On May 12 of this year 2019, The Adventist Church—Sweden branch—announced to the world that it regrets ever having "injured" to homosexuals, and publicly apologizes for having discriminated against them.

The LGBT Adventist portal Spectrum Magazine, sponsored and financed [1] Sex Change in the Adventist Church and Christianity,
Part 1
[NEWS, Adventist Church]
by The Corporation of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, reported the news (May 30), which—originally, was published on the official website of the Adventist Church in Sweden, in both English and Swedish. [2]a “Room for Everyone”: Swedish Union Issues Statement about LGBT+ Individuals
[NEWS, Spectrum Magazine, Adventist Church]
[2]b “Adventistsamfundets värderingar i relation till HBTQ
[NEWS, Adventist Church, Sweden]

The fact that the portal Spectrum, which stands out for its fierce push of the LGBT agenda within the Roman Corporation of the “Seventh” Day, [3] “BLOOD ECUMENISM —
8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity
[TOPIC, ChristTruth]
 [4]a The Creed That Changed the World, 1971: The Church is Holy Catholic and Apostolic
[BOOK, Adventist Church]
[4]b The Creed That Changed the World, 2005: The Church is Holy Catholic and Apostolic
[BROCHURE, Adventist Church]
[5]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle
[VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad]
[5]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2]: The Fall ofThe Church
[VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad]
Whoever publishes this news in the West, it is very—but very significant, since Spectrum has openly declared that homosexuality is not a sin, just as it has done—publicly as well, [6] BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN” [NEWS, Adventist Church] the same Sodomite Church of the “Seventh” Day. [7]aSeventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin”
[VIDEO 2:38:20, CristoVerdad]
[7]bSeventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 2 — Completed Apostasy
[VIDEO 2:08:29, CristoVerdad]
And the fact is that—although the majority of its members live in the clouds, homosexuality was legalized by this Luciferian institution in 2015, and reaffirmed on April 11, 2017 by declaring that  “Gender dysphoria is not intrinsically sinful.” [8]Declaration of Vote on Transgenderism Seventh-day Adventist Church Worldwide
[NEWS, Adventist Church]
In other words, being transsexual—that is, homosexual, is not a sin condemned by God. And they have made all this public, very public, so that “everyone” knows it; It's just that Adventists don't care or haven't realized—”because it is written”, “the dead know nothing”. (ECL. 9:5)

What we are presenting—or rather, witnessing, is—once again, the execution of the policies voted—and approved—on October 9, 2015. [9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
by the theological cream of the crop—and executive, of Eighth-day Adventist Babylon. [10]a BABYLON Seventh-day Adventist, Part 1
[VIDEO 1:33:01, ChristTrue]
[10]b BABYLON Seventh-day Adventist, Part 2
[VIDEO 2:27:33,Christtruth]
[10]c EIGHTH Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 3
[VIDEO 1:35:31,Christtruth]
[10]d EIGHTH Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 4
[VIDEO 1:50:15, ChristTrue]
8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity
[TOPIC, ChristTruth]

We already present you the original links of the news that The Adventist Church published from Sweden, [2]b “Adventistsamfundets värderingar i relation till HBTQ
[NEWS, Adventist Church, Sweden]
[2]a “Room for Everyone”: Swedish Union Issues Statement about LGBT+ Individuals
[NEWS, Spectrum Magazine, Adventist Church]
and here we have the translation of the Spectrum Magazine article:

SPECTRUM, quoting directly from the 5 page document—

“Space for All”: Swedish Union Affairs Declaration on LGBT People — The Swedish Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has created a document on LGBT+ people and the importance of caring for “all people in a loving way, regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.”

Titled “Space For All,” it was created by the Executive Committee of the Union with the help of a study group and It was approved on May 12, 2019. “The work has been characterized through prayer and sincere conversations. We have interviewed representatives of the LGBTQ community about their experiences and aspirations in relation to the church and committed to pastors of the community and Bible workers to comment,” stated Rainer Refsbäck, executive secretary.

Work on the guidelines described in this document first began in the Union Session 2017, when the Executive Committee was commissioned to provide information and guidance to churches on how MEET the needs of LGBTQ members +. The study group was appointed in the Fall of 2018 and has been involved for the past few months. The study group consisted of Rainer Refsbäck (executive secretary of the union / coordinator), Bobby Sjölander (president of the union), Lillemor Brandum (vice president of the executive committee), David Cederström (pastor), Liane Edlund (editor / pastor), Jonathan Karlsson (ministerial student/Bible instructor), Christopher Laubscher (pastor) and Anna Tegebo (youth director).

According to the document, the study group based its work on the Bible, reviewed the various statements and studies made by the church and church-related organizations in relation to LGBT+ people, and “interviewed five people who in different ways  have personal experience with LGBTQs and who are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church  or are in some way associated with it.” The Executive Committee did not want to reexamine theological views of the Church on sexuality and marriage, but sought to equip local churches and members how to understand and treat LGBTQ members better.

The five-page document that discusses the challenges faced by LGBT+ people, continues,

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sweden has failed in his relationship with LGBTQs and has not promoted trust or created conditions for constructive dialogue. For a long time, the Church had difficulty recognizing and managing the complexity of the LGBTQ problem. Although the Church has clear theological explanations about sexuality and marriage, they often lack guidance for pastoral care and spiritual in the congregations. This lack of knowledge and comprehension It means that members and employees often fail in their response to LGBTQ people. There is a lack of clarity about the concepts and phenomena, and frequently they get confused definitions of terms such as sexual orientation, gender identity and sexual practice, what it can take to the sentence of LGBTQ people solely because of their sexual orientation.

In a section titled "What are we trying to achieve?" The document says: “We want to overcome as many obstacles as possible so that the Church can become a safe place where all, whether sexual orientation or gender identity, can come to know God and grow as his disciples.”

The declarations “We want to affirm…” Included in the document:

  • We want to confirm that  God loves everyone , regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. We do not support any group out of contempt and ridicule, much less abuse.
  • We want to confirm everyone those who have suffered injuries or unloving treatment in the church community because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We want to express our pain and ask for forgiveness when this has happened.
  • We want to affirm the biblical teaching that God created The humanity in his image, as man and woman, and who has married between a man and a woman as his original will and  ideal  for sexual relations. At the same time, we want to confirm everyone's needs for closeness, meaningful companionship, and loving relationships. —SPECTRUM MAGAZINE [2]a “Room for Everyone”: Swedish Union Issues Statement about LGBT+ Individuals
    [NEWS, Spectrum Magazine, Adventist Church]

This summary of Spectrum Magazine It is very precise. They simply present the news, and they don't even analyze it, because—in our opinion, they understand that the work that the Church did with this new document is quite effective in advancing the agenda of which both the inhabitants of Sodom and those of Gomorrah They would be very proud, if God had destroyed them as a result of this same agenda, per se.

Well, maybe I have to recant, because in Sodom and Gomorrah there was no agenda, but rather a practice, carried out by a orientation perverted And it is this same orientation-which “it is not an act of sin”According to the Adventist Church, [9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
that has submissive to the high hierarchy and membership of this institution that has taken on the task of serving the devil himself.

Although Spectrum's summary is very to the point, we at ChristTruth We would like to highlight some points as well. Here we leave you the fully translated document, [11]Space For All, The Adventist Church Asks Forgiveness To Homosexuals) — Translation
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
which comes directly from the official website of the Church in Sweden. [2]b “Adventistsamfundets värderingar i relation till HBTQ
[NEWS, Adventist Church, Sweden]
Document that—although it only has 5 pages (4 of content), it is very substantial.

OK, first of all, we want to note that for years now the Adventist Church has been publishing a series of documents and news that little by little have paved the way for the introduction of homosexuality in its temples of Baal worship. That is already a fact, and what I am going to present to you here is that all these publications—in some way or another, are interconnected. In other words, the Church has long been using its divisions, conferences, unions, universities, clinics and hospitals, local churches—and leaders, in strategic positions to advance this agenda.

No, dear Adventist friend, a church, division, union or conference in one place does not act independently—or differently—from another in another place, but each effectively lays the bricks assigned to them—from above [And not from heaven] to build modern Babylon of which you are a part, both financially [D]Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War
[NEWS, Adventist Church]
as spiritually. Having said that, let's see—

The LGBTQs1  they have always been  a more or less invisible part of the church over time. In recent decades, the situation in the church for LGBTQ people and their families and friends has become increasingly visible,  as LGBTQ people have become more accepted   and they have been given more rights by society.  (p.2, para. 1)

This is how the document begins. What they are telling you is that homosexuals have always been part of “the church of God”—for that is what “Seventh” Day Adventists call themselves. And not only that, but—as society has changed regarding to homosexual behavior, the Adventist Church has also changed.

The study group has based its work on the Bible  and the official and international statements of the Seventh-day Adventist Church  about sexuality, gender identity and marriage, and has examined statements made by other organizations and institutions within the Church. (p.2, par. 3)

This part is very, very important. First, they tell you that the Adventist Church is basing these statements—and actions—under the microscope of biblical teachings. In other words, what you are reading at this moment is approved by God. Also themselves—the Swedish union in this case, says that This work is based on all official church publications. This is notable, because in the mind of every “Seventh” Day Adventist, what the Church does in China—for example, does not affect what the Church does in Holland.

The average Church member (Adventist) understands—only when he wants to justify his church—that the church operates as separate cells that are not part of the same body. However, The Church—that is, the executive union—tells you otherwise. And yes, the world leaders are the Church, because to them you maintain and send the tithes, Offerings, and all the resources to lead the church that you love so much and defend until death. But here they themselves are telling you that everything is considered and everything is connected... nothing is isolated.

The Canadian Conference For example, he openly said in his Messenger magazine in 2017 that “Being gay is not a sin.” [6] BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN” [NEWS, Adventist Church] And many will say, “well that's the Canadian Conference, and does not represent the entire Adventist Church.” However, the Canadian Conference belongs to—and answers to and speaks on behalf of—the Adventist church, as well as each of its employees. In fact, on the same official website of this magazine—and conference, they say the following: “ [12] Adventist Messanger, Adventist Church Admits Full Control of All Its Official Publications
[LINK, Adventist Church]

 The General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church operates and archives all the official publications of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 

including the Canadian Messenger and our predecessor magazines, the Eastern Canadian Messenger, the Western Canadian Tidings and the Canadian Union Messenger. These versions are fully searchable [searchable with keywords], dating from 1903-2000 and are available here (ASTR Office of Archives, Statistics and Research). http://documents.adventistarchives.org/default.aspx

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists operates an archive of all official Seventh-day Adventist publications, including the Canadian Adventist Messenger and our forerunners, the Eastern Canadian Messenger, the Western Canadian Tidings and the Canadian Union Messenger. These completely searchable holdings date from 1903-2000 and are available.

The interesting thing about this statement is that it not only indicates that The General Conference has full control of the magazine Messenger of this Canadian conference, but has control of all official publications of the church, in any territory they operate. The fact is that the Toyota company in Mexico is the same Toyota in Japan. In your work, my reader friend—or even in any area or aspect of society, Can you do whatever you want, without consequences? What are laws and rules for then?

Have you not wondered—as a “Seventh” Day Adventist—why these things happen and no one is disciplined? It's an agenda, and you who are in there are part of it, and—like them, you will answer to God, personally!

Continuing with the analysis of the statements of the Union of Sweden, we find the following:

The risk of Mental illness among LGBTQs it is documented. Many fear rejection and do not trust that the Church can transmit to them  the unconditional love of God.  Many LGBTQs have learned to live with a feeling of exclusion from an early age. (p.2-3, par. 4)

The most effective technique that the devil has used in society to advance the gay agenda has been to paint them as victims. The Adventist Church—worldly at last—is doing the same. Of course, God was wrong when he said that this sin “it is an abomination” (LEV. 18:22).

Another issue, if there is a high rate of mental illness—and suicide, among homosexuals, it is because they have decided to leave in total opposition to “natural affection.” (ROM. 1:22-32)—male and female, as God instituted and not because they have been “injured” by society.

The word of God says the following:

14Follow peace with all, andto sainttity, without which nobody you will see the Lord: —HEBREWS 12:14

No my dear Laodicean friend, God's love is not unconditional [See Jonathan Henderson's videos, below]. God said “Be holy because I am holy…” (1 PET. 1:16). Also he said,

2Keep my commandmentsyou, and vyou will live; AND  my law  like the apple of your eye. —PROV. 7:2

“The fulfillment of the law is love,” (ROM. 13:10) continues his word. And apart from the fact that “loving” is fulfilling God's law, keeping the law is a condition that—if you do not obey it, you will never see the Lord. (REV. 22:14-16, HEB. 12:14)

As I mentioned, all the publications of the Adventist Church—especially in reference to this homosexual agenda, are intertwined. On October 9, 2015, The Seventh Day Jesuit Corporation published the following document:

An Understanding of the Biblical View of Homosexual Practice and  Pastoral Care  — Position Paper Theological Seminary of the Adventist Church
of the Seventh Day.[9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]

This publication was released to the world by the North American Division, under the direct sponsorship of The Lake Conference (Michigan), Andrews University, and The Institute of Biblical Research—that is, The General Conference. Here the Adventist Church—openly, and—officially, he came out of the closet, declaring among other things that “there is no punishment for homosexual orientation”, that this is not a sin, and that—listen to this,

 “We do not know that Paul would have thought about the intimate sexual relationship between same-sex oriented people.” 

That is in reference to the new Adventist theology—which Paul did not know, which “The sexual attraction of a person to another of the same gender could be temptation, but not an act of sin.”. That is, if Paul were alive today—with this new information in hand, Paul would not condemn homosexuality. This was published in the addendum document North American Division Statement on Human Sexuality (Nov. 2, 2015), [9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
which ratifies the first of the “'Biblical' Understanding of Homosexual Practice and  Pastoral Care. 

Those words have been repeated time after time in the various Adventist publications. At the youth morning A Historic Day – May 17, 2017 — Beyond the Stigmata, They repeated the same thing. But they didn't stop there, but on the Official News Channel of this corporate sect—Hope TV (Colombia), they bring us together girl about 10 to 12 years old, to give us the same message. Take three minutes of your time and watch this video, paying special attention starting at minute 2:14.

If you love your children, take them out of the Adventist Church so that they do not become perverted.

What is such a little girl doing talking to us about sexuality, and—even more so, about homosexuality, and on top of that, justifying it? The Story of Sodom and Gomorran in Genesis 19 teaches us that children were also perverted in the cities of the plain. The Adventist Church has become a replica of these cities, only today's methods are more subtle and sophisticated. (GEN. 3:1)

What the Adventist Church has done is redefine what the Bible declares as an abominable practice, homosexuality. Now it is the church that decides what is and is not sin—not God.

Returning to the Swedish document, we find the same message:

We want to affirm that a person's sexual orientation It is not a sin in itself or a cause of condemnation or guilt. Sexual orientation describes who  attracts  to a person and should not be confused with having an immoral desire. Jesus Christ gives us power and grace to live for His glory  regardless of our sexual orientation . (p.4, par. 1)

Simply put, a woman being sexually attracted to another woman is not a sin. Nor is it true for a man to have carnal desires towards another man. And if it is not a sin it is because it is approved by God. And all this comes—according to them, with the blessing of the “Holy Spirit” and “Jesus,” obviously.

They are also teaching you that sexual attraction (homosexual in this case) is only physical and not mental. This is something like when animals warm up. That is, they are programming you to believe that homosexual attraction is something natural created by God—you are born that way, and therefore it should not be condemned—much less God condemns it. Apart from being blasphemy, this is pantheism, since they are attributing to human beings behavior typical of animals.

The Adventist Church is telling you that God cannot change you, and that a homosexual can remain sexually pure while having those satanic desires in his mind. And if there is no “condemnation” or “guilt,” it is because—obviously also, that is how they were born—God made them that way. Once again, God cannot give you victory over sin, according to Adventist Babylon.

In the document published from Andrews University in 2015, it tells us the following:

Others have prayed to God to change and have undergone therapy with the goal of changing,


. 48  —An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and

 Pastoral Care 

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Position Paper — Oct. 9, 2015 An Understanding of the Biblical View of Homosexual Practice and  Pastoral Care  — Position Paper Theological Seminary of the Adventist Church of the Seventh Day. (p.17, par. 3) [9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]

This is an OFFICIAL statement from the North American Division and the General Conference, on the lips of—pay attention to the number 48 of the quote, which takes us to the footnotes of that document—

48 Daneen Akers and Stephen Eyer, directors and producers, “Seventh-Gay Adventists,” documentary film (Filmakers Library, 2012). [Daneen Akers and Stephen Eyer

 directors and producers of the documentary, Seventh-Gay Adventists (Homosexual Seventh-day Adventists). 

Here he is telling you openly that God cannot change you, and the Adventist Church cites the words of a group of gay activists to confirm it. In fact, the way I found out about the Sucecia news is because I received an email from Daneen Akers, because I once bought a video for research, and from that moment on I was subscribed to her subscriber list.

Jonathan Henderson repeated the same thing in his videos, as did John McLarty, pastor of Green Lake Adventist Church in Seattle. McLarty—like Henderson, said that “fasting and prayer” are methods that “don't work.” [m]1THE ART OF SINNING and How to Get to Heaven Without Consequences, Part 1
[VIDEO 1:32:25, Adventist Church]
[m]2The ART OF SINNING and How to Get to Heaven Without Consequences [2] — What About Holiness?
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
McLarty made these statements with Stephen Eyer at his side as he presented his pro-homosexuality documentaries at McLarty's Church in Seattle. Mclarty emphasized that  “To obey God you have to break the ancient texts.”  That is, the law of Godand every sacred writing in the Bible that condemns homosexual practice.

We are not just talking about attraction or orientation here, however, the Adventist Church says—in the name of “God,” that God It can't change you. The word of God says the following—

13When anyone is tempted, let him not say that he is tempted by God: for God cannot be tempted by evil people, nor does he tempt anyone:
14But each one is tempted,

 when of his own lust is attracted 

, and priming.
15and the lustnce, after whatand has conceived,  stop the sin:  and sin, being fulfilled, it engenders death.
16My beloved brothers, do not err. —JAMES 1:13-15

And what was it that we said the Adventist Church is teaching?

 Us we recognize that the sexual attraction of a person towards another of the same gender could be temptation, but not an act of sin

—Statement on Human Sexuality North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, November 2, 2015 [9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]

We ask, can God's power transform a man who seeks divine help?

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not possess the kingdom of God? Do not be mistaken, for neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers,  neither the effeminate ones, nor those who sleep with men 
10 Neither thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

 And that you were some: but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 


The only way the Adventist Church can so easily execute this agenda before its members is precisely the way they are doing it, by redefining sin—and the law of God, in the minds of “Seventh” Day Adventists, and then make them believe that that is what the Bible says. In that regard, we think they have done a very good job.

If you have been following the thread, you will notice that all of these statements come from different publications, in different divisions, unions, conferences, Churches, and countries. However, They are all perfectly aligned with the same messageWell—once again, Toyota in Mexico is the same company as Toyota in Japan; same company, different branches—same philosophy. And the Adventist Church is a for-profit company,[13]The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
and very organized, so you don't have the slightest doubt. There no one does what they want, but rather they do what the Church wants. A good listener few words.

The 2015 document, which was prepared in the satanic laboratories of the main Adventist university—Andrews, has in its title the phrase

 “Pastoral Care”

As we already pointed out, it is that document where the Adventist Church officially legalized homosexuality, and now we are only seeing its execution in the different divisions, conferences, unions, local churches—and even in its hospitals, as is the case of Loma Linda, main “health” center of this mega corporation where—listen well, ABORTIONS are performed and sex change surgeries. [c]Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University
[NEWS, Adventist Church]

Yes, in Andrews the foundations were laid for what is happening within the sect today. Otherwise, how can you explain that after the publication of this document, the Hollywood Adventist Church has named Rhonda Dinwiddie as church elder and Sabbath school teacher? It's been almost 4 years and Rhonda—a transsexual, still in the same place. Let us remember that in an addendum document to this, the Adventist Church declared that “gender dysphoria”—that is, transgenderism, “It is not intrinsically sinful.”. [8]Declaration of Vote on Transgenderism Seventh-day Adventist Church Worldwide
[NEWS, Adventist Church]

The Swedish document continues,

There is a lack of clarity about concepts and phenomena, and the definitions of terms such as sexual orientation, gender identity and sexual practice are frequently confused,  which can lead to the condemnation of LGBTQ people solely for their sexual orientation. (p.3, par. 1)

In reality, the Adventist Church is clear—very clear—in what it is executing. The Church has wanted—and successfully achieved—to disassociate all the parts that make up human behavior, and—particularly in this case, homosexual behavior. In reality, it is not that Adventist theologians are blind and cannot discern the holy from the profane. Quite the contrary, they know very well what God says in his word, and therefore they have become expert manipulators of the scriptures to bring the LGBT agenda to every “Seventh” Day Adventist home, not just the churches (see guide for homosexuals, later).

The truth is that when the Adventist Church first said that homosexual orientation is not a sin, they were only trying to open a door, and—once this was achieved—they knew that, the LGBT movement could not be stopped within this satanic institution, just as it happened in society. Once the first state legalized gay marriage, it was only a matter of time before the entire American nation followed suit.

In the same way, once the Adventist church voted in 2015 that homosexual orientation was not a sin, transgenderism—that is, homosexual practice, quickly followed, with the appointment of Rhonda Dinwiddie in Hollywood being a key piece, then—after After all, they were just testing the waters to see how the members would react. The children followed him too, and since the members reacted with utmost indifference, the rest is history. Mission accomplished, the revolution has already taken place in Seventh-day Adventist Sodomy, and the system of worship has been supplanted. [14] Revolution in the Adventist Church: Caitlyn's Arrival [VIDEO 2:44:59, Adventist Church] Now they openly tell you that “being gay is not a sin” [in the youth and children's section of messenger magazine] and they have a transsexual teaching doctrines in a church. So this is not just a matter of guidance—now that place has been filled with every unclean and hateful bird, for the door has been opened.

Although the Church has clear theological explanations about sexuality and marriage, they often lack  guidance for pastoral care  and spiritual in the congregations. (p.3, par. 1)

Sweden continues talking and that is a direct reference to the document prepared at Andrews University in 2015, which we recommend reading completely and carefully. [9]A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
Everything—pardon the redundancy—my friends and brothers—and enemies, is “intrinsically” connected.

We want to affirm the biblical teaching of

 that God created The humanity in his image, 

as man and woman, and who instituted marriage between a man and a woman as his original will  and ideal  for sexual relations. (p.3, par. 6)

“But the serpent was crafty,” says the word of God in Genesis 3:1. Here we see what appears to be an alignment with the word God. However, we see the use of inclusive language with reference to the creation of man, or—The humanity, as the world and the Adventist Church here express it.

We want to affirm that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity,

 they fall short in relation to the ideal of the Creator and need the grace 

and the power of God. p.3, par. 7)

It's interesting, but on April 24, 2014, the Netherlands Conference (Holland), he told us

 who is committed to being a safe place for LGBTI people 

What a safe place, right? And what does this mean?

Although we recognize  the biblical ideal  of a monogamous and heterosexual relationship, we continue to emphasize that it is an ideal.  The basis of Christianity is that everybody No they reach God's ideal; That is why we require the grace of God and the sacrifice of Christ. This leads us to the conclusion that we, as Christians,

 we must welcome all the children of God, those who do not reach God's ideal

in our churches with love. —NETHERLANDS CONFERENCE, Adventist Church (Spectrum Magazine) [15]a The Church of the Netherlands Commits to Being a Safe Place for LGBTI People (English)
[NEWS, Adventist Church]
[15]b Homoseksualiteit en de kerk — Algemeen Kerkbestuur geeft richtlijn (Dutch)
[NEWS, Adventist Church]

Although we acknowledge the biblical ideal of a monogamous, heterosexual relationship, we continue to emphasize that it is an ideal. The basis of Christianity is that all people fall short of God's ideal; this is why we require God's grace and Christ's sacrifice. This leads to the conclusion that we, as Christians, must welcome all children of God – who all fall short of God's ideal – into our churches with love. —NETHERLANDS CONFERENCE, Adventist Church (Spectrum Magazine)

Two different documents and countries, the same church—the same message!

What this implies, my friends, is that marriage between a male and a female is only an ideal, and ideals—we all know, change. Not only that, but since “all people do not reach God's ideal,”  we need God's grace to get to heaven. In other words, don't worry about achieving God's ideal, marry a person of the same sex and God has no problem with that. Steal, kill, rape, commit peophilia, adultery, take drugs... in short, everything your body asks of you, because none of these things reach God's ideal. That is, the Adventist Church is teaching that you can get to heaven by disobedience, particularly by violating God's law. And marriage between male and female is an intrinsic part of God's law. (EXOD. 20:12). However, here we are told that the grace of Christ reaches all of us, both those who obey him and those who do not—that NO They reach their ideal. That is the message embedded in that declaration of the Church in the Netherlands, as well as in Sweden. They also tell us that everyone—including homosexuals—are children of God. However, the word of God says the opposite:

11He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.
12 But to all who received him, He gave them the power to be made children of God, to those who believe in his name:
13 The Cuales They are not begotten of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. —JOHN 1:1-3

And what does it mean to believe in his name?

4He who says: I know him,  and does not keep his commandments,  Such a one is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
5But whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God has been perfected; by this we know that we are in it.

 He who says that he abides in him, must walk as he walked

—1 JOHN 2:4-6

And God said in his word.

22You shall not lie with a man as with a woman: it's an abomination. —LEVITICUS 18:22

So no, not everyone is a child of God. Nor is the grace of Christ sufficient to save any sinner—in his sin. Christ himself demands holiness—that is, that we keep his law, to “enter” his kingdom—

14 Blessed are those who keep his commandments, to have the right to the tree of life, and let them enter through the gates into the city.
15 But the dogs [HOMOSEXUAL] they will be out, and sorcerers, and dissolute people, and murderers, and idolaters, and anyone who loves and practices lies.
16 I Jesus I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright star, and the morning star. —REVELATION 22:14-16

And if you think you've seen it all, pay attention to how the news from Holland begins:  [15]a The Church of the Netherlands Commits to Being a Safe Place for LGBTI People (English)
[NEWS, Adventist Church]
[15]b Homoseksualiteit en de kerk — Algemeen Kerkbestuur geeft richtlijn (Dutch)
[NEWS, Adventist Church]

The Netherlands Union Conference has advised all churches in the Netherlands to “commit fully to ensuring that LGBTI people are feel safe in the church". Besides,

 The NUC leadership says that “I would strongly advise against any steps to revoke the membership of LGBTI people

given the unsafe environment this would create in churches.” —NETHERLANDS CONFERENCE (Holland), Adventist Church (Spectrum Magazine)

Let us remember that in the Adventist Church the only way to be a member is through  the baptism . You connect the dots—if you can see the dots.

I don't know whether to expand further on this part, because the message has been clear—very clear; Homosexuals have taken over the Adventist Church in the cities of the plain. (GEN 19).

Definitely, the Adventist Church has become a safe zone for homosexuals and their agenda of perdition. Rhonda Dinwiddie—who is a married transsexual, is spreading the word everywhere. [R]SAFE ZONE, Safe Zone,
[FACEBOOK, Rhonda Dnwiddie]
So now you know what the Adventist Church means when they tell you that the church should be a safe place for LGBT people.

Now, how safe is the Adventist Church for homosexuals? Let's see-

We want to affirm everyone those who have suffered injuries or unloving treatment in the church community because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

 We want to express our pain and ask for forgiveness when this has happened. 

Have you ever heard the phrase “the last straw”?

Now it turns out that it is the homosexuals who are judging the world. We are the ones who have to ask for forgiveness from them. Well, the Adventist Church's message here is that it is asking forgiveness for every time in one of its corporate temples someone had the audacity to preach that “God created them male and female”, or maybe “honor your father and mother.” And how about those who dared to say that this behavior is abominable before God? As I reflect on these words, a biblical text comes to mind—

12And the man answered: The woman that you gave me as a companion He gave me from the tree, and I ate. —GENESIS 3:12

When examining this text, we notice that Adam did not blame Eve for having given him the forbidden fruit to eat, but rather he directly blamed God for having created her, and bringing her to him as a companion. “If God had created Stephen” instead of Eve, Who knows if things would have been different, well—after all, “Adan just needed company, and he wouldn't have had a problem with that.” That is The sexual relationship between Adam and Eve is the same as the sexual relationship between Adam and Stephen.  Those were the words of Pastor and Chaplain Jonathan Henderson [homosexual] at the Pacific Union Adventist University church [h]1SDA Pastors Drinking & Serving Babylonian Wine! Where did Adventist pastors get “whooping” from?
[VIDEO 00:12:07, CristoVerdad]
[See minute 3:44 to 4:00 of the video at this link (English)]. And Henderson goes further by stating that “The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not homosexuality, but inhospitality.”[h]2“The True” Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, Approving Adam and Stephen — Jonathan Henderson PUC
[VIDEO 00:12:07, CristoVerdad]
the same thing that the Church says in the document prepared in Andrews. Henderson also says that “The church is full of same-sex couples raising children.” and? “these families must be welcomed” because “the grace of Christ is sufficient” to save them, well “God has to change because we have changed,” and? “He has to adjust to our reality.”  [h]3 “Let's Welcome Homosexuals” in the Adventist Church, Jonathan Henderson
[VIDEO 00:03:32, CristoVerdad]
[h]4Pacific Union College Adam & Steve (English) — PUC Adam & Steve
[VIDEO 1:09:35, Adventist Church]
[h]5 “Coming Out…Coming In” Pastor Jon Henderson 5/4/13
[VIDEO 00:58:02, Adventist Church]


This is how your tithes and offerings are being used to hire sodomites like this so that the devil continues to impress the Laodicean minds like everyone else who is reading this and is upset because we are presenting the truth, and only the truth.

When the Adventist Church asks for forgiveness from homosexuals, it is doing the same as Adam, since it was God who created Eve. In the same way, it was God who—we repeat, he said—

1Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying: […]
22 You shall not lie with a man as with a woman;  It is an abomination. —LEVITICUS 18:1, 22

The organization you serve is saying that God was wrong and unjust in destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. We just need one of these days to demand that God ask for forgiveness too. Or could it not be that in reality what the Adventist Church is saying is that it is God who is asking forgiveness from homosexuals, since—after all, and—in the mind of every “Seventh” Day Adventist, maybe it is not “the Adventist Church the voice of God”?

Are you guys understanding what we are talking about here?

Before finishing the last part of this document from the Union of Sweden, I would like to draw your attention to a very important point. If you've followed us for a while, you'll understand what we mean when we refer to the two Elenas, [e]1The Two Handmaids,
[VIDEO 2:37:53, CristoVerdad]
that is, when we refer to Ellen White and “Elena White.” And it is that—as we have mentioned before, although "the dead know nothing" Apparently “Elena White” never understood that message, because although Elena White died more than 100 years ago, “Elena White” does know, [e]2 The Week They Call Holy,
Christmas and You: What It Says
The Bible. Adventist Church Manipulates Writings
Ellen G. White
[VIDEO 2:37:53, CristoVerdad]
and continues writing more than ever—

“The Savior never repressed the truth, but he always pronounced it in love. In his relations with others, he exercised the greatest tact,  and he was always kind and considerate.  He was never rude, he never uttered unnecessary words, he never gave unnecessary pain to a sensitive soul. He did not censure human weakness. He fearlessly denounced hypocrisy, unbelief and iniquity,  but the tears were in her voice  when he uttered his scathing reproaches. (p.4, par. 9)

This is what we always mean when we refer to “Elena White”—the one with quotes. This constantly contradicts the word of God. That Jesus cried when he admonished, and that he was always kind and considerate? Jesus was always fair, we will never question that. And fair means giving each person what is due to them, “according to his work” (REV. 22:12). Now, let us reflect on these words, spoken by Jesus himself—

4You are from your father the devil, and you want to fulfill your father's wishes. He has been a murderer from the beginning, and did not abide in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own accord; because he is a liar, and a father of Ilie. —JOHN 8:44

Another text,

18But Jesus, understanding their malice, said to them: Why do you tempt me, hypocrites? —MATHEW 22:18

Tell me, can a person who rebukes in this way have tears in his eyes? Calling someone a hypocrite or son of the devil, is it being kind and considerate? NO, Jesus was kind and considerate to the afflicted soul, but He treated the wolves like wolves, and the children of the devil—well, he called them children of the devil. Be careful when you come across a writing from Ellen White—servant of God, lest you become confused and receive teachings from “Ellen White”—“Seventh” Day Adventist—servant of the devil.

The last part I wanted to cover in the Swedish document is in the recommendations section—

[T]hat the material  “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones” [Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones] produced by the North American Division is translated into Swedish

 and be adapted

(p.5, par. 2)

In it Sabbath School Brochure, 2 Quarter 2019, The Adventist Church has called on its members to prepare for change. [16]aPrepare for Change, The Adventist Church (Part 1)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
[16]bPrepare for Change, The Adventist Church (Part 2)
[DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
Change, as you may have noticed, has taken place in that institution. Here we have the Sweden Conference indicating that the Guide for Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones [17]Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones — Order your copy online
[BOOK, Adventist Church]
be adapted at that conference. This guide was originally written by an evangelical pastor, and the Adventist Church negotiated an adaptation—”Adventist Edition”, published last year (2018), in direct collaboration with the North American Division-and the General Conference, with Ted Wilson + [T] Ted Wilson and “THE SANCTITY OF LIFE” — Abortions in the Adventist Church
[VIDEO 1:43:00, Adventist Church]
to the head. Among other things,  This guide teaches us that we must honor the “marriages” of same-sex couples  just as marriage is honored between a man and a woman, and also tells us that a homosexual has many "spiritual gifts" to “share” with Adventist churches. No comment!

One part I almost forgot to notice is near the end of that same section—

[T]hat pastors and church leaders  receive some type of training from expert teachers, a list of recommended literature for reading  and a list of organizations that can participate for educational purposes in churches; (p.5, par. 4)

And it is this type of materials, such as this satanic guide that the Adventist Church is using to train its pastors and scholars in order to finish the work of Satan in that Church, and thus subdue the two or three Adventists who are still there. inside and perhaps they have not bowed their knees to Baal either. And does the Bible no longer exist to be our guide in the ways of God?  Is the word of God not clear on this issue? 

17Let there be no harlot among the daughters of Israel,  nor is there sodomite  from among the children of Israel.
18Thou shalt not bring a harlot's wages  not even the price of a dog  to the house of the Lord your God by no vote; for both the one and the other are an abomination to the Lord your God. —(DEUTERONOMY 23:17-18)

The family model established by God has already been supplanted in Adventist Babylon. A child can already have two fathers or two mothers (Adventsit World, January 2017). Adam and Eve are not so popular anymore, the Adventist Church prefers Adam and Stephen. [18]The Great Wedding Between Adam, Stephen, and the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[19]…and God Created Adam and Stephen — Homosexuality Taught to Children of the Adventist Church, Nursery Class
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]

Now in the Adventist Church there is a “space for everyone”—where everything goes. [20]“We will see everything”
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
If you, who are reading these lines, did not know these things and consider yourself one of those knees that have not yet bowed, our recommendation is that you follow the instructions of the only guide that guarantees eternal life, the Bible—

11Depart, depart, get out of there, do not touch anything unclean; come out from the midst of it; purify yourselves you who carry the vessels of Jehovah. —ISAIAH 52:11


Get out of it, my people...(REV. 18:4)



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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material. Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.

[1] Sex Change in the Adventist Church and Christianity, Part 1 [NEWS, Adventist Church]
[1] Adventist Sabbath School Pamphlet, 2 Quarter 2019 [BOOK, Adventist Church
[2]a “Room for Everyone”: Swedish Union Issues Statement about LGBT+ Individuals [NEWS, Spectrum Magazine, Adventist Church]
[2]b Adventistsamfundets värderingar i relation till HBTQ [NEWS, Adventist Church, Sweden]
[3] BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 Is the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity [TOPIC, CristoVerdad]
[4]a The Creed That Changed the World, 1971: The Church is Holy Catholic and Apostolic [BOOK, Adventist Church]
[4]b The Creed That Changed the World, 2005: The Church is Holy Catholic and Apostolic [BROCHURE, Adventist Church]
[5]a The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [1]: Arming The Puzzle [VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad]
[5]b The Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the “Seventh” Day [2]: The Fall ofThe Church [VIDEO 1:38:18, CristoVerdad]
[6] BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN, Says the Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[7]a Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 1 — “Homosexuality Is Not a Sin”
[7]b Seventh-day Adventist SODOMY Part 2 — Consummated Apostasy [VIDEO 2:08:29, CristoVerdad]
[8] Declaration of Vote on Transgenderism Seventh-day Adventist Church Worldwide [NEWS, Adventist Church]
[9] A “Biblical” Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care Position Paper Theological Seminary of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church Oct 9, 2015 (English with Spanish translation) [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
[10]a Seventh-day Adventist BABYLON, Part 1 [VIDEO 1:33:01,ChristTrue]
[10]b BABYLON Seventh-day Adventist, Part 2 [VIDEO 2:27:33,Christtruth]
[10]c EIGHTH Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 3 [VIDEO 1:35:31,Christtruth]
[10]d BABYLON EIGHTH Day Adventist, Part 4 [VIDEO 1:50:15,Christtruth]
[11] Space for All, The Adventist Church Asks Forgiveness to Homosexuals) — Translation [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
[12] Adventist Messanger, Adventist Church Admits Total Control of All Its Official Publications [LINK, Adventist Church]
[13] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Enterprise [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
[14] Revolution In The Adventist Church: The Arrival of Caitlyn [VIDEO 2:44:59, Adventist Church]
[15]a The Church of the Netherlands Commits to Being a Safe Place for LGBTI People (English) [NEWS, Adventist Church]
[15]b Homoseksualiteit en de kerk — Algemeen Kerkbestuur geeft richtlijn [NEWS, Adventist Church] [NEWS, Adventist Church]
[16]a Prepare for Change, The Adventist Church (Part 1) [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[16]b Prepare for Change, The Adventist Church (Part 2) [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[17] Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones — Order your copy online [BOOK, Adventist Church]
[18] The Great Wedding Between Adam, Stephen, and The Adventist Church [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[19] …and God Created Adam and Stephen — Homosexuality Taught to Children of the Adventist Church, Nursery Class [ARTICLE CristoVerdad]
[20] “We will see everything” [ARTICLES, CristoVerdad]
[D] Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War [NEWS, Adventist Church]
[e]1 The Two Servants [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[e]2 The Week They Call Holy, Christmas and You: What the Bible Says. Adventist Church Manipulates Writings of Ellen G. White [VIDEO 2:37:53, CristoVerdad]
[h]1 DA Pastors Drinking & Serving Babylonian Wine! Where did Adventist pastors get “whooping” from? [VIDEO 00:12:07, CristoVerdad]
[h]2 The True “Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah — Jonathan Henderson PUC [VIDEO 00:12:07, CristoVerdad]
[h]3 “Let's Welcome Homosexuals” in the Adventist Church, Jonathan Henderson [VIDEO 00:03:32, CristoVerdad]
[h]4 Pacific Union College Adam and Stephen (English) — PUC Adam & Steve [VIDEO 1:09:35, Adventist Church]
[h]5 “Coming Out…Coming In” Pastor Jon Henderson 5/4/13 [VIDEO 00:58:02, Adventist Church]
[M]1 THE ART OF SINNING and How to Get to Heaven Without Consequences, Part 1 [VIDEO 1:32:25, Adventist Church]
[M]2 The ART OF SINNING and How to Get to Heaven Without Consequences [2] — What about Holiness? [DOCUMENT, Adventist Church]
[R] SAFE ZONE, Zona Segura, [FACEBOOK, Rhonda Dnwiddie]
[21] Hatred of Children, Destroying Adventist Youth [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[22] A historic day – May 17, 2017 – Beyond the stigmata [VIDEO 00:03:00, Canal Esperanza]
[23] Sunday, day of the Sun god — Art. 2174, Catechism of the Catholic Church [LINK, Catholic Church]
[24] …and God Cemented Adam and Stephen — Adventist Church Promotes Homosexuality in the Infant Class [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
[L] Legal Section, “Copyright disclaimer” on copyright and fair use [LINK, CristoVerdad]

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