search the scriptures, says the lordWhat's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 1
What They Haven't Told You
What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 2
What They Haven't Told You
What's in the Vaccine: THE INGREDIENTS, Part 3
What They Haven't Told You
The Trademark of God and the Mark of the Beast
A patent that will transform your life—and your genes.
Whales and the End of Time
The Why of “Stay at Home”
Pablo and Los Coyotes, the $PRECIO of Heaven
34 But you know that for what was necessary to me and to those who are with me, these hands They have served me.—ACTS 20:32-34
Lunar Saturday vs. The Seventh Day
14Then God said: beech luminaries in the expansion of the heavens to separate day from night; and serve as signs for the seasons, for days and years […] —GENESIS 1:14
Divinity vs. Trinidad — Do You Know The Difference? (Part 2)
10Because commandment after commandment, command upon command, line after line, line upon line, a little there, a little there... -ISAIAH 28:10
continue ""The Adventist Church, ABORTION and its Pastors
Please “Stay Home”
continue ""
What They Haven't Told You
Two News
Vaccine and Efficacy, Prof. Karina Acevedo Whitehouse, PhD
The Numbers, The Evidence, The Deception
Greek or Hebrew: The Bible, LANGUAGES and Their Relevance
What is needed to understand the Word of God?
Salvation By Works, Vol. 3—Justice
What is justice? It is the application of a law as it is written.
Salvation By Works, Vol. 4—Faith and Law
9 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing; but the observance of the commandments of God. —1 CORINTHIANS 7:19
Salvation By Works, Vol. 7—The Devil
6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food...and she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave to her husband, who ate just as she did. —GENESIS 3:6; Hosea 6:7
Salvation By Works, Vol. 8—Life
The Jews had three main things as a guarantee of their salvation: That they were children of Abraham, circumcision, and animal sacrifices.
Salvation By Works, Vol. 9—Grace
21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. —REVELATION 22:21
Salvation By Works, Vol. 10—Holiness
16 because it is written: Be holybecause I am holy. —1 PETER 1:16
Salvation By Works, Vol. 11—THE WORKS
29 and those who did good [PLAYS], they will come out to the resurrection of life; but those who did evil, to the resurrection of damnation [PERDITION]. —JOHN 5:29
Salvation By Works, Vol. 12—BELIEVING
29 Jesus answered and said to them: This is the work of God, who you believe in which he has sent. —JOHN 6:29
Adventist Church, An Honest Church
33Sell what you own, and dad alms; make bags that do not grow old, treasure in heaven that never fails; where a thief does not come, nor a moth corrupts. —LUKE 12:33
“Yes Thou Shalt Kill” — Abortion, THE HYDE AMENDMENT, Hoepelman, and The Adventist Church
Have you ever heard of the “Hyde Amendment”? Of course they did, they just hadn't told you!
continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 12: The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafael Díaz and the “Seventh” Day Adventists
“Black people SHOULD NOT REQUIRE that she be placed on equal terms with white people.” —ELENA WHITE, Testimonies For The Church, Volume 9, p.172.1-2
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 7 — The Plagues
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 1: Ellen, Satan, and the Adventist Church
8 Even more so if we or an angel from heaven I will announce another gospel to you of which we have announced to you, be anathema. —GALATIANS 1:8
Have you ever heard the devil speak?
Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 2: The Truth of Others, The Numbers
3 I saw one of his heads as if it were wounded to death, but his deadly wound was healed; and all the earth marveled after the beast. —REVELATION 13:3
PART 2 continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 3: The 1,260 Days
20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not say according to this, it is because it has not dawned for them. —ISAIAH 8:20
Elena White UNDER THE MAGNIFYING GLASS, PART 4: To The Law or “THE TESTIMONIES”, a Public Challenge to Carlos Picart
20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not say according to this, it is because it has not dawned for them. —ISAIAH 8:20
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 5: Jaime
3 I saw one of his heads as if it were wounded to death, but his deadly wound was healed; and all the earth marveled after the beast. —REVELATION 13:3
PART 5 continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 6: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (a)
33 When the sixth hour came, there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. —MARK 15:33
PART 6 continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 7: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (b)
A glorious story, a confused prophet
continue ""
Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 8: The 34 Years
The Confusion of the Adventist Prophet Continues
continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 9: The First Day in The Sanctuary
Elena Contradicts Scripture, Once More.
continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 10: This is Enough for You Children of Darkness!
Putting an end to error
continue ""
Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 11: 1844 and The 2,300 Evenings and Mornings
Carlos Picart Runs and Hides. Live Broadcast Sept. 19, 3PM ET (New York)
continue ""Uniqueness, GRAMMAR and Mathematics
1 In the beginning he created ELOHIM the heavens and the earth.—GENESIS 1:1
Jehovah's Witnesses, Illuminati Sect: Russel and Freemasonry
Jesus and Paradise, The “Thief” on the Cross and Jehovah's Witnesses
What do weapons of war have to do with "the thief" on the cross?
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 8A — The Sabbath and the Desires of Your Heart
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 8B — The Sabbath and the Desires of Your Heart
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 1 — The Saints of Altism
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 2 — Holiness and Grace
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 3 — Abolition of the Law
The VIRUS and its Corona, Part 2: NIMROD Rises—Again
8And Cush begat Nimrod, who became the first mighty man on earth. —GENESIS 10:8
The VIRUS and Its Corona, Part 1: The Mark of the Beast
7 Therefore, when all the people hear the sound of the horn, the flute, the tambourine, the harp, the psaltery, the panpipe and every musical instrument, all the peoples, nations and languages they prostrated and they worshiped the golden statue that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. —DANIEL 3:7
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 9 — Reasoning with God
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 4 — The Day of the Lord and the Primates
Between The Wheat, The Tares, and The Separation
11 Rather I wrote to you that don't get together with no one who, calling himself a brother, is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a curser, or a drunkard, or a thief; Don't even eat with him. —1 CORINTHIANS 5:11<
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 10 — The Beasts and the Law
Prepare for Change, Adventist Church (Part 1)
The “Seventh” Day Adventist Church is calling its entire congregation to prepare for a great change. However, here we will demonstrate that this great change has already arrived, with great fanfare. continue ""
The 7 Noahide Laws and the Worm in El Gallinero
13 And he announced to you his covenant, which he commanded you to put into practice; the ten Commandments, and he wrote them on two stone tablets. —DEUTERONOMY 4:13
7 Questions for God About the Sabbath
10 I was in the Spirit ON THE DAY OF THE LORD, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,
11which said: Andor am I the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. … —REVELATION 1:10-11
The Sabbath and The Tilde—”I have given you an example”
18For truly I say to you, UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not a jot NOR A TILDE will pass from the law, until everything is fulfilled. —JESUS OF NAZARETH, Almighty God (Matthew 5:18)
We ask, is it that heaven and earth have already passed away, that the vast majority of the “Christian” world says that the Law of God is abolished? continue ""
Vaccines Cause Autoimmune Disease, Dolores Cahill
Science Exposes “Science”
The Seventh Day Abortionist Church: The Documentation
Business Between Sisters
Pedro, Dad or Dad?
He supposedly never married. However, Matthew says:
14 Jesus came to Peter's house, and saw the dreamgrto this one Bedridden, with fever. —MATHEW 8:14
continue ""BACK TO “HOME”
Here Is Wisdom
Jesus and His True Bride, the Guests and the Law
8 And it has been granted to her to dress in linen fine, clean and shining; because the fine linen is the actions fair of the saints. —REVELATION 19:8
Adventist Church Asks Forgiveness to Homosexuals, Opens “Space for All”
On May 12 of this year 2019, The Adventist Church—Sweden branch—announced to the world that it regrets ever having "injured" to homosexuals, and publicly apologizes for having discriminated against them.
continue ""Seventh-day Adventist Idolatry
The Image of a Town
Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 11A — Nailed to the Cross
The Catholic Creed That Changed a People, The Adventist Church
17Then the dragon was angry against the woman; and he went to make war against the rest of her seed, which KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. —REVELATION 12:17
The Bible and Skin Color: “The Pure Race”
Talking about Jesus the Black Christ and The Inferior Race.
PDF Test
The Whore and Her $100 Billions | Mormons
10And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; for him poor and for the foreigner you will leave it. I am Jehovah your God. —LEVITICUS 19:10
¿Cuánto dinero debemos “guardar” en caso de la segunda venida de Cristo?
Today is December 25, 2019, Christmas Day and Christ has not yet come. He has not come in glory, much less in essence for this celebration. And Christ has nothing—absolutely nothing to do with this day. And although “Christians” attribute it to his birth in Bethlehem of Judah, the reality is that—regardless of the fact that Christ was not born on this pagan date, [1] The Week They Call Holy, Christmas and You: What the Bible Says
[VIDEO 2:37:53, CristoVerdad] He is the great absentee in the hearts of the vast majority of those who do not know him and even more so of those who claim to celebrate him and know him. However, very few seem to know and understand Christ today—
21Jesus said to him: Yes you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give it to the pooryes, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me. —MATHEW 19:21
Today is Christmas, a day when everyone celebrates with or without excuses. And more than a day, it is the most prosperous date or season of the year for most businesses around the world. In the United States, for example, $729.3 billion dollars were screened in this Christmas season's sale. And that only includes stores with a physical structure where you can go and grab a product or buy a service. If we add others $135 trillion dollars of online businesses (over the internet), we would have a total $864.3 billion dollars invested and wasted on gifts, decorations, and parties to “celebrate” those who came to this earth as the poorest of the poor.
Expensive diamonds and all kinds of silver and gold clothing, shoes worth hundreds and thousands of dollars, exuberant dresses and suits, toys not accessible to the most helpless children, cell phones, computers, and even cars, houses—and who knows? Yes, even yachts and small planes, are some of the little gifts we “give” to our loved ones. And all this because today is Christmas. [2] Holiday retail sales in the United States from 2000 to 2019 (in billion US dollars)
[LINK, Statista] [3] Holiday season e-commerce – Statistics & Facts
[LINK, Statista]
Those figures we mentioned only cover the United States. If we added the rest of the world, we probably couldn't even estimate how much money is spent during this season. So much money moves and many people woke up without dinner on this day, living on the streets, children barefoot, sick, naked and semi-naked because they had the “misfortune” of being born poor. But today is Christmas, the day of the birth of “Christ”, and we must celebrate!
12and because evil has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold. —MATHEW 24:12
The churches enter…
The Churches—as they have taught us—are the places where the presence of God is supposedly found. However, the church—to refer to them all as one—for they are all one, [4] END OF THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION, Corporate Ecumenism, Tony Palmer
[VIDEO 00:11:33, CristoVerdad] [5] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC”
[VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad] It is the place where the most abominations against God are committed, and God himself says so in his holy word—
4These are the ones that not COUNTEDMINARON con women, because they are virgins. These are those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb0 —APOCALYPSE
These are the 144 Mill, the people of God in the last time of history, and they are characterized by having two very specific qualities:
to) No they are contaminated with churches (Women).
b) They follow the lamb wherever it goes (JOHN 10:27).
That is, all churches are contaminated (they are abominable). And don't lose sight of the fact that the Apocalypse It is the last book of the Bible, with the last message for humanity, given by Jesus Christ himself (REV. 1:1, 22:16). So we should not be surprised that all churches celebrate Christmas—a holiday dedicated to Satan himself since there is not a single Christian denomination that is not contaminated.
Y las iglesias son edificios habitados por personas que en ellas se congregan y adoran. Y si esos lugares están contaminados ¿quiénes entonces son esas personas que están ahí dentro y a quién adoran?… Permítanos ayudarle con la respuesta: son personas contaminadas y adoran al diablo, y por eso Dios te dice “come out of it” (APC. 18:4, ISA. 52:11).
Christ's sheep follow him, not the devil, and Christ said remember the poor, as we already presented in our biblical reading at the beginning. But the churches—all harlots, [6] Adventist Church of the Hand with the Harlots
[VIDEO 00:11:33, CristoVerdad] have inverted this formula and told their members “Remember us because we will take you to heaven.” ¿No nos cree cuando decimos eso? ¿Algúna vez ha escuchado usted decir “This is the church of God”, “This is the ship”, “The church is infallible”, and “There is no salvation outside the church.”. All Christian denominations teach this doctrine invented by Rome, all of them. However, the Bible says—
11This Jesus It is the stone rejected by you builders, which has become the head of the corner.
12And in no one else is there salvation; because there is no other name under heaven, given to men, whereby we may be saved. —ACTS 4:12
That's what the Bible says. However, you have been taught that you must claim the Baptist name to get to heaven. Ó Advnetist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Evangelical, Jehovah's Witness, and even the name “Christian”—which Christ himself never gave to any of his followers.
All churches are harlots—all are Catholic, [6] Adventist Church of the Hand with the Harlots
[VIDEO 00:11:33, CristoVerdad] and in there “we are all Catholics.” [4] END OF THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION, Corporate Ecumenism, Tony Palmer
[VIDEO 00:11:33, CristoVerdad] But in order not to prolong this matter too much, let's focus on one of those whores (APC. 17:5), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that is to say Mormons.…
A few days ago we wrote that AdventistHealth, an Eighth-day Adventist harlot company, had about $6 trillion dollars invested in the United States Stock Market; and not only that, but invested in very risky actions.[7]Adventist Church, An Honest Church
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad] $6 billion dollars, I thought a few days ago, which was a lot of money. But it has been reported that the Mormon church currently has some $100 billion dollars invested in the Stock Market , and has committed fraud to the United States government, then—according to the rules of the Internal Revenue Department (IRS), that money must be directed to charitable actions, since—as a church and 501(c)(3) Corporation,[8]501(c)(3) Corporations
[LINK, Wikipedia] She is exempt from paying taxes, as long as you give to the poor and for the common well-being. That is, give to the poor, just as Jesus taught the Young Rich. (MAT. 19:16-23).
The news was published by the national and international newspaper, The Washington Post, one of the most prestigious and respected newspapers in the world. The report of this news is very extensive, since $100 billion is no small thing. Here we leave you the original link and the translation of the news, which we recommend you read in its entirety.[9]Mormon Church has misled members on $100 billion tax-exempt investment fund, whistleblower allegations
[NEWS, The Washington Post]
The complaint was made David A. Nielsen, mormón de 41 años, “que trabajó hasta septiembre como gerente senior de cartera en la división de inversiones de la iglesia, una compañía llamada Ensign Peak Advisors que tiene su sede cerca de la sede de la iglesia.” Estamos hablando de un alto ejecutivo y analista financiero, quien tuvo acceso a las finanzas de la iglesia.
“The complaint offers a window into closely held finances of one of the most visible religious organizations in the nation, based in Salt Lake City (Utah, USA). “It details a church fortune that far exceeds previous estimates and encompasses stocks, bonds and cash.”
The Washington Post has obtained a copy of the complaint provided by David A. Nielsen and his brother Lars P. Nielsen, and has hired an expert to analyze all the information they have provided.
“The church too owns real estate worth billions of dollars, according to the complaint, that focuses on money tithe surplus and says the church may have additional properties that are not managed by Ensign.”
$100 Billions of dollars contributed to an organization that does not serve Christ. $100 billion contributed by Christians who “wait” for the second coming of Christ, while more than 31,536,000 million poor people die of hunger every year Worldwide, [e]1Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God?
[VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad] because they can't even get $10 pesos (you choose the country) to put even a piece of bread in their mouth. And we are not talking about all the money that this institution generates each year, nor the total value of all its properties, but only about the $100 billion “clean” dollars that are fluctuating in the gambling industry, while desperate fathers and mothers each day they hear the cry of their children, because hunger—my people, produces pain.
But “The tithe is God's money and should not be touched.”, they indoctrinate the churches led by their coyotes.[10]Is Pastor Gambetta an Adventist?
[LINK, Youtube] But what does the word of God say?
10And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the fruit of the land which you gave me., oh Jehovah. And you will leave it before the Lord your God, and you will worship before the Lord your God.
11 And you will rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given you and your house, both you and the Levite and the stranger who is among you.
12 When you finish tithing the entire tithe of your fruits in the third year, the year of the tithe, You will also give to the Levite, to the foreigner, to the orphan, and to the widow; and they will eat in your villages, and be satisfied. —DEUTERONOMY 26:10-12
I am 100% sure that none of you who may be reading this article have been preached in a church that tithing is for the needy. However, $100 billion appear quickly to make the fattest pig fatter. Y todo esto proveniente de la generosidad de aquellos que aspiran llegar al cielo. Y es precisamente el cielo la principal justificación para este tipo de inversiones—
In a speech in March 2018, Caussé related the church's financial strategy to the “prophecies about the last days”. Just as the church maintains grain silos and emergency warehouses, Caussé said, it “also methodically follows the practice of setting aside a portion of its income each year to prepare for any possible future needs.”
“For many years, a portion has been methodically protected through intelligent financial management and building a prudent reserve for the future“said the statement. “This is a sound doctrinal and financial principle taught by the Savior in the parable of the talents.” and lived by the Church and its members. All Church funds exist for no other reason than to support the divinely appointed mission of the Church.”
So “end-time prophecies” and “to support the divinely appointed mission of the Church,” right? And since when did God say that taking from the poor and giving to the rich is the mission he designated for his people? And when we say His townWe are not referring to churches, of course.
“Details of the church's expenditure on charity are not publicly available, but at a conference at Oxford University in 2016, one elder said the church had spent about $40 million a year for the past 30 years on social assistance, humanitarian aid and other international projects. He didn't mention Ensign. The church said in a report last year that its charitable arm had spent $2.2 billion on assistance since 1985, but did not provide a breakdown of spending.
In other words, while this corporate sect amasses more than $100 billion dollars in stock market investments alone, it contributes $40 million a year”, $2.2 billion from 1985 to the present day. And we are talking about $100 trillion!
From 1985 to today, Mormons have used $2.2 billion dollars in assistance. That is to say, in the last 34 years the Mormon church has used $2.2 billion dollars in the work of “God”, while at this moment it has only Ensign $100 billion floating on Wall Street. I'm going to sound repetitive, but it's impressive. That only equals 2.2%, and if we take into account all the money that the church has generated in that period of time, the church's investment in “the mission” would not be more than two or three cents, and I think I am being quite generous.
If we subtract $40 Million, that the church supposedly spends on attendance each year, of the $7 billion that it receives from its members each year, we have the following
In short, of the $7 billion that the church receives EACH YEAR, it contributes the 0.5% para la causa de “cristo” y se queda con $6.96 billones, que si lo redondeamos serían los mismos $7 billones recibidos. Así como lo oyen, el 0.5%. Es decir, ni siquiera un uno porciento de los ingresos recibidos en diezmos y ofrendas se usan para evangelizar o dar al hambriento. Si tomamos en cuenta que parte de esos 40 millones de dólares, digamos la mitad, va a otros “proyectos especiales”—no a la caridad, entonces estos solo serían el 0.25% destinado a ayudar al pobre. Ó sea, que esto sería un cuarto de un uno porciento, ¡prácticamente nada—absolutamente nada!
And if we compare those $40 million with the $100 billion mentioned here, we would have the following—
This is equivalent to 0.04% either 40,000 (40 thousand) dollars a year—for everyone, compared to the money accumulated in the stock market. And if we add all the investments of the church, plus the value of all the properties and companies they operate, we could say that the Mormon church does not contribute not even 5 dollars a year to the (Worldwide) work of the one they call Christ.
And now the last straw—
“According to the complaint, Ensign President Roger Clarke told others that The accumulated funds would be used in the event of the second coming of Christ. Clarke did not respond to an email seeking comment.”
That's not to be missed!
So the Mormon church is amassing more than $100 billion dollars to be used “in case of the second coming of Christ”?
Could it be that they will throw a great party with great fanfare and platinum at Madison Square Garden in New York City, with the Pope and all the cardinals and presidents of the world as guests, a concert by Madonna and Julio Iglesias, Don Francisco as host? , The Rockettes dancing to “Jesus Christ”, a big flash of fireworks, and a toast of Don Pérignom champagne for the 8 billion people present?
Well, as a curious fact, Madison Square Garden, with its conglomerate of professional sports teams and communications and entertainment companies, costs only $6.98 billion dollars, quite a bargain, compared to those $100 billion, if you are interested in buying it. [11]Madison Square Garden Net Worth 2009-2019 | MSG [LINK, MacroTends]
The eternity that Mormons talk about in their temples is that Christ will never come, if it depends on them that this gospel be preached to every nation, tribe and language so that then the end will come (MAT. 24:14).
Let's return to the Bible, since we understand that those who gather in these synagogues of Satan are taught everything except the Bible:
25Therefore I tell you: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, what you have to wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
26Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth much more than them? —MATHEW 6:25-26
One more quote,
20Jesus said to him: Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man does not have where to lay your head. —MATHEW 8:20

Could it be that they will save Christ a “King Size” bed with gold and ivory frames, an orthopedic mattress with climate control in recognition of his sacrifice for “all” humanity? After all, if Christ paid such a dear price for human salvation, it is only fair that we give him back (pay) some of what he himself gave us, right?
The numbers we have been dealing with in this report are certainly impressive. But before concluding, one more fact—
“Nielsen's estimate of Ensign's assets places the Mormon investment organization among some of the richest companies and charities in the country. Microsoft, Alphabet and Apple each have between $ 100 billion and $ 136 billion in cash, according to the company's most recent filings, while Harvard University has the largest academic endowment in the country with $ 40.9 billion. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the world's largest private philanthropic foundation with $47.8 billion.”
A church among the most powerful companies in the world, and not even the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is the richest charitable organization in the world, stands next to it... impressive. And many will say—the same old story, “But those are the Mormons, that doesn't happen in my church.” Well, we have already covered the adventures of Adventist Babylon extensively here. Mother Roma we know controls all the silver and gold on this planet. But not only that, mother Roma—obviously, she also has daughters—
4And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, and had in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication;
And those daughters are the “Protestant” churches. (ISA. 4:1). Rome's great strategy has always been to present itself as the whore, while making its daughters appear clean, when in reality they are equal to or worse than the mother. All churches are Catholic, and the church you attend is no different. They taught you to point the cannons at Rome [12]OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [6] — Satan's Elite (1.4) CANNONS FOR ROME, Columns of Smoke. Francisco Bergoglio in Panama
[VIDEO 2:21:26, CristoVerdad] so that their daughters can do the dirty work and go unnoticed, thus fulfilling a very particular prophecy—
11Then I saw ANOTHER BEAST that came up from the earth; and he had two horns like those of a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.
12and exercises all the authority of the first beast in her presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast , whose deadly wound was healed. —REVELATION 13:11-12
This prophecy indicates that, to) the second beast—represented by the union of the “Protestant” churches and the State, exercise the same authority as their mother Rome (they are equal), and b) they make the entire world—including the members of these churches—worship Rome—the Catholic Church, which by extension, is worship of the fallen Queub himself. Once again, all churches are Catholic, all of them. [13]aThe Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Assembling The Puzzle. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC” [VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad] . [13]bThe Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2] — The Fall of The Church. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC”
[VIDEO 2:01:35, CristoVerdad] And they all act the same.
Church Trinity Church in lower Manhattan of New York City has an investment portfolio of $6 trillion of dollars. This church is very famous, as the remains of Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, are found in the Trinity Church cemetery.
The interesting thing is that Trinity Church is not a denomination, but part of a denomination, the Episcopal Church. This investment is attributed only to this local church, Trinity Church, and not the entire denomination. So a single local church has a portfolio of $6 billion dollars. A tower valued at $300 million dollars is on the way, while this church signed a contract of $650 million Dollars with the entertainment company Walt Disney. A church of “God” making a pact with the devil, or is Disney also in this time in the “business” of saving souls? MMM…[e]2Top 5 – Disney Subliminal Messages – HD
[VIDEO 00:08:33, YouTube] [e]313 Hidden Messages In DISNEY Movies THAT WILL SCARE YOU
[VIDEO 00:05:21, YouTube]
No hay una sola congregación denominacional que no le esté rebando a los pobres, que no le esté robando a Dios. Le dejamos de tarea que investigue las andanzas de su propia iglesia. Ahora bien, cuando usted se dirige a aquellos pastores de ministerios independientes, de los cuales muchos han formado mega iglesias, ahí es que verdaderamente the monkey dances for the money. How can Joel Osteen justify your millions? Or this pastor—David Taylor, who formed his own ministry, JMMI, and has purchased million-dollar mansions, only wears Louis Vuitton and Versace, and among his arsenal of vehicles is a Bentley, one of the most expensive cars in the world?
The televangelist Kenneth Copeland It has its own airport for all its planes, which only tithes and generous donations can compare. And if there is a case of need for a poor person—well, finish the sentence. Copeland has amassed a fortune of more than $750 million dollars to preach the gospel of the devil, courtesy of his faithful sheep—the Christians. One day not too distant Christians will give a lot, a lot of account to God.
Es impresionante con la manera tan fácil y estúpida que se despojan—y que son despojados del dinero, siempre y cuando sea para la causa del diablo. Si viene un muerto de hambre a su iglesia, les duele sacar $20 dólares—ó quien sabe si $20 bolívares para ayudar al que no tiene nada.
There is no doubt that the Christian is the most evil human being, and not by God—of course. Take about 8 minutes of your time and watch this video. I present to you the Pastor Yesenia Then, who even had breast implants done to impress and motivate her donors to keep giving.

And Yesenia Then is simply another piece in this game, since all—absolutely all Christian denominations use the same method to steal “honestly,” only some are finer than others in the way they steal.
Saúd Elías, current director of the Hispanic work of the Pennsylvania Conference, the Adventist pastor who baptized me, is very famous for manipulating the members of his sect into “make a pact with God”, giving—of course, to his Adventist Church and not the needy!
I have never heard him—or any other paid pastor of that or any other denomination—commanding to make a covenant to give to the poor, Never!
Before finishing, I would like to bring up a couple more points about the Mormon Church. The first is very important because it summarizes the reality of a big lie in all denominations, which are always complaining that they don't have money. Nielsen's complaint indicates that between 2009 and 2014 Ensign invested $1.4 billion de dólares para un centro comercial en Salt Lake City, además de inyectar en la última década otros $2 trillion dollars to rescue Beneficial Life, a Mormon-owned insurer, from a financial crisis. Members complained about the church's investments in these types of businesses, to which the church responded—
“I wish to give the entire church the assurance that the tithe funds have not been and will not be used to acquire this property. Nor will they be used to develop it for commercial purposes.Hinckley said when plans for the mall were unveiled in 2003.
If the tithe is not used for this type of investment, where does that money come from then? All churches make similar stories to justify the unjustifiable. Where did $100 billion dollars come from to be invested in the stock market? Let us help you once again with the answer: tithes and offerings.
The Bible says that “those who understand will understand”. And a connoisseur is someone who seeks to understand. Are you connecting the dots? Can you see the dots?
Closing, and this is a point that we here at CristoVerdad have mentioned several times, and that Nielsen surprisingly raises in his complaint—
“He suggests that church leaders favor continuing to collect tithes to avoid “losing control over the behavior of its members” by freeing them from their financial obligations. In June, the church increased the monthly charge paid by most families to cover the cost of their children serving as missionaries from $400 to $500 per month.”
Mi hermano Miguel, en lo particular, ha enfatizado este punto varias veces, que las iglesias esclavizan a sus miembros para poder someterlos con suma facilidad. Tomemos a un padre de familia como ejemplo, que tiene que trabajar 12-15 horas al día para mantener su familia—y a la iglesia, no tendrá mucho tiempo para estudiar la Biblia. Y aún cuando haga el esfuerzo, le será muy difícil conectar los puntos y despertar, pués física y mentalmente estará agotado y saturado.
Now, in a previous statement, the same church had said the following:
In its statement Tuesday, the church said the “vast majority” of the funds it receives from donations “are used immediately to meet the needs of the growing Church,” including temples, education and missionary work.
But we already read in the previous comment that the church charges its members $500 per month for sending missionaries around the world. This is an open lie, which should make those who gather in that sect think.
$100 billones de dólares es mucho dinero. Y no es que la iglesia de los mormones sea la más rica de todas, sino que ésta es la información que se ha colado y hecho pública. No creemos, por ejemplo, que ésta institución sea más rica que los Adventistas del Séptimo Día ó aún quizás los Testigos de Jehová. Solo que en ésta ocasión un ex empleado de la institución hace traer al frente una información que tenían bien guardada de sus miembros. Hay mucha información allá afuera de todas las denominaciones, solo disponible para la mente con sabiduría, aquellos entendidos que buscan entender—y ser fieles a Dios..
There is only one remaining question, Who should we give to?
“Get out of it, my people...” (REV. 18:4)
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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material.
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[1] The Week They Call Holy, Christmas and You: What the Bible Says [VIDEO 2:37:53, CristoVerdad]
[3] Holiday season e-commerce – Statistics & Facts [LINK, Statista]
[6] Adventist Church of the Hand with the Harlots [VIDEO 00:11:33, CristoVerdad]
[7] Adventist Church, An Honest Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[8] 501(c)(3) Corporations [LINK, Wikipedia]
[10] Pastor Gambetta is an Adventist?? [LINK, Youtube]
[11] Madison Square Garden Net Worth 2009-2019 | MSG [LINK, MacroTends]
[e]1 Tithe, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO 3:22:56, CristoVerdad]
[e]2 Top 5 – Disney Subliminal Messages – HD [VIDEO 00:08:33, YouTube]
[e]3 13 Hidden Messages In DISNEY Movies THAT WILL SCARE YOU [VIDEO 00:05:21]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]
[14] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Enterprise [ARTICLE, CristoVerrdad]
[15] Your Tithes in the Stock Market [LINK, Adventist Church]
[16] Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War [LINK, Adventist Church]
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