14Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved; because you are my praise. —JEREMIAH 17:14
1. Health is often accompanied in the Word of God by its synonym, salvation. There are numerous passages where the expression safe and sound is used. Mental health is vital (vital means life) for salvation. (JER. 17:14; 1 SAM. 24:19; JOS. 10:21; JOHN 10:9; GEN 33:18; MAR. 5:34)
2. In the ancient versions of the Bible the word salvation was not used, but instead the word health was used. “Health is life” on earth, and salvation is life on earth and in heaven.
12 And in no other is there health; for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. —ACTS 4:12 (Ancient King James Version, 1602)
12And in no other is there salvation; for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. —ACTS 4:12 (King James Version)
3. Daniel and his cousins (DAN. 1:3-4) were sealed after having made the decision of good nutrition (DAN. 1:8,12,17-21).
4. On the king's table there were all kinds of food and drink. They could eat only those things whose category was not unclean. (LEV. 11), if they had wanted it, but they preferred to eat according to Genesis 1:29. The blessing of having a clean body was not long in coming. They were completely healthy (DAN. 1:15).
5. Adam and Eve lost their health and salvation after that first bite (GEN 3:6).
6. Heaven is not for sick minds. A sick mind makes the body sick too. It is one where decisions are generated that harm the body. A sick body does not make the mind sick. When a disease enters the body, it first enters the mind.
7. A sick body can have a healthy mind, but not the other way around. Every disease originated in someone's mind first. Unfortunately our decisions do not exempt others from consequences. The mind of Adam and Eve became sick, that is why today every body is sick with the virus of death. (ROM. 5:12). A bad decision about a tree [God's Law] (HOSEA 6:7) which was not made for eating).
8. No matter how healthy a body is, “it is also sick.” Someday, death will prevail over him.
9. Can you have perfect bodily health in a world of sin? Impossible. But you can have perfect mental health (perfect heart) in this world (1 CHRON. 12:38; PSALM. 119:1; PROV. 11:20).
10. How do you achieve a perfect mind? Through perfect nutrition (DAN. 4:33-34). Daniel refused the king's Food so as not to get sick like the king. It was not until God sent Nebuchadnezzar into the field to eat like beasts that his mind was healed. He was so safe and sound that he was the author of chapter 4 of the book of Daniel.
11. The prodigal son raised up, like Nebuchadnezzar (DAN. 4:34), his eyes to the sky after having spent everything he had (LUK. 15:18). It is clear that his food did not consist of the delicacies he previously enjoyed (LUK. 15:16).
Salvation is a gift of mental health. Health is Life, and Life is Christ (JOHN 14:6).
12. The word of God says
23Above all things saved [protected], guard [protects] your heart [mind]; Because life flows from it [because your salvation will depend on the decisions you make]. —PROVERBS 4:23
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