Apologetic Distortion

 PART  (1) BABYLON “Seventh” Day Adventist, Part 1: The Ostrich Syndrome (2) (3) BABYLON “Seventh” Day Adventist, Part 1: The Ostrich Syndrome (4) BABYLON “Seventh” Day Adventist, Part 1: The Ostrich Syndrome

DESCRIPTION: The daughter has inherited the mother. And just like the mother, the daughter—or perhaps the daughter became more evil than the mother. “Seventh” Day Adventist Babylon, living under the Ostrich Syndrome.

Sunday is the new day of worship in the Eighth-day Adventist corporation. We confront an apologetic distortion and let the evidence speak.

Your tithes and offerings in the Stock Market: The Evidence.] [1] Your Tithes in the Stock Market
[ENACE, CristoVerdad]
[2] Adventist financial officials cautiously optimistic about recent market rise
[ENACE, Adventist Church]
[3] Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War
[LINK, Adventist Church]
[4] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company [ENACE, CristoVerdad] [5] Deizmo, Money of Death — Will Man Steal from God? [ENACE, CristoVerdad]

What many do not want to accept, the reality that cannot be denied. We emphasize, the “Seventh Day” Adventist Corporation is Babylon and Here is the proof.

Many Christians, particularly Seventh-day Adventists, are suffering from Ostrich Syndrome. This is a very dangerous disease—almost incurable, which has eternal repercussions.

Come and join us, and we will help you detect this very dangerous syndrome, at a very very particular time in history.

Part 1 of 4.

“Come out of Her My People” (REV. 18:4)



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