, 9/18/2019] +Blake: He was expelled, for cheating and Double Face
[8:15 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: PEN25
There is something “beautiful” in error: although each error has a different area in its error, when the Truth appears, the error unites them all.
[8:15 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) It is not worth debating with you Miguel
[8:15 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Copy and paste hahaha
[8:15 AM, 9/18/2019] +Blake: Another Catholic is Utd?
[8:15 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Of course not... it is not worth continuing to lose the way you lose.
[8:15 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Is a hidden Adventist
[8:16 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) He is in favor of abortion
[8:16 AM, 9/18/2019] +Blake: No wonder
[8:16 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: No sheep, I'm not rigorous.
[8:16 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Yes, he and Mr. Google are Adventist
[8:16 AM, 9/18/2019] +Blake: But because of the Vocabulary it is the same as Catholics
[8:17 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) They are a couple
[8:17 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ah, are you also an Adventist? Gross!!!
[8:17 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Adventist Adventists are the only dirty ones who promote and practice aboryos in their HOSPITALS…
[8:19 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: IF YOU WANT ME IN THIS GROUP, NO MORE ADVENTISTS.
[8:20 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha!!!
[8:20 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Why I am afraid to dialogue
[8:20 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You are on sabbatical, you defend that position
[8:21 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:21 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Are we not talking?
[8:21 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Let's talk, you and I
[8:21 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) And you were never Catholic?
[8:21 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Show your arguments
[8:21 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I like you, but let's see how smart you are
[8:22 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) How strange do you scare me??
[8:22 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha
[8:22 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Question, Was the Sabbath given to Israel or for Istael?
[8:23 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Don't write, I'll answer you
[8:23 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Called
[8:23 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: In the Bible that is called Hajar grace
[8:23 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Don't be afraid, are you not sure about sexuality?
[8:23 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Now, answer my question…
[8:24 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Answer…
[8:24 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I hope…
[8:25 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Don't take weeks like JERRY
[8:25 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Who is Jerry?
[8:25 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Your teacher!!!
[8:26 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) These are one of those stupid questions that they use to justify their statements, I think there is no direct statement that clarifies that, since that would depend on the way the translator I expressed it in Spanish
[8:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Another one…
[8:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You see you don't know how to ask questions
[8:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangélico) Ave, now I'll go, answer Gil
[8:27 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:28 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: You can't answer….
[8:28 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ka ha
[8:28 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Basically the Sabbath was the literal 24-hour day that Jehovah gave the Israelites to worship him, since in Egypt they had no time for worship
[8:28 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M NOT GOING TO WASTE MY TIME.
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Go study, ignorant person.
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) A text that shows a person keeping the Sabbath before the law given to Moses, I think it is that
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I'm not going to miss my time.
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Answer me
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: STOP EATING PORK.
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha I wouldn't eat you
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:29 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) The Kingdom of God is not food or drink stupid straw arguments you use
[8:30 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Haha ha
[8:30 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Don't eat, then... Ha ha ha
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Answer me, give me a text before the law Given to Moses
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Someone kept the Sabbath
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangélico) See there is no hahaha Yupi win??????????
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ok
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Rebutted
[8:31 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I'll give it to you, I'll stay there
[8:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You already lost
[8:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You already lost
[8:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ka ha ha
[8:32 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I WILL STAY THERE AND PICK UP from the teacher
[8:33 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha yes
[8:34 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Stop searching on Google
[8:34 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha
[8:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: S. Marcos 2:27
He also said to them: The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
[8:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Adam means man, that is, because of Adam.
Adam also means humanity:
Genesis 5:2
Male and female he created them; and he blessed them, and called their name Adam, on the day they were created.
[8:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Psalms 148:6
]He made them to be eternally and forever; He gave them a law that will not be broken.
[8:37 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: ADAM KEPT THE SATURDAY!!!
[8:38 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Where do I put it, it doesn't fit jjjjj???
[8:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: I knew you were Homosexual…
[8:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Sodomota…
[8:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Look what a Christian jjj
[8:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: …
[8:39 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Let me refute your stupid arguments
[8:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: SODOMOTE, I'M FINISHED WITH CONTOGO…
[8:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha yes, where do I keep the Sabbath, where do I put it, tell me?
[8:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ka, SODOMITE…
[8:40 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Where do you keep it under your bed on Saturday?
[8:41 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ka, SODOMITE…
[8:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha ignorant you want to be Jewish hahaha
[8:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:42 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha, do you like circumcision????
[8:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Win ?????????
[8:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You can't handle Migo, goodbye, I'm going to work from Monday to Saturday because I'm not Jewish, I don't have a tribe identity jjjj
[8:43 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:44 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangélico) Parexes parakeet
[8:44 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:44 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You should not give pearls to pigs
[8:44 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:45 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:45 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Learn
[8:45 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:46 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Satan
[8:46 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: LEY81
Saturday and Sunday
IS Sunday A BIBLICAL DAY AND NAME? The first day of the week is biblical, but Sunday is not.
Daniel 7:23-27
[23] He said thus: The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on earth, which will be different from all other kingdoms, and will devour, thresh and tear the whole earth in pieces (the fourth beast is Papal Rome today which inherits the power of the Roman empire).
[24]And the ten horns mean that ten kings will arise from that kingdom; and after them another will rise, which will be different from the first, and will overthrow three kings (in the Middle Ages the Roman Empire was divided into 10 nations, but when the papacy arises it completely destroys three that were not wanted...
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Copy and paste jjjj
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Que sapiensia
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Hahaha
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Gil
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Gili
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:47 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:48 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) I would tell you that Jesus is not referring to Adam, but to the Israelites, and that the argument that the weapon is false, since there is no text in many centuries before Moses of someone keeping the Sabbath therefore your answer is incorrect
[8:48 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Ha ha ha, SODOMITE... That's why you reject the Law, because you like men...
[8:49 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Sodomy hurts in the short or long term….
[8:50 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) Rebutted you could not prove that someone kept the Sabbath before the Mosaic law
[8:50 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Sodomis is painful in the short or long term….
[8:50 AM, 9/18/2019] Alex (Evangelical) You are ashamed without a church without arguments
[8:50 AM, 9/18/2019] Miguel H. Javier: Sodomis is painful in the short or long term….
WhatsApp Alex (Evangélico) removed Miguel H. Javier
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