Have you ever heard of the “Hyde Amendment”? Of course they did, they just hadn't told you!
12and because it has multiplied evil, The love of many will grow cold.
13But he who perseveres until the end, this one will be saved. —MATHEW 24:12-13
These were words of Jesus Christ shortly before his crucifixion; words that—as he himself indicates—warn us that we are already at the end of time.
The evil of man has surpassed all the limits that were once imposed by the most despised beings this earth has ever had. For example, they denounce the evil of King Herod, who financed the execution of thousands of children, with the intention of only killing one—Jesus. They condemn the evil of the Jews—“people of God,” who executed what Herod could not execute—murdering a child who by then was not only Jesus Christ made man, but Jesus of Nazareth, a whole man.…
However, although the Jewish people successfully carried out the death of Jesus the man through Rome, Herod's original plan to kill Jesus the child remains in effect to this day.
40And the King will answer and say to them: Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. —MATHEW 25:40
The issue of abortion is an “intrinsic” part of Satan's final agenda to try to execute what he could not achieve in heaven: destroy all the creatures that God created. That is—of course, with the exception of him and all the angels who jointly fell with him. (APOC: 12:7-13). But Satan's goal has always been to get to God. And since he could not defeat God in heaven, he wanted to do it here on earth:
13And when he saw the dragon that had been cast to the ground, he pursued the woman who had given birth. to the male child. —REVELATION 12:13
And since Christ defeated him again, although this time he did it with his death—triumphing on the cross, Satan wanted to destroy God, in what hurts God the most—the little ones. And not only destroying the smallest, but to the little ones. Although Bergoglio says that Jesus failed on the cross, [f]1 THE MOST IMPACTING MESSAGE FROM THE POPE IN 2016 – THE FAILURE OF THE CROSS
[VIDEO 00:10:20, Good TV] like the Adventist prophet Ellen White, f]2 Satan Triumphed, Ellen White
[LINK, White Center] f]3 Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, Part 1
[LINK, CristoVerdad] The truth is that the devil is using two very effective tools to advance his death plan at this time: 1) The LGBT Agenda and 2) Abortion. And behind these tools is the system of The Beast—as described in Revelation. 13, or Babylon as presented in chapter 18.
3Because all nations They have drunk the wine of the wrath of their fornication; and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth they have enriquecid of the potnce of his delights. —REVELATION 18:3
13 and 18 are the most representative numbers of Satan—that is, of death, [1] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal from God?
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CritoVerdad] well “the devil has been a murderer from the beginning” (JOHN 8:44). And wherever you see the deliberate killing of those for whom Christ died “that they may have life, and have it more abundantly,” is being perpetrated. (JOHN 10:10), You can be sure that Satan has his hands in there—the devil runs that place. [2]a OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [2] — THE BEAST You Don't Know
[VIDEO 1:01:14, CritoVerdad] [2]b OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land
[VIDEO 2:27:36, CritoVerdad] [2 C OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”
[VIDEO 2:55:34, CritoVerdad]
Now, there is a third tool, which is also part of the Beast's system—his very mark. That is, the COVID-19 vaccine. I am not going to go into this now because we already have studies at your disposal, if you need to know more about this, but one thing we can tell you, the COVID-19 VACCINE kills. [v]1 The Trademark of God and the Mark of the Beast
[VENLACE, CritoVerdad] [v]2 What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Parts 1-4
[VENLACE, CritoVerdad] [v]3 The Vaccine and the Mark of the Beast
[VIDEOS, CritoVerdad]
All the powerful of the earth have become drunk with the wine of Babylon, and therefore have become Babylon; Everyone who drinks alcohol takes the risk of becoming an alcoholic!
In the year 1973 Abortion was legalized in all states of the nation American, with the legal ruling Roe. vs. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973). [3] Roe v. Wade case “Roe v. Wade, Legalization of Abortion in the United States
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CritoVerdad] It is no surprise that we find the number 13 embedded in the very name of this law, under which the state legalized the murder of “the little ones,” and which would also pay for the financing of millions of “legal” abortions that would subsequently take place. after the approval of said law, for those “families” who could not afford it.
In 1976 an amendment was made to this law 410 US 113, today better known as Roe v. Wade. The new amendment would be named after its promoter Henry Hyde (Jaid), representative of the State of Illinois. The encyclopedic portal Wikipedia describes it this way:
[LINK, Wikipedia]
We ask again, have you ever heard of the Hyde Amendment?
If you have followed the work of ChristTruth you will surely remember hearing us talk about this Hyde Amendment, although perhaps you have never heard the name Hyde in your life. This was our case until we came across this information about two or three weeks ago. But for those who have never followed us, and who may not know who Henry Hyde was, let us refresh your memory or at least get your brain going:
4. "Church it should not serve as a conscience for individuals; Either way, it should provide moral guidance. The abortion for reasons of birth control, sex selection or for convenience it is not tolerated by the church. However, Sometimes women may face some exceptional circumstance that presents serious moral or medical dilemmas such as a significant threat to [1] the life of the pregnant woman, serious dangers to their health, carefully diagnosed severe congenital defects in the fetus, and pregnancies resulting from [2] a rape either [3] incest. The final decision regarding termination of pregnancy or not should be made by the pregnant woman after adequate consultation. To make her decision, she must be helped with precise information, biblical principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, these decisions are best made within the context of a healthy family relationship. —ABORTION, Orientacions, Seventh-day Adventist Church. [5] ABORTION, Guidelines — Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventist Church]
Interestingly, the ebortion guidelines found in the Hyde Amendment are described with the same exactness and order in the guidelines found within the abortion policies of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church. And they are not just guidelines, but practices that are carried out in many of its hospitals and clinics around the world, where local laws allow it. However, abortion practices within Adventist hospitals go even beyond the guidelines that they themselves present in their official documents. At Loma Linda Hospital, for example, “There are NO RULES of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that prohibit surgical intervention for termination of pregnancy when clinically indicated.” , [6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church] While in the Pune Adventist Hospital In India—just as in Loma Linda, abortions of all kinds are performed, regardless of whether or not there are “extreme circumstances” or “exceptional[s].” [7] ABORTION AND BEAUTY
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
The Hyde Amendment says it, the Adentist Church guidelines affirm it, and the leaders to whom you pay their salaries repeat it. Mario Rondón says it in the Dominican Republic—
"[When endanger your life, when the fetus presents Congenital malformations or when it is the result of a rape either incest.” — Pastor Mario Rondón, Dir. Radio Amanecer, OFFICIAL Station of the Adventist Church, RD. [8]a Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion in extreme conditions [NEWS, 7 Días] [8]b Abortion, The Adventist Church and Your Conscience [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
“Francisco” Wilson, President of the Adventist Church, says it—
And the uncle of death still says it, [9]a DAVID GATES, Death's Uncle,
Adventist Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] who wants you to believe that they do not support this practice and that they operate independently of this destructive sect, while at the same time following the same agenda and their lies, while also telling us that this is the church of God.
1973 was the date the United States legalized abortion. Now, the modus operandum of the Adventist Church has always been that it has gone one step further than the world, and—at best, one step ahead. We have the case of the Loma Linda Hopistal, again, which by 1979 was performing not only abortions, but also sex change surgeries, [6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church] when in society talking about sex openly was still taboo, and nothing to say than talking about homosexuality. But as always, the Adventist Church has other ideas of how things should be.
Abortion and Sex Change, Adventist Church
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Jonathan Henderson, Pastor and Chaplain of The University...
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Let's receive the Homosexuals” in La Ig...
Jonathan Henderson, pastor and chaplain of The University...
In the other corner we have to stop 1966—7 years before being legalized in the United States, the Adventist Church was performing abortions in its “health” facilities, as is the case of the Glendale Adventist Hospital in California. Let us remember that the main offices of this whore are based in the United States of America. This was published in the Minisrty (Ministry) magazine of this same corporate sect. And how did this come to light? You will have to ask them or God Himself, who I am sure was the perpetrator of this truth coming to light. [10] Delineations On the history of abortion in the Adventist Church (English) — Abortion: history of Adventist guidelines
in extreme conditions
[LINK, Adventist Church]
Even the candidate for the presidency of the United States, former Vice President Joe Biden, is currently involved in a controversy over the Hyde Amendment. [B] What is the Hyde Amendment, what is its impact on abortion, and why has Biden changed his mind on it?
[NEWS, Univision] Abortion—that is, death, is the issue of the end of time. No homosexual, on the other hand, will inherit life (REV. 22:15, 1 COR. 6:9-10) without first abandoning that behavior. (1 COR. 6:11). And homosexuals—most of them hate reproduction, because they cannot reproduce with each other. And since they cannot reproduce, because God said so (GEN. 1:28), then the great machinery of the LGBT Agenda fiercely pushes abortion in society. Can you make the connection?
Abortion and homosexuality are the two end-time death agendas, and both are squarely within the Adventist Church—and the world. And death is the payment for violating God's law. (ROM. 6:23, 1 JOHN 3:4), and it should not surprise us that the dragon—who at this moment already seems to be reconciled with the woman—the reader understands, is now behind his offspring, which has already left that place (APOC. 12:17).
As the merchants of the earth have joined together to advance the agenda of their father the devil, Agustín Laje has risen to protect “the sanctity of life”—the same thing that “Francis” Wilson distorts so that you—as a “Seventh” Day Adventist—help him advance and finish the work that his father—and yours—did. has entrusted
Augustine presents “15 lies about abortion”, which the merchants of death have manufactured. We recommend that you take about 20 minutes of your time and watch the full video of Agustín Laje; it's really worth it. [11] Agustín Laje – 15 Lies About Abortion
[VIDEO 00:19:43, Youtube]
Although Agustin Laje has publicly stated that he is not a Christian, he is unknowingly following Christ's agenda—
6Jesus said to him: Andor am I him way, and the truth, and the vineto; No one comes to the Father except through me. —JOHN 14:6
Laje—a stone crying out in the desert, has taken the way of the truth, which leads to life. And being “Christian” (ISA. 4:1) and follow Christ (JOHN 10:27) They are two very different things. Looking at the comments of Agustín Laje's video on YouTube, someone made a comment that caught my attention—
“I want to make it easier to adopt. I'm not saying that they give them to anyone. But they go around a lot. “There are people who cannot have children.” —LAURA CAMBIERI
Although we have covered the topic of abortion extensively here at CristoVerdad, I really have to admit that the point that Laura Cambieri brings up had not crossed my mind. If anyone reading this article has had the experience of trying to adopt a child—anywhere in the world, you will realize how expensive and difficult it is to obtain an adoption. The rules are super complicated and in the vast majority of cases it is almost impossible to become parents—male and female, through adoption.
We understand—as Laura points out in her comment—that there must be protection rules for children, due to the issue of human trafficking. However, more children die of hunger every year What a product of human trafficking, and it should not be so difficult to adopt when today it can be verified with some ease if people have had a record of good behavior in society. However, we are seeing more and more gay couples adopting children—The Adventist Church “is full of them.” Could it be that it makes it easy for them to adopt?
According to UNICEF—another merchant of death, some 3.1 million children die from malnutrition every year. 3.1 a million children and you dropping the coin on the plate, instead of giving it to them for the plate—of food. [or] Child Malnutrition, The Figures
[LINK, Save the Children] [1] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal from God?
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CritoVerdad]
While these children are dying of hunger, while there are people with good hearts—what they do want give them a plate of food—and a roof over their heads, but since bureaucracy prevents them from doing so, today it is very easy for a woman to enter the abortion room of a clinic or hospital and have an abortion. And as Laje mentions in her video, in places like Uruguay and the United States, a 12 or 15 year old girl just has to talk to a “counselor” at her school and say “I want to have an abortion,” and it will be done, without Don't even tell your parents. And where is UNICEF in all this?
The education of God's children in Biblical times was in the home, and that is why the devil also gave us schools.
Satan will always facilitate death, and not life, and that is why he has convinced almost the entire “Christian” world that God is in the churches, regardless of their denomination. The Bible says the opposite (ISA. 4:1, REV. 14:4), and all those who serve the devil will always look for excuses to justify him. Are you doing it… are you justifying your church or the legislators of your country?
[EDITION, July 30, 2019] José Luis Javier
And Jesus himself said it, if those who are supposed to serve him remain silent, he would raise stones like Yadira Marte for them to speak. [and] Yadira Marte — Hoepelman supports the 3 causes of Abortion Yadira says she feels disappointed”
in extreme conditions
[VIDEO 00:09:04, toicansao] Marte, a young businesswoman and activist in the Dominican Republic, has become a champion of several social causes. And while José L. Martinez Hoepelman—another Dominican businessman and “activist”, has risen up in support of the execution of the new penal code of the Dominican Republic, with the President Danilo Medina—Another powerful merchant, at the head, Yadira exposes both of their lies. It is interesting that this penal code in Quisqueya does not penalize the murder of the most vulnerable in society. [and] Hoepelman supports the 3 causes of Abortion Yadira says she feels disappointed”
in extreme conditions
[VIDEO 00:09:04, toicansao]
[EIDICON December 22, 2019] José Luis Javier
The video of Yadira making her point about Hoepelman appears to have been made private for some reason. However, here we have José Hoepelman, with his own lips declaring his position. (Instagram page).
Yadira exposes those lies, which are nothing other than the same manipulations found in the United States' Hyde amendment. And now everyone "we are" joined. [and] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC”
in extreme conditions
[VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad] That's what it's about, unity in a new order, [n] THE NEW WORLD ORDER In God We Trust—
in extreme conditions
[VIDEO 1:52:29, CristoVerdad] contrary to that established by God (EXD. 20:1-17).
Hoepelman, ironically, was the prosecuting attorney who represented the family of Emely Peguero in the Dominican Republic. Emely was murdered by her boyfriend and his mother. Hoepelman fiercely pursued and eventually achieved the imprisonment of both for the horrendous crime of this young girl, whose body was found inside a suitcase.
How ironic that in the case of Emely, Hoepelman condemns the murder of this 16-year-old girl, who once—incidentally, also lived in her mother's womb—yet today Hoepelman is the defender and sponsor of the death of thousands of babies in the Dominican Republic... Babies, among whom there are also girls who—if given the opportunity to live, one day could reach the age of Emely, 16 years old.
Aún cuando sabemos que Emely Peguero fue una victima inocente, al menos ella eligió a su novio, y era lo suficientemente grande para tratar de defenderse. Un bebé no elige a sus padres, ni tampoco elige nacer, ni mucho menos se puede defender, y—definitivamente, tampoco elige morir. Sin necesariamente quitar mérito a la tragedia de Emely, ¿cuál de los dos es más inocente—o quizás sería mejor decir, más indefenso, Emely o el bebé en el vientre de su madre? Este es el verdadero Jose L. Hoepelman, conozcalo.
Have you ever heard the word hypocrite? Well, Jesus put it this way—
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you clean what is outside the glass and the plate; but inside they are full of theft and injustice. —MATHEW 23:25
No matter how much we think about the matter, we cannot see how it can be fair to kill a baby who cannot defend itself. It is the same thing that Herod tried to do with Jesus and the other thousands that he was able to murder. (MAT. 2:16).
But what else did Jesus say about people like Mr. José L. Martinez Hoepelman?
44 You belong to your father the devil , and you want to do your father's wishes. He has been a murderer from the beginning, and has not abided in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; because he is a liar, and father of lies. —JOHN 8:44
While you are a good lawyer—albeit a devil's lawyer, I have to admit that you are an even better actor. When I saw your video presented here, I almost believed the story. You were simply being prepared for this moment—for this agenda, as the homosexual was set. James Brewster as United States ambassador to the Dominican Republic. [g] How the gay US ambassador helps combat homophobia in the Dominican Republic (and angers the Church)
[NEWS, BBC London] He got the gay agenda, and you got the abortion agenda; all the pieces fall into place.
On his Instagram profile, Hoepelman says that he is "life lover!!!" and “defendant of the people.” Well, this Dominican lawyer will be a lover of the good life—not of life, and a “defender” of a people, not of the people, since that baby in his mother's womb was also part of the people.… So we have to Hoepelman He is not a defender of the people, but rather a defender of a people who serve the devil himself.
Hoepelman, in keeping with his name, also uses the acronym HOPE, which supposedly means hhistory, EITHERorder, Qprogress, and ANDhope
To begin with, Mr. Hoepelman, you do not know historia, because if he knew about history, he would know that the story of his life began in a bedroom with the sexual relationship between a man and a woman, and continued inside his mother's womb. you talk about EITHERorder, but to carry out an abortion you must first create a disorder, since the fetus is carefully ordered inside the mother's womb, in such a way that no one—to this day, has been able to create—or even procreate, leaving the order established by God—male and female. AND to dismember is to disorder, Mr. Hoepelman.
you talk about Qprogress, but without childhood there will NEVER be a future; and childhood begins in the womb, dear friend. And if you have been able to achieve some progress in this life, it is because your mother did not have a “progressive” mind like yours, but rather a human mind—a very human, and God-fearing one that cared about the life of that creature— but today it is a monster, which once walked inside her womb, when it was still a “non-existent” being.
Finally, you talk about ANDhope, and that is precisely what you want to deny to those defenseless little creatures. The word HOPE itself means hope. Ironic, when you don't live up to your own name. You are a person without any moral principles and you do not even have the intellectual authority to speak about this matter, except that you sold your soul to the devil for two or three Dominican pesos; its price is very cheap.
Yadira Marte, for her part, brings up a point that you powerful people and defenders of abortion NEVER talk about: post abortion trauma caused in women, young girls—and even in parents, who fall into this trap, like a fly in a spider's web.
40He answered and said to them: I tell you, if these keep silent, thestones they would cry. —LUKE 19:40
Those were the exact words of Jesus Christ. And the work of our Lord does not depend on men, but on men who fear him, serve him—and who cry out!
Yadira Marte and Agustín Laje speak while the professed “people of God” not only remain silent but also kill. The stones cry out while the “Christians” who claim to serve Christ cry out loudly that “THERE IS NO LAW”, [m] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad] when it is the same law that protects life—God's law protects children.
At the time of publication of this article, the reactions of those who call themselves God's people were immediate. Such is the case of Ever Caceres in the Facebook group morning and Sabbath school lesson, an Adventist page. And Cáceres, finally an Adventist, comes to the defense of his father the devil—
Abortion is a Human and Religious right And only Abominable Jesuits or Protestant Apostates deny them that right to Christian or Unbelieving Women.”—EVER CÁCERES, servant of the devil.
After this interaction I had no choice but to call it what it is, an idiot and an alley rat. We are still waiting for that rat to give us the biblical quote where God gives no one that “right” to kill a creature in its mother's womb. I remind you Ever—and anyone else who is or thinks like you, that Jesus, even though he was God, came to this earth through the womb of a mother. What hope would humanity have today if instead of marrying Joseph, Mary had gotten a vermin like you? Mmmmm…
Is that the best thing that “Seventh” Day Adventists have? Maybe you don't dare to think or be as big-mouthed as Ever, but at the end of the day you are the same or worse than him, because knowing all this abomination that this Luciferian institution continues to commit, there you are, angry with us for exposing the truth, and at the same time you have the guts to call that thing “God's people,” and—worse still, idolize it, thus ignoring what he says in his word—
15Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves.
16By their fruits you will know them. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?
17Thus, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 CAN'T the good tree bears bad fruit, nor does the bad tree bear good fruit.
19Every tree that does not bear good fruit, is cut and thrown into the fire.
20So, By their fruits you will know them. —MATHEW 7:17-20
Mr. Hoepelman, I don't know if I told you, but you are a ravenous wolf, or—if you prefer, we can also call you a ravenous rat; It fits him very well. And as for you Ever, we imagine that Jesus is a liar or that perhaps he made an exception for the Advenitsia Church, right?—well, NO!
Have you ever seen an abortion in your life?
This is what you are defending and financing every time the coin falls in the tithing dish in the Adventist Church. [1] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal from God?
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CritoVerdad] [2]b OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”
[VIDEO 2:55:34, CritoVerdad] Or could it be that you don't drop the coin, but rather the bill, or who knows, maybe the check?
The word of God says—
14Follow peace with all, and HOLINESS, without which nobody you will see the Lord. —HEBREWS 12:14
And holiness is the observance of the law of God (REV. 14:12, NUM. 15:37-41, ROM. 7:12). And the sixth commandment of that same law says,
13 you will not kill. —EXODUS 20:13
There is nothing the Lord hates more than the shedding of innocent blood. (PROV. 6:16-19), and a baby is innocent blood, right?
Being The Corporation of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists A Company (Merchant) for Profit, [12]a The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company
Adventist Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] [12]b Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War
Adventist Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] We should not be surprised that he is echoing the same lies embodied in the Hyde Amendment, which politicians, pastors—and even lawyers, and all the powerful have also echoed.
The church is killing—you are killing; It is time for you to take God's side, if one day you want to see his face, says the Lord.
“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.
[1] Tithe, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
[2]a OLIVER AND HIS SECONDS [2] — THE BEAST You Don't Know [VIDEO 1:01:14, CritoVerdad]
[2]b OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [3] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.1) Holy Land [VIDEO 2:27:38, CristoVerdad]
[2]c OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts” [VIDEO 2:55:34, CristoVerdad]
[3] Roe v. Wade case “Roe v. Wade, Legalization of Abortion in the United States [VIDEO 3:22:56, CritoVerdad]
[4] Hyde Amendment [LINK, Wikipedia]
[5] ABORTION, Guidelines — Adventist Church [LINK, Adventist Church]
[6] Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church
[7] ABORTION AND BEAUTY Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[8]The Adventist Church respects individual conscience and is not opposed to abortion in extreme conditions [NEWS—7 Días]
[8]b Abortion, The Adventist Church and Your Conscience [NEWS—7 Days]
[9] to DAVID GATES, The Uncle of Death, Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[9]b David Gates “CONDEMNS” Abortion in the Adventist Church — Analysis [VIDEO 00:24:11, CristoVerdad]
[10] Delinieaciones On the history of abortion in the Adventist Church (English) — Abortion: history of Adventist guidelines in extreme conditions [LINK, Adventist Church]
[11] Agustín Laje – 15 Lies About Abortion [VIDEO 00:19:43, CristoVerdad]
[12]a The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[12]b Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War [NEWS, Adventist Church in Norway]
[13] Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[B] What is the Hyde Amendment, what is its impact on abortion, and why has Biden changed his mind on it? [NEWS, Univision]
[e] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC” in extreme conditions [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]
[g] How the gay US ambassador helps fight homophobia in the Dominican Republic (and angers the Church) [NEWS, BBC Londtes]
[m]Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[n] THE NEW WORLD ORDER We trust in God—in extreme conditions [VIDEO 1:52:29, CristoVerdad]
[u] Child Malnutrition, The Figures [LINK, Save the Children]
[y] YADIRA MARTE — Hoepelman supports the 3 causes of Abortion Yadira says she feels disappointed” in extreme conditions [VIDEO 00:09:04, toicansao]
[14] Why do Adventists support abortion? — Andrew Mitchell[VIDEO 00:19:02, Prolife Andrew]
[15] Abortions, Pune Adventist Hospital, India (English) [LINK, Adventist Church]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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