Church Elder and Sabbath School Teacher
DESCRIPTION: On the 12th of December 2015, Rhonda Dinwiddie was introduced as Church Elder and Sabbath School teacher at the Hollywood Seventh-day Adventist Church in California.
Almost 4 years have passed, and Rhonda keeps making “her” rounds in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Rhonda is the by product of new policies voted by the Church, backed up by the General Conference. On 2015, the SDA Church legalized homosexuality in its corporate temples, and what we are witnessing is the implementation of those policies. Here are the documents. [1]An Understanding of the “Biblical” View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015
On April 11, 2017 the SDA Church published the following documento
Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism. Church leaders express the desire to bring people to the foot of the cross,not chase them away from Christ -April 11, 201 7
This document is an extension or addendum to the first, and here the church makes it very clear that being a transgender is not a sin. [2]Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism, April 11, 201 7
What we are witnessing is just the execution of those policies voted by the church, where slowly but sure, they are taking place at every Seventh-day Adventist church in the world.
“Onun içindən çıx, ey xalqım...” (VƏH. 18:4)
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[1] ]An Understanding of the “Biblical” View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 [DOCUMENT, SDA Chuch]
[2] Seventh-day Adventist World Church Vote Statement on Transgenderism, April 11, 201 7 [DOCUMENT, SDA Chuch]
[L] Hüquqi, “Müəlliflik hüququndan imtina” və “Ədalətli istifadə” [LINK, CristoVerdad]
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